a congregation of the evangelical lutheran church in ...christlutheranit.org/stewards/2018 june...

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June 2018

Upcoming Events

Sunday School Recognition Sunday

June 17th at 10:45 service

Summer Worship Schedule begins Sunday, June 24th

Holy Communion Service at 10:00 am

Strawberry Festival & Talent Show Friday, June 22 from 6:30—8:30 pm


Get Ready for an adventure

Registration for

VBS Opens June 1st

August 13 to August 17

10 am — 2 pm

Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Come As You Are, Be Renewed, Share the Joy

This Photo by Unknown

Making the Mystery Work for You Dear Friends in Christ,

The last Sunday in May is Trinity Sunday: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Enough said? Don’t leave me. I prom-ise you, I won’t deliver a lecture expounding on what belongs only in the classroom for theologians. I do want to tell you a brief story. A man in a certain parish was only seen in church one Sunday a year.

No, it was not Easter. It was Trinity. One leading lay person had restrained his curiosity year after year. He could not contain it any more. He approached the man and said, “I have noticed that you have selected this particular time for your only visit to church.” “Oh, that’s easy to explain,” the man said. “I like to come on this day so I can hear the preacher get all tangled up trying to explain the Trinity!”

St. Augustine came to a similar conclusion in the Fourth Century, after writing 800 pages on the Trinity. He declared that he did not understand it. This is St. Augustine’s story. As he walked along the seashore one day, he saw a small boy playing with a seashell. The boy scooped a hole in the sand, filled his shell with water and poured it into the hole. The great theologian asked the boy, “What are you doing, my son?” The youngster replied, “I am going to pour the sea into that hole.” Then Augustine said to himself, “That is what I have been trying to do. Standing at the ocean of infinity, I have attempted to grasp it with my finite mind.”

Mystery! Mystery is at the heart of the universe. Why am I here? Why are you here. Why have I spent nearly twenty years in the Christian ministry? Why am I a husband, and a parent? Why are you who you are? Why have you spent your life, or why are you planning to spend, your life pur-suing a certain career?

There are times when it seems so natural to ask, why? in an effort to explore the deeper resources of our inner selves. When I watch the Memorial Day parades, celebrating those who gave their lives for our freedom, I can’t help asking, why? Why can’t we find a solution for war?

On those occasions when I feel down or feel distressed by the turmoils of the world, I ask, Why? Why? Why?

The late Cardinal Cushing tells of an occasion when he was administering last rites to a man who had collapsed in a general store. Following his usual custom, he knelt by the man and asked, “Do you believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit?” The Cardi-nal said the man roused a little bit, opened an eye, looked at him and said, “Here I am, dying, and you ask me a riddle.”

Call them riddles. Call them mysteries. There are things about life and faith we do not under-stand….


Pastor Mark

Update on what’s happening around Church…..

Notes from the Church Office Many people come in and out of the office during the week. Please leave information for the Parish Coor-

dinator in the mailbox just past the file cabinets or in the bin on the front shelf of the desk. Please submit as many materials to be printed electronically. Bulletin submissions need to be in the office by Tuesday of each week Steward submissions must be in to the office by the 20th of each month

Committee Meetings

Executive Committee — Tuesday, June 5th at 7 pm Altar Guild — Wednesday, June 13th at 7 pm Council Meeting — Thursday, June 14th at 7 pm

In Need of a walker, crutch or other supply to help you get moving again? Our church has several items to lend out. Contact Carol Schmid at 631-567-2112 who has volun-teered to connect people in need with the supplies that have accumulated in the church closet.


Hymnals can be donated in memory of someone but also in honor or thanksgiving for someone. The cost to donate a hymnal is $20.00. If you would like to donate a hymnal, please use the yellow envelopes. If you have any questions, please speak to Pastor Mark, Janet O’Mara or anyone on the Church Council.

Notes from the Stewardship Committee

E-GIVING Did you know that you can have your weekly offering given to church every week automatically without an envelope? Every week your designated offering is taken out of your bank account and sent directly to church. It’s very simple and you don’t have to wor-ry about forgetting your envelope.

