2017 nov 28 admin of justice (final)

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Administration of Justice

November 28, 2017

By agreement of faculty in August 2017 of the seven participating Community Colleges, this

agreement is extended during any review process.


Administration of Justice (AJ)


The University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges are comprised of seven campuses located on six islands in the State of Hawai‘i. While each campus has a unique identity and mission, the seven campuses operate as one system.

During the course of their education, students may decide to transfer from one campus to another in the University of Hawai‘i (UH) system. The development of an articulated program of study supports the transfer of earned academic credits within the UH system.


The primary purpose of this articulation agreement is to facilitate the matriculation of students and the transfer of courses across the university system. Moreover, it is intended to inform students whose program of study requires Administration of Justice courses as part of their degree requirements of the program opportunities that are available to them throughout the UH Community College system.


1. Scope of Agreement. This Articulation Agreement applies among the UH Community Colleges.

2. General Guidelines for the Application of Award of Transfer Credits

A. Student Eligibility: Students must be currently enrolled at a participating UH campus to be eligible for the award of any transfer credit.

B. Timeline for Application: Students should apply for transfer credits during their first year of attendance at the receiving campus.

C. Transferability: Credits awarded within the guidelines established in this Agreement will transfer between and among designated University of Hawai‘i campuses. However, students should be informed by both “sending” and “receiving” campuses that transferred credits may not be applicable to programs outside this Agreement.

D. Campus Procedures: Each UH Community College that is a party to this Agreement will be responsible for establishing procedures that detail the timeline

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and deadlines for application, review requests for award of transfer credit, and the appeals process for such credit.

The document lists all below 100, 100 and 200-level Administration of Justice courses that are equivalent within the University of Hawai‘i Community College system. If a course is unique to a campus and, hence, does not have an equivalent course within the UH Community College system, then it is not listed in this document.

This Articulation Agreement will remain in effect until October 2021. It will be subject to review in October 2020, and may be continued, revised, or discontinued with the consent of all faculty members and administration of all campuses represented in this agreement. The Articulation Agreement remains in effect while review continues.

Note: Phase I: By December 31, 2017 PCC’s will complete discussions and secure agreements on alpha, number, title, credits, contact hours, schedule types associated TE’s. By December 31, 2018 Phase I alignment changes will display in all college catalogs and implemented in STAR GPS.

Note: Phase II: By December 31, 2018 PCC’s will complete discussions and secure agreements on description, pre-requisites, and SLO’s. By December 31, 2019 Phase II alignment changes will display in all college catalogs and implemented in STAR GPS.

Note: Each campus must meet the agreed upon course student learning outcomes (SLOs), but can add additional outcomes as long as is does not result in a different course.

Note: If the class alpha with the same core course student learning outcome (SLOs) is offered at another campus, it articulates as well.

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Catalog Course Titles Hono CC UHMC Haw CC

Introduction to Administrative Justice

AJ 101 (3) AJ 101 (3) AJ 101 (3)

Criminal Investigation AJ 103 (3) AJ 103 (3) AJ 103 (3)

Criminalistics AJ 104 (3) AJ 104 (3)

Correctional Process AJ 150 (3) AJ 150 (3) AJ 150 (3)

Introduction to Private Security

AJ 170 (3) AJ 170 (3)

Introduction to Homeland Security

AJ 180 (3) AJ 180 (3)

Principles of the Hawaii Justice System

AJ 200 AJ 200

Criminology AJ 208 (3) AJ 208 (3)

Juvenile Justice AJ 210 (3) AJ 210 (3) AJ 210 (3)

Constitutional Law AJ 220 (3) AJ 220 (3)

Criminal Law AJ 221 (3) AJ 221 (3) AJ 221 (3)

Rules of Evidence AJ 224 (3) AJ 224 (3)

Principles of Police Supervision

AJ 230 (3) AJ 230 (3)

Police Organization & Management

AJ 233 (3) AJ 233 (3)

Police Community Relations

AJ 234 (3) AJ 234 (3) AJ 234 (3)

Current Issues in the Administration of Justice

AJ 280 (3) AJ 280 (3)

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AJ 101

Course alpha and number: AJ 101

Course title: Introduction to Administrative Justice

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Intro Admin Justice

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3 hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 103

Course alpha and number: AJ 103

Course title: Criminal Investigation

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Criminal Investigation

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45 hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 104 (Maui and Hawaii only)

Course alpha and number: AJ 104

Course title: Criminalistics

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Criminalistics

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00TEs

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 150

Course alpha and number: AJ 150

Course title: Correctional Process

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Correctional Process

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 170 (Maui and Hawaii only)

Course alpha and number: AJ 170

Course title: Introduction to Private Security

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Intro Private Security

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 180 (Honolulu and Hawaii only)

Course alpha and number: AJ 180

Course title: Introduction to Homeland Security

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Intro Homeland Sec

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 200 (Honolulu and Maui only)

Course alpha and number: AJ 200

Course title: Principles of the Hawai’i Justice System

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Prin Haw Justice System

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 208 (Honolulu and Hawaii only)

Course alpha and number: AJ 208

Course title: Criminology

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Criminology

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 210

Course alpha and number: AJ 210

Course title: Juvenile Justice

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Juvenile Justice

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 220 (Honolulu and Hawaii only)

Course alpha and number: AJ 220

Course title: Constitutional Law

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Constitutional Law

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 221

Course alpha and number: AJ 221

Course title: Criminal Law

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Criminal Law

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credits Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per week: 3hrs. Lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 224 (Honolulu and Maui only)

Course alpha and number: AJ 224

Course title: Rules of Evidence

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Rules of Evidence

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 230 (Honolulu and Maui only)

Course alpha and number: AJ 230

Course title: Principles of Police Supervision

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Prin Police Supervision

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3hrs. Lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 233 (Honolulu and Hawaii only)

Course alpha and number: AJ 233

Course title: Police Organization & Management

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Police Org & Mgt

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 234 Course alpha and number: AJ 234

Course title: Police Community Relations.

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Police-Comm Relations

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per Week: 3hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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AJ 280 (Honolulu and Hawaii only)

Course alpha and number: AJ 280

Course title: Current Issues in the Administration of Justice

Course abbreviation (Max 30 characters): Current Issues in Admin Justice

Prerequisites: Phase II (see page 3)

Credit Hours: Three (3)

Contact Hours per week: 3hrs. lecture

Semester Contact Hours: 3 x 15 = 45hrs.

Basis: Lecture (15)

Teaching Load (TE = Teaching Equivalencies): 45/15 = 3.00

Course description: Phase II (see page 3)

Student Learning Outcomes: Phase II (see page 3)

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Hawai‘i Community College

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Honolulu Community College

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