6 career changes i would make if i had a time machine

Post on 11-Aug-2014






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The 6 pieces of career advice I wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self.


6 Career Changes I’d Make if I Had a Time Machine

By: Brendan Reid, Author of “Stealing the Corner Office”

My name is Brendan and I’m about to turn 40.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about 25 year old me.

Me Now

25 Year Old Me


grey hair

Mostly I’ve been thinking about how many mistakes I

made early in my career.

Sometimes I really wish I had one of these …

So I could go back and give 25 year old me some advice.

Don’t eat the lentil stew off the back of this truck … please …

25 year old Me

Stretch before you get on that camel … trust me

Re-think the blue necklace

Here are the 6 pieces of career advice I would give 25

year old me if I had a time machine.

1. Spend more time learning new skills.

You’re going to work for many companies. Your skills will travel with you but your results will largely be forgotten.

2. Stop trying to prove how smart you are.

Being smart is nice but helping other people achieve success shows leadership.

That is what will get you promoted.

3. Don’t jump ship at the first sign of trouble.

Sometimes your best chances to get promoted come during hard times. Stay

loyal for longer and it will pay off.

4. Give people a reason to root for your success.

To get ahead in a company, you need other people to want you to succeed. Show people why they should cheer for you.

5. Dedicate yourself to understanding customers.

The most valuable person in a company is the one who best understands the customer.

Become the customer needs expert.

6. Don’t fight to the death for any one idea.

Its not about who’s right – its about whatis right. Don’t fight too hard for your own ideas. People won’t like working with you.

If you liked this and want to read some more interesting

career advice. Check these out:

Check out my Book

My Career Blog

My Twitter Feed

By: Brendan Reid, Author of “Stealing the Corner Office”

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