5th semester final project

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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5th Semester Final Project

Alexia de Santiago

First Project

My Autobiography

With this project we had the opportunity to talk to all of our classmates about our life. It was great, because I love my life so much that I would like to share it to the whole world. .

I also had the chance to know a little about the people with whom I spend a big part of the day, so I think it is important for us, to have the security to do it.

Second ProjectAccesibilities for disabled people

This 2nd period project was a little bit more difficult than the first one, I usually get really nervous when speaking in front of a camera or in front of much people, I am really shy when doing that, and that is what happened during this interview. I went to other places and literally no one could speak english, I was also really surprised when I realized that not many places have accesibilities for disabled people, and in case that there is a facility for them, people usually don't respect it, like for example, people park in special parking lots for disabled people.

Another part of the project was to make a spot about saving the environment.The first spot was about taking care of the water.It was really funny.

The second spot was about separating trash.

Third Project


The third project was to make a play, I personally had a lot of fun, I liked a lot the play we performed. It happened the same thing that happened last period to me, I could easily act and talk with a lot of self-confidence, something I usually find almost impossible.

I don’t like to be standing in front of a lot of people because I get nervous but with this projects I am learning how to do it, and in the play I wasn’t nervous and I loved to realize that I am finally getting over that kind of things.

It was not that easy because we left everything for the last week so we only had like 5 days to prepare everything and to make the rehearsals and get the costumes, but I think in the end everybody had a good attitude and we performed a good play.


I REALLY enjoyed the other plays, I think they all did a great job.

Well, in conclusion, I loved this third period project.

In conclusion I really enjoyed this semester, I think we can learn more practicing and not only answering pages on a book. I know I always complained about having to upload everything to the blog, and youtube and that things, but that´s because I am not an expert doing that, and I am also a little bit lazy :) but I learned how to do it.I also realized sometimes you have to have to get used to the way your teacher works, and you have to adapt to it.

I love my teacher :)


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