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February 2012United Church of Christ in Cornwall, Congregational

PASTOR’S WORDDuring these days leading through Epiphany to Lent, our Sunday lectionary readings follow Jesus’

ministry in the Gospel of Mark. On his first day of teaching in the Synagogue in Capernaum, those listening to Jesus were said to be “astonished”. Those who followed Jesus were even more astonished as their lives with this teacher unfolded. There were “unclean spirits”, healings, and times of being run out of town. There was the arrest and killing of John the Baptist, stories told by Jesus that were hard to understand, and cleansing of lepers. Those called by Jesus to follow were not bored, that is for sure!

Mark’s Gospel will challenge us to consider how it is that we follow the man of Nazareth. What does it mean to be his disciples today? If our faith is boring or no longer central to our lives, why not take the opportunity to re-examine what it all means?

When Jesus preached in Capernaum, Mark says, “immediately there was in their synagogue someone with an unclean spirit who cried out, ‘What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God.’ But Jesus rebuked the spirit, saying, ‘Be silent, and come out!’ And the unclean spirit, convulsing the person and crying with a loud voice, came out.” (Mark 1:23-26)

Though we don’t often call it, “casting out demons”, we know of God’s transforming grace and the difference it makes. Here at the UCC we participate in casting out demons in the name of God’s love. We do this when we welcome everyone to our church, when we teach God’s love to our children, when we work for justice, when we work on behalf of the poor and hungry. Practicing discipleship is one way to bring our discipleship to life. Join us as we worship and share together, listening for what God is calling us to do in 2012.

See you in church!


Red Cross Blood Drive

1:00 –5:45 on Thursday, March 1.Donors must be at least 17 years old and weigh at least 110 lbs. There is no upper age limit if you are in

good health. If you have given in the past or if this will be your first time please come, and invite your friends and neighbors.

To sign up please call the Red Cross directly at 1-800-GIVE LIFE. Walk-ins are welcome. Allow at least one hour in all.

STAFF: Minister Director of Music Dir. of Christian Ed. Church Secretary Church Sextons Micki Nunn-Miller Anne Chamberlain Tracy Gray Tracy Gray Donna and


Congratulations to the following children and young people who celebrate a birthday in February!February 1 Ciara Hurlburt

Kale PrenticeFebruary 11 Jonah Folds

February 22 Saoirse FischerFebruary 28 Layla Decker

Fat Tuesday Pancake SupperFebruary 215:30 – 7:30

Come join us for pancakes and sausage, Mardi Gras beads, mask making and New Orleans jazz at the UCC Parish House on Tuesday, February 21st from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Free will donations will benefit the 2012 Mission Trip to Pine Ridge Reservation. For more information or to volunteer to flip jacks, please contact Pam Longwell at 672-6175.


Our church and St. Peter’s church will join together for an Ash Wednesday service at 7pm on Feb. 22 nd. The service will be held at St. Peter’s and begins the season of Lent, a season of reflection on our relationship with God. Worship will include music, scripture, reflection, and the opportunity to receive ashes. Please join Pastor Micki and Pastor Bob Pohl for this moving start to the time of Lent. A soup supper takes place at 6:30 in St. Peter’s gathering space downstairs for all who wish to join in fellowship before worship begins!!

JOB TRAINING AVAILABLE!The CT Conference of the UCC is offering a “job training” for those who work in the church – Deacons, Trustees, Moderators, etc. If you are interested in how we can do our work better or more efficiently, join with members of other churches from around the state on March 24th to share and learn. The session will run from 9am – 3pm and will be held at the UCC church in Cheshire. Registration is necessary so let Micki know if you would like to attend.

MEMBERS SOUGHT…...for a new Technology Committee.  This short-term committee will examine how the church can best use social media connections, will set up the church Facebook page, create an internet use policy, and examine our website.  Let Moderator Pam Longwell know if you want to help!

GOODNEWS GOODNEWS GOODNEWS Six new window snakes for the sanctuary were sewn by Debbie Elias and

filled by members of the Confirmation Class! Members and friends gave 25 jars of peanut butter and jelly to be used by

the food pantry! New members were received into the church in January! Four members of our congregation serve the community through the Board

of Education: Becky Hurlburt (chair), Irene Hurlburt, Phil Hart and Tracy Gray. Phil Hart is the chair of the Region 1 board!

PINE RIDGE PLANSPlanning for our trip to Pine Ridge continues. The trip to the reservation in South Dakota will be Aug.

18-24. If you are interested in going, please send $75 to reserve your place. The cost to participants is the cost of room, board, and transportation to and from the airport in Rapid City, SD, approximately $400. Airfare is in addition to this cost.

Participants will build and repair, learn about Lakota culture, and tour the reservation during our 6-day stay. Our group will work with Re-Member, a volunteer organization dedicated to helping the Lakota people. Learn more about this organization at their website, www.re-member.org. Some work may also be on “Feather 2”, a recently purchased site that will become the new home of Re-Member. If you have questions, please speak to Micki!

MISSION TRIP OPPORTUNITIES!If our Pine Ridge trip is not the right one for you, consider going on one of these trips to which we have

been invited:

July 21 - 28 - Salisbury Cong. UCC - youth and adults - to Mexico with "Simply Smiles"

July 10 - 20 - Goshen UCC - youth - to Chicago for a week of service and then to Purdue University for the UCC National Youth Event!

Benefit for Pine Ridge Trip: Panoramic Eggs for EasterThese handmade eggs cost $8.00 each and will be ready for pick-up on April 1 during Fellowship. A few extras will be available that day as well. The eggs are approximately 4 in. long and are available in three colors: yellow, blue or pink. The inside scenes will vary. Please call the church office at 860-672-6840 or email (cornwallucc@aol.com) to place your order. The deadline for orders is March 17.

