5 steps to increased energy - level2health.com · 5 steps to increased energy follow this simple...

Post on 27-Dec-2019






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5 steps to increased energy Follow this simple guide and watch your energy increase over what it is now. All it takes is for you to apply these steps and let your body start to feel like “doing” again. As you saw in the video or read in the PDF titled “The Great Deception” you have been marketed to by some savvy people that have nothing more than their bottom line in mind and nothing about their message has to do with your health. Start your revolution toward being healthier and more alive by becoming more aware. Start with these Fatigue busting steps and you will notice yourself “waking up” again.

Here are the steps :(please, please, please take the time to do these. I can’t come over to your house to make you do them, but if you will make an honest effort you will see a change. O.K. ….deal?......Good!)

Step One: Cut The sugar that is hidden is one of the biggest culprits that rob our energy so our highest priority just as I talked about in the video and in the PDF “The Great Deception” is to cut the sugar. So, the first thing to do is find it and believe you me the makers of our food are masters of hiding it in foods that they convince us are healthy for us. Let’s become our own CSI agents and head to our pantry,

refrigerator or cupboard and find what is hiding there.

Fatigue Busters 5 steps to Energy

Remember, we are not here to judge or criticize, we are on a fact finding mission. Simple…..what have we been eating and what’s in it, nothing else. Now, lets go do the first task! Remember you are an agent for your own health and that of your families, if you don’t know what’s in the food either will they. Here we go……… have fun with this…..I should have a contest for the person who finds the most sugar!! Here’s your mission(if you decide to except it……..) Go to your cupboard, pantry and fridge and look at the items it contains(especially anything boxed, bottled or canned) Look for the word “Fructose” (Public enemy #1) Look for other words that end in “ose” If you find “Fructose” in an item set in a separate space on the counter top or if the item needs to remain refrigerated than separate it from the other items in there. Once you have these items separated from the others make a list of the “Fructose” carriers. These are the items you will need to eliminate or greatly reduce in your diet.

Write your list of Public enemy #1 items here: Item: Fructose Carrier

Step One: Cut( Part 2) Cut out negativity and become grateful with what you have. I will go into greater detail in upcoming sections but this is a must if you want to boost your energy. You are who you are and there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself; in fact GOOD for YOU! At least knowing and being grateful for who we are and where we are at in life gives us a starting point and empowers us to move ahead and forget about the past. From here on out……Clean the slate!! Stop being for someone else and start being for yourself. More on this in upcoming videos….you will be amazed when you do this and how freeing this can be and make you feel lighter, powerful and energized like never before!

Step Two: Move

In this very important step you need to start where you are at literally. If you can only walk from the couch to the kitchen and back then that’s where you start. But you must start moving*(read the disclaimer below), your body needs it to energize it’s systems. You add a little more movement each day until you are getting 20- 30 minutes of good old fashion sweating producing workout in your day. And yes, it must raise your heart rate to be effective. Move it!! Or lose it!! Is the big lesson here, in fact we age faster the less we move. Movement helps: Improve circulation. It helps the bowels eliminate waste products faster. It lowers our blood pressure. Improves the action of the lymph system that carries away swelling and other

nasties Improve joint health Overall balance and brain function I could add 100 more but you get the point…….

Movement is a must to stop fatigue from robbing your life from you. And if you are running two ultra marathons per month(and you are fatigued……well you got some other problems that I can’t go into in this section, but here’s a hint: maybe you need to dial it back a little and get some rest!)

*Before starting any exercise program consult your doctor

Step Three: Drink

Your body is not 2/3rds diet coke, mountain dew or vitamin water or some other sport drink. It’s not!! I don’t care how cool the commercials are or how good looking and happy the actors are in those commercials. Putting that stuff into your body is like a junkie injecting their latest drug. Only one thing……and get this, sugar is more addictive than cocaine!! Yes, laboratory research showed that Rats given the choice between sugar and cocaine chose sugar, even after they were already addicted to cocaine! The rats would go through more challenges, even ones that would cause bodily harm to get their fix of sugar. So, did you do the task in step one? Do you now know how to make people eat more of your food items? If you guessed “put in a little sugar” you nailed it. A story that circulates around in the marketing world goes like this: The lecturer will stand up in front of the audience and ask “What does McDonalds sell?” and the resounding answer would be?_______________________________ Most of the people would answer “Hamburgers” but the lecturer would state that they were wrong, but not completely. “Hamburgers keep the lights on, but the brown sugar water makes the CEO’s millions” The margin for making money on the sugar water(that’s all soda pop is….no matter what anyone tells you) is so huge, that they don’t want the public to know where they make all their money. “Can I supersize that for you?” “Yes, please” cha-ching….another new Mercedes! Now I don’t want to pick on McDonalds because every one of the fast food restaurants are knowledgeable of this method and use it wisely. You have a choice in what you put into your body and you will learn to do that better in upcoming videos. In the meantime, type this into your browser and watch it in its entirety: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7Tv_mihMBA It will have you second guessing eating out for all the right reasons.

