32nd annual scary story contest book of winners 2015

Post on 30-Dec-2016






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Tattered Cover Book Store

32nd AnnualScary Story


Book OfWinners


There once was a ghost named Boo. She was white and she flew in the dark, dark night. When people went to bed, Book came inside their houses and flew up the stairs and played tricks on them—like turning their nightstand upside down every night. She did this to kids who got in trouble at school—like the ones who go to the principal’s office.

She would go to the homes of the kids who were good at school and if a bad ghost had come to their house to play tricks—she would fix their nightstand.

One day, she went to a girl named Jayda’s house and saw that everything was turned upside down—even the dog in his cage. And all of Jayda’s family was upside down. Jayda was good at school that day, so Boo fixed everything in her house.

Boo was a nice ghost, but there was one thing she was afraid of: people waking up when she was in their house.

One dark, dark night she was going to play a trick on a boy named Donny who got very, very in trouble. When Boo was in his room Donny woke up! She flew in the closet. He got out of bed, put his pants on and looked in the closet. She saw him and flew through the wall and under his bed. She turned his bed upside down.

Donny had sharp eyes, so he could see her even though she was invisible. He screamed very, very loud. Then boo screamed. Then everyone in the house woke up. Donny’s mom and dad and her brother and sisters came in. His sister could see Boo, but no one else could. She told her mom and dad there was a ghost. They believed her because she always told the truth. The mom and dad said, “Go away ghost!” So Boo flew through the wall and all the way back to Jayda’s house.

The End.

Once there was a haunted house with a skeleton inside. There was a whoooing sound and ghosts came into the haunted house and took it over so they could have the skeleton for dinner. After they were done eating they tried out the trapdoor and they went to all the houses in the neighborhood. They turned their lights on and off to wake the people up. They said “Trick or Treat!” They took over all the houses and made a big whooooing sound all over the neighborhood on top of the roofs. They didn’t agree with all the bones they had in their stomachs for dinner and fell down the roofs and died. Then the people came running out of the houses to get the ghosts, but there was a witch who got all the people who were trying to get the ghosts and she took them to a jail cell. The witch made magic and made the ghosts come alive again and they flew away. Happy Halloween!

The Scariest Witch had a hat, a spooky hat. It would freak you out. It was black and it had a scary witch face on it. The Witch’s name was Badatha. It is a spooky name, isn’t it?

One day, Badatha saw a bat that lifted her up into the sky, and she killed the bat. That was scary, wasn’t it? I think it was. That is a very scary one. There were more witches, but they were evil. They were eviler than Badatha. She was scared of those witches, but she knew that she was part of the witch family. She did not like those witches, but she had to deal with them. But she knew that she was evil too.

On October 20, she scared kids with her scary teeth. She has fangs all the way down to her chin, and she never brushed her teeth, and her teeth turned dark dark purple. She wanted to scare the kids before the real day of Halloween so they weren’t expecting it. She had eyes that had spiderwebs in them. Her hair dragged behind her and about the hair she had a wig because she had no hair. SHE HAD FINGERNAILS THAT WENT UP TO THE SKY! Her nose was wide and wrinkly. As old as she was, she was 79. The eviler she got, the other witches were scared of her! They talked together and they scared people together that night, not just kids, adults too. They became friends.

The end.

Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was playing in front of the haunted school. She was not scared so she went in the haunted school and no one was in the haunted school so she went upstairs. She went to a classroom and she heard a sound that said “ooooohhhhh...I am haunting you!” She went out of the classroom to the lunchroom and saw a GHOST! She ran out of the lunchroom and went out of the school forever and never ever went back.

In the time of 2014 I was born. I was the only child. I live in the woods. We are in hiding. Well, sort of, we haven’t seen the Serroks in a long time, but we still hide from them.

I live with my mum, dad, Gran, and Papa. I also have a dog named Naku. She is a husky with blue eyes. I am nine years old. Every day I go to the library. it is in a part of town we have reclaimed, since no one goes to school anymore only a few of us can read. Lucky for me my papa taught me to read because he was born in 1946 when education was very important. Dad thinks strength and hunting is much more important. Papa thinks Dad was never a good reader anyway.

