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� In his sichos, the Previous Rebbe describes the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah fabrengens in Lubavitch,16 specifically those of his father, the Rebbe Rashab and of the Rebbes before him. He recounts that the Rebbes would themselves physically set an example by holding fabrengens during Simchas Beis Hasho�evahso that others should see and do likewise.17


� If upon returning home from this [i.e. the Rebbe�s] farbrengen a person finds members of his household who, for whatever reason, did not attend this Simchas Beis Hasho�evah,or who attended another Simchas Beis Hasho�evah and therefore missed out on hearing these matters [i.e. the Rebbe�s Sichos], then he should make certain to relate to them what was spoken here, and more.18

The Azarah (Courtyard) INTRODUCTION

The Azarah, the courtyard of the Beis HaMikdash, was the location of the Simchas Beis Hasho'eva celebration in Temple times. The Rebbe points out the resemblance between the words �Azarah� and �ezrah � help,� and explains the role of the Azarah in our day.

----------------------16. See Mayanei Hayeshuah p.121, footnote 128: �Although, for numerous reasons,

this custom of holding Chassidic gatherings [farbrengens] during Simchas Beis Hasho�evah was not very openly observed amongst the wider Jewish world, not even amongst [non-Lubavitch] Chassidim.�

17. See Mayanei Hayeshuah p.121: �From the above it is understood, that they [the Rebbes] thereby also granted the power, that from [the Chassidim] seeing their example � and thereby creating a desire towards the practice � then [the Chassidim] are able to act likewise, with great and abundant success!�

18. See Second Night Sukkos 5752 - Sichos Kodesh p.115: �Tonight being the second night of Sukkos, it is the fitting time to discuss the individual uniqueness of the second day of Sukkos and of the second ushpizah [spiritual guest, who visits on] the second day, namely, Yitzchak� Therefore it is fitting to expound the individual uniqueness of Yitzchak in particular, at least in short or an allusion [to Yitzchak], in a manner of �impart [a little information] unto the wise and he will [himself develop it and thereby] add wisdom�� Likewise, if upon returning home� [See main text above for continuation].�


disseminating the wellsprings of chassidus, teaching them that we must be concerned for every Jew, even those who are spiritually or even just physically far.59


� We should bring simchah, a happy song, things that make people happy, and happy news, including the best news of all � that Moshiach has already come!59


� It is understood then that we will dance and rejoice with the greatest simchah, the simchah of greeting our Righteous Moshiach. And it should be in such a way that we are not ashamed to dance, quite the opposite, we will dance in front of all Jews in greeting Moshiach.61


The Zohar relates that throughout the seven day of Sukkos, the Sukkah of every individual Jewish person is visited by seven Ushpizin, �guests�, from the Supernal World, the World of Truth. They are: Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov,62 Moshe, Aharon, Yosef, and Dovid. Elsewhere, the Zohar adds Sholomo, the eighth guest.63

There are �Chassidic� Ushpizin who likewise visit every

----------------------61. See ibid: �Then, when someone will ask us, �Vos epes mit amol - what on earth is

all this about, that all of a sudden you are dancing like this?!� We, or those around us, will answer, �Vos heist?! - What? You haven�t heard what has already been written in the newspapers? Moshiach has already arrived! And he will immediately come here and take us now, along with all of the Jewish people, to �travel� �upon heavenly clouds� to our Holy Land and the third Beis HaMikdash - to celebrate Simchas Beis Hashoevah there�!��

62. See Fifth Night of Sukkos 5749, footnote 19 � Hisvaduyos p.159: �Note that there is an opinion that Yosef comes directly after Yaakov i.e. in chronological order. However, the concluding decision is in accordance with the majority of opinions (textual variants), namely, the order as we have recorded it here.�

63. See Mayanei Hayeshuah - Hisvaduyos 5751 p.108.


places with a sense of joy and gladness of heart.58


� We should bring along materials to disseminate the wellsprings of chassidus. Better still, we should speak with these Jews about day-to-day life as lead according to Torah and mitzvos, and explain to them that one's blessing from G-d for all one needs is dependent on this.59


� We should also make an effort to give them the privilege of fulfilling the mitzvah of lulav. That is to say, before the trip, we should find out if the people being visited have their own lulavand esrog. If not, we should bring them one that is kosher and in keeping with the customs of Chabad, and we should leave it there for them to keep.60


