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AureliaTIPremium trunk piston engine oil for extreme running conditions

AureliaTI PPrreemmiiuumm ttrruunnkk ppiissttoonn eennggiinnee ooiill ffoorr eexxttrreemmee rruunnnniinngg ccoonnddiittiioonnss

Results of Aurelia TI test periodDeveloped by TOTALLubmarine Research & Development

Aurelia TI is a premium productdesigned to cope with extremeworking conditions; it has undergoneintense laboratory, bench andengine tests along with a full set ofservice trials to prove its outstandingperformance. It has also beenapproved by all major diesel engine OEMs.

Before launch, Aurelia TI successfullyunderwent 67,000 hours of testingon marine engines and marine dieselpower plants, proving:

� even at high pressure itguarantees the presence of alubricating film, reducing enginecomponent wear

� easy water elimination in cases ofeither fresh or salt contamination,facilitating easy filtration and theremoval of insoluble contaminants

� the rapid neutralisation of acidsformed by high sulphur burning,avoiding acid corrosion

� a reduction in lacquers, deposits,oil degradation, piston groovesand undercrown deposits.

Aurelia TI,excellent enginecleanlinessproperties ensure quickturnarounds and a consequentreduction inmaintenance costs.


Aurelia TI is specially designed forthe lubrication of medium-speedmarine diesel engines operating on poor-quality fuel oil when asubstantial safety margin is required.

Aurelia TI is outstanding on difficult-to-lubricate medium speed enginesoperating under severe conditionswhere fuel contamination and/orrapid viscosity increase causeproblems. It delivers a high level of detergency and dispersancy,excellent viscosity increase control and exceptionally cleanengine lubrication.

Especially suited to engines where a substantial alkalinity reserve isrequired, it is also ideal for bearings,stern-tubes and reduction gears.

Test Existing products Aurelia TI

Fuel compatibility



Thermal resistance

Oxidation resistance

Water resistance


Antiwear extremepressure


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“Aurelia TI has a very good performancerecord, especially with regard to enginecleanliness. Excellent levels of cleanlinesswere clearly evident in the enginelubricated with Aurelia TI.”

MAN Diesel

A Wärtsilä 12V46 B cylinder liner after 4022 hours

“The engine components in contact with thelubricating oil were very clean, especiallyremarkable was the cleanliness of the pistonshaker room .”

MAN Diesel

“I think that TI is an exceptional lubricant interms of detergency and dispersancyproperties…I have never seen such aclean engine after 6000 running hoursburning HFO”

Peristyle, power plant manager

� High resistance to the negativeeffects of contamination withresidual fuel

� Avoids the formation of sludge and asphaltenic residues, thusenhancing fuel pump reliability

� Ensures high cleanliness of hotengine parts – especially pistontop and undercrown

� Performs at high temperatures

� Excellent control of viscosity increase

� Reduced build-up of heavydeposits in the crankcase andother cooler parts of the engine

� Maintains engine performance and efficiency in cases of water contamination.

The formulation allows forlonger life avoiding the needfor top-ups, leading to lowerlubricant running costs.

Benefits of Aurelia TI

A Pielstick 16 PA6B crankcase after 6223 hours

A MAN B&W 8L 58/64 piston under-crown after 4845 hours

Aurelia TI Range Characteristics

Diagomar Plus is a rapid lubricating oil analysis service that monitors the performance and condition of your marine engines and auxiliary machinery.

� High speed: fast analyses of lubricant samples with rapid delivery of results

� Efficient: test results are automatically transferred to a full historical database and are available online

� Reliable state of the art technology and equipment

� User-friendly: Straightforward and easy to use

� Convenient: three strategically located laboratories in Rotterdam, Singapore and Columbus (OH)

� Added value: Expert engineers provide diagnosis and comments on each analysis

More information under: www.diagomarplus.com

Diagomar Plus professional oil analysis

Flash Kinematic KinematicDensity Pour Point viscosity viscosity S.A.E. BN@ 15°C Point (COC) @ @ Grade (ex TBN)

ASTM D 92 40°C 100°C(kg/m³) (°C) (°C) (mm²/s) (mm²/s) (mgKOH/g)

Aurelia TI 3030 908 -12 >230 110 12 30 30

Aurelia TI 4030 910 -12 >230 140 14 40 30

Aurelia TI 4040 912 -9 >230 140 14 40 40

Aurelia TI 4055 924 -9 >230 140 14 40 55


TOTAL Lubrifiants562, avenue du Parc de l'Île

92029 Nanterre Cedex - FranceTel +33 1 41 35 48 02 - Fax +33 1 41 35 36 97


Global Technology, Local Service

Lubmarine is Total’s worldwide marine and power plant lubricants marketing and distribution network. It supplies industry-leading products in over 70 countries worldwide, backed up by a highly motivatedlocal service team.

Characteristics of this chart are indicative of typical values.

Photos courtesy of SeaFrance Rodin and Total - B

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