6 recipes

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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RECIPES. Americans call COOKBOOK a book with recipes. British people call it COOKERY BOOK.

Recipe comprehension. Infering the meaning of words. (Comprendre une recette. Trouver le sens des motst inconnus)."Bread and Butter Pudding". Comprehension + Making an account of the recipe. (Comprhension et compte-rendu de la recette)

Grammar: the imperative (L'impratif)

Presposition 'over'. (la prposition 'over')

Top chef Radio programme. Oral Comprehension + step by step instructions.

Explaining and instructing in the kitchen. (Expliquer et donnez des instructions en cuisine)
must/ mustn't/ have to/ don't have to

What is cooking, chef? Cooking verbs.
Les verbes de prparation culinaire.

Reading and making an account. (Lire et faire un compte-rendu)
"Mix snail porridge, sardine sorbet and you have a Fat Duck"


1. Recipe comprehension. Infering the meaning of words. (Comprendre une recette. Trouver le sens des motst inconnus).Commencez partie de step 11. Remplacez les "tu" par "vous"

1.1 "Bread and Butter Pudding". Understanding + Making an account of the recipe. (Comprhension et compte-rendu de la recette)

Leaving the prepared pudding to soak for half an hour before you bake it is the key to ensuring a brilliant result.

Preparation time: 10min, plus 30min soaking; cooking time: 45-55min300cals, 14g fat, 35g carbohydrate per serving; serves 650g (2oz) butter, softened6 slices white bread25g (1oz) each currants and sultanas3 medium eggs568ml carton full-fat milk50g (2oz) light muscovado sugarPinch of ground mixed spiceBread and Butter Pudding

Preheat the oven to 180C (160C fan oven) mark 4.
Lightly grease a 1.1 litre (2 pint) ovenproof dish with a little of the butter. Use the rest to spread evenly over the bread then cut each slice in half diagonally.
Arrange in the dish, each slice slightly overlapping the last, and sprinkle the currants and sultanas over the top.

Beat together the eggs, milk, sugar and ground mixed spice in a bowl then pour over the bread. Leave to soak for 30min.

Bake in the oven for 45-55min or until the pudding is golden brown but still slightly moist in the centre.
Serve with a drizzle of single cream.

Good Housekeeping, March 2002. Good Housekeeping/National Magazine Company.

1.1.1Look at the document and answer the questions by ticking the right box. (Observez lensemble du document et rpondez aux questions en cochant la rponse approprie.)

What is it about? food sports music

What type of document is it? an interview a letter a recipe

What is it? a salad roastbeef a dessert

What sort of dessert is it? an ice cream an apple pie a bread and butter pudding

Where is it from? Australia Great Britain France

Fill in the sentences below with the help of the table and with the following words. (=Compltez les phrases ci-dessous en vous aidant du QCM et en utilisant les mots suivants)pudding / food / recipe / dessertThis document is about It is a from Great Britain. This. is a bread and butter Pour vous entraner la prise de parole en continu, rpondez chaque question du QCM prcdent par une phrase complte puis coutez l'enregistrement pour vous auto-corriger. Recommencez jusqu' ne plus faire d'erreurs, mme de prononciation. Attention la prononciation des mots recipe [resipi] et dessert [diz t] 1.1.2 Complete the sentences with the following words: (Compltez les phrases en utilisant les mots suivants) : text / photo / name / magazineThis document is a recipe from a published in March 2002. At the top left of the page, there is a At the bottom of the page, there is the of the recipe and a 1.1.3 Read the text quickly. Then put the following headings in the boxes below representing the 5 parts of the text. ( Lisez le texte rapidement puis placez les expressions suivantes dans les cadres ci-dessous, reprsentant les cinq parties du texte ): the ingredients / the method / technical information / the chefs secret / the titlePhoto

