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A research proposal on RMG sector how to development in Bangladesh?

AbstractMeeting the consignment deadlines is a crucial issue for success in Readymade Garment

(RMG) sector in Bangladesh. In most cases RMG factory owners have little alternative of

meeting the consignment deadlines. This research aim at analysing the relation between labour

efficiencies and entrepreneurial strategies and meeting consignment deadlines in RMG sector of

Bangladesh. To be specific the research will focus on Epyllion Textile Ltd. 

There are many researches focusing on various aspects of RMG sector of Bangladesh. But

researchers are yet to focus on one of the most important factor which is impact of labour

efficiency and management strategy on meeting consignment deadlines in RMG sectors of

Bangladesh. This research will also be a strong and reasonable basis for future researches and

studies on the relation between labor efficiencies and entrepreneurial strategies and meeting

consignment deadlines in RMG sector of Bangladesh.

1. Research Background

Garment Industry of Bangladesh is the largest sector of industry in the nation. The

warehouse business of Bangladesh has a great history while the history of Readymade

Garment sector is not so old. Probably the Dhakai Muslin is the beginner of this period in

the Indian subcontinent which is commenced from the Mughal era.

The Readymade Garment sector in Bangladesh has developed astoundingly over the last

20 years; disprove the preliminary doubt about its long-term continuance. In the period

2004/05 the revenue from export is amounted 4.5 billion US dollars.

 It is near about 66% of the nation’s total export revenue. The EU and the US is the main

export market for Bangladesh. Bangladesh achieves the rank of 3rd and 10th in these

markets respectively in respect to the export amount at the ending of 2004. Along with

the European market Bangladesh had a huge market and great reputation all over world.

 Epyllion is a renowned garments house in the Ready Made Garments industry of

Bangladesh. Since 1993 this firm adds huge remittance in the economy of Bangladesh by

exporting and manufacturing knit Apparels. 

The purpose of the proposed research will be to assist in understanding the impact of the

labour efficiency and entrepreneurial strategies in meeting consignment deadlines in

RMG sector of Bangladesh emphasizing on the Epyllion Textile Ltd.

2. Research Problem

The significance of a research question is to explore a particular interest in a more in-depth

manner. One of the most important steps in understanding, how the Ready Made Garments

sector in Bangladesh meet the deadline of consignments is study the labour efficiency and

entrepreneurial strategies of the management.

The labour efficiency and entrepreneurial strategies of the management is highly correlated with

the meeting of deadline. The research will focus on the question “In what extend and how labour

efficiency and entrepreneurial strategies can help meeting consignment deadlines in RMG sector

of Bangladesh?”

This research is assigned for several issues in the RMG sector of Bangladesh, in context of

Epyllion Textile Ltd to find out the efficiency and effectiveness of garments sector in relation to

the labour efficiency and entrepreneurial strategies of the management.

3. Aim and objective

-          To find out the efficiency and effectiveness of labour.

-          To find out how the entrepreneurial decisions and strategies influenced the overall


-          Are the efficiency of labour and entrepreneurial strategies of the management are correlated

with the meeting of deadline.

4. Rationale of the Study

The proposed research study will examine the efficiency and effectiveness of labour in the Ready

Made Garments sector of Bangladesh, the entrepreneurial strategies of the management of Ready

Made Garments sector to influence the work force and the frame work of the garments sector of

Bangladesh. This research will also study on the correlation among the labour efficiency,

entrepreneurial strategies of the management and the meeting of deadline of the several


5. Scope of the Study

To find out the expected outcome a renowned firm in the Ready Made Garments sector of

Bangladesh named Epyllion Textile Ltd will be observed. As in Epyllion Group the practice of

overall labour efficiency and entrepreneurial strategies of the management is good and the

overall activities of the entrepreneur of Epyllion Group are also superior, the firm is selected for

the study.

7. Literature review

To meet the consignment deadlines, labour efficiencies and entrepreneurial strategies are two

important issues. Labour efficiency refers the efficiency of workers to produce quality goods in

the lowest possible time. Labour efficiency can be measured for an industry, a firm, a process, or

an organisation. In a study, (Thurik 1984 ) tried to analyse the relation among economies of scale

and labour efficiency and starting time in Large Retail Organisations.

 The study aimed to examine whether economies of scale can be attained regarding labour

efficiency for big French retail organisations. It also analysed how weekly opening time can

influence the labour efficiency. The article (Holman, Joyeux & Kask 2008) evaluate the recent

trends in labour productivity in different sectors. This article provides data on movements in

organisational efficiency in the selected sectors and industries based on the

comprehensive productivity statistics.