� Ideally, one should bring his wife along on the trip, and his children, too, in order to educate them in the ways of ----------------------58. See Parshas Haazinu, 13 Tishrei 5752 - Sichos Kodesh 5752, p.97. See also

Sichas Fifth Night of Sukkos 5752 - Sichos Kodesh p.151: �Undoubtedly, Simchas Beis Hasho�evahs have already been held in all locations, and particularly in this location and its closely-surrounding areas. �Close� includes those places that require travel in order to reach, for it is now a time when general traveling is permitted [i.e. Chol Hamoed] and specifically when we are dealing with a trip that is for a mitzvah, for the trip itself becomes part of the very mitzvah and not just a necessary addition. In fact, the trip itself is a mitzvah � [for there is a mitzvah to] �run to perform a mitzvah�! How much more so when, in order to reach a certain destination there is a need for a car or the like � then the �running to a mitzvah� is far greater, for there is the aid of a person�s car, or the car of his friend who joins him in the mitzvah.�

59. See Parshas Haazinu, 13 Tishrei 5752 - Sichos Kodesh p.98: �For �If you will walk in my statutes� (which includes the explanation that the �if�, in this case, indicates that Hashem is pleading with us to follow His commandments), then we can expect �and I will give you your rains in their correct time� etc, even until the conclusion, �and I will lead you upright� in the most complete sense i.e. with the true and complete Redemption!�

60. See Ibid. Editor�s Note: See 13 Tishrei 5752 - Sichos Kodesh p.98: It is the custom of Chabad to add in the number of myrtles (hadassim), at the very least an extra three besides the standard three required by halachah. [This includes the arbah minim that is taken on mivtzoim!]



� The Azarah is a �help� to every Simchas Beis Hasho�evahcelebration, that is, by our reviewing and speaking about the various details of the simchah as it was celebrated in the Azarah.And even if we ourselves were not to speak about it, since it has already been printed in the Talmud,19 this itself has an effect on all generations.20


� Nowadays, the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah begins in the shul,in a manner similar to the �azarah� (the courtyard) of the Beis HaMikdash. The simchah then grows and spreads outside of the shul:

1) To the sukkah, for a Simchas Beis Hasho�evah farbrengen,the saying of l�chaim, partaking of refreshments and the like,21

and then following that, 2) To the street22 [See below].

Simchas Beis Hasho�evah without a Beis Hamikdash


The Rebbe often emphasized those aspects of our exile

----------------------19. See Sukkah 50a. 20. See Fourth Night Sukkos 5752 - Sichos Kodesh p.135: ��Printed in the Gemarah

and the Braisah - a matter that is printed exists for future generations, for allgenerations, and it has an affect on all generations. In the Gemarah and particularly in the Braisah, it is related and elaborated upon at great length, regarding the way that the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah was celebrated �in those [Temple] days, at this time [of Sukkos]�.�

21. See Mayanei Hayeshuah 5751 - Hisvaduyos p.120: �We then continue and expand the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah outside of the shul, in two locations: 1) In the Sukkah: In addition to kiddush and the Yom Tov meal, there is also a Simchas Beis Hasho�evah Farbrengen accompanied with the saying of l�chaim, tasting farbaisen [light refreshments], mezonos and the like, as has been related in sichosetc.�

22. See Mayanei Hayeshuah 5751 - Hisvaduyos there, p.120-121: �In other words, since the rejoicing is so great that it fills to capacity every available area between the walls and roof of the shul - to the extent that it can no longer contain the overwhelming rejoicing - that the joy burst forth [from the confines of the shul]and spills out onto the street!�


that have given rise to an advantage unavailable even in former pre-exile times. In such cases, the Rebbe often reflected on the saying of our Sages that the circumstances of our ruin are actually to our advantage( "Kalkalasienu zu hee Takanaseinu").. Thus, the Rebbe insists that we utilize the lack of certain restrictions (regarding the timing and participants, for example,) that accompanied the Simchas Beis Hasho'eva in the Beis Hamikdosh, to facilitate an expanded celebration!

