a dozen keys to agile testing maturity

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MI AM Tutorial

10/13/2014 8:30:00 AM

"A Dozen Keys to Agile Testing


Presented by:

Bob Galen, Velocity Partners

Mary Thorn, ChannelAdvisor

Brought to you by:

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Bob Galen

Velocity Partners An agile methodologist, practitioner, and coach based in Cary, NC, Bob Galen helps guide companies in their adoption of Scrum and other agile methodologies and practices. Bob is a principal agile evangelist at Velocity Partners, a leading agile nearshore development partner; president of RGCG; and frequent speaker on software development, project management, software testing, and team leadership at conferences and professional groups. He is a Certified Scrum Coach, Certified Scrum Product Owner, and an active member of the Agile and Scrum Alliances. In 2013 Bob published Scrum Product Ownership–Balancing Value from the Inside Out. Reach him at bob@rgalen.com.

Mary Thorn

ChannelAdvisor A QA director at ChannelAdvisor in Morrisville, NC, Mary Thorn has a broad testing background that spans automation, data warehouses, and web-based systems in a wide variety of technologies and testing techniques. During her more than seventeen years of experience in healthcare, HR, financial, and SaaS-based products, Mary has held manager and contributor level positions in software development organizations. She is a strong leader in agile testing methodologies and has direct experience leading teams through agile adoption and beyond.


Keys for Transitioning to Agile

TestingMyths & Realities from the Trenches

Bob Galen


Mary Thorn


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 2


Bob Galen

� Independent Agile Coach (CSC) at RGCG, LLC

� Principle Agile Evangelist at Velocity Partners

� Somewhere ‘north’ of 30 years overall experience ☺

� Wide variety of technical stacks and business domains

� Developer first, then Project Management / Leadership, then Testing

� Senior/Executive software development leadership for 20 years

� Practicing formal agility since 2000

� XP, Lean, Scrum, and Kanban experience

� From Cary, North Carolina

� Connect w/ me via LinkedIn and Twitter @bobgalen

Bias Disclaimer:

Agile is THE BEST Methodology

for Software Development�

However, NOT a Silver Bullet!


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 3


Mary Thorn

� Mary Thorn is the Director of QA and Agile Coach at

ChannelAdvisor in Morrisville, North Carolina,

� Mary has a broad testing background that spans

automation, data warehouses, and web-based systems

in a wide variety of technologies and testing


� During her more than fifteen years of experience in

healthcare, HR, agriculture, and SaaS-based products,

� Mary has held manager and contributor level positions

in software development organizations.

� She has a strong interest in agile testing methodologies

and direct experience leading agile teams through

Scrum adoption & beyond.

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 4


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 5

Outline – Myths & Realities


1. Transforming your Team

2. Automation

3. Developers & Automation

4. Developers Testing

5. Test Planning & Scripts

6. Testing within the Sprint

7. Exploratory Testing

8. Role of Testers

9. Developer to Tester Workflow

10. Managing Agile Testers

11. Test Metrics

12. Retrospectives – The Secret Sauce

13. Continuous Improvement

14. The Customer

15. Agile Requirements – The Product Backlog

� 3-Pillars of Agile Testing & Quality

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 6

#1, Transforming your team

� Myth: You need all programmers or highly technical

testers when you move to agile

� Reality: A mix is best –

� Manual, domain-centric and technical skills

� Some programming / scripting skills

� Soft / collaborative skills

� Reality: And throw out all of that Developer-to-Tester

ratio ‘stuff’.


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 7

#2, Automation

� Myth: You need 100% automation to start

agile testing.

� Reality: You simply need to have a strategy AND

doggedly pursue automation where it makes sense

� Make it part of the Backlog and work it every sprint

� Reality: There are some excellent Open Source tools

that supplement agile automation development

� Reality: The Agile Test Automation Pyramid is the right

overall strategy

Agile Test Automation PyramidMike Cohn; Lisa Crispin & Janet Gregory


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 8



Agile, Multi-tiered Automation

� Get together in small groups of 4-6 to discuss

� Take a few minutes and think about your current

automation approaches:

� Tooling, approaches & strategies, strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, maintenance challenges, future technology, etc.

� What sorts of adjustments would you need to make to

take this approach?

� What would be the largest challenges in taking this

approach? How might you overcome them?

� Do you “buy” the whole-team view to automation?