On the other hand, entrepreneurial strategy is another important factor in any business including

RMG sectors. Entrepreneurial strategies refer practice and policies used in business to achieve

the goals and objectives of the business. The article of (Lumpkin, Covin & Dess 1997) studied

the characteristics of making entrepreneurial strategy. It also analysed the correlation among

strategy, performance and environment.

 It analysed data from 32 firms and concluded that configurationally approaches that relate

entrepreneurial strategy and situation can create a better forecasting power than contingency

approaches. In the article (Page 2003) examines how the entrepreneurial strategies that

administrators get helpful in hierarchical organizations can be  applicable in collaborative

scenery where structured chain of command is absence and maintaining teamwork among

associates is important for success . It also explains how connections and measures may assist to

relate collaborators' views of what their agencies are working jointly to achieve their joint goals

and objectives.

The journey of the RMG sector in Bangladesh started in 1977 when Jewel Garments exported

the first consignment to then West Germany. After that it experienced a noticeable growth.

Though there are very few numbers of published studies on the correlation between labour

efficiency and entrepreneurial strategies and meeting consignment deadlines in RMG sector of

Bangladesh, a good number of studies were carried on different aspects of RMG sector of


In a study (Muzaffar & Ahmad 1988) works on the industrial structure of the RMG sector and

the long run feasibility of the RMG sector in Bangladesh. In a report (Chaudhuri, Salma & Paul-

Majumdar 1991) investigate different aspects of conditions of Garment Workers in Bangladesh.

At the same time (Bangladesh University Press 1990)  look at the socio economic condition of

the female workers in RMG sector in Bangladesh. In a report (Arne & Wiig 1990) works on the

different types of non trade barriers to the growth of the RMG sector of Bangladesh. There are a

few works on the Bangladesh RMG sector published in renowned journal in U.S. One of them is

of (Rhee 1990)  in which a model of development is presented what is named as “catalyst

model” of development.

The paper, on a primary basis, focused on identifying the key factors that have helped to

achieved resonant success of RMG sector of Bangladesh with exports of RMG products. Despite

a very adverse early situations, Bangladesh's achievement in RMG sector with RMG exports

indicate a feasible development policy in developing countries with low-income and there are

lessons for other countries to be learned from it.

The paper presents a catalyst model of development which stands on the experience of success in

RMG sector of Bangladesh with RMG exports. The model can be a strong basis for future

research on RMG sector of Bangladesh. The “catalyst model of development” refers a model that

focuses on commencing development in an external-oriented way and it is based on the initial

attempts of domestic and foreign mechanisms. The paper relates the model in development of

RMG sector in Bangladesh.

 A work of (Quddus & Rashid 1999) presents relevant data on the industry's performance and it

also evaluates current trends in the local and international RMG sector. They also analysed how

the RMG factory owners face different challenges aroused from different socio economic

factors. They put emphasis on that the major sources of probable problems for RMG exports are

probably to be internal rather than being external.

 According to their opinion, Political turbulence could badly harm the RMG sector of

Bangladesh by creating unsteadiness and to try to attain their objectives by creating turbulence in

the roads as a replacement for the parliament. The officials and the bankers and the policy-

makers in power stay on as a source of threat to RMG sector in Bangladesh. They may often

devaluate the active entrepreneurship that has pigeonholed the RMG sector of Bangladesh.

Labour turbulence and repeated troubles in the Chittagong port stay on as a point of concern to

the RMG exporters. Additionally the law enforcement bodies may weaken the RMG sector of

Bangladesh by tolerating the toll collectors who make a climate of fear.

 According to the report, in Bangladesh RMG workers are one of the toughest working sections

of the workforce and it is very necessary to improve their working environment and

opportunities as the industry grow up. Putting some investment in the training of the workers and

in improving the environment of working would surely improve efficiency in RMG sector of


RMG factory owners should be positive as a replacement for being thoughtless on this

significant matter. In a study (Erfan & Ahmed 2004) analysed the raise of RMG sector of

Bangladesh in relation to globalization and women workers. This study evaluates the situation to

investigate the political, economic, and social perspectives of women workers and the way how

earnings of women worker affect family gender discriminations within a structure of voice and


It illustrates interviews of women workers in RMG sector of Bangladesh to investigate how work

coveys’ dissimilar senses for workers of dissimilar groups and how these insights persuade roles

and practices of gender within the family circle. Women from different class backdrops are

engaged because they can be shaped into obedient workers. The different class background of

the workers along with the risk of being fired checks cohesion and put a challenge to


The article expresses that some unmarried women worker of RMG sector become socially more

powerful by their earnings from. An article of (NIELSEN 2005) focused on child labour issue in

RMG sector of Bangladesh. The article concludes, due to lots of harmful effects, the child labour

is being one of the important issues in the RMG sector. The study recognised the significance of

consciousness of the threat of such issue. The article indicates that the awareness should not be

confined among industry critics; rather industry should accept responsibility in some kind.