Water is the key to fighting fatigue. It is the one and only thing that every system in the body uses for survival and fighting off disease. In fact the body cannot survive without it and being chronically dehydrated is one of the biggest things that allow toxic build ups in the body to happen. You need it to flush out the bad stuff and water is the one thing that does it. Start today, absolutely without question getting in more water and stop drinking those other so called health drinks. Dedicate yourself to getting in at least 4 full glasses each day….that will be a good start then you can add more as you start to move more(Step two). Watch your energy rise without all that sugar.

Step Four: Eat (eat Fresh and feel Fresh) Veggies are king when it comes to energizing the body. Dark green, yellow, red all chocked full of vitamins. Fresh is the key to energizing the body. Everything we eat is cooked to “death” literally. Cooking at high temperatures kills all the healthy enzymes and natural vitamins contained in our foods. Meats don’t have to be burnt to be done just heated to the proper temperature. The old saying “eat to live” is the most powerful thing in your arsenal. Many people however are coerced by big food marketing to “live to eat”. It has been said that parents have approximately 1,000 encounters with their child per year to teach them proper nutrition choices, but the marketers entice the child with more than 10,000 encounters through their advertising on T.V. commercials, radio ads, newspaper ads, billboards and other media all focused on children. What’s a frustrated mother to do when the kids won’t listen?........Use the power of a sugar fix of course. “If you be good I will take you to McDonalds, Burger King or Wendy’s or ________________.” How can they compete against these odds ? To bust your fatigue you got to get focused and tough and know what is going in. Here is where size matters.

We are eating and being served portion sizes three to ten times larger than we were just 10 years ago. The bad thing about that is the psychology behind it…..this has us choosing our favorite restaurant or home food choice on sheer volume alone. In order to be successful at getting our energy up and still feeding that psychological addiction to size; we have to fool our body. We are going to do it the same way that those T.V commercials entice you into joining their weight loss programs. You know the ones, the Jenny Craig’s, Weight Watchers, 6 week Body Makeover or any of the others which show mounds of delicious foods on a plate at the same time telling you that you can have your cake and eat it too. Well, they are right…. you can, but to do it properly you have to fool your eyes and brain. A big way is to take all the plates you eat your food off of and replace them with smaller plates. Yes, we are fooling it by giving it oversized portions it is begging us for but we do that with high volume low caloric foods. Did you get that ? Little plates full of food has us eat less calories.

Lesson here is: less in = more energy out (research is backing this up) More on this later I have written about this subject before in my blog @ http://stnhc.wordpress.com/2009/12/06/this-kitchen-u…ople-than-guns/ Where I talked about the kitchen utensil that kills more people than guns which is the fork if you don’t remember. This is very powerful for you to understand……your body needs fuel to run on. Not, as we found out before, sugar water or junk food. Oh, it can operate on if for awhile but the toxic load on the body shows up with chronic illnesses that seem unrelated to food.

Step Five: Sleep

This restorer of energy that has to be protected by whatever means are necessary.

I don’t think you have to go as far as arming small little furry creatures in your yard, but realize every day things are trying to rob sleep from you and you cannot just write yourself an I.O.U. and keep going. Your body breaks down incredibly fast without proper sleep. But everybody does it and thinks they are doing fine.

Paying off your sleep debt

Your body can’t just bounce back from not sleeping enough. Sleep deprivation continues to add up to what is called “sleep debt”. A sleep debt can range from one night’s very poor sleep to the accumulation of many days of not enough sleep. Although you won’t be getting letters from creditors if you ignore this sleep debt, not paying it off has you mortgaging your health, thus allowing your body to be in a constant state of breakdown.

Getting your sleep debt paid off and getting your body back to functioning normally again may seem difficult or impossible with work and family responsibilities. However, making up for lost sleep and improving future sleep habits will increase your energy, productivity and health in the long run.