EARLY START� Because of the integral role of flutes in Simchas Beis Hasho'eva as celebrated in the Beis HaMikdash, the festivities would only begin after Yom Tov when we are again allowed to play instruments. In the time of exile, however, Simchas Beis Hasho�evah can start on the very first night of Yom Tov,23

without the instruments. - Indeed, the simchah on that night should be with extra intensity, for it �opens� the entire Simchas Beis Hasho�evah for that year!24

WOMEN�S OWN� In the time of the exile, women can and should make their own Simchas Beis Hasho�evah celebration, in a women's section, either at the time of the main celebration or afterward.25

----------------------23. ��The cause for the Simchas Beis Hasho'evah only commencing on the night

following the first day of Sukkos during the Temple era, namely, since the playing of flutes [-an integral part of the celebration-] does not override the prohibitions of Yom Tov, is irrelevant during our present time of exile [when we lack the Temple and all of its requirements]. Therefore, the Simchas Beis Hasho'evah commences on the first night of Sukkos!�

24. See First Night of Sukkos 5748 - Hisvaduyos p.172: �Furthermore, this also �opens� the simchah for the entire year. It is known that the Previous Rebbe had a saying, that each of the holidays of the month of Tishrei represents a unique concept for the year in general. Concerning Sukkos, the �Time of our Rejoicing,� this is when we draw down simchah for the entire year!�

25. See Night of Sukkos 5748 - Hisvaduyos p.185: �And although even in Temple times, [the women] would be in attendance merely �to see and to hear� [the celebration]. Today, however, the Beis HaMikdash has been destroyed and we are left with only a commemoration of Simchas Beis Hasho�evah. This descent is for


� Trips should be made56 out of town57 during Chol Hamoed,and to locations within walking distance during Yom Tov, in order to bring Simchas Beis Hasho�evah to the Jews in these ----------------------56. See Parshas Haazinu, 13 Tishrei 5752 - Sichos Kodesh p.98: �The main point is to

be concerned so that in every location where Jews are to be found there will be a Simchas Beis Hasho�evah. All the Jewish people need to be together, and therefore two possibilities exist: either you can bring them to you, or, if they do not come to you, you need to go to them, and hold a Simchas Beis Hasho�evah together with them!�

57. See Third Night of Sukkos 5749 - Hisvaduyos p.129: �During Chol Hamoed, when there exists the possibility or requirement to leave his present location and travel to other, sometimes distant, locations.�

See also ibid. p.130: �When we make a whole commotion about adding in Simchas Beis Hasho�evahs, including leaving the present location and traveling outside the city, someone is bound to counter: How could you instruct me to abandon my location, to exit my sukkah � the �Sukkah of Peace� (sukkas shalom), and to travel to a distant spot?! [Footnote 77: [And you want me to travel] despite all the bother - for, �[as Rav observed:] exile is harsher for a man than for a woman� (Sanhedrin 21a) - including the transportation of women and children, for they too participate in the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah.] [- All this is being demanded of me] in order to bring joy to other Jews with Simchas Beis Hasho�evah, at the very time that I could be studying Torah and concepts of the Ushpizin, Yaakov Avinu and the Alter Rebbe�!�

See ibid, p.131: �When a Jew travels forth from his place, beyond �the city of our G-d� [i.e. the surroundings of holiness], he then has the power of the tribe of Gad, who where so mighty that they would vanquish their enemies with �one blow that severed both head and arm�! Included in this power, is that should any person attempt to prevent him from going [to distant locations in order to arrange Simchas Beis Hasho�evahs] and the like, by their grabbing him by �the arm� or explaining to him with a reasoning that will penetrates his �head� (being that this person is an intelligent person, particularly after having studied Torah, and having a rational [argument not to travel] based on Torah), i.e. that it is necessary to remain in the current location in order to eat the Yom Tov meal and to celebrate the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah in his sukkah�Then, [in reply,] we could �sever both head and arm�, by counter-explaining intelligently [-the �head�-] why he should leave his own immediate �four cubits� to travel beyond their city. Furthermore, we could take this person by the �arm� and take another few Jews along with him too, and all travel together beyond the city limits. [Footnote 88: Even on the journey too - whether outward bound, on the return journey, or on both of them � we should affect all of the locations that we pass through, even if we do not linger there rather simply pass through, through gazing at the scene and exclaiming �look how pleasant that tree is� or �look how pleasant that town is� and the like.] All of this is in order to gladden additional Jewish people - who altogether form one nation, the Children of Yaakov, the Bnei Yisroel - with the joy of Torah, the joy of a Mitzvah, beginning with the joy of �You chose us from every other nation and tongue� at the time of the Giving of the Torah!�



� Even if we are only able to be a �partner�, we should anyway make ourselves the vivifying force of the simchah even though �another� Jew, so to speak, is in charge.53

Traveling to Other Locations SPREAD REBBE-JOY

� When there are representatives from the main center of simchah, the place of the Leader of our Generation, who visit other places where Simchas Beis Hasho�evah is held, the level of simchah becomes intensified incomparably.54