ALTAR FLOWERS & SANCTUARY CANDLE The 2018 Altar Flower and Candle Charts are posted on the Communication Bulletin Board outside Pastor’s Office. Please remember your loved ones with an arrangement of flowers for $18 or by lighting the candle for $10. Use a yellow envelope and mark it Altar Flowers and Candle for your donation.

DUCKS TICKETS are going to be raffled off again this year. Get your chances in the Fellowship Hall during coffee hours. (2 tickets

per to a game.) 2 chances at $8.00.

These are VIP tickets! Proceeds benefit the Major Maintenance Fund.

CLC Women's Book Club

The next selection is Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate. The discussion will take place on June 24th at 12:30 pm . We are always looking for more ladies to join in on the lively discussion and fun - join us! We meet at the home of Carol Carty

Contact Carol Carty or Veronica Kreemer for details.

SERVING IN THE MILITARY: Alex Newhoff, Nikko Navarro, Travis Montgomery, Matthew Gal-lino, Gregory Longacre, Justin Hol-ke, Brian McClain, Daniel Eichner, Brian Eichner, Sean Moller, Evan Book, Brett Marcinik, Alexandria Gentry

Thoughts of Judy Gauthier


IN A RECENT READING FROM 1ST PETER scripture is quoted about man being like green grass that ultimately withers-like beautiful flowers that fade; the only constant being the Word of The Lord that remains forever.

We've all dabbled in gardening at some level-from overseeing a sumptuous lawn to pruning prize winning roses- to simply trying to keep a Mother's Day plant alive. Regardless of our devotion, motivation and skills, withering, fading and just plain dropping dead can't be ruled out. some gardeners just seem to be able to 'plant and then go play'-and we award them the green thumb tag! for most it takes work and, a love for keep-ing the plants and trees and grass that glorify God's Kingdom alive and thriv-ing.

It is so impressive to see the work the Sunday School students and teachers put in each year to our garden out back...from seedlings to weeding to planting and harvesting ...and it is work and time put in in a loving way. Like anywhere you plant, one thing is practically vital, and that is good soil! That goes for us also- we can wither and fade we might start out looking like a lush patch of grass or smell as sweet as any fra-grant flower, but if we don't grow in good soil there's nothing going to save us from being withered and fad-ed -not from the life we profess, the people that have counted on us to be green and growing -and the Word we've grown away from. Check out hymn #512-about the heart being good soil...so what we sow is in good soil. And, then check out Paul speaking to the Galatians (chap 6) its got to do with planting and harvest-ing ...like planting for the Spirit 101.

Hopefully our visioning for the CLC future will bring in more good soil we need to expand the garden of workers for the Kingdom- no more sitting on the porch and waiting for the landscaper to perform a mira-cle we are the landscapers, the good soil, the planters and the reapers!

Judy G.

Phone Number and E-mail Updates

Please keep the church office up to date on changes to your address, phone number and e-

mail addresses.

A special thank you to Cindy Terk who does a great job with the Sun-

day School children. Thanks for all you do Cindy from the Kobels

Worship Activity Bags

For those Children worshiping with their parents over the summer check out our new Activity Bags in the Narthex. The contain coloring books and crayons, books and puzzles. You can pick it up every Sunday as you come in to worship and return following the service. A special Thank You to Jean Musa for putting these together for us.

The Dixon Family, The Family of Dennis O’Mara, Joan Celentano, Michael Frances, Diana, Angie & Bella Musa, Charles Salidano, Tom Martin, Steve Carioscia, Jack & Lillian Weast, Jim Howe, JoAnne Bule, Lubow Kopchynsky, Scott Birsner, George Morrison, Tom Mulieri, Tom Bruckner, Kensington Matthews, Betty Jo Molina, Jodie Ddesin, Brad Bowers, Sarah Faith, Alyssa Angeline, Sandy Raynor, Christine Sosebee, Albert Vitarelli, Rose Sanderline, James Musa, Sr., Helen Jorgensen, Bob Watkins, Marie Curr, Madeline Weber, Terry Karl, Fred Weber, Theresa Williams, Barbara Kurtis, Edie Joseph, Jennifer Reinhart, Joe Cervenka, Lenny Crowe