Papa showed me the library when I was little and he tried to teach other kids but their parents didn’t want them to learn. They said, “There’s no more room for books, kids need to learn how to shoot, hunt, and survive.” Papa just shook his head, “Surviving is more than hunting. You need to know how to be kind, think of others, and be true to yourself even if the whole world has gone nuts.”

Not everyone hates books. In fact, a few people have started trading me for stories. They might give me things they find in houses where they search for canned food. Ms. Laura gave me a pair of beaded earrings for me to read her children a stack of stories. She even sat with us as I read them.

Today it was colder than usual and I couldn’t stay in the library as long because the sun was going down and it was cold so i grabbed my book and headed home. I have never really seen a Serrok, but Dad says I’ll smell them before I see the. I asked him what they smelled like and he said, “They smell like the dead.”

We live int he forest about a mile and a half from the library. I started the walk home. i checked pockets. I had my hunting knife, my whistle, and my treat for Naku, some beef jerky I saved from my lunch. I was almost home when I thought I heard something behind me. It was like a snarling sound. I stopped walking. Then I smelled something disgusting, I can only say that it was the smell of death.

My hand slid into my pocket. I was close enough that my dad would hear my whistle. I turned a little and out of the corner of my eye I saw something move. It was white, tall, and very thin, I could see his bones. His eyes were missing, but its nose was open and turned up smelling the air. I saw its teeth like long sharp blades, crowded in a small mouth. I saw its head turn my way, it smelled me or maybe the jerky. It ran at me, its mouth wide open and claws raised! I screamed! I raised my only weapon, my book. I shoved it in its open mouth and screamed again. My father was on the porch and before I knew he loosened an arrow that flew past me into the Serrok.

My dad grabbed me and held me as he shook and cried without stopping. Papa ran out to see what was happening. He took one look at the dead creature and then at me. “I told you reading could save your life.”

One day in an old mansion there lived a small girl. Her name was Sarah and she had lots of books and cute toys. Her parents were very rich and she was spoiled very often. Many times she went too far, but none as horrible as this.

The story begins as Sarah was sitting in the middle of her bear fur rug when she let out a deep sigh. Her mother happened to be sitting on a chair and asked “Oh my dear, what seems to be the problem?”

“I have too many cute toys, Mother,” she said staring up at the ceiling. “I want a scary toy,” she said.

“All right, I guess I can take you to the toy store and get you a toy before your father comes home,” her mother said. Well, with that Sarah jumped off the rug and plopped herself in one of her limousine’s leathery seats. Her mother got in too, then she suddenly didn’t seem so sure about the whole concept. So she asked Sarah if she would get nightmares. Sarah answered ‘no’ so her mother took off in the shiny, black car.

When they arrived at the toy store it was almost evening. As they walked through the doors, Sarah saw the most scary doll sitting on the windowpane of the store. “That one!” shrieked Sarah. “I want that one!”

“I’m not so sure,” mother said.

“SOLD!” the manager shouted then shoved them out of the store. Sarah’s mom looked at the doll with disgust. It was headless and had a ragged purple dress.

When they arrived home, Sarah was already asleep, but when her mom tucked her in she couldn’t get the doll out of Sarah’s grasp. She didn’t want to wake Sarah so she just left her in bed like that. What her mom never noticed about the doll was the tag read “CAUTION: ALL THIS DOLL WANTS IS ITS HEAD”. Meanwhile, the doll came alive. It breathed very loudly. Blood trickled from its neck and legs. Some blood dripped onto Sarah’s cheek. She woke with a start! The doll

turned around and saw the small girl sitting there petrified. Sarah forgot to scream. “MY HEAD!” the doll kept saying. With that, the doll pulled a knife out of its leg and chopped off Sarah’s head and put it on her neck. More blood ran out from its eyes. Finally it gave one big laugh of REVENGE!!

“Please, please! Nellie, will you accept my love? Won’t you?” Lewis Fairchild begged in his most pleasing Louisiana murmur. “Nellie, won’t you be my own?” Nellie signed and slammed the buggy door. If Fairchild wanted her affection, running in front of her new coach, startling the horse, and begging on his knees in the middle of Honer Street was certainly not the way to do it. She had no remorse in turning down the wannabe trapper for the fifth time.