� For those who are ill, whether in their bodies or souls, the need to create a feeling of simchah becomes even more acute. We should visit the sick where they are and rejoice with them until smiles appear on their faces, and not mere smiles, but actual joy to the extent that they themselves make others happy!55



53. See Fifth Night of Sukkos 5752 - Sichos Kodesh p.151: �The truth of the matter is that this is not �another� Jew, but rather our very own brother who is like our very selves, to the extent that �you should love your fellow Jew as yourself� � he is �you� yourself! Consequently, we most certainly will not be upset (�faribel hoben�) when he sees another Jew conducting himself as the leader (�pravet balebatishkeit�)! Furthermore, the main point is that a person is not asked to act as the conductor (�er zol praven balebatishkeit�) in the manner that physicalhomeowners conduct their affairs, rather, a person is required to act as the conductor in the manner of Hashem�s �balebatishkeit� i.e. disseminating Judaism, Torah and Mitzvos.�

54. See Third Night of Sukkos 5750 - Hisvaduyos p.152: �Since �every Jew is assumed to be innocent [unless proven otherwise]�, undoubtedly the Jews in every single location celebrate Simchas Beis Hasho�evah. However, within rejoicing itself, different degrees exist, and likewise within the �bursting through constraints and limitations� that is achieved via being joyful, there exists various degrees. Moreover, when� [See main text above for continuation]. Furthermore, the affect that the shluchim have, continues even after they travel back to their own places in order to resume their own Yom Tov meals and the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah in their own locations.�

55. See Fourth Night of Sukkos 5749 - Hisvaduyos p.138.



� Children also participate in Simchas Beis Hasho�evah.26

Details concerning the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah


� We should begin to celebrate Simchas Beis Hasho�evahright away after Maariv, even before kiddush and the Yom Tovmeal! Only afterwards do we take a break from the festivities to make kiddush on wine "which causes gladness", and to eat the Yom Tov meal in a manner of simchah.27


� Simply put, except for the times designated for prayer, meals, taking care of guests and other concerns, we should set ----------------------

the sake of a greater ascent, for now women too may celebrate Simchas Beis Hasho�evah!�

26. See Night Sukkos 5749 - Hisvaduyos p.130, footnote 77: �Women and children likewise participate in the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah.�See First Night of Sukkos 5748 � Hisvaduyos p.178: �We should gather multitudes of Jewish people, �Gather the people, men, women and children� (Devarim 31:12), to participate in the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah. This applies to both men and women, since, as we have discussed numerous times, that although in the Beis Hamikdash the women would gather simply to witness and hear the festivities, in the times of exile, however, an advantage has been added (i.e. the descent of exile produced a greater ascent in this regard): Women too now celebrate their own Simchas Beis Hasho�evah! It is likewise regarding the children. All are united in the gathering of the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah!�

See also Fourth Night of Sukkos, an address to Tzivos Hashem [a worldwide organization for Jewish boys and girls], 5752 � Sichos Kodesh p.140: �Just as you are able to see within your personal lives, that when there is something joyful [and exciting] present, then there is no need to goad and encourage you to be happy about the joyful matter, and there is likewise no need to prevent you from dozing off � since it is obvious that you are not able to fall sleep then, for you are participating in the celebration! It is likewise regarding this rejoicing [the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah]: in addition to the joy of any regular Yom Tov, this [i.e. Sukkos] is the third Yom Tov, concerning which the Torah writes three verses commanding us to rejoice � there is absolutely no need to encourage you be happy�! In fact, you yourselves present a positive living example to your friends, boys to other boys and girls to other girls! Additionally, you present a positive living example to your own parents and encourage them to increase their rejoicing beyond the level of their Yom Tov joy and even beyond the rejoicing of the past Simchas Beis Hasho�evahs until this present one, despite it already being the fourth day of Sukkos!�

27. See Night of Sukkos 5749 - Hisvaduyos p.106-107.


aside all of our time for rejoicing in Simchas Beis Hasho�evah.In the words of the Previous Rebbe, �Simchah is the mitzvah of the day!�28


� We should not worry that by spending so much time at Simchas Beis Hasho�evah we will have less time for eating fish and meat or even drinking wine. The main thing is that the simchah should exceed all amounts of measure and limitation.29