The Hohn Family, Walter Hohenrath, Elaine Reichek Engel, Tom Bonkoski, Lynn Walsh, Hugo Ramirez, Derick, Renee & Adolf Doti, Barbara & David Johnson, Hohenharth Family, Tony DeLeva, Becky Kreemer, Vincent Aprano, Debra Hamcke, Luis Canalasaparicio, Norberto Hohn, Cary Undt & Undt Fami-ly, John Lepnis, Lepnis Family, Linda & John Jeziorkowski, Dorothy Smith, Orlando, Judy, Ronald, Tom Loo, James Musa, Jr., Chris Koch, Michele Dookram, Gail Callis, George Mathew, Andrea Montgomery, Jim Zaun, Joe Carioscia, Mandy Mason, Sharon Vitarelli, Louis Albertelli, John Jansen, Gayle Simon, Kara Koch, Katrina Noelle Alizade, Bertina Gamblin, Grace Schretzlimeir, Jason Terhune, Ethan, Grayson & Delany, The Knerich Family, Michael, Kathleen Simmons, Margaret Lenahan, Gloria Marsh, Linda Zarou, Lyn Sutcheck, Karen Forestell, Ron Fuzia, Helen Franke, Omar Sealey, Branden Compitello, Caitlyn Reilly, Christian Feliciano, Richard Dinkel, Marie von Bargen, Pastor Mark, Keith Liford, Ellen Jane Bruckner, Pat DeAngelis, Muriel Ubell, Noah James LeBron

May 21, 2018 What are you thankful for? Dear Church family, I wanted to express my gratitude to all that you do for our church and community. Many of us do things “behind the scenes” so to speak and it is all of our jobs to recognize one another. Grati-tude given to others fills us up and gives us the energy and enthusiasm to continue doing for others. Giving and receiving thanks is contagious. Try it!

Here are some people who have helped me recently:

Cindy Terk – for her work with the Sunday school children each year. (thank you also to our young adults who assist!) She plans and runs the Sunday School program. This takes time, talents, organization and a knack for working with children.

Jean Musa/Emy Terhune – for their work with the Junior Youth group each year. They plan, in advance, a whole calendar of events, meetings and crafts. This takes time, talents, organization and working well with children!

Ken Hill – this year he made us garden boxes for the vegetable garden! He also helped me haul compost to fill it. Thank you for your carpentry talents!

Pete Sharrock – Thank you for filling in, for me, as guest conductor on Easter. Much appreciated! Thank you for your musical talents!

Karl VonSeggern – Thank you for cooking for all the ladies at the Women’s Communion Breakfast..who knew Sangria went so well with breakfast! Thank you for you Culinary Talents

Veronica Kreemer – thank you for helping me clean/organize the choir room. (Well, we started anyway. Time to get back and finish it!)

To Everyone involved in making our church family work – Altar guild, coffee hour, council and committee members, property committee, our office staff, Pastor and everyone in between- I say “Thank you”.

Who are you thankful for? Please be sure to tell them the next time you see them. Laura Primiano P.S. If we haven’t seen you in awhile, please know you are missed. Come and see us on Sundays – Tom, I and the kids are always hanging out at social hour..er..coffee hour ; )


May 27 - June 2 ---- Gauthier, Birsner, Terhune, Sukhu June 3 - 9 ---- Mcwilliams, Musa, Hill, Carty

June 10 - 16 ---- Confirmation Class/Youth Group June 17 - 23 ----- O’Toole, Picece, DeAngelis, Kreb

June 24 - 30 ---- McManus, Lambdin, Carioscia July 1 - 7 ----- Kobel, Cunningham July 8 - 14 ---- Dookram, Primiano

July 15 - 21 ---- Swaine, O’Mara July 22 - 28 ----- Book Group

July 29 - August 4 ------ Gauthier, Birsner, Terhune, Sukhu Aug. 5 - 11 ---- McWilliams, Musa, Hill, Carty

Aug. 12 - 18 ---- Choir Aug 19 - 25 ----- O’Toole, Picece, DeAngelis, Kreb

Aug 26 - Sept 1 ----- McManus, Lambdin, Carioscia Sept 2 - 8 ----- Dookram, Primiano Sept 9 - 15 ----- Kobel, Cunningham

Sept 16 - 22 ---- Swaine, O’Mara Sept 23 - 29 ----- Confirmation Class/ Youth Group

If your group cannot do your scheduled week, please switch with another group, we are counted on to pro-vide two boxes of sandwiches each week!!!


