377312 the graviola tree

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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The Graviola Tree, A Wonderful Gift to Mankind by Almighty God (YHWH).

Genesis 1:29-30 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb

yielding seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree,

in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for

food: 30 and to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the

heavens, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there

is life, [I have given] every green herb for food: and it was so.

(American Standard Version)

There exist a wonderful tree deep in the rain forest of Brazil, the

Graviola, of the family = Annonaceae, Genus = Annona, Species =

Muricata, and common name of Soursop whose leaves, seeds, and fruit are

very beneficial for mankind and constitute a great gift to mankind from

our heavenly Father, Almighty God (YHWH).

Its fruit are a delight to eat being like white custard with a few

black seeds, and its leaves can be used for making a tea that is very

beneficial for mankind. How so? Both the fruit and its juice and

the tea made from its leaves have strong anti-cancer properties.

Research shows that with extracts from this miraculous tree it may bepossible to:

1. Conquer some cancers with this safe and effective all-natural

therapy which does not cause extreme nausea, weight loss and hair loss.

2. Protect your immune system and avoid some deadly infections.

3. Boost your energy and improve your outlook on life.

4. In many cases, it effectively targets and kills malignant cells in

12 types of cancer - including colon, breast, prostate, lund, and

pancreatic cancer.

The fact is that the tree compounds in this tree proved to be up to

10,000 times stronger in killinc some cancer cells than A Adrimycin, a

commonly used chemotherapeutic drug! What's more, unlike

chemotherapy, the compound extracted from the Graviola tree selectively

hunts down and kills only cancer cells.

The amazing anti-cancer properties of the Graviola tree have been

extensively researched, but the major drug companies are not interested

since they can not make any real money on it as it is not patentable.

Various parts of the Graviola tree, including the bark, leaves, roots,

fruit and seeds have been used for centuries by medicine men and native

Indians is South America for the treatment of heart disease, asthma,

liver problems and arthritis.

Web Resources include:

1. Clinical References and Abstracts on Graviola and Medline.

2. Clinical Research on Annonaceous acetogenins (A class of cytotoxic

chemicals in Graviola)

3. Ethnobotany Data (common names, uses, countries) from the

Ethnobotany Database.

4. Phytochemical information from the Phytochemical Database.

5. Pictures, Data and Cultivation Information from Purdue University.

6. Photograph from the University of Hawaii

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7. Data (Common names, uses, distribution) from the USDA/ARS NPGS's

GRIN taxonomic database).

8. Data (uses, distribution, wetland) from the USDA's plants database.)

Other uses and parts used, "Annona muricata L. Annonaceae. Fruit

edible fresh. Leaf dcocation used for catarrh in Piura; crushed seed

to kill parasites (FEO). Bar, roots and leaves are used in teas for

diabetes; also used as a sedative and antispasmodic (RVM). "Creoles"

use the decoction of the leaves and bark as a sedative, yet heart

tonic. Elsewhere used for chills, colds, diarrhea, dysentery,

dyspepsia, nervousness, palpitations, pediculosis, ringworm, sores and

internal ulcers (DAW). I have found the juice very effective against

mouth sores.

[reference - http://www.rain-tree.com/plants.htm]

The tree itself is a small evergreen tree of about 5 to 6 meters with

large dark green and glossy leaves which likes warm tropical climates

and a sufficient supply of water. All parts of the tree are used in

natural medicine in the tropics including the bark, leaves, roots,

fruit and fruit-seeds. Different properties are attributed to

different parts of the tree. Generally the fruit and the fruit juiceis used for parasites, to cool fever, to increase mother's milk after

childbirth, and as an astringent for diarrhea and dysentery. The

crushed seeds are used as a vermifuge and anthelmintic against internal

and external parasites and worms. The leaves, bark, and roots are used

or made in a tea for hypotensive and various other disorders.

Many bioactive compounds and phytochemicals have been found in the

Graviola and scientist have been studying it since the 1940s. In fact,

researchers re-verified Graviola's leaf hypotensive properties in rats

in 1991. Studies have shown that the leaf, bark, root, stem, and seeds

extracts of the Graviola are antibacterial in vitro against numerous

pathogens and that the bark has antifungal properties. Graviola seeds

demonstrated active antiparasit properties in a 1991 study, and a leaf

extract showed to be active against malariaa, a parasite disease, in

two other studies in 1990 and 1993.

In a 1976 plant screening program by the National Cancer Institute, the

leaves and stem of this tree showed active cytotoxicity against many

cancer cells and researchers are continuing to investigate. Much of

the research on this tree focuses on a novel set of phytochemicals

called 'annonaceous acetogenins.' The potent antitumor, pesticidal

and/or insect antifeedant properties of these 'annonaceous acetognins'

have been reported and patented. Research on various Annona species of

plants has yielded many extremely potent acetogenins. Many of them

have cytotoxicity with ED50 values as low as 10-9 ug/ml. Active

compounds have been submitted to the NIH anti-AIDS screen by Purdue

University, but the results have not been disclosed.

The Skaggs Scientific Report 1997-1998, states, 'Annonaceous

acetogenins, have remarkable cytotoxic, antihumor, antimalerial,

immunosuppressive, and antifeedant activities. [reference -


McLaughlin and associates described 14 Annona compounds that seem to be

potent ATP blockers. "This study tells us how to maximize this

activity, so we have a pretty good idea what compounds we'd like to try

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in animals with multi-drug resistant (MDR) tumore," said,

McLaughlin.[reference - J. L. McLaughlin, F.Q. Alali, W. Kaaken, and

G.W. Bennet, "Use of Annonaceous Acetogenins against Pesticide

Resistance, disclosed to Purdeu Research Foundation, October 15, 1997,


[source - Herbal Secrets of the Rainforest, By Leslie Taylor, ND, ISBN:

0-7570-0144-0 - note, I highly recommend this book to all.]

Now, Isn't it wonderful that Almighty God (YHWH) created these

wonderful tree as the Graviola for mankind?

To learn more, go to, http://religioustruths.proboards59.com/ 

Your Friend in Christ Iris89

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