� [Regarding wine and mashkeh:] although we should indeed consume a certain measurement [i.e. four shot-glasses of mashkeh], and even more than that amount, [we nevertheless are to do so in the following manner only:] that in this very measurement [i.e. four shot-glasses], we condense the effect of a much greater amount!29


� Simchas Beis Hasho�evah continues all through the night. As our Sages say, �when we rejoiced in Simchas Beis Hasho�evah we did not savor the taste of sleep!�30


� Even at those times when we must sleep,31 Simchas Beis ----------------------28. See Second Night of Sukkos 5748 - Hisvaduyos p.187. 29. See Second Night of Sukkos 5750 - Hisvaduyos p.147: �[The Rebbe smiled and

said,] �When it comes to shaking the lulav, we have to be careful that � as a result of our great enthusiasm � the lulav does not fall apart on us, leaving us without a kosher lulav upon which to make a blessing tomorrow. But when it comes to shaking ourselves, we should have no such worry! ... The main thing is to lessen our discussions and increase our actions, and to commence [with the celebration] immediately - [firstly] in the shul and study hall, from where it will subsequently well forth and spread in a manner that is beyond limitation � beginning with the Simchas Torah melody!�

30. Sukkos 53a. See First Night of Sukkos 5749 - Hisvaduyos p.119. See also ibid, p.107.

31. �Since it is not possible to go seven days without any sleep, and there is a ruling that �a person who takes upon himself an oath not to sleep for (even) three days,




� We must be sure that our participation in Simchas Beis Hasho�evah is not merely as one who shares in the community's joy, �many cooks preparing the same broth�; rather, we should feel that we are celebrating our own personal joyous occasion.50


� We are not just participants, rather each one of us is like a leader and an organizer pointing the way and showing others how to increase and generate more and more simchah in action, speech, and thought.51 Where there is no one else to take charge, any one of us should quickly seize the job � all of course without �stepping on anyone else�s toes�.52

----------------------49. See Fourth Night of Sukkos 5749 - Hisvaduyos p.144: �Then this spark in the

fellow Jew kindles and illuminates with an exceedingly great �fire�, the spark of Moshiach within his innermost reaches of his soul, and when the two sparks of two Jews holding onto one another combine, it becomes a giant flame that burns away and destroys the last traces of exile in a manner of pleasantness and peace.�

50. See Mayanei Hayeshuah - Hisvaduyos 5751 p.117: �Until people will say about him, �whoever has not seen his Simchas Beis Hasho�evah has not seen simchah in their entire life!� [A play on the words of the Talmud, Tractate Sukkah 51a, �He who has never seen Simchas Beis Hasho�evah (as it was observed in the Beis HaMikdash) has never seen simchah in his entire life.� � Ed]�

51. See Third Night of Sukkos 5752 - Sichos Kodesh p.123. 52. See Fifth Night of Sukkos 5752 - Sichos Kodesh p.150: �As per the known

halachic ruling in like circumstances, that �a person who leads the congregation in prayer and errs in his duty, it is the responsibility of another person to take his position and he should not be stubborn in this case�. Since they are currently in the midst of a matter i.e. after the entire congregation has already begun their prayers, and it is incumbent upon him to allow [the prayers] to continue and to be concerned that there should be no interruption, therefore, �he should not be stubborn in this case�. He should not wait until they beg him [to assume position], claiming that it is not in accord with his rank, which is the honor of the Torah and the like, to force himself (�er zol zich anshlagen�) to be in charge�!

From the above, it is likewise understood regarding our topic, the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah: Since this is an event which has already commenced and has in fact been underway for a number of days, for today is already the fifth day, then �he should not be stubborn in this case�. In fact, he should immediately be concerned that the [Simchas Beis Hasho�evah] continues!�



� �All who hurry to rejoice in Simchas Beis Hasho�evah are praiseworthy! All who are eager are praiseworthy! All who increase in the celebration are praiseworthy!�46

The Ushpizin Attend the SimchahA STIMULATING REFLECTION

� If even for just a moment, we would reflect upon the fact that we stand in the presence of fourteen tzadikim47 who dance at the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah with great tumultuous enthusiasm (shturem), and that, as the Previous Rebbe said, they are watching each one of us to see how we celebrate Simchas Beis Hasho�evah � it is easy to imagine how this would suffice to make us dance and be overwhelmingly joyous!48