“15 loaves of bread, 7 large jars of peanut butter, 5 large jars of jelly, 200 sandwich bags.”

This is what is needed every week for the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that are delivered each week to St. Anne’s RC Church in Brentwood. This is a ministry of our congregation that has been going on for several years. As most of you are aware, the sandwiches are given to soup kitchens across Long Island. Our two boxes of sandwiches are going to feed approximately 180-200 people each week! This continues to be our biggest outreach ministry into the community. It is a big com-mitment for our congregation that only requires a small commitment on the part of each member.

June marks the start of summer and the period where our sandwiches are desperately needed. A good number of P&J groups do not make sandwiches in the summer (school groups, scouts etc.). Additionally, school age children are no longer getting free lunches in school during the summer months. One summer, the person delivering our sandwiches was greeted with someone saying that we were an answer to their prayers that day. At that point, there were not enough boxes of sand-wiches to meet the demand for that week. At least not until our sandwiches arrived.

I’m writing this because I believe that our congregation wants to continue to be an answer to prayer. I’m concerned because support for this vital ministry seems to be waning. Many people are no long-er part of a P&J group which means we have fewer groups, which, of course, means that each group is being scheduled more frequently. As it stands now, each group is scheduled every two months, which really isn’t a big commitment.

I have done the schedule through the end of September. I’m asking all groups to look at it and if your week doesn’t work, please switch with another group!

We are no longer able to obtain free bread from Stop & Shop on a regular basis. Please check on the bread supply prior to making the sandwiches. 15 loaves of bread costs $10.35 at Aldi. If you wish to be reimbursed, please submit a receipt.

I want to thank the congregation for all the donations of peanut butter and jelly, please continue to donate. We are running low on everything! I estimate the cost of one week’s supplies to be approxi-mately $70.00.

Attention Married Couples:

Marriage is a journey! A Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend

can help you enrich your marriage and add some pizzazz to your

journey. Sign up TODAY to be sure to get the Weekend of your


Weekends scheduled this fall in Northeast US are:

* September 14-16, 2018 at Spruce Lake Retreat in Canadensis, PA. A lovely hotel-style retreat center with many acres of woodlands in the heart of the Poconos, an hour north of Allentown, PA .

* October 19-21, 2018 at Olmsted Retreat Center. A stunning, hotel-style retreat center adjacent to the Olmsted Mansion in the Allegheny National Forest, 2 hours north of Pittsburgh.

* November 9-11, 2018 at Hampton Inn Berkshires in Lenox, Massachusetts. Situated on the edge of a nature preserve in the heart of the Berkshires, an hour northwest of Springfield MA.

Two nights lodging, 5 meals for each of you, and all supplies are included with your registration fee, plus toward the end of the weekend you will be given an opportunity to make a confidential contribu-tion of whatever amount you wish toward the continuation of the program. For further information or to sign up, go to: www.GodLovesMarriage.org and pay the $100 registration fee with your credit card, or mark the option to mail a check. For questions, or if you would like a brochure, contact Northeast US Directors of Lutheran Marriage Encounter, Fred & Julie Schamber, at 724-325-3166 or fjscham-ber@comcast.net.

Strawberry Festival & Talent Show

Friday June 22, 2018

6:30-8:30 pm

All Things Strawberry

Strawberry Shortcake

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

Belgium Waffles with Strawberries

Vanilla Ice Cream with Strawberries

Strawberries Pie

Cost: $5.00 adults/$3.00 children

Price includes one dessert.

Additional desserts will be priced separately

If you would like to be part of our talent show please speak to Cathy

McWilliams or Ellen McManus by June 17.


3 year olds to 5th Graders Every Sunday during the 10:45 Service

Lessons, crafts , music and more!