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 9

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 10

#3, Developers & Automation

� Myth: QA designs, writes & runs all of the test


� Reality: Everyone should be responsible for automation

� Developers need to minimally attend to Unit Level

� Participate in any framework or re-use development

� Writing ‘glue’ code – fixtures, step files, etc.

� Reality: It also extends into your Build & Continuous

Integration systems

� All automation should be ‘wired’ into CI

� Dashboards, trending, lava lamps, etc. for all to seeN


#4, Developers Testing

� Myth: Developers can’t test their own code—they’re not

independent enough nor skilled enough to do it properly.

� Reality: We need to stop stereotyping team members,

their strengths and their abilities.

� Developers can absolutely test their own code.

� Some are better at it than others

� Pair with them to help test appropriately

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 11

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 12

#5, Test Planning & Scripts

� Myth: You don’t need to plan

� (it just happensN)

� and you don’t need functional test cases

� (automation takes care of everythingN)

� Reality: Plans help the team focus on the risk-based

testing required within an iteration AND across a release

� Reality: Scripts (test cases) help formalize and drive

your testing;

� Absolutely required in regulatory environments

� Reality: You’ll never actually automate every test



Agile Planning & Execution

� Get together in small groups of 4-6

� Take a few minutes discuss your current planning and

test process mechanisms.

� What would an Agile Test Plan “look like” in your organization?

� What would Test Cases “look like”? What about progress

measures? And traceability?

� Can you move from the “individual” to the “team”?

� Be prepared to shareN

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 13

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 14

#6, Testing within the Sprint

� Myth: You simply need to run 100%

of the tests within the constraints of the SprintNthat’s


� Reality: Rarely possible in most contexts.

� You first need a high-degree of automation and business support

(for example: equipment costs)

� Very mature test automation and CI / CD environments

� Reality: Most agile teams adopt some sort of risk-based

testing approach for within the sprints

� Dealing with Technical Test Debt

� Then leverage Hardening / Stabilization pre-release sprints


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC

The Agile Release Train




Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4



Harden Iterate Iterate Iterate






Iterate Iterate

Iterate Iterate

Iterate Iterate

Iterate Iterate Iterate Iterate













Team n

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC

The Agile Release Train

Example: eCommerce / SaaS Model



Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4











Iterate Iterate

Iterate Iterate



Team 8�

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration

10 days 10 days 5 + 2 days





Evolution Dev + QA Dev + QA QA -> Staging Production



Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 17

The Agile Release Train

Example: iContact / SaaS Model

Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4















Team 10�

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration

3 weeks / 15 days 4-5 days





Evolution Dev + QA QA -> Staging Production

SBET, Exploratory –

Regression Testing


“Your” Agile Release Train

� Get together in small groups of 4-6 to discuss

� Take a few minutes and think about your current release


� timing, customers, domain, competition, # of teams, technology,


� Design a release train model for your organization

� Overlay it with testing activities, plans, and milestones

� Present it to your larger table/group; gain feedback &


� Be prepared to shareN

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 18


#7, Exploratory Testing

� Myth: There is no place for Session Based Exploratory

Testing in agile contexts.

� Reality: ET and SBET are a beautiful complement to

agile testing.

� Helping nurture pairing & collaboration across teams and


� Defining new (more valuable) test cases

� Quickly gaining quality & usability feedback

� Let’s explore the details of SBETN

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 19

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 20

#8, Role of Testers

� Myth: That the testers alone own quality & testing

practices within each team and sprint

� Reality: The testers foster a “Whole Team” view

towards quality—focusing less on “Testing” and more on

“Quality Practices & the Customer”

� Serving as guides for the team; Testing the “hard bits”

� Facilitating exploratory testing sessions—finding more

interesting / valuable tests

� Working with the Product Owners—are we solving the

customers problems?


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 21

#9, Developer to Tester Workflow

� Myth: There is always a hand-off from developers to

testers; usually quite late in the sprint. That’s simply the

“way of things” in software development.

� Reality: Scrummer-fall is alive and wellNbut, Wrong!

Teams need to swarm on their work, as flow &

throughput matter the most.

� WIP limits and close proximity / collaboration help establish a

healthy tempo of developer & tester pairing

� Micro-handoffs – testing as development progresses!

� Do you log bugs? Or do you fix bugs?

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 22

#10, Managing Agile Testers

� Myth: The functional test manager is

in charge of deciding how, who, when , etc. for the test


� Reality: You still absolutely need functional leadership

within agile teams;

� However, it’s focused towards quality practices, strategy &

coaching, and handling impediments / escalations

� Encouraging transparency, transforming metrics & reporting

� Supporting & protecting the teams

� Encouraging risk-taking, innovation & creativity (Slack Time)


Levels of Done-Ness Criteria

Activity Criteria Example

Basic Team

Work Products

Done’ness criteria Pairing or pair inspections of code prior to check-in; or

development, execution and passing of unit tests.