� Since David Hamelech, Malkah Mashichah, is among the Ushpizin and he too is participating in the dancing at the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah, it is a time of unrivalled opportunity to �grab him and hold onto him�! We can do this by grabbing and holding onto another Jew, who possesses a spark of Moshiach inside of ----------------------46. See Second Night of Sukkos 5748 - Hisvaduyos p.187. 47. I.e. the Ushpizin.48. See Fourth Night of Sukkos 5749 - Hisvaduyos p.142-143: ��And with him all of

the Ushpizin are dancing: Moshe, and accompanying him Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Aharon, Yosef, Dovid, and likewise all of the Chassidic Ushpizin: The Mittler Rebbe, and accompanying him the Baal Shem Tov, the Maggid, the Alter Rebbe, the Tzemach Tzedek, the Rebbe Maharash, the Rebbe Rashab, and the Previous Rebbe, the leader of our generation who completes and includes all of the Ushpizin.

It is easily understood, that even a person who feels himself lacking in his understanding of the entire concept [of Simchas Beis Hasho�evah], when he is nevertheless aware that around him are standing and with him are dancing, fourteen tzadikim in two groups of seven - the seven Ushpizin mentioned in the Zohar along with the seven Chassidic Ushpizin � and he is aware of who these holy personalities are, specifically since we make oft-repeated mention of their names (�mir halt in ein dermanen�), and we likewise recall how the leader of our generation pointed with his finger and stated �Here sits�!� � a person�s joy will certainly swell greater and greater! Regardless of our standing just a moment ago, it will suffice to, for just a moment� [See main text above for continuation]�


Hasho�evah removes the taste for sleep, because even then we dream about topics of chassidus, about Simchas Beis Hasho�evah and about the true and complete redemption through our righteous Moshiach.32

Ascending in Matters of Holiness GREAT HEIGHTS

� Jews have been celebrating Simchas Beis Hasho�evah for many, many years now, each year incomparably greater33 than the year before. From this we can figure where we must be holding now � or at least, where we should be holding now!34


� We must �ascend in matters of holiness�. It is understood then that after the first night of Simchas Beis Hasho�evah we need to continue in an upward trend night after night,35 to the extent that each new night�s added rejoicing comes as a total novelty!36

----------------------receives lashes [for making a false oath] and is permitted to sleep immediately [his oath being impossible and therefore ineffective]��� [See Sukka 53a, where the Sages clarify that they did not enjoy a proper sleep during Simchas Beis Hasho�evah, but rather dozed on each other�s shoulders � Ed.]

32. See First Night of Sukkos 5749 - Hisvaduyos p.119-120: �We may examine the words of this statement of our Sages and ask, why did they emphasis �we did not taste sleep� - a term seemingly more appropriate for eating (as in �the palate tastes food� [Iyov 12:11])!? However, when the term �taste� is applied to sleep, the novel point emerges that Simchas Beis Hashoeva not only causes a lack of sleep, but actually removes one�s taste and pleasure for sleep!�

33. See Second Night Sukkos 5752 - Sichos Kodesh p.117: �The simchah today must be with even greater intensity and strength in actual deed than the simchah from the day before, even though that simchah was itself incomparably greater than the previous years...!� See also Third Night of Sukkos 5752 � Sichos Kodesh p.124: �This year we want it to be redoubled compared to last year. This, despite last year having been (incomparably) redoubled compared to the year before that!�

34. See First Night Sukkos 5749 - Hisvaduyos p.106: �Even, if for whatever reason, there had been some deficiency in the simchah of last year... �nothing stands in the way of teshuvah�!�

35. See First Nights of Sukkos 5750 - Hisvaduyos p.138-139. 36. See Mayonai Hayeshuah p.132: �During the Simchas Beis Hashoevah of Sukkos,

which lasts for seven days, the joy increases from each day to the next. Moreover,



� Beginning with the second night of Simchas Beis Hasho�evah � being night number two � the rejoicing should be incomparably redoubled over the celebration of the first night, in both quantity and, most importantly, in quality!37


� The introduction of musical instruments on the third night of Simchas Beis Hasho�evah, which were prohibited during Yom Tov, is much more than a mere addition to the festivities. It is an addition that is on par with the entire event itself and perhaps even greater than the event itself � the flute of the Simchas Beis Hasho�evah held fundamental importance!38

----------------------this increase comes as a novelty, as we could derive from the law concerning panim chadashos [i.e. the novelty brought to the rejoicing by the presence of a �new face�, a guest who is entirely new to the wedding events], to the seven day shevah brachos celebration that follow a wedding.�

See also Sixth Night of Sukkos 5748 � Hisvaduyos p.264: ��Likewise regarding the effort and exertion in connection with the overwhelming rejoicing being increased from one night to the next: True, the overabundant rejoicing, dancing, and the like, causes the body to tire - yet what sort of reason is that, to prevent the rejoicing and dancing?!

