5 ways to crush your quota with sales automation

Post on 23-Aug-2014






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Dear sales teams of the world: it’s time to start paying attention to automation. It’s not just a marketing tool anymore. It just might be the most powerful tool you have to beat your quota this quarter. Learn why sales automation will help you beat your quota. Every. Single. Quarter.


Ways to CRUSHYour Quota withSales Automation5

Presented by

Automation isn’t just for marketers anymore.

of the purchase decision is 60%


completed before a prospect even engages*, you can’t cold call your way to success. You can’t spam your way there, either.

* http://www.executiveboard.com/exbd-resources/content/digital-evolution/index.html

It’s a tough pill for sales teams to swallow, but prospecting has changed

the buyer’s in control

cold calling is


marketing owns the customer relationship

it’s all about the conversation




To beat quotas, sales people need to change, too.

Maximize the time you spend engaging prospects & building pipeline...& minimize the time you spend

on everything else

ways that prospecting with sales automation will help you crush your numbers5


That’s Where Sales Automation Comes In

Nurture Prospects at Scale

Engage and Nurture Your Prospects Free 7-Day Trial

1If you’re nurturing prospects manually (you know who you are), you need to stop right now.

Not only is it a huge drain on your time, there’s a good chance those mass CRM emails are winding up in spam folders anyway...and they aren’t helping you or your prospects.*


* http://www.homestretchmktg.com/salesforce-mass-email/

Nurture Prospects at Scale Automated Sales Solution

Powerful and Efficient Sales Prospecting Start Trial

With sales automation, you can easily add prospects to multi-touch drip campaigns that automate the initial outreach, alerting you when prospects respond.

You can automate targeted messages to thousands of leads at once, allowing you to spend time with the ones who are most engaged. A/B test to optimize your content, as well.


Personalize every email

Create Campaigns > Add Prospects > Measure Success Free 7-Day Trial

2How many touches does it take to get a response these days? It used to be 5. Now we’re hearing it’s as high as 13*

You want to tailor your follow-up emails based on a prospects previous activity, but even if you use an email tracking tool, it could take hours to stay on top of who’s opening and clicking emails.


* http://www.onlinemarketinginstitute.org/blog/2013/10/why-it-takes-7-to-13-touches-to-deliver-a-qualified-sales-lead-part1/

Personalize every email Automated Sales Solution

Create More Opportunities & Revenue Nurture Prospects

Not only can you automate outreach to thousands of prospects, you can even customize your emails based on their activities.

Clicked on a case study? Send a related industry report.

Last 3 emails ignored? Try the infamous “break-up email.”


Remove Prospects Ready to Engage

Powerful and Efficient Sales Prospecting Free 7-Day Trial

3It happens to the best of us. You reach out to a prospect and - BAM! - they write you back...

...everything is going great until you FORGET TO REMOVE them from your nurture list and accidentaly send them a mass email. D’oh!


Remove Prospects Ready to Engage Automated Sales Solution

Reduce Time Spent Manually Prospecting Start Trial

With sales automation, you can easily “eject” prospects that are ready to engage, so they’re removed from your drip campaigns

Engaged prospects don’t receive any emails. Your campaigns are not disrupted. Everyone is happy!


Measure Response Rates

Create Campaigns > Add Prospects > Measure Success Free 7-Day Trial

4It’s the perennial pain of the modern sales team. How do you know what’s actually working?

Chances are, you’re using some combination of spreadsheets and CRM reporting to manually keep track of response rates and top-performing messages.

Measure Response Rates Automated Sales Solution

Engage and Nurture Your Prospects Engage Prospects

Sales automation lets you measure your success with real-time reports on which messages resonate and which ones don’t, so you never have to track emails response rates in another spreadsheet again.

Log Activities in Salesforce

Create More Opportunities & Revenue Free 7-Day Trial

5“I love logging all my activities in Salesforce.com,” said no one ever.

Manually logging activities is a huge time-waster (in fact, burdensome tasks are the #3 reason reps don’t meet their quotas, according to a recent report*), and we think it’s about time we consigned it to the dustbin of history.

* http://www.qvidian.com/sites/default/files/resource/Sales-Execution-Trends-2014.pdf

Log Activities in Salesforce Automated Sales Solution

Powerful and Efficient Sales Prospecting Start Trial

Let sales automation do it for you!

The right tool should integrate with Salesforce.com, and keep track of every email a prospect receives. You won’t have to lift a finger, unless it’s to pick up the phone and call a hot prospect.

CoPilot is the fastest and simplest way to scale your prospecting, grow your pipeline, and crush your quota.


Ready to Embrace Automation & Beat Your Sales Targets?

Free 7-Day Trial

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