a hundred years in a decade

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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Yellowwood's Trends Report. The driving forces of business and consumer behavioural change, in an accelerating world


Brand success in a rapidly changing, post recession, growth focussed world

Copyright Yellowwood Future Architects 2011

the age of optimism


the age of anxiety

The WORLD in

Protectionism, zero sum logic,

east versus west, Resource

scarcity. Social unrest.

Unemployment. Food shortages,

failing states, global warming

and failure to deal with climate

change, energy and food security

crises, global struggle to control

natural resources, economic

imbalances, genetic polarisation,

global terrorism, powerful

protectionism, brain jacking,

mechanical arbitrage, social

manipulation and surveillance

states, cognitive surplus, google

stupid, nuclear proliferation


Second brains. Augmented

reality lenses. Wireless

intelligent embedded

biotechnology. Shared value,

new capitalism, Community.

Collaborative healthcare.

Multipolar power.

Entrepreneurship. Infinite


Regionalisation. Ubiquitous

connectivity. Centralising data.

Collective buying. Realtime.

Genetic, Urban utopia, virtual

peacekeeping, metamaterials,,

avatar reality

Half Full Half Empty

Assuming we continue on this path…

Peak Oil International scenarios, Mind of a fox

Goodbye to proof get into beta-thinking

and a rapid experiential approach to innovation

and change

“Jump in and move quickly. It‟s not that

you have to get everything perfect.

Perfect can be the enemy of the good.”

2011 Trends and the shape of

things to come…

Our Sources

Inhabitat. Trendwatching. Economist.

GottaQuirk. Faith Popcorn. Flux Trends.

Urban Sprout. McKinsey Quarterly. JWT.

TED. thecoolhunter. Bizcommunity.

Harvard Business Review. Trend Hunter.

Mashable. Notcot. 10and5. Cherryflava.

Omnicom and TBWA Group.

Our clients‟ wisdom and experience.

Our talent pool.

“A revolution doesn‟t happen when

society adopts new tools. It happens

when society adopts new behaviours.”

View Don Tapscott’s “Growing Up Digital” at Ericsson 2020 http://www.ericsson.com/campaign/20about2020/ (Scroll cursor over people to bring up Title)

Waytag is a South African

mobile location-based service

to help users find each other

Infographics make it beautiful

But still a scarcity of INTELLIGENCE

Online culture IS the culture

“Digital is not a set of channels. It is the

context for all of our marketing”

Key questions to be asking yourself…

• Are you and your partners still looking at digital as another channel or the

context framing and informing all behaviour?

• Do you truly understand what is driving your customers‟ and

employees‟ behaviours now?

• Have you unpacked the mobile opportunity and challenges for this year‟s

marketing plan and brand success?

• Are you tapping into infinite information to increase your success and to

drive value for customers?

• Is your brand and brand team‟s psyche an experimental one that enables

leaping and learning and a beta-state mind set?

• Do you still distinguish between the ON and OFF world?

• Are you using different media differently and providing valuable

brand content?

• Is your brand operating in the NOW, ON real time, constantly actions and

engagement world?

& Participation

“Watch the final video of the Old Spice response,

part of the largest interactive, participatory campaign

to date. Actor Isaiah Mustafa camped out with a film

crew and filmed responses to reactions and

suggestions from social media platforms. More people

watched these videos

in 24 hours than saw Obama‟s presidential victory



Consumers trust each other

“Each year, consumers make more than

500 billion online impressions on one

another about products and services.”

“Roughly 25% of tweets

contain links.”

your crowd


Kickstarter enables crowdfunding

of creative projects

“Social networking is becoming

social production”

View “The Power of Collaboration”

by Michael Dell at Ericsson 2020”



(Scroll cursor over people to bring up Title)


Key questions to be asking yourself…

• Is your role to create perfection and control or have you learned

to be a shaper and sharer brand and brand builder?

• Do you understand your brands social quotient and social graph

both internally and externally?

• Are you still in monologue mode focussed on what you want

people to think and believe or have you started to involve ,

collaborate and engage ?

• Does your CEO really understand that how you behave is more

important than what you say?

• Are you surrounded by communication partners obsessed about

ideas that create trans-media potential or are you still

engaging ATL and BTL?

