3 secrets to social magnetism

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Techniques for creating, developing, and acquiring confidence and charisma. The "4 Pillars Technique" to achieve just that is designed by Richard Grannon, a self protection instructor. More products can be found at his website (streetfightsecrets.com).


Free Report : 3 Secrets to Social Magnetism

Secret 1 : Remember This,Your State Transmits.

If you want the person you are talking to to feel calmed by your confidence, to feel warm open and receptive to your personality you need to go into the right state first.

The 4 pillars technique is very simple and very powerful way to access any state you might want.

1.physiology – where the body goes the mind will follow, if you want to go into a confident and cheerful state you must take your body there first: in your breathing, facial expressions, posture, gestures, tone, volume etc

2.internal dialogue – control the voice running inside your head ; instead of playing the message “this is too hard, its not fair, I cant do this” you can force it to say whatever you want and it DOES have an instant impact on how you feel.

3. internal representations – control the advertising running inside your head; imagine things going well, having fun, you feeling good and smiling and the people around you feeling good and smiling and you are more, MUCH MORE, likely to create that experience.

4. focus – what you focus on grows stronger, what you focus on you get more of. If you focus on everything that is “wrong” then you get more “wrongness”. Focus on opportunity, solutions and stuff that makes you feel giddy and excited like a small child on christmas morning and you are more likely to experience more of those things.

Secret 2 : How to Get Girls Giving You Their Number

So, oddly in the last month 3 girls have given me their numbers. I say “oddly” because it is against the odds for girls to do that in my experience. As in... it has never happened before!

I think the first aspect to this is to do cold approach pick up. It is scary and it does push you outside of the comfort zone but there are a tonne of ways to make it easy and fun that I give you in the Social Magnetism Course.

The thing is with applying these psychology techniques that have been developed over decades and field tested by the worlds military (a lot of the applied psychology techniques I teach come from Psyops and Psychological Warfare reformatted for daily life) is that you are using principles that have been proven to work all over the world under the most stressful circumstances. I also draw heavily from Sports Psychology for the same reason : just give me the stuff that works!

Cold approach pick up will give you the thicker social skin you need and it forces your brain to operate at faster speeds and in more resourceful ways. You will suck at first, but you suck at everything at first.

“It will seem difficult at first, but everything is difficult at first. Bows are difficult to draw, halberds are difficult to wield. In each case, you get used to the tool: as you become accustomed to the bow your pull will become stronger, and as you become used to wielding the long sword, you will gain the power of the Way and wield the sword easily.”

Miyamoto Musashi

The other thing cold approach does is it makes you a LOT more confident in “not cold” scenarios. With girls you have regular interactions with. Without the mind numbing stress and potential threat from protective males of stopping someone going about their day to talk to them, chatting and gently flirting with a waitress in your local coffee shop will be a cake walk!

Your ease, effortlessness and calm will translate as natural status. Your faster operating levels will allow you to respond to her subtle cues more effectively and decisively.

It will effectively, de-pussify you and make you more assertive and friendly. Yes, you are not friendly when you are pussified and nervous.

I only started doing cold approach pick up 8 weeks ago, and yes, I have a strong foundation from years of dealing with the public and doing public speaking but anyone can get to anyone else’s level with practise, barring actual physical impediment and the constraints of time.

Things cold approach has made me do more that work that you might want to try:

- make and maintain eye contact and smile (oh you already know this one do you? Yeah so did I, but I wasn’t DOING IT!)

- notice what the girl is doing and either match or respond to it (get inside her reality, don’t just bash her over the head with yours)

- notice when the girl is subtly showing interest in me (they are girls, they aren’t going to signal you in to land with big bright paddles)

- take action and show interest back (telling a girl you’re interested in her and asking for her number is not an infringement of her human rights.... she can always just say “no

thank you”)

- being consistent and calm and ground (rooted in masculine energy – explained in the “Social Magnetism” book)

- being flirtatious, bantering and making her laugh (I've always considered myself good at this... and yet girls have never given me their numbers before) – knowing how to be funny (not pro stand up funny, just amusing and a tiny bit witty) is also extremely important. Women’s sexual impulse seems tied to their sense of humour, who knows why? They boggled Freud throughout his entire life and before he died he gave up trying to understand them, you really think you or I will figure it out?

Being funny, being assertive, being charismatic is all covered in the “Social Magnetism: Applied Psychology Techniques” Ebook and Audio course which is on special offer from

here for all Pickup Podcast listeners now


Secret 3 : Give Credit

Within the Social Magnetism course I said you should learn to “be a namer” - be the person who gives the person the nicknames within a group, have a special name for people you interact with it is a massive emotional deposit and will make them feel much warmer towards you.

What I didn’t say is that you should also give credit.

Part of banter is “negging”, gently mocking people for the things they do wrong or that are silly about them. Its fine, it works, it can be extremely funny and it brings people closer together.

Do it.

But if you want to build rock solid relationships and make people feel powerfully connected to you notice what they are trying to do, trying to be, see their efforts and feed it back to them somehow and LET THEM KNOW YOU APPRECIATE WHERE THEY ARE COMING FROM.

Realise that everyone around you feels as isolated and cut off from everyone else as you do. Our current cultural model encourages individualism and egotism not community and recognition. People are starving for recognition. Feed them. It costs you nothing and will make them feel great.

You can do this jokingly or under some other pretext but in some format you will say: “you know what, I figured you out, you are basically … and you are trying to …. and what I love

about you is that you always....”

What if you get it wrong? They are still going to feel awesome that you tried and how wrong can you be???

Try it. It gets amazing results. To learn more about how to be a “namer” and project high status unconsciously you should get hold of a copy of the Social Magnetism Course that is on offer as part of a big “pick up podcast” pack right now from here.


Other reasons why you might want to get the Social Magnetism Course:1. Increase Social Intelligence/skilfull social interaction. Ask any experienced doorman:

you can stop more fights and keep the peace more effectively with some basic psychology than any (and I do mean ANY) physical response that is out there.

2. Destroy Social Anxiety. I get emails all the time from people of stories in which they felt “uncomfortable” or “afraid” whilst out and about interacting with people. If you are man and

you suffer from this genuine issue it wille at up your self esteem and the shame you feel can leave you feeling worthless and depressed. I can teach you how to eradicate Social

Anxiety.3. Massively increase confidence, enthusiasm, influence and be the type of person other people want to be around, the type of person who gets respect. This is the core of “Social

Magnetism”4. Learn how to project your intent and to assert you persona in a way that is subtle and

charming; this is great for “target hardening” (no scummy cowardly criminal is going to pick someone who is alert, aware and assertive IF they have an easier option), for sales, for

public speaking, for “pick up” and for increasing your popularity.5. Draw people to you unconsciously. It’s not hard to metacommunicate signals of “higher value” or psychological status with no effort on your part whatsoever (you just need to get

into the habits of doing it, which is simple) in a way that makes them look to you as an “authority figure”. Very powerful material!

Also given as part of the pick up podcast special offer pack : how to handle the psychology of conflict and project your personality and how to access instant confidence

Copyright Richard Grannon 2013 Question? richie@streetfightsecrets.com

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