25 design-tricks

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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1. Use Proximity

2. Use Alignment

3. Use Contrast

4. Use Repetition

5. Know the difference between typeface categories

6. Learn how to mix fonts

7. Know where to find fonts

8. Use Stock Photography

9. Look “beyond” the full image

10. Use Icons

11. Use the advanced search on Flikr and Google images

12. Choose your color palette

13. Choose colors to enhance the emotions of your piece

14. Know which Graphic software to use

15. Use Infographics to keep people’s attention

16. Pimp your Facebook Cover photo

17. Make your tab icons match

18. Post memes and screenshots of phone conversations about your brand

19. Pimp out your Twitter cover

20. Pimp out your Twitter Background

21. Read / Watch Photoshop tutorials

22. Pimp out your G+ Cover with animation

22. Pimp out your G+ Cover with animation

23. Make Videos

24. Make your videos professional on a budget with these links, or DIY

25. Take the plunge!

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