6 ted negroponte olpc spring 2011 pp

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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PARAGRAPH 1 : It’s amazing, when…

1) Do heads of state agree with Negroponte when he says that children are our most valuable resource?

2) What is a “head of state?”

PARAGRAPH 2 : (Video): We’re traveling today…

1) What is Mr. Negroponte doing with the Minister of Defense on this day?

2) Thinking on your own- What might be the reason that the Minister of Defense and the police would want children to have laptops? How can these laptops make the country better from their perspective?

Negroponte takes OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) to Colombiaニコラス・ネグロポンテがコロンビアへ OLPC を持って行く


PARAGRAPH 3: The importance of delivering laptops…

PARAGRAPH 4 : So in the three years since I talked at TED…

PARAGRAPH 5 : In Columbia, we have about 3,000 laptops…

PARAGRAPH 6 : And suddenly, the kinds have connected…

1) Why have these communities been unconnected from the world?

2) How many children in the world don’t have electricity at home or at school?

3) How many little girls in Afghanistan don’t go to school at all?

1) How many of these laptops exist? (at the time of this speech)

1) What very important thing will these children have access to that their parents did not?

1) Why is Mr. Negroponte working with the Minister of Defense in Columbia? hint : they see it at a s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d_ _ _ _ _ _ issue

2) What does “strategic defense” mean?

PARAGRAPH 7 : Interestingly enough, in other countries…

PARAGRAPH 8 : Now what are some of the results…

PARAGRAPH 9 : So now, in closing, people say…

1) Is it always the Ministry of Defense in various countries that is interested in this laptop program?

2) Why would a Minister of Finance think that this program might help his/her country?

1) Who are the children teaching?

2) Why did the little girl bring her mother to the city of Bogota?

1) Does Mr. Negroponte think that laptops are a luxury item?

2) Why are laptops important?

3) What example does he give about books?

PARAGRAPH 10 : Sometimes school is under a tree…

Thinking on your own-

1) How can these laptops help if your school is under a tree?

2) How can these laptops help if your teacher only has a 5th grade education and you are starting to know as much as your teacher?

3) How did Mr. Negroponte make it possible for countries with no money to get these laptops too?

New Vocabulary Japanese 使い方 How it was used...1)










PARAGRAPH 11 : So think of it this way…

1) What analogy* does Mr. Negroponte make about these laptops?


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