2013 influence the psychology of persuasion

Post on 06-May-2015






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ReciprocityCommitment and Consistency

Social ProofLiking



We’re hardwired to help those who’ve helped us.

One of the most powerful psychological triggers

Lyndon Johnson was able to get a remarkable amount of programs through congress when he was president based largely on how many favors he had been able to provide other legislators during his many years in power in the house and senate.

Jimmy Carter on the other hand had a lot of difficulty getting programs through Congress. He campaigned as the outside Washington candidate, saying that he was indebted to no one there. His legislative difficulty can be precisely attributed to this.

The real world take away:

•Go out of your way to help others. You never know when that’s going to come back to help you.•Getting mad or upset doesn’t get you anywhere, try being overly nice next time.

Commitment and


In the automotive industry. Quoting a price for a vehicle, the buyer agreeing then the sales person calls back because “there was a mistake” and “they’re going to lose money on this deal”

To bump up Jan. and Feb. sales, toy companies advertise their flagship toys in December so parents promise a toy for Christmas. All stores are miraculously out of the toy in Dec. but in Jan. after parents have purchased all their Christmas presents the toys are restocked.

The real world take away:

•We tend to like and do what is familiar or what we’ve done before•Inconsistency is an undesirable trait

Social Proof

When we’re on the fence about a decision we often look to others to see what

they’re doing and copy

Canned laughter on sitcom’s works

An Arizona State University research team infiltrated the Billy Graham organization to determine if they actually seed the audience with ringers to come forward and “witness”.

By the time Graham arrives in town and makes his alter call, an army of six thousand wait with instructions on when to come fourth at varying intervals to create the impression of a spontaneous mass outpouring.

Which sign would be more effective to convince people

to conserve energy in the summer?

#1: Informed the customer that they could be saving $54/month on their utility bill.

#2: Told customers that they could prevent the release of 262 pounds of greenhouse gasses every month.

#3: Encouraged customers that saving energy was a socially responsible thing to do.

#4: Let customers know that 77 percent of their neighbors were already actively using fans to save energy.

The real world take away:

•If the crowd is on your side it’s good to show it • Use social proof on important landing pages on your website and when a customer is close to making a purchase


Research has shown that we automatically assign to good-looking individuals such favorable traits as talent, kindness, honesty, and intelligence.

A study of Canadian Federal elections found that attractive candidates received more than two and a half times as many votes as unattractive candidates.

Tupperware’s viral marketing. People were more likely to buy from

people they like. Generally more aesthetically pleasing people tend to use this influence excellently over others.

The real world take away:

•Look good feel good. Don’t be afraid to dress up.•Happiness is hot•Find something you have in common with a stranger, it’ll make them like you more.


Stanley Milgrim

Implied compliance

Who are the influencers?

The real world take away:

•We listen to authority figures•Who are the influencers that people listen to in your industry?


You want what you can’t have

Nightclub lineups

Sporting event seating and pricing

The real world take away:

•Making something exclusive can make others want it more•In a world of abundance, scarcity stands out because we don’t expect it


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