A study by (Rahman & Anwar 2007) evaluates literature and investigates on the competitive

advantage of nations to describe the tendency and outline of international trade from a growing

market outlook. The paper analysed the post MFA time because Bangladesh and other

beneficiaries of MFA will face intense competition in the insecure international market. The

study strongly express that sources of success of RMG sector decide the outline of worldwide

trade for Bangladesh.

In a study (Abdin 2008) focus on the problems and prospects of RMG sector of Bangladesh. The

study also takes into account the labour unrest in the industry. In a research article (Rahman

2009) works to evaluate the indirect and direct contribution made in the economy by RMG

sector of Bangladesh.

The article attempts to judge the direct and indirect connections of development of the economy

of Bangladesh. The article put a specific effort to evaluate the contribution of development of

RMG activity because this sector currently brings the largest amount of foreign exchange

Bangladesh and is believed to be the most important 'growing industry' of Bangladesh.

The article examines the present trade growth of Bangladesh that made it probable to sketch the

future trends in international trade of RMG in Bangladesh. The article also examines the causes

of the swift boosts of Bangladeshi RMG exports. It also analysed the obstacles to RMG export

and its effects on cusses of exports growth.

Above motioned researches and studies, was focused on various aspects of RMG sector of

Bangladesh. But researchers are yet to focus on one of the most important factor which is impact

of labour efficiency and management strategy on meeting consignment deadlines in RMG

sectors of Bangladesh. Meeting the consignment deadlines is a crucial issue for success in RMG

sector in Bangladesh.

 In most cases RMG factory owners have little alternative of meeting the consignment deadlines.

This research aim at analysing the relation between labour efficiencies and entrepreneurial

strategies and meeting consignment deadlines in RMG sector of Bangladesh. To be specific the

research will focus on Epyllion Textile Ltd.

This research will also be a strong and reasonable basis for future researches and studies on the

relation between labour efficiencies and entrepreneurial strategies and meeting consignment

deadlines in RMG sector of Bangladesh.

8. Research Methodology

8.1 Research design

Research design is a policy of study that can attain answers to research questions and troubles.

To evaluate the issues in this study, an investigative qualitative research approach will be

suitable, because, information from qualitative investigation necessitates methods that permit the

researcher to capture language and performance.

In this case, a semi-structured in-depth conference will be favoured since it can gather

information without losing major details. Survey research, contributor observation or analysis of

secondary information would be unsuitable given the target of the study will be certain to gather

rich information. Ready Made Garments industry from diverse industry segments will be aimed

as the sample population. Epyllion Textile Ltd will be observed to find out the research

objective. A conference list of items will be built for the conference. Try to ensure dependability

and soundness will be taken in every ladder of data compilation. The data investigation

technique chosen will be “content analysis” which is an organized assessment of contented of

communications anticipated.

A quantitative study of variables will be executed. In a correlation study, the main objective is to

set up whether two or additional variables are linked, and if so, ascertain the way of the

experiential association.

 Correlation investigation may be measured in this study that will be non-experimental. Here will

be no window dressing of the independent variable and no effort to set up causality. As an

alternative, variables under study will be simply calculated to decide if a affiliation exists among

them. Investigative study should be tracked by succeeding study in order to present decisive


8.2 Sampling Technique

The sample size does not matter in qualitative research.

The cause behind that, we cannot predict the social world. Because people are not like other

objects, the action of human being can not predicted. But in case of quantitative research social

activity is predictable. The researcher should clearly define the target population. But there are

no exact rules and regulation to be followed. The researcher should depend on the logic

and judgement.

It may happen that the entire population will be small and the investor can include the whole

population in the research. On the other hand it may happen that the population is too large for

the surveyor. At that time a small but cautiously chosen sample is used to characterize the

population. Epyllion Textile ltd. of Dhaka is constitutes as the investigation area, because of

expediency of the field job and simple communication.

Data can be collected from two sources: Primary data and Secondary data. It is stated that

secondary is data gathered in the earlier period for some other job. The secondary information or

data will be accumulated mainly from the journals, internet and books. Primary data is new data

gathered by researchers to do a particular research to find out the response of research problem

as well as research objectives. In this study the data of Epyllion Textile Ltd will be used for the

research function.