She was Mrs. F.O. Hidgepath, and Mr. M.L. Hidgepath was never far off, or absent from her heart. Gold was discovered in the valley of Silver Creek, Colorado in 1882 by Abraham Crutcher, an experience mountain man and rapper. As word of this discovery spread, mountain men and miners flocked to the valley. A small shanty-town sprang up almost immediately as more miners flooded in. Fairchild was encouraged by a friend to try his luck at trapping and moved to the town in late 1882. He tried his best at trapping, but deep in his hear all he wanted was “a lady all his own”.

There were a few women in the town, but the men still outnumbered them 56 to one. Lewis Fairchild had to look upon the faces of 56 bearded, grizzled me before he spotted the rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes of one solitary damsel. But all the women in the little town were either 12 years old, crusty old grandmothers, or married to some other man. But be they young or be they old, in the cradle or in the grave, Lewis Fairchild was in love with them. One day in early winter of 1883, Lewis went climbing on a snow-covered peak, undoubtedly looking for some of the beautiful mountain flowers that grew there, when the snow bank beneath him collapse, sending him plummeting 500 feet to his death. Several miners from the town found the mangled corpse at the foot of the mountain several days later. Respectfully, his remains were interred in the Roman Catholic cemetery. Now, finally, Fairchild’s heart would be put to rest.

Or would it?

Maybe his heart could rest, but his bones could not. Shortly after the burial, Lewis’s bony framework dug its way out of the shallow grave to seek a love. One day Nellie Hidgepath was dusting the china when there was a rap at the door and a note was shoved under the door. She opened it and a pile of bones clattered at her feet. Nellie screamed and fainted dead away. Fairchild’s bones were hastily reburied, but yet again they escaped. A boulder was placed on top of the grave, but the bones slipped around the edges like a half-starved mouse hungry for cheese. More and more methods were employed to keep the bones under, but they did no good to keep lewis away from his heart’s desire. One night the men had decided they had had enough. They dug up the notorious bones and threw them in the river. Certainly, he would be dignified enough to stay there, and not risk being seen covered in mud and slime. Abruptly the bones ceased to roam. People went back to their normal lives. Lewis Fairchild was all but forgotten.

One day a young girl went fishing with her father. On their return trip, the girl thought she heard a faint whisper. She looked into the water. A smiling skull looked up at her. “Will you be my own?” it whispered. “Won’t you be my own?”

It was the 1st of October and 10-year old Alex was standing in the wind at the cemetery. His mother, Elizabeth, had died a week before in a car crash while on her way to work. After the funeral, poor Alex walked all by himself to get home. When he got home, Alex found a box with a ticket in it for the Downtown Express. The ticket said that it went to Boise, Idaho. Also inside the box was a letter that said,

Dear Alex,

We bought this for you so you can come and stay with us. Bring anything you want. I sent Mary to pick you up and bring you to the train station!



As soon as Alex got the letter he started to pack up his stuff. He packed up his snow globe, clothes, snacks, and a picture of him and his mom. He put this particular item in old bubble wrap he found laying around the house. By the time he finished packing, he could not find his ticket! Alex looked everywhere. He looked under the dishwasher, in the cabinets, and on the sink. After an hour of looking he found it behind the third couch.

Alex sat at the window for a while waiting for Mary to show up, but she never did. Right at that moment, the phone rang. Mary had called to tell Alex that she had a flat tire and couldn’t pick him up. She asked him if there was any way that he could take a taxi. Alex said yes and looked to see what the taxi number is.

He waited, and waited, and waited for a taxi to show up. Sadly, it was a very long wait for pood Alex. He payed him $10 when he finally got there at 12:45, and he was on his way. There were trees everywhere and the crystal clear creeks were so beautiful.

Everything was going so smooth, until the Taxi broke down and was unable to take Alex any further. Even if he got another Taxi, the train would have been gone. So instead, Alex waited for a ride to get him home rather the train station.

It was about 4:25 when Alex got back. But when he got there he had to use teh bathroom. On his way upstairs, he started to mumble, “I will have to tell Grandma that I can’t make it.” When he opened the door he found soap writing on the mirror! It read…

Don’t leave me little Alex, I love you!


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