a guide to measuring sales training effectiveness

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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eBook: A Guide to Measuring Sales Training EffectivenessWritten by: Eileen Krantz

Why Bother to Measure Sales Training?

• If you’re committing big dollars to sales training, you should be tracking progress made or lack of results.

• Before implementing sales training, you should start with a baseline to establish where your organization is at now and to make sure that you’ll get to your destination.

• When your sales team knows that management is taking measurements, behaviors will change.

Companies that are effective at sustaining sales training allocate 1/3 of their budget to evaluation.

Windows User
So, normally, I would make the 1/3 appear as a fraction symbol, but apparently word nor powerpoint has that particular symbol as a fraction. So, it's fine as-is.

The Sequence of Measurement

of respondents said creating value and insight during the conversation with the client.

84% of participants were able to consistently

put more than 40% of their new skills into


88% of the participants

reported the training was worth the


Before sales training, assessing talent and skills should come first.

After sales training, you should assess the four Kirkpatrick levels.

Key Findings

1. Was the content relevant? 2. Measure sustainment.

3. Compare behavior change to the baseline measurement.

4. Is the learning making a difference in results?

Windows User
Made the numbers automatic and moved them around to align them.

Five Principals for Your Measurement Strategy

1. Start where you want to end.

2. Feedback is a gift.

3. Methodology matters.

4. Use the right tools at the right time.

5. Blend data with stories.

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To download the full research report, click here:http://hubs.ly/H02kYwJ0

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