Key questions to be asking yourself…

• Does your customer segmentation reflect how your customers

see themselves and organise themselves?

• Are your employees all empowered to be your social

ambassadors and advocates?

• Who is in charge of your integrated customer experience?

• Are your differentiators authentic?

Will they survive transparency tyranny?

• Are your marketers asking the right questions? Is live market

intelligence helping you leap and learn, tweak and beta-test?

“Consumers are still buying things,

but they‟re becoming more conscious of

what they actually need, and why.

PiggyMojo is a mobile service to help couples

save. Every time an impulse buy is resisted,

your partner is notified of the value saved

Amazon encourages readers to sell back

their read books, offering free postage

back to Amazon

Coca Cola Happiness Stations and World Cup

taverns helped township dwellers who

couldn‟t afford tickets to enjoy the experience

of the 2010 World Cup

Simply Useful

MasterCard and Visa have both developed

contact-free, „tap-and-go‟ payment systems

Only what I value

“The rich world will continue to suffer from anaemic growth

for years to come. The emerging world, by contrast, will be a

whirling hub of dynamism and creativity… And it will account

for a disproportionate share of business innovations

Brands need to understand and encapsulate the

youthfulness and optimism of emerging markets.


Key questions to be asking yourself…

• Do you intimately understand your customers’ value equation,

value trade offs and where they perceive value in your brand?

• Are you building Afro-optimism and entrepreneurship into your

psyche and skills?

• Have you maximised the opportunity in localisation AND status


• Are you looking for innovation ideas in emerging markets or

do you still think west is best?

• Do you understand the cost and impact of new consumer

protection acts and increased government involvement in your

brand building and communication activities?

Business is increasingly viewed as major causes

of social, environmental and economic problems.

They are prospering at the expense of our

community and our future

From Profit to Purpose

Generosity becomes embedded and spreads beyond

the developed world.

Edelman, November 2010

“87% of global consumers expect

companies to consider societal interests

equal to business interests.”

M&S encourages their

shoppers to hand in old

gadgets for recycling.

Water Pebble monitors water used

during a shower to help you save

The Economist

“Only a company that produces a Triple

Bottom Line is taking account of the full

cost involved in doing business.“

De Vegetarische Slager –

The Vegetarian Butcher

Holiday Inn pedometers with

keys to encourage walking

Key questions to be asking yourself…

• Does your CEO believe its philanthropy or self interested to

create economic value by creating societal value?

• Should you not be embedding shared value in your thinking and

operating or giving it to the CSR department?

• Have you discovered the profit in being sustainable and planet


• How generous is your mind set, culture and general ethic or is

this still a threat to margins rather than a customer growth


• Will your industry need to respond to a consumers‟ desire for

healthier living and reduced consumption?

2011 Learning to play

The rules of the game for 2011

Anxiety Antidote

Must be Mobile

Insight Inside


Seize Social


Do what you say and say what you do

Wield your crowd


Value value

Embrace entrepreneurialism & emerging energy

Define new prosperity pillars


one more thing…

The World is brand new

New Technology New Thinking New Ideas New behaviours

A new era of brands and communications

It‟s about intimate and engaging conversations

Based on dialogue, not monologue

And forging a deeper relationship

with the people you talk to

Through participation and active involvement

And being open and transparent

The future of branding is

Brands that deliver against this agenda

create greater word of mouth,

advocacy, sales and loyalty

This is our philosophy and we have

found an international partner that

shares our view and has developed a

model for evaluating and developing

effective engagement…


Founded nearly 20 years ago in the UK by a planner called

Mike Hall

Now a global boutique operating across 8 countries globally with a team of highly innovative and insight obsessed people.

They have a unique set of tools and principles of branding to

give a more holistic, multi-dimensional view.

And a UNIQUE tool called…

Used to identify the top ten most engaging brands in the UK, US,

China and Australia and what makes them so engaging

Top 10 in UK & US

South Africa is next…

Thank you for your time… If you think it would be valuable for more people in your business to be

exposed to the trends, we’d be very happy to come to your offices and

share it with your team. We can also facilitate a workshop to unpack the

implications for your business and brand and to brainstorm the actions

that need to be taken to leverage the opportunities and mitigate the risks.

Please contact sonjal@ywood.co.za if you would like to arrange a session.

Copyright Yellowwood Future Architects 2011

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