User Story or

Theme Level

Acceptance Tests

Development of FitNesse based acceptance tests with the

customer AND their successful execution and passing.

Developed toward individual stories and/or themes for sets

of stories.

Sprint or

Iteration Level

Done’ness criteria Defining a Sprint Goal that clarifies the feature

development and all external dependencies associcated with

a sprint.

Release Level

Release criteria

Defining a broad set of conditions (artifacts, testing

activities or coverage levels, results/metrics, collaboration

with other groups, meeting compliance levels, etc.) that IF

MET would mean the release could occur.

23Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC


“Your” Definition of Done

� Get together in small groups of 4-6 to discuss

� Using the 4-tier approach referenced start filling in the 4

levels as a group.

� Consider any criteria you are currently using at your


� Also consider current issues or challenge you might

have where “done-ness” would help?

� And what about Ready-ness?

� Be prepared to shareN

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 24


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 25

#11, Test Metrics

� Myth: You can and should move

forward reporting everything exactly as

you have before.

� Including any ‘dysfunctional’ metrics that your process and/or

PMO dictates.

� Reality: The metrics should change immediately.

� From QA and Test centric towards Team-Centric metrics (Value,

Throughput, Quality, Team)

� Stop reporting out on “Testing”; it’s irrelevant!

� This effects planning as well—estimation, progress, risk, etc.

� Contribute quality-centric Information radiators to the mix

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 26


Morphing your Metrics

� Get together in small groups of 4-6 to discuss

� What are you measuring today? Why?

� How are they driving your success and behaviors?

� As you move to agile, what can/should you be

measuring in the 4 key areas:

� Value, Quality, Throughput & Predictability, and Team?

� How will you change your existing metrics? What

behaviors are you trying to inspire?

� Be prepared to shareN


#12, Retrospectives:

The Secret Sauce

� Myth: Testers are “Second Class” citizens who don’t

play an active part in the project & team

� Reality: There are many places to “make a difference”

� Getting the 800 lb. Gorillas out on the table; Showing courage;

telling truth

� Fostering continuous improvement within the team

� Setting the example; showing vulnerability—admitting you’re


� Team listening; active planning; dependencies; pairing

� Risk-taking; Failure!

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 27

#13, Continuous Improvement

� Myth: We’re generally ‘stuck’ in our

approaches so just accept them and do

the “best you can”.

� Reality: Continuous improvement is everyone’s

responsibility—to engage, suggest, take ownership of

current results, explore root causes, etc.

� Active participation in your teams Retrospectives is a key way to

guide quality, testing, and customer-centric improvements.

� Courage!

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 28


#14, The Customer

� Myth: Business Analysts capture

customer requirements and testers test them for


� Reality: You need to begin to partner with the Customer

– Stakeholders – Product Owners to produce software

that solves the their problems.

� Move to the “front” and help define & refine User Stories with your

Product Owner

� Actively participate in Sprint Reviews

� Show value for automation; placing test investments in the


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 29

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 30

#15, Agile Requirements –

The Product Backlog

� Myth: We can’t start testing until the requirements are

finished or stable; no matter how ‘agile’ we are.

� Reality: Hogwash! Get over itN

� Ambiguity and incompleteness need to become your friend and


� As does working with your Product Owners and Customers to

help define the requirements

� Realizing that the requirements (User Stories) are only complete

at the end of each sprint.


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 31


Agile Requirements

� Get together in small groups of 4-6 to discuss

� Are iterative, are intentionally incomplete

� The “older” the are, the larger and less defined they are

� Enter the sprint at 70%, exit at 100%

� Drive questions, dialogue, discussion, and collaboration;

think 3 Amigos or the Triad

� So, WHY? And how will you make this work as a tester?