There are five parts in the text, and a photo to illustrate the dessert.1.1.4Give the following information in French using the document. (=Donnez les indications suivantes en franais en vous rfrant au document).Temps de prparation : .........................................Temps de cuisson : ...............................................Temprature du four : ..........................................Nombre de portions : ...........................................Nombre de calories par portion : .........................Quantit de graisse par portion : ..........................Quantit de glucides (hydrate de carbone) par portion : ................................................................1.1.5 You are doing shopping to make this recipe. Make the list of the ingredients in English, then in French. Write the quantities you need to make the dessert for six people. (Vous faites vos courses pour prparer cette recette. tablissez en anglais puis en franais la liste des ingrdients. Indiquez galement les quantits ncessaires la ralisation de ce dessert pour six personnes.AnglaisFranais


25g (1oz)currantsRaisins de Corinthe 25 g

25g (1oz)sultanasRaisins de Smyrne 25 g

116Find in the text the following verbs in the imerative. (Retrouvez dans le texte les verbes suivants limpratif) (exemple : preheat prchauffez).....................................................graissez.................................................... utilisez.................................................... coupez.................................................... parsemez.................................................... battez.................................................... versez.................................................... laissez tremper.................................................... cuisez au four1.1.6. Find in the text the following words: (Retrouvez dans le texte les mots suivants):four / plat / bolEncadrez la prposition over dans le texte et les verbes auxquels elle est associe puis proposezdeux traductions possibles de ce mot.On trouve over dans les expressions : spread evenly over the bread / sprinkle the currants and sultanas over the top / pour over the breadover implique un mouvement de survol, au -dessus de quelque chose.Attention, quand on l'emploie dans l'expression over there elle signifie juste: l basWrite the major stages in the recipe with short and simple sentences using verbs in the imperative, the preposition 'over', and the technical vocabulary about the speciality.(Rdigez les grandes tapes de la recette sous forme de phrases courtes et simples en utilisantdes verbes limpratif, la prposition over ainsi que le vocabulaire technique concernant votrespcialit.) (50 70 words maximum).

Si le travail de rdaction vous semble trop difficile, compltez le texte ci-dessous afin de dgager les tapes principales de la recette :Preheat the (mark 4). Grease the dish with Spread the butter the bread. Cut the slices of in half diagonally. Arrange the in the dish. Sprinkle the currants and over the top. Beat the eggs, milk, andspices in a bowl. the mixture over the bread and leave for 30 mn. in the oven for 45 mn. Serve with cream.

Si vous n'avez pas trouv par vous-mme les mots manquants, retrouvez-les parmi les mots suivants:sugar / butter / pour / oven / over / slices / sultanas / bread / bake / to soak

Write in English the recipe of your favourite dessert, reproducing what you have learnt in the recipe before. (Rdigez en anglais la recette de votre dessert prfr en vous inspirant de celle que nous venons dtudier).Answer the following questions in English with short and simple full sentences. (Rpondez en anglais aux questions en faisant des phrases courtes et simples mais compltes).Do it orally too.(Faites le aussi l'oral)What is the name of this dessert?

What are the ingredients?

What is the key to ensuring a brilliant result? (=quel est la cl pour assurer un rsultat brillant?)

What can you serve with this dessert?

Is it a typical British dessert? Why?

1.4. Top chef Radio programmeSituation: "Top chef"is a radio programme. Three people are present: the host (=le prsentateur), a caller (= un auditeur qui appelle) and the chef. (the chef= the cook).

Pronunciation. The following words are present in the conversation. You must pronounce them properly to understand them when other people are speaking. (Les mots suivant sont prsents dans l'enregistrement. Vous devez les prononcer correctement pour les reconnatre quand d'autres personnes les utilisent)Listen and repeat/ Mind the stress too.(Ecoutez et rptez en faisant attention l'accent aussi)/a////////i:////e///

/fla/ flower(farine)/bt/ butter(beurre)/g/ sugar(sucre)/vnl/ vanilla(vanille)/tn/ tin(un moule)/mkst/ mixture(mlange)/ntl/ until(jusqu')/prihit/preheat (prchauffer)/bit/ beat(battre)