Sunday School Recognition Sunday—Sunday, June 17th at 10:45 am

Jr. Youth Group

June 3rd — Last meeting for Junior Youth Father’s Day Craft

Discussion for fall fundraiser Outside Party time!

All 5 to 11 year olds welcome Call Jean Musa at 631-901-3776

With any questions.

6th through 8th grades: Confirmation Classes contin-ue on Wednesdays, June 6th and 13th from 7 pm — 8 pm

Make sure to complete your Confirmation Notes at each ser-vice. Forms can be picked up and returned to the basket in the narthex.

Take Your Faith Outside this

Welcome to Camp Ma-He-Tu

Best. Camp. Ever. A sleep away camp for girls ages 7-15. Cel-ebrating our 81st summer on the shores of Lake Kanawaukee in Harriman State Park, Bear Mountain, just 40 miles north of New York City.

Not ready to let your daughter go to camp on her own or do

you need a break? Check out Ma-He-Tu’s Women

in the Woods - June 30th to July 4th

Girls of ALL ages just wanna have fun! Moth-ers and daughters - Aunts and nieces - Friends young... and not so young.... All women and girls are welcome. Come spend one day, or even a few playing, laughing, singing and relax-

ing .Check out the website at http://www.mahetu.org

The 86th Annual Lutheran Summer Conference at Silver

Bay “A week unlike any other.” We invite you to join

three hundred others this summer at the annual Luther-

an Summer Conference on the YMCA’s spectacular cam-

pus at Silver Bay on beautiful Lake George in the Adiron-

dacks. An all-inclusive, Christian getaway with fun for

every age All on-campus accommodations include all

meals and activity costs. A Conference Fee ($65/ person

or $325 maximum for families) includes all Lutheran pro-

gramming, including evening activities, classes and dis-

counted conference rates for Silver Bay. Silver Bay also

offers morning camp programming for all children

through age 13. Saturday, July 14th — Friday, July 20th,

2018 For more information on Silver Bay contact our registrar,

Karen Hoffman, for information: LutheranSummerConfer-

ence@gmail.com , (203) 454-2842

Pinecrest is a Lutheran Leadership school which meets annually for a one-

week session, August 12-19th to

train young leaders in Christ.



Join the Primiano Family

at Silver Bay this Summer!

Talk to them for further information!

2018 Vacation Bible School

August 13-17, 2018

Coming soon! Let the planning begin! Looking for Confirmands, Senior Youth and anyone else interested to help plan this year’s VBS program.

Recreation & Games Work with Small groups Water Fun Day Singing!

Please fill out form below and return to Pastor Kreemer as soon as possible.

Youth volunteers: Please have your parents sign the form as well.


I, _________________________will attend and help at VBS for 2018 on these

dates: ________________whole week (10 – 2) or _____________ M T W Th Fr

(check) (circle)

Signature of Parent___________________________________________

Community Notes and


Christ Lutheran Church Food Pantry - Hours are Mondays from 11:30 to 2:30 pm Cub Scout Pack 38 - For boys from 1st grade through 5th grade. Call Emy Terhune 631-258-8452 for more information Boy Scout Troop 327 - For boys from 5th grade to the age of 18. Meets every Friday night in the Wolpert Building from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. Call Dave Maziarz, Scoutmaster at 834-6118 for more information. Homemakers - Meets at Christ Lutheran Church every Tuesday morning. Call Sandy Deck at 581-1289 for more information.

AA - High Noon Group - meets every weekday at 12:00 noon in the Wolpert Building. AA - Evening Group - Meets Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Wolpert Building at 8:00 pm Families Anonymous — Meets Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall beginning Tuesday, September 6th at 7:00 pm. Contact Catherine (631) 581-8874 or Donna526@aol.com


Your Passport to Everything at Christ Lutheran Church!


Miss a special event or need a little inspiration--check out the

links to listen to the Festival Choir sing a Cantata, relive the

Sunday School pageant, be inspired by the fabulous voices of the Central Islip

High School Concert Choir. Need to check a date — check out the on-line cal-

endar of events. Much more is waiting for you. Go on-line today!

