7 things to know before you use modern online pr tools

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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The social media press release is a rather new concept, but worth the attention of even the most conservative PR experts and firms. Here we discuss its importance and a few pointers.


  • 1. 7 things to know before you usemodern online PR toolsHere are a few basics to keep inmind when dealing with a socialmedia press release

2. Be relevant Grab an online reporters or bloggers attention with your words. Words wield power. Choose them carefully.BloggersGood Language 3. Email a three-line pitch Make sure each press release sent has a captivating yet conclusive summary of what you are trying to convey. Create a pragmatic subject line. One can include facts and figures to grab attention. Also never forget to include how your story will benefit the reader. 4. Monitor your media Make use of Google Alerts, trending topics, and other tools to keep an eye on hot issues, competitors, and your companys name. 5. Generate valuable content on a regular basis Identify trends and lessons online that can benefit others. Bea constant source of solid information that peopletrust, respect and ultimately - revisit. 6. Dedicated online spokesperson Ensure your client has identified a dedicated online spokesperson. Social media is a far more volatile medium to market in, than any other. Even the smallest chink in the system can snowball into a massive disaster if not dealt with within the hour. A platform where geography and time-zone-difference mean precious little, readers need instant responses. 7. Use keywords, links, and SEO Use keywords, links, and SEO to give your online press releases legs. Do your homework on keywords and search engine rankings. A well worded press release can sometimes become popular before anyones even read it. 8. Reuse content Tweak your release as per the social media you have chosen. A short 140 character tweet, a catchy viral blast with a link or even a clever BBM broadcast. Same message, different social media vehicle. Just make sure youre present everywhere. 9. This presentation is a property of Image Management website. All rights arereserved 2012Read the article on our website www.imagemanagement.inLike us on Facebook Follow us on TwitterLink on Linkedin

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