/bl/ bowl(bol)/gldn/ golden(dor)/bek/ bake(cuire au four)/sprd/ spread(taler)

Listen to the conversation. You can follow it on the scrip below if necessary. (=Ecoutez la conversatiuon. Vous pouvez suivre sur le script ci-dessous si ncessaire.)Script:Host: Welcome to our programme Top chef Who is there?Caller: Hi, my name is Farah and I need help. I need to make a special cake for my niece. Its her birthday!Host: Thats great! Lets talk about the ingredients first. Is there any milk in your fridge?Caller: Mmm Let me see. Yes, there is. Host: How much milk is there?Caller: A litre. Host: Ok. Do you have eggs? Youll need three eggs. Caller: Yes. I have half a dozen. Host: What about butter? Is there some butter? Caller: Yes. How much do I need? I have only 200 gr. Host: Ok! You need 200gr of butter. And is there flour?Caller: Well I have all-purpose flour. Host: Ok. So you can make a special cake for your niece.Our chef, Judy, will tell you the ingredients : Judy: The ingredients are: 4 cups of all-purpose flour. 200 gr. of butter 2 cups of sugar 3 eggs 2 cups of milk Two spoonful of vanilla extractHost: Now Farah, Judy will tell you the cooking instructions. First, preheat the oven. Butter a cake tin. Add butter in a bowl Add sugar gradually and beat sugar and butter together. Add eggs, one at a time. Mix for two minutes. Then add the milk and flour. Beat everything together. Add the vanilla extract and mix. Pour the mixture into the cake tin. Bake for 40 minutes and until the tops are golden and a knife comes out clean. (Optional) Spread Dulce de Leche over the cold cake.Host: Thanks for calling us Farah! Do you think you can do the cake for your nieces birthday? Caller: Yes, I can do it! Thank you very much! Host: You are welcome! That was Top Chef We meet again next Monday!

Order the pictures. Listen again if necessary and if it's too difficult, use the script. (Ordonner les images. R couter l'enregistrement et si c'est trop difficile, utiliser le script.)but a Cake pan for Correct order: a b c d e f g h i j k l m

Answer the questions by circling a. b. or c. (Rpondez aux questions en entourant a. b. ou c.)1. . Whose birthday is it?a. Farah b. Her nephew d. Her niece.2. What does Farah want to make?a. A chocolate cake b. A special cake. c. A dessert.3. How much milk does Farah need?a. A litre b. A cup c. Two cups.4. How many eggs does Farah have?a. three eggs. b. Four eggs c. Six eggs.5. How many eggs does Farah need?a. three eggs. b. Four eggs c. Six eggs.6. Which list of ingredients is more similar to Farahs cake?

a. LIST A 2 cups of all-purpose flour. 200 gr. of butter 1 cups of sugar 2 eggs 4 cups of milk Two spoonful of vanilla extractb. LIST B 4 cups of all-purpose flour. 200 gr. of butter 2 cups of sugar 3 eggs 2 cups of milk Two spoonful of vanilla extract

7. What does Farah do first?a. Bake b. Preheat the oven c. Add milk8. What ingredient goes first?a. The butter b. the two cups of sugar c. the eggs9. Circle the correct one.a. Add sugar, then eggs and mix. b. Add butter, then sugar and mix.

Look at the picture and answer the questions to anticipate. Use maybe/ perhaps Where does it take place?

Who can you see?

What are they doing?

What is their job in the kitchen?

Identify the items in the picture.A knife a colander a saucepanHow to do it right.Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.What are they preparing?

What must they do first?

Do they have to scrape the potatoes?

Listen again and complete the sentences:We ................ ...................... prepare the lunch vegetables.

First, you ...................... wash your hands.

.................... them intoo little sticks.

................ we .................... to scrape them?

Then I'll ..................... the onions

It ..................... cook forlong.