Short term sleep debt

For a short term sleep debt, like a night or two of little sleep, you may just need a day or two of increased sleep to make it up. However, don’t try making this a habit. Making up sleep on the weekends so you can sleep less during the week, for example, is robbing Peter to pay Paul; it just disrupts your sleep pattern and makes your body crave something to wake it up (sugar and coffee anyone?). Your sleep will be better if you go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time each day.

Long term sleep debt

If you have been chronically sleep deprived, you will need to take a dedicated sleep vacation where you devote a few days to sleeping as long as needed. That’s what a vacation was designed for in the beginning, but now vacations are packed with so much activity that people have to go back to work to get some rest. Although it may seem excessive at first, sleep in and as much as your body needs and soon your body will revert to your optimum sleep needs.(You might find out that you like vacations again!!)

Follow these steps to get sleep back into your life.

Get into a routine Sleep in a dark room…….and I mean dark. Shut off the lights and look for light

sneaking into the room or from the alarm clock, night lite or other light emitting electrical devices.

Use blinders or eye mask if you can’t get the room completely dark. Stop stealing sleep and not paying back the debt; overspending in the financial

world will collapse your bank account. Overspending and causing sleep debt will cause you to collapse. Finances can be recovered, maybe you can’t…..don’t push it!!

Research tells us to, if we a reader at night to read something spiritual or religious instead of the latest thriller(“who done it?”) or the latest self help book. The last two stimulate our brain activities to high levels …..not a good thing when we need to sleep.

The Sleep stages and brain activity stages shown below is a reference for you to see how sleep helps the body heal and energize.

Stage 1 (Drowsiness) - Stage 1 lasts just five or ten minutes. Eyes move slowly under the eyelids, muscle activity slows down, and you are easily awakened.

Stage 2 (Light Sleep) - Eye movements stop, heart rate slows, and body temperature decreases.

Stages 3 & 4 (Deep Sleep) - You’re difficult to awaken, and if you are awakened, you do not adjust immediately and often feel groggy and disoriented for several minutes. Deep sleep allows the brain to go on a little vacation needed to restore the energy we expend during our waking hours. Blood flow decreases to the brain in this stage, and redirects itself towards the muscles, restoring physical energy. Research also shows that immune functions increase during deep sleep.

REM sleep (Dream Sleep) – At about 70 to 90 minutes into your sleep cycle, you enter REM sleep. You usually have three to five REM episodes per night. This stage is associated with processing emotions, retaining memories and relieving stress. Breathing is rapid, irregular and shallow, the heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, males may have penile erections, and females may have clitoral enlargement.

Are you getting enough sleep? This little guideline will help see where you are at with the average need. Remember, each person is different. Sleep amount vary and if you are one of the mortgagers of sleep…you are going to need more!!

Group Amount of Sleep Needed Infants About 16 hours per day of sleep Babies and toddlers From 6 months to 3 years: between 10 and 14 hours per day. Infants and

young children generally get their sleep from a combination of nighttime sleep and naps.

Children Ages 3 to 6: between 10 and 12 hours of sleep

Ages 6 to 9: about 10 hours of sleep

Ages 9 to 12: about 9 hours of sleep Teenagers About 9 hours of sleep per night. Teens have trouble getting enough

sleep not only because of their busy schedules, but also because they are biologically programmed to want to stay up later and sleep later in the morning, which usually doesn’t mesh with school schedules.

Adults For most adults, 7 to 8 hours a night appears to be the best amount of sleep.

Older adults Older adults are also thought to need 7-8 hours of sleep. However, this sleep may be for shorter time spans, is lighter than a younger adult’s, and may include a nap during the day.

Pregnant women During pregnancy, women may need a few more hours of sleep per night, or find that they need small catnaps during the day.

I hope you enjoyed this information packed report, but more importantly I hope you truly engaged in the tasks that were asked of you to perform. By doing these seemingly simple things you will see your energy levels increase over what they are now and for most of you drastically so.

It really comes down to having the knowledge of how things really work. Without having the proper knowledge we have to work hard at surviving especially in a world that has us believing what the “marketers” want us to believe is something that will give us health and vitality.

Guess what? You already have that in you…..it just has been smothered in “junk” foods backed by junk science.

And another thing…..right now it’s hardly your fault. How can you compete against all the media hype that bombards you every single day of what is suppose to be “good” for you.

Your only defense is getting the “knowledge” and being “aware” of how lost and deceived we really are when it comes to our health.

By being aware we raise our health to the next level. In this series I intend to help you rise up to the next level.

I think the name Level 2 Health says it all……I hope you enjoy the next installment

of this series. Please leave a comment on the blog and let me know if you have any other health concerns or if we are on tract in helping you get a healthier outlook.

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