� Be prepared to shareN

Agile Test Transformation Strategy:

3 Pillars of Agile Quality

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 32


3 Pillars of Agile Quality

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC


Development & Test


• Pyramid-based Strategy:

(Unit + Cucumber +


• Continuous Integration

• Attack technical

infrastructure in the Backlog

• Visual Feedback –


• Actively practice ATDD and


Software Testing

• Risk-based testing:

Functional & Non-Functional

• Test planning @ Release &

Sprint levels

• Exploratory Testing

• Standards – checklists,

templates, repositories

• Balance across manual,

exploratory & automation

Cross-Functional Team


• Team-based Pairing

• Stop-the-Line Mindset

• Code Reviews & Standards

• Active Done-Ness

• Aggressive Refactoring of

Technical Debt

• User Stories, “3 Amigo”

based Conversations

• Whole Team Ownership of “Quality”

• Building it ‘Right’; Building the ‘Right’ Thing

• Healthy – Agile Centric Metrics

• Center of Excellence or Community of Practice

• Strategic balance across 3 Pillars; Assessment, Recalibration, and Continuous Improvement

Foundation of the 3 Pillars

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC


• Whole Team Ownership of


• Building it ‘Right’; Building

the ‘Right’ Thing

• Healthy – Agile Centric


• Center of Excellence or

Community of Practice

• Strategic balance across 3

Pillars; Assessment,

Recalibration, and

Continuous Improvement

• Whole team view includes building it right,

everyone tests,

• Focus on features/stories, confirmation,

conversation, and getting them staged

properly OVER testing

• 4-tier metrics: Quality, Value, Prediction, Team

• Agile strategies need light-handed “steering”;

establish a CoE (heavier weight) or a CoP


• Consider finding an assessment framework

and then tying it to your strategy

measurement, recalibration, and continuous


• Make the Foundation visible thru Information

Radiators and metrics


3 Pillars of Agile Quality

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC


Development &

Test Automation

• Pyramid-based

Strategy: (Unit +

Cucumber + Selenium)

• Continuous Integration

• Attack technical

infrastructure in the


• Visual Feedback –


• Actively practice ATDD

and BDD

A central part of agile adoption is focusing on CI, 3-

tiered Automation development, and Dashboards to

begin incrementally building coverage for faster

feedback on changes.

In the interim, Hardening or Stabilization Sprints and

having a risk-based Release Train concept help

It’s important that Test or QA not ‘own’ the tooling or

all of the automation efforts. The strategy can come

from Test, but the tactical automation development is

best left to the team.

Mature teams invest in automation as part of Done-

ness and continually on their backlogs

3 Pillars of Agile Quality

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC


Software Testing

• Risk-based testing:

Functional & Non-


• Test planning @

Release & Sprint levels

• Exploratory Testing

• Standards – checklists,

templates, repositories

• Balance across

manual, exploratory &


Exploratory Testing (Charter / Session based and

paired) can be an incredibly effective way to

establish a whole-team, collaborative view towards

quality and testing. It also emerges new tests.

Leverage ‘plans’ as a whole-team collaboration

mechanismNand do plan.

Do not measure testing or tester progress; instead,

measure throughput, output, sprint outcomes, and

done-ness escapes at a team level.

You need a balanced test team; not everyone needs

to be able to program. But everyone needs to be

skilled testers.

Agile testing is a Risk-Based play in every Sprint and

across a release sequence. Don’t forget your



3 Pillars of Agile Quality

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC



Team Practices

• Team-based Pairing

• Stop-the-Line Mindset

• Code Reviews &


• Active Done-Ness

• Aggressive Refactoring

of Technical Debt

• User Stories – 3 Amigo

based Conversations

One of the hardest areas to get ‘right’ culturally. It

needs leadership alignment from Quality/Testing to

Product to Development and a consistent voice of

whole-team approaches.

This is where LEAN lives, where whole-team

collaboration happens, where professionalism and

craftsmanship are held dear.

I like the view of testers becoming the VOC,

champions of quality, and consistent questioners of

what is being build. Are we solving the right

problemsNas simply as possible. Notions of Minimal

Viable Product / Feature help with focus.

And yes Virginia, there ARE standards, templates,

and a focus on consistency!

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 3838

Software Testing


� It ALL starts with empowering testers AND creating a

Whole-Team view towards Quality

� Critical Early Steps:

� Creating a sense of empowered Functional Team

� Applying Testing Standards across all teams

� Deploying Exploratory Testing across all teams

� Defining a core set of Agile KPI / metrics

� ACTIVE participants in Sprint Planning


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 3939

Cross-Functional Team Practices


� Training

� Agile / Lean in general, Story writing, Acceptance, Unit testing,


� Teaming – for example: feedback or 5 Dysfunctions / Trust

� Critical Early Steps:

� Coaches & Scrum Masters to reinforce: Pairing / Swarming; WIP

Limits across teams

� Define prescriptive and aggressive Done-Ness for ALL teams

� Implement coding standards & Crucible / code reviews across the

center (appropriate for technology stacks)

� Release Planning BEFORE allowing a team to start Sprint #1

� Backlogs have Bug + Refactoring + Automation targets (20%)?