Robbie: Right. This morning we have to prepare the lunch vegetables, so I'll show you what to do. First, you must wash your hands over there in the hand basin. Let's start with the carrots. Peel them like this.Dirk: Is thi ok?Robbie: Fine. The we have to julienne the carrots. Cut them into little stics, like this. I'll do that. You sort and wash teh new potatoes. Slice the big ones in half.Dirk: Do we have to scrape them?Robbie: No we don't. We boil them with the skins on.Dirk: Good.Robbie: Then I'll chop the onions and you can do the broccoli. You have to break it into florets and wash it well in cold water. It mustn't cook for long, only four or five minutes. Then strain it into a colander.Dirk: ok, I'll start.

Structures to practise;must, have to, don't have to, mustn'tLook at these examples.You must wash your hands before preparing food.(obligation= the speaker thinks that it is important)You have to break the brocoli into florets.(obligation=it's part of the job)We don't have to cut them into small pieces.(no obligation= it's not necessary)You mustn't put butter in that.(prohibition= don't do it!)On utilise must et have to pour parler d'une obligation.Ils sont suivis de la base verbale du verbe.On utilise must dans uen situation o celui qui parle pense que c'est important.I must finish before lunch.On utilise have to / has to quand l'obligation provient d'un rglement, d'une source extrieure celui qui parle.We have to check the stock every day. (It's part of the job)On utilise don't have to/ doesn't have to quand il n'y a pas d'obligation dans un rglement ou une situation.I don't have to clean the shelves every day (It isn't a rule of the job)On utilise mustn't quand il y a une interdiction. You mustn't smoke in the kitchen. (Don't do it)On utilise had to (le prtrit de have to) pour exprimer une obligation dans le pass.We had to work late yesterday.

2.1. Complete the sentences using must, have to, don't have to, mustn'tYou .................... have clean hands in the kitchen.

The staff ..................... wash their hands in the food preparation sinks.

We ..................... start work at 8.00am

I ....................... (not work) on Sundays.

We ...................... prepare the vegetables before 11.30

You ....................... leave food on the floor.

Customers .................... wait too long between their dishes.

The kitchen porters ................. scrape the new potatoes.

2.2 Complete the text with must or have toRobbie and Dirk work in the kitchen. They .................. prepare the vegetables for unch every morning. Also, they ................... chop onions and peel carrots. They .................. wash their hands in the hand basin before touching food. They ............... wash the kitchen floors every day and they ................. clean the bins regularly. They ................... remember to put the rubbish in the correct bins for food or general rubbish.

Listen to the following 5 sentences and repeat them. Pay attention to the pronunciation, fluency, intonation. Ecoutez les 5 noncs et rptez-les. Soignez la pronociation, la fluidit, l'intonation. Cherchez imiter le locuteur que vous avez entendu. Put the instructions in the right order.Memorize the cooking verbs.Then explain the recipe aloud with short but full sentences .Pour tre capable de rendre compte d'une succession d'instructions. Pensez aux mots de liaison qui vont structurer votre prise de parole: First (d'abord, en premier, avant tout), Then ou Next (ensuite, aprs), Finally ou at the end (finalement, la fin). Il faut aussi mmoriser les verbes qui dcrivent une comptence culinaire bien spcifique chaque fois.Salsa verde add some olive oil to the mixture until smooth. The chop some anchovies and capers and add to the herbs First, chop the mint, basil, and parsley Add salt and pepper and serve Mix this with some vinegar and mustard

Look at the following steps, which could be used in any recipe.Re-write the words in the correct order. The first one is done for you