We could compare the above to a person who is delightfully dances at the wedding of his only son, and he rejoices and dances profusely, totally ignoring the weariness of his body. No normal person requires an explanation or clarification as to why he should �tire himself out� at the wedding of his son. Likewise there is no place for an evaluation as to whether he [i.e. the father] aught to restrict his dancing to once, twice, or thrice, or whether he aught to joyfully dance his way through all seven days of shevah brachos!

The same applies to the Simchas Beis Hashoevah throughout all seven days of Sukkos. The very need to explain to someone the above concept is a sign that he is an idiot! A foolish person who damages (not others, but) himself! [The message to such a person who cannot see the necessity to dance through the seven days of Sukkos, is:] At the very least, do not display or publicize your stupidity to everyone else!!�

37. See ibid, p.139, footnote 70: �Quantitatively, there are inescapable limitations as to just how much time a person has. We must eat the Yom Tov meals and the like. But in the quality of something holy, it is possible to condense unlimited quality into a finite amount of time!�

38. See Fourth Night of Sukkos 5748 - Hisvaduyos p.217-218: �Amongst the essential components of Simchas Beis Hasho�evah, as celebrated in the Beis HaMikdash, was the flute. �They would play the flute to increase the joy at the water-drawing ceremony�. The flute played such a central role in Simchas Beis


dancing in the street, until the street itself begins to dance!42


� The simchah should affect those Jews who live on that street and even those who pass by the street. Indeed, if we will discuss with them matters of the eternal Torah, especially �love your neighbor as yourself�, the foundation for all of Torah, this will affect them until they too will cause others to participate in the joy of Simchas Beis Hasho�evah.43


� We also have to bring joy to those people who participate in Simchas Beis Hasho�evah in only a perfunctory manner � the people who need to pinch their cheeks until they turn red so people who look at them will think they are really happy! We must imbue even these people with true simchah, beyond just a false redness of the cheeks�44


� Even if, for whatever reason, someone were to spend Simchas Beis Hasho�evah alone � something that is contrary to both the letter and the spirit of halachah regarding Simchas Beis Hasho�evah, and a practice that like all loose conduct should be eradicated � still, he should meanwhile make a Simchas Beis Hasho�evah celebration on his own. In fact, even in such an undesirable situation a person can nevertheless positively affect the entire Jewish nation!45

----------------------that the entire family will attest to, this just does not happen when someone else eats the fruit and we merely answer, �Amen�! Rather we ourselves must eat the fruit and makes the appropriate blessings � maybe even shehechiyanu!�

42. See First Night of Sukkos 5749 - Hisvaduyos p.106. See also Second Night of Sukkos 5750 - Hisvaduyos p.146: �The deed is the main thing � to make Simchas Beis Hasho�evah even greater on the second night, both for ourselves and for others until we affect that �as di gas alien zol mit-tantzen - the street itself should dance along!� And we are going to require special alacrity in this respect, since on the first night, according to the reports, the street was not dancing��

43. See First Night of Sukkos 5749 - Hisvaduyos p.106. 44. See Third Night of Sukkos 5749 - Hisvaduyos p.132. 45. See Fifth Night of Sukkos 5750 - Hisvaduyos p.180, footnote 31.



� Furthermore, and most importantly, all those who participate in Simchas Beis Hasho�evah should make themselvesinto a �new face� by ascending in their own right to a higher level until they become like a new being! It is then that the very atmosphere of simchah takes on new life and excitement.40

Increasing and Spreading the SimchahDANCING ALLEYS

� Our rejoicing in Simchas Beis Hasho�evah should be in actual deed: singing with our mouth, which is also considered action, clapping with our hands and dancing with our feet, which is real action. This should be in a manner of �kol atzmosai tomarna � my entire being shall declare [His praise]�41 including ----------------------

attached themselves - �zich gehalten on der klameke�, and certainly those who actually studied there. The conduct of such people must certainly concord with the instruction of the said Mishnah from Pirkei Avos, which contains matters of righteous conduct � �mili d�chasidusah�: �Be a student of Aharon� love every �created� person and draw them close to Torah�!�

40. See Mayanei Hayeshuah p.132. See also Second Night of Sukkos 5748 - Hisvaduyos p.184-185: �� They ask how it is possible to experience true joy on the second night of Sukkos, how much more so a far greater joy than that of the first night, when there is no novelty � not even the novelty of a �new face� [a new participant]!? � The answer to that is, that the very instruction to increase and reach a further level of rejoicing itself proves and announces that power has been granted to each and every person, so that they may affect a novelty within themselves i.e. that they themselves become the �new� participants!

