6 secret productivity tips for ambitious recruiters

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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As a rec to rec company we live and breathe recruitment and....


6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters


6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

As a rec to rec company we live and breathe recruitment and never a day goes by when we are not in discussion with one consultant or another about how to get the next job or be more successful.

Now here is something that we notice is happening on a regular basis; recruiters are asking us for tips and ideas on how to be more productive.

In today’s internet fuelled world there is always a task to complete, an update to make or a contact to ring.

So how do we get it‘all’ done?

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

 1. Get it on paper

Is your head full of ‘stuff’ that you know you need to do? Ditto join the club.

Any ambitious recruiter will have a list of activities they want to achieve.

It can sometimes feel over whelming.

In my experience the easiest way to get through it all it to get it out of your head and onto paper.

Then you can look at all the tasks and projects in a more rational way.

You will even be able to filter them into tasks and time deadlines which is really helpful because……

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

2. Accept you won’t get it all done

Surprised? Just accept itand give yourself somerelief.

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

With everything that we all have going on in our lives we will never, I repeat never get it all done.

Accept that fact and you will be amazed at the relief it will bring.

We live in a very different world to our ancestors. Technology has benefits and downsides too.

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

Smart phones may be wonderful if you want to always be in touch and yet so often we are driven by the next ping of a text or bugle call of the latest email arriving.

Stop and use technology as it should be used as an aid to manage and screen your activities.

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

3. Don’t multitask

This might be a hard one forus girls to accept!

Being so used to multitaskingin our roles of; career girl, girlfriend, stunning cook, confidant, mum, daughter and general fetcher and carrier.

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

The truth is when we focus on one task at a time we produce better results.

If you have ten clients to call; do it. Lock yourself in a room if necessary.

If your mobile phone pings ignore it- it can wait. Switch off your email. Better still, if you can, move away from your PC.

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

4. Get to know your own body clock and when you perform best

It is true some of us are better at different times of the day.

If you know you are;” full of the joys of spring” first thing, do the important stuff then e.g. selling! Leave the admin tasks till later in the day.

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

This is a part of the productivity equation that most people miss.

Know your strengths and when and how, you produce your best results. Then plan you days around these activities that produce results.

Write it down do the maths and you will have your own blueprint for success.

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

5. Take breaks

As humans we are governedby cycles. Here on planetEarth we live in a worldWhere rhythms and cycleskeep us on track. Summer and winter, day and night.

You will have heard about circadian rhythms and the impact that has on our behaviours?

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

The latest data has identified that we can break this down into even smaller cycles of approximately ninety minutes.

For peak performance mentally we need to take a break every 90 minutes to two hours. If we don’t our performance can deteriorate.

Thinking that classic though; “I will just finish this!” apparently isn’t our best course of action if we want to perform at peak.

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

6. Drink water

This might seem a strangeone and water is importantto us. Over 60% of our bodiesare made up of water.

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters

A startling fact is that more adults are dehydrated then most people think.

So how does it help productivity? There are hundreds of studies which confirm that adequate fluid intake can prevent headaches and fatigue and enhance memory.

That headache that suddenly creeps up on you mid-afternoon is probably down to dehydration.

6 Secret Productivity Tips For Ambitious Recruiters


For more information on How to be a Productive Recruiter please




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