Read the recipe carefully Measure exactly Collect utensils

Set oven temperature Collect ingredients Mix carefully

Bake or cook as directed Complete preparation of ingredients

Vocabulaire. Cooking verbsMatch the definitions with the verbs and then complete the recipes on the next page.Associer les verbes anglais leur dfinition en franais et complter les recettes.roastCuire dans de l'eau bouillante

fryMettre un ingrdient avec un autre

boilCuire une viande ou des pommes de terre dans un four en ajoutant de l'huile ou de la graisse

addMlanger un liquide ou une sauce avec un objet comme une cuiller en bois

peelAmener une cuisinire une certaine temprature avant d'y mettre un plat

chopPresser un citron par exemple avec les main pour en extraire le jus

preheatCuire des aliments dans de l'huile chaude ou du beurre sur une source de chaleur

stirEnlever la peau d'un fruit ou d'un lgume


heat upCouper en petits morceaux

Utilisez un verbe de prparation culinaire dans les recettes ci-dessous:Recipe 1: Duck with orange and honey sauce 1 duck 4 tablespoons of oil 1 carrot, 2 onions, 3 oranges 2 teaspoons of honey parsley, pepper, salt1____________________ the oven to 190 C. Firstly, 2__________________ the carrot into small pieces and 3____________________ the onion. 4 __________________ the oil in a pan and 5 _____________________ the vegetables for about 10 minutes. When they are ready, place them with the duck in a roasting tin and put in the oven. 6_______________________ the duck for about 1 hour 15 minutes. Next, 7 _______________________the juice from the oranges and mix it with the honey. When the duck is ready, place it on a serving plate and decorate with parsley.

Recipe 2: Spaghetti with marinara sauce 250g spaghetti 2 tablespoons of olive oil 1.5 cans of chopped tomatoes chopped garlic and onion parsley, pepper, saltIn a large saucepan, 1 ____________________ the onion and garlic in the olive oil for a few minutes. 2 ______________________ the chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper and parsley to the saucepan. 3 _______________________with a wooden spoon. Cook on a low heat for about 30 minutes. In a large pan, 4 ___________________ the pasta according to the instructions on the packet. Mix the pasta with the sauce and 5 _______________________ warm.

What do you think of the recipes above? Would you like to try them out? Why/why not?

Vocabulaire des termes culinaires.Dans le chapitre prcdent, certains termes ont dj t abords pour dcrire un plat.Faites bien attention si vous utilisez le verbe au particpe pass ou le verbe l'infinitif ou l'impratif (c'est la mme forme en anglais, l'impratif est appel infinitif sans to)

la nageboiled


cuit la brocheroasted on the spit

cuit au charbon de boiscooked over charcoal

cuit l'touffestewed

cuit au court-bouilloncooked in vegetable broth

cuit au fourbaked

cuit au vin blanccooked in white wine

cuit au vin rougecooked in red wine

cuit en cocottecooked in a casserole







panfried in breadcrumbs




Shredded shredded cheesefromage rp

Sliced sliced mushrooms champignons mincs

Chopped chopped parsleypersil hach

Minced minced meatviande hache

Crumbled crumbled rusks biscottes miettes

Diced diced hamjambon coup en ds

Halved halved tomatoestomates rduites de moiti (par pr cuisson)

Dried dried garlicail dshydrat

Marinated marinated salmonsaumon marin

Drained drained olivesolives gouttes

Softened softened butterbeurre ramolli

Pre-bakedpre-baked bread doughpte pain prcuite

Reduced-fatreduced-fat meat stockbouillon dgraiss

Faire cuireTo cook

Faire cuire au fourTo bake

Faire mijoterTo stew

Faire revenir
Faire frire To brown
To fry

Faire rtirTo roast

Faire griller de la viandeTo grill

Faire griller du painTo toast

Faire bouillirTo boil

Faire blanchir des lgumesTo blanch

Assaisonner (sel, poivre, pices)To add salt, pepper, spices
To season

Agrmenter d'une sauceTo flavour with sauce

Allonger une sauceTo thin a sauce

Beurrer un mouleTo grease a baking tin with butter

Beurrer du painTo butter

Faire la vaisselleTo do the dishes
to do the washing-up

Essuyer la vaisselleTo dry up

Essuyer (un plan de travail)To wipe

Eponger nettoyer avec l'pongeTo wipe up to sponge

Essuyer un liquide To mop up
To wipe (off)

Cuisiner / faire la cuisineTo cook

Prparer le repasTo prepare the meal

CouperTo cut

Couper en tranchesTo slice

mincerTo slice thinly

Hacher de la viandeTo mince

Hacher (oignon, persil)To chop

Moudre, piler, craserTo grind

Rper To grate
To shred

Eplucher To peel

Describe your recipeWork in pairs. Think about your favourite recipe. Describe it to your partner.