8.3 Data Analysis

Researchers in most cases cannot identify all their questions prior to starting data collection.

Some supplementary research questions may be recognized and aggregated at the time of data

analysis. Analysis of qualitative information refers to penetrating for connotation from side to

side interpreting the views and behaviours of the participants.

Collection process of qualitative research itself is an interpretation procedure. By the orderly

research procedure, some interpretation will also to be performed while analysis the data. It is a

challenge to analyze the process thoroughly.  Unlike the analysis of quantitative information,

there are a small number of generally decided rules of thumb for the study of qualitative


In general there are three types of activity in data analysis: (1) data display, (2) data reduction,

and (3) conclusion drawing and verification. Read from first to last text, make scope remarks,

form primary codes. Illustrate the case and its framework. Exercise definite aggregation to set up

themes or examples. Exercise straight analysis; build up naturalistic simplifications. Present in-

depth representation using plot, figures and tables.

8.4 Data Validity and Reliability

Validity is a measure that indicates how a form explains the incident investigated as an excellent

fit. There are three categories of validity: internal, construct and external validity. Although

internal validity is investigative, it accepts a seizure logic, which is consisting of both initiation

and assumption reasoning.

The influence drawn from information required to be linked to connected theories or preceding

studies. Construct validity is alarmed with the issue that constructs developed during the study

refer to a set of satisfactorily prepared measures and actually replicate the communal

phenomenon, being studied. External validity means whether study results can be widespread to

other study or a same phenomenon in the external world. To ensure reliability for the proposed

study, the information will be collected from both of the primary and secondary source.

To maintain reliability and validity the data will be collected with full care from the Epyllion

Textile Ltd. The primary data will be collected by face to face interview from both the employee

and the entrepreneur to ensure reliability and validity. Necessary documents will also be


9. Contribution

This research will contribute as a strong basis in future researches and studies on relation

between labour efficiencies and entrepreneurial strategies and meeting consignment deadlines in

RMG sector of Bangladesh. It will also help the entrepreneurs to understand how they can

develop more efficient delivery system by improving labour efficiencies and management


10. ConclusionThe Ready made Garment Sector in Bangladesh starts its journey in 1977 when Jewel Garments

exported the first consignment to then West Germany. After that it the RMG sector in

Bangladesh has developed astoundingly over the last 20 years; disprove the preliminary doubt

about its long-term continuance. Though low cost labour is no longer considered to be a key

comparative advantage, as a result of taking a number of initiatives by the RMG industry,

Bangladesh has become competitive in global market in RMG exports.

Despite a very adverse early situations, Bangladesh's achievement in RMG sector with RMG

exports indicate a feasible development policy in developing countries with low-income and

there are lessons for other countries to be learned from it. Though there are very few numbers of

published studies on the correlation between labour efficiency and entrepreneurial strategies and

meeting consignment deadlines in RMG sector of Bangladesh, a good number of studies were

carried on different aspects of RMG sector of Bangladesh.

Meeting the consignment deadlines is a crucial issue for success in RMG sector in Bangladesh.

In most cases RMG factory owners have little alternative of meeting the consignment deadlines.

This research aim at analysing the relation between labour efficiencies and entrepreneurial

strategies and meeting consignment deadlines in RMG sector of Bangladesh. To be specific the

research will focus on Epyllion Textile Ltd.

 The proposed research study will examine the efficiency and effectiveness of labour in the

Ready Made Garments sector of Bangladesh, the entrepreneurial strategies of the management of

Ready Made Garments sector to influence the work force and the frame work of the garments

sector of Bangladesh. This research will also study on the correlation among the labour

efficiency, entrepreneurial strategies of the management and the meeting of deadline of the

several consignments. There are many researches focusing on various aspects of RMG sector of

Bangladesh. But researchers are yet to focus on one of the most important factor which is impact

of labour efficiency and management strategy on meeting consignment deadlines in RMG

sectors of Bangladesh.

 To ensure reliability for the proposed study, the information will be collected from both of the

primary and secondary source. To maintain reliability and validity the data will be collected with

full care from the Epyllion Textile Ltd. The primary data will be collected by face to face

interview from both the employee and the entrepreneur to ensure reliability and validity.

Necessary documents will also be collected.

This research will also be a strong and reasonable basis for future researches and studies on the

relation between labour efficiencies and entrepreneurial strategies and meeting consignment

deadlines in RMG sector of Bangladesh.


Hossain, MM 2011, ' An evaluation of correlation between labor efficiency, entrepreneurial

strategies and meeting consignment deadlines in RMG sector of Bangladesh- A case study of

Epyllion Textile Ltd ', Spirkle Express,

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