Become a STEWARD BOOSTER for $10 and have your name printed in

the issue with the designation of your choice.

In memory of ___________________________

In honor of _____________________________

In thanksgiving for __________________________

On the occasion of _________________________

Your Name ______________________________

A monthly publication by and for the members of Christ Lutheran Church, Islip Terrace, NY.

Submissions should be made by the 20th of each month. Rev. Mark Kreemer, Pastor Cell: (631) 533-2446

Office: (631)581-1710 E-mail: christchurch.it@verizon.net

Deacon: Janet O’Mara

Congregation Officers: President: Holly Von Seggern Vice President: Derek Dookram Secretary: Helen Carioscia Treasurer: Ed Preuss Assistant Treasurer: Gail Callis Financial Secretary: Ellen McManus

Parish Coordinator: Madeline Sharrock Parish_coordinator@christlutheranit.org

2018 Church Council Karl Von Seggern Joe Callis Judy Gauthier Ellen McManus Jean Musa Gail Callis Helen Carioscia Holly Von Seggern Ken Hill Joan DeAngelis Dawn Rotolo Carol Carty Derek Dookram Marie Von Seggern Catherine McWilliams


In honor of James Terhune’s First Holy Communion by Jean & Jim Musa and Angie & Bella Musa

The Family of Christ Lutheran Offers

Prayers of Sympathy for the Families of :

William Kedenburg—Cousin of Helen Carioscia

Dennis O’Mara — Cousin of Kevin O’Mara

Wednesday Morning Bible Study at 10:30 am Blessed to Follow: The Beatitudes as a Compass for Discipleship In Matthew's Gospel, the Sermon on the Mount inaugurates Jesus' public ministry, and the first word out of Jesus' mouth is "blessed." He repeats this word throughout his first sermon. Jesus calls his disciples by bless-ing them, and as he speaks, Jesus introduces himself to us but also introduces disciples to themselves, for the Beatitudes offer a character sketch of who disciples will become if they follow him.


The following gifts have been received in the Memorial Fund

A hymnal in Memory of William Kedenburg by the Carioscia Family


Sign-up in the fellowship hall, if you are interested and have any ques-

tions please speak with anyone on the property committee. Thanks.

A comfortable ride-on mower makes the job so easy!!


6/3/2018 6/10/2018 6/17/2018 6/24/18 (10 am)

Greeters 8:45 Irene Montgomery Ellen McManus Dee Sulima

10:45 Judy Gauthier Phyllis Kobel Marie Von Seggern Judy Gauthier

Ushers 8:45

Joe Callis Alan Cunningham

Alan Cunningham Bruce Dochnahl

Don Lemp Alan Cunningham

Alan Cunningham Kevin O'Mara


Al Smith Bill Schrader Billy Schrader

Karl Von Seggern Jason Terhune Edward Pruess Derick Dookram

Phyllis Kobel John Kobel Doug Hajek

Jan Coco Ron Fuzia Jim Musa Tom Primiano

Eucharistic Ministers 8:45

Ricci Ordway Betsy Cunningham

Nancy Hill Ken Hill

Ellen McManus Helen Gronus

Janet O'Mara Madeline Sharrock


Marie Von Seggern Karl Von Seggern

Marie Von Seggern Marcia Coco

Veronica Kreemer Karl Von Seggern

Assistant Ministers 8:45

Madeline Sharrock Cathy McWilliams Judy Gauthier Janet O'Mara

10:45 Veronica Kreemer Phil Bertuglia Karl Von Seggern

Coffee Hour 8:45

Carol Carty Bill Carty

Nancy Hill Ken Hill Phil Bertuglia

10:45 Stan Fuzia Mary Kadane Craig Kadane Judy Gauthier

Janice Fuzia Ron Fuzia

Altar Guild Jean Musa Helen Gronus

Cindy Terk Dee Sulima

Jean Musa Helen Gronus

Nancy Hill Ken Hill


In memory of ___________________________

Given by _______________________________

In honor of _______________________________

Given by ___________________________________

Father’s Day Dedications are due by Sunday, June 10, 2018

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