1) Hello! Before __________________ your vegetables[ ]freezing[ ]peeling[ ]frying2) on the work surface, you'd better __________________ it up.[ ]cook[ ]wipe[ ]butter3) I'd like a goat cheese pizza, but could you add some thinly __________________ mushrooms[ ]softened[ ]boiled[ ]sliced4) and extra __________________ cheese, please?[ ]shredded[ ]blanched[ ]chopped5) My cake is not beautiful: I've forgotten to __________________ my tin with butter.[ ]grease[ ]peel[ ]roast6) It needs four hours for a 'pot au feu' to be __________________.[ ]grated[ ]grinded[ ]stewed7) Half way through you must taste the meat stock and __________________ it more if necessary.[ ]season[ ]fry[ ]mop8) What about a breakfast with a good cup of coffee, an orange juice and three slices of __________________[ ]toasted[ ]blanched[ ]boiled9) and __________________ bread ?[ ]buttered[ ]softened[ ]crumbled10) Be careful ! Your cream is trickling down the sides of the saucepan. Give me a sponge to __________________ before mum's arrival.[ ]washing it up[ ]mop it up[ ]whip it up

Oven Temperatures

- Look at the descriptions of temperatures below.- They say if a number of degrees are hot or cold- Put the words /colours from the list in the correct spaces (the words can be used twice)

Cool Fairly Hot Moderate Hot Hot Very Hot







3Fairly Hot


4Moderate Hot


5Moderate Hot






8Very Hot

Recipe AbbreviationsAn abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or some letters from that word are used.For example: Post Office is often shortened to PO.A name like Timothy can be shortened to Tim.

We do the same with many words in recipes.

Kilogram Kg Gram g Millilitre ml Litre ltrDegrees Celsuis CTablespoon tabsp.Teaspoon tsp.

Recipe CostingThe selling price of a dish includes the cost of ingredients + labour cost + profit margin.Selling price = cost of ingredients + labour cost + profit margin + hidden costs (les cots cachs)

What are the hidden costs? Can you give examples ?power for cooking, safe storage, lighting : lectricit pour la conservation, l'clairagewater for washing, cooking, cooling and cleaning : l'eau pour laver, cuisiner, refroidir, nttoyerpackaging, crockery, cutlery : conditionnement (vaisselle, couverts) ingredient weight loss during cooking : perte de poids des ingrdients pendant la cuisson)cost of premises, insurance: cot des lieux, assuranceinitial and replacement cost of equipment: cot de l'quipement (cot initial et de renouvellement)advertising: (publicit)

In short, we can say that the price of a dish includes many things.

4. British food best in the world.

A British restaurant that serves bacon and egg ice cream has been voted the best place in the world to eat. The Fat Duck restaurant, near London, was at the top of Restaurant magazines list of The Worlds 50 Best Restaurants. The owner and head chef Heston Blumenthal opened his restaurant ten years ago. He has quickly developed a reputation for experimental and unique dishes. His menu includes leather, oak and tobacco chocolates, sardine on toast sorbet, snail porridge, and mousse dipped in liquid nitrogen. He taught himself how to cook and is now famous for this new style of cooking, which is called molecular gastronomy. It mixes chemistry, physics, food and flavour to make unusual taste combinations. Britain, the home of fish and chips, is famous for tasteless and boring food. However, it seems things are changing: in addition to the Fat Ducks award, London was named in March by Gourmet magazine as the Gourmet Capital of the World.

Top ten world restaurants:1. The Fat Duck, Bray, Berkshire2. El Bulli Montjoi, Spain3. The French Laundry, Yountville, California4. Tetsuyas, Sydney, Australia5. Gordon Ramsay, London6. Pierre Gagnaire, Paris7. Per Se, New York8. Tom Aikens, London9. Jean Georges, New York10. St John, London


The document is an ....................... taken from the website of the .........................