From the above, we can appreciate the great innovation of the rejoicing which comes about, not only via adding new participants to the festivities, but even beyond that, by the very same participant becoming a �new face�. Consequently, the advantage of the rejoicing is not only to affect himself so that he is �moved�; rather that he becomes a totally new entity, a �new face�!

This occurs, more specifically, to each person on their own individual level i.e. they become a new entity in comparison to their situation and level of participation during the first (previous) night. This is something that depends on each individual�s standing.�

41. See Night of Hoshanna Rabbah 5752 - Sichos Kodesh p.164: �The difference between dancing with every single part of one�s body and, for instance, just clapping one�s hands is no small one. Although clapping one�s hands is an action that resembles dancing, it�s a lot like answering �Amen� to some one else�s blessing - not to disparage the great virtues of answering �Amen.� But it is clear, that when one wants to derive the greatest benefit from a fruit � so that it becomes his very blood and flesh � it�s a simple fact for which we need no proofs and one


NEW FACES� First and foremost, Simchas Beis Hasho�evah should be distinguished by the presence of a �new face� each night. This means, one more Jew who until now did not attend Simchas Beis Hasho�evah should begin attending tonight. And through his participation, everyone's simchah increases as well.39

----------------------Hasho�evah that, in those times, the celebration would not even begin until afterthe first night of Yom Tov, since playing of musical instruments on Shabbos and Yom Tov is prohibited. In other words, the flute of the Simchas Beis Hashoevahwas indispensable [to the point of delaying the entire ceremony]!

Furthermore, regarding the novelty of music, an advantage exists in the Simchas Beis Hashoevah held during the times of exile: During Temple times, the Simchas Beis Hashoevah commenced with the flute on Motze Yom Tov, i.e. the entire rejoicing only began when the flute was available. Nowadays, however, the musical accompaniment comes as an addition to the rejoicing which already began with the commencement of Yom Tov! It comes when we are already to be found in the midst of Simchas Beis Hashoevah, after the warmth and liveliness (�men is shoin angevaremt � we have already �warmed up�) from the rejoicing of the previous nights! Especially seeing that this year�s calendar gave us three such nights in a row� [Shabbos and Yom Tov falling out right next to each other]�

39. See Mayanei Hayeshuah p.132. See also Fifth night of Sukkos 5750 � Hisvaduyos p.145: �It is currently the fifth day of Simchas Beis Hashoevah. The majority of the days of Simchas Beis Hasho�evah have passed, and we know that there are still Jews who have yet to participate in Simchas Beis Hasho�evah. This begs the question: �During the past four days of Simchas Beis Hasho�evah, where were you, and where was that Jew who still had not been influenced to rejoice at Simchas Beis Hasho�evah? And today, again, you still do not run to do a mitzvah, to bring yet another Jew to rejoice in Simchas Beis Hasho�evah?!

Even if you entertain the notion that this particular Jew is a mere �creation� [i.e. without any other redeeming quality save for the fact that he was created by Hashem], whilst you yourself are a knowledgeable scholar and �ah gantze ya-tchive-dam� � a real �big-wig� who even spent the past four days rejoicing, dancing, filling the entire street with the roar of the Simchas Beis Hashoevah, �mi yidme lach, u�mi yishve lach, we is like you and who could be compared to you��! Nevertheless, in your capacity as a learned scholar and the like, you are undoubtedly aware of the saying in the Mishna [Pirkei Avos], �Be a student of Aharon� love every �created� person and draw them close to Torah�!

The above is all the more pertinent when the person under discussion is a white-bearded Jew who studied, and still remembers what he studied, in YeshivasTomchei Temimim in the town of Lubavitch during the times of the Rebbe Rashab and his successor, the Previous Rebbe. And likewise during our times, although the Tomchei Temimim Yeshivah was no longer in the town of Lubavitch itself, rather in �the lower hemisphere�, America, he studied there under the tutelage of mashpiim who guided him along the paths of Chassidus. Now, being that �holiness does not depart from its location�, all of these spiritual matters remain in their full potency within those who attended Tomchei Temimim, those who devotedly

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