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 4040

Organizational Quality


Continuously communicate your unified Vision

� Your strategy must be aligned/shared across:

� Development, Quality/Testing, and Product

� Keep working your strategy across the pillars

� Don’t get stuck with too narrow a focus (easy road)

� Make your strategy visible (Information Radiators)

� Show progress (Ex: burn up of test automation coverageNacross tiers)

� Visualize organizational impediments to your Agile Quality


� Attack them!

� Quarterly read-outs on progress, plans and adjustments

� Listen to your teams; Celebrate successes!


What will be (your) agile strategy when you get

back home?

� Either in groups or individually

� Consider the 3-Pillars discussion

� Consider your current team / organization agile ‘state’

� Define a broad, 3-pillar view towards some immediate

focus points when you get back into the office

� What will you focus on? Why?

� How will you communicate the need for change?

� How will you measure results?

� What will come immediately afterwards?

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 41

Wrapping up…

Agile is the best thing that’s

happened to testers since�

The Great Depression

� Whole Team view

� Testing, Metrics, Automation

� Planning, Reporting, Quality

� Facilitate feedback

� Multi-tiered automation

� Just-in-Time, risk-based testing

� Continuous improvement

� Trust the Team

� Retrospective

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 42


Contact Info

Bob GalenPrincipal Consultant,

RGalen Consulting Group, L.L.C.

Experience-driven agile focused training, coaching & consulting

Cell: (919) 272-0719

bob@rgalen.com www.rgalen.com

bgalen@velocitypartners.net www.velocitypartners.net

BlogsProject Times - http://www.projecttimes.com/robert-galen/

BA Times - http://www.batimes.com/robert-galen/

Podcast on all things ‘agile’ - http://www.meta-cast.com/

43Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 43

Additional Topics

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 44


Two Pillars of Lean ‘Thinking’

Respect for


� Customer, Employees,


� Develop your teams

� Trust & coach

� No wasteful work



� Embrace change,

challenge everything

� Kaizen – small, incremental


� Kaikaku – larger scale,



From http://www.leanprimer.com

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC

Agile Testing QuadrantsBrian Marick; Lisa Crispin & Janet Gregory

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 46

Exploratory testing


Usability testing


Alpha / Beta

Unit tests

Component tests

API tests

Functional tests

Story tests




Performance testing

Load testing

Security testing

Non-functional requirements


Q2 Q3


Automated &


Automated &




Tools, and


Business Facing

Technology Facing

Supporting the Team


ue the Product


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 47

10 Tenets of Agile Testing Jean Tabaka, Rally Software

1. The system always runs

2. Stop the line, vs. logging


3. If it’s not tested, it’s not


4. Testing comes first, not last

5. Finding defects after

Development is “Done” is too


� Continuous Integration

� Lean – fix it now!

� Early feedback; Earned


� Collaborative testing, focus

on building in quality

� Early feedback; fix it now!

Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 48

10 Tenets of Agile Testing Jean Tabaka, Rally Software

6. “Development Complete” is


7. Use testing, not analysis, to

explore requirements

8. Automation is “how” not a

“whether” or “when”

9. Tests are your second most

detailed specification

10. Testers are Customer-

Developer liaisons

� Whole Team complete view

– no “partial credit”

� Executable requirements

� Automate all testing;


� Code is first; later is

traditional specifications

� VOC; guide effective team

collaboration; ask the right



Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 49

10 Commitments of Agile Testing Jean Tabaka,

Rally Software

1. We commit to not moving forward if a hole is found

through root cause analysis without first writing a test

2. We commit to not relying solely on just automated

testing or just manual testing

3. We commit to not sitting behind a QA wall (no


4. We commit to not allowing a code complete without

test code harness complete

5. We commit to not waiting for a test phase but rather

working in smaller and smaller pieces, sooner and


Copyright © 2014 RGCG, LLC 50

10 Commitments of Agile Testing Jean Tabaka,

Rally Software

6. We commit to not testing one iteration after

development is “Done”

7. We commit to not allowing surprises to accumulate for

large end-to-end testing (“mock it now”)

8. We commit to not leaving the riskiest tests to the end

9. We commit to being an equal participant with the

customer and the developer in defining “Doneness”

10.We commit to not taking this oath lightly

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