The Guardian is a famous ...........................................

This article was posted on the Internet on ......................................

The journalist is ............................................

The headline reads .....................................

It is like the instructions of a .................................... but it's very strange.

There is a subheadline. It reads .........................................

The article is about the fact that............................................................................. in the world in 2005.

Complete the sentence with the words below.
bottom- Duck- first- chicken- list-
In the headline, the Fat .................. refers to a restaurant 'there are capital letters. It's a proper name). In the ranking................. at the ...................... of the page, we can see The Fat Duck comes .................... It is a good name because a fat duck also refers to a big ........................ !

TRUE / FALSE: Look at the articles headline and guess whether these sentences are true or false:A British restaurant serves bacon and egg ice cream. T / FA British restaurant won the title of best restaurant in the world. T / FThe head chef cooks traditional English dishes. T / FThe head chef studied at a French cooking school. T / FBritain is the home of fish and chips. T / FLondon was named as the gourmet capital of the world. T / F
Find the answers in the text.Where is the restaurant located?

Who is the owner of the restaurant?

When did he open his restaurant?

How did he develop his reputation?

What do you call this gastronomy?

Can you give some dishes on the menu?

Can you give a famous British dish?

Where is the gourmet capital of the world?

Entranez-vous rpondre aux questions suivantes. Prenez le temps de prparer vos rponses. Utilisez un dictionaire si besoin. Do you agree with what you read ? (tes-vous d'accord avec ce que vous avez lu?)

Would you like to eat at the Fat Duck restaurant?

Do you think molecular gastronomy will become popular?

Do you think your countrys food is the tastiest in the world?

Whats the strangest thing youve ever eaten?

1.1.1The document is about food. It is a recipe. It is the recipe of a dessert. It's a British desert. It's a bread and butter pudding. It's a desert from Great Britain.1.1.2This document is a recipe from a magazine published in March 2002. At the top left of the page, there is a textAt the bottom of the page, there is the name of the recipe and a photo1.1.3Temps de prparation : 10'Temps de cuisson : .45 50'Temprature du four : 180Nombre de portions : sixNombre de calories par portion : 300Quantit de graisse par portion : 14gQuantit de glucides (hydrate de carbone) par portion : 35g115 preheat,

1.1.6oven, dish, bowlPreheat the oven (mark 4). Grease the dish with fat Spread the butter over the bread. Cut the slices of bread in half diagonally. Arrange the slices in the dish. Sprinkle the currants and sultanas over the top. Beat the eggs, milk, sugar andspices in a bowl with the mixture over the bread and leave to soak for 30 mn.bake in the oven for 45 mn. Serve with cream.Usecutspreadbeatpoursoakbake1.41 4 6 7 2 3 9 10 5 11 8 122.1must, mustn't, have to, don't have to, have to, mustn't, mustn't, don't have to2.2have to- have to- must- have to- have to- must3peelingwipeslicedshreddedgreasestewedseasontoastedbutteredmop it up

Explanations:2) work surface = plan de travail3) goat cheese = fromage de chvreshredded cheese = fromage rpstostock = bouillon4article- Guardian- British newspaper- 19 April 2005 (nineteen of April two thousand and five)- Richard Jinman- "Mix snail, porridge, sardine sorbet, anbd you have a fat Duck"- recipe-UK village restaurantvoted best in world- a British restaurant was voted best restaurant

F-T-F-F-T-TIt's located near London, in England

The owner is Heston Blumenthal

He opened his restaurant ten years ago.

He developped his reputation by experimenting unique dishes.

Molecular gastronomy

leather, oak and tobacco chocolates, sardine on toast sorbet, snail porridge, and mousse dipped in liquid nitrogen are dishes on the menu.

Fish and chips

the gourmet capital of the world was London in 2005 when the article was written.

top related