OUTLOOK Series:Continuing Education at the UCC


Video program

How have our ideas about burying and honoring the dead changed in the past century? Our Continuing Education series continues on this topic with the movie, “A Family Undertaking”. Before the Civil War, preparing the dead for burial and funeral rites generally fell to friends and family members of the deceased. The 20th century saw the rise of the professional undertaker, a trend that changed American attitudes toward death and distanced grievers from their loved ones. This eye-opening film uncovers a growing movement advocating a return to a more traditional, personal approach to honoring the dead. We will watch and discuss the movie on Feb. 12 at 3pm at a place to be determined.


Join us on Feb. 19 in the Church Library for a discussion about what decisions need to be made about our own funerals. What information can we leave for our families so that they understand our preferences? A form will be provided that each person can take home and discuss with loved ones, then the form can be put on file in the church office. Our reflection will be guided by our previous discussions, but all are welcome regardless of prior attendance. Program takes place in the Church Library.

LENTEN STUDY PLANNEDFebruary 29, March 7, March 14, March 21

Join us on Wednesday evenings during Lent (7:15pm) to think about Christianity’s most fundamental questions: Who is God? What does salvation mean? What place does Jesus hold in contemporary Christian faith? We will use a video faith-formation resource led by Professor Marcus Borg entitled “Embracing an Adult Faith”. Beginning on Feb. 29, we will see a 10 minute presentation by Borg and some group discussion to prime the pump of our own discussion. Lent is traditionally a time when we consider the “state of our faith”. Let’s talk together about the big questions as we move toward Easter. Let Pastor Micki know if you are interested in attending! (cornwallpastor@aol.com) Program takes place in the Church Library.

IN THE MAILBOXDear Friends, Thank you for the generous donations to the Cornwall Food & Fuel Fund. Throughout the

year the fund offers assistance to people in Cornwall who are having trouble meeting their basic living expenses, such as heating fuel, groceries and utilities. 100% of donated funds are used for aid. The Cornwall Food & Fuel Fund continues to be a vital resource for many of our Cornwall neighbors. I am extremely grateful for your help in this effort.

Sincerely, Jill E. Gibbons, Dir. Cornwall Social Services

(Gifts to the Fund were made following the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service held in our church and following the Election Day Lunch of about $400)UCC TAKE ACTION: VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT

2011 ended before Congress reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 2011. Now it is time to ask our Senators and Representatives to co-sponsor, support and fully fund VAWA which was first introduced in Congress in 1994. VAWA has been reauthorized and improved over the years and 2011 version will strengthen key sections of this act which has proved essential support to victims of violence as well as to prevention programs such as cyberstalking and increased funding for assistance to Native American women and for women with disabilities, older women and underserved populations.

For more information, go to www.ucc.org and find the Justice and Peace Action Network.

2011 ended before Congress reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 2011.  Now is the time to ask your Senators and Representatives to co-sponsor, support and fully fund VAWA which was first passed by Congress in 1994.

Ask your Senators and Representatives support the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act 2011!

VAWA has been reauthorized and improved over the years and the 2011 version will strengthen key components of this act which has provided essential support to victims of violence as well as to prevention programs. The 2011 versions of VAWA includes provisions for addressing cyberstalking, increased funding for assistance for Native American women and for women with disabilities, older women, and underserved populations.

Ask your members of Congress to co-sponsor, support and fully fund the reauthorization of VAWA 2011.  This should have been done in 2011 so now is the time to act.

February brings us the beginning of Lent, the time of preparation before Easter that lasts forty days (excluding Sundays). It is representative of the forty days Jesus spend fasting and praying in the desert preparing for his ministry. It is a time for us to repent (ask for forgiveness) and forgive, for turning doubt to faith and hope, for spiritual renewal and for recognizing the greatness of God’s everlasting and unconditional love. The story of Jesus’ ministry, his last days and his resurrection can be found in the four Gospels in the New Testament.

Make Pretzels

One of the traditional symbols of Lent is the pretzel. In the early days of the Christian church Lent was observed as a time of sadness and suffering. People were required by the church to abstain from eating certain well-liked foods and to eat only simple meals, including a special bread shaped into arms crossed in prayer. The bread was known as “bracellae,” a Latin word for “little arms”. As the church grew, this Christian custom spread into places with different languages and the word

translated eventually to “pretzel”. The Sunday before Ash Wednesday was often named Pretzel Sunday by some Europeans to remind them to think about the meaning of the forty days of Lent.

The Pretzel recipe:

Stir one packet of dry yeast into ¾ cup warm water. Add one tablespoon sugar, one tablespoon oil, and ½ teaspoon salt. Mix in 2 cups flour. Turn out dough onto lightly floured surface. Knead until

smooth. Break off pieces of dough and form shapes. Place on foil pieces. Brush tops of dough with beaten egg, sprinkle with coarse salt. Bake at 425º until tops are golden brown (about ten minutes).

UCC in Cornwall, CongregationalChurch Council Minutes for January 12, 2012

Moderator Pam Longwell called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM.

Present: Nita Colgate, Barbara Gold, Charles Gold, Tracy Gray, Jim Longwell, Pam Longwell, Charlie Milligan, Pastor Micki Nunn-Miller

Pastor Micki opened the meeting with a New Year’s meditation.

Minutes of the November 10, 2011 Church Council meeting were approved.

Minister’s Report: Attendance at the Christmas worship services was good. The Advent reflection group was successful. The Lectionary Lunch study group is off to a good start. Pastoral needs were heavy in December and the start of January.A group of young people was confirmed in November; a new class is meeting for confirmation in 2012.Conference activities include the ongoing work of the Conference Executive Search Committee and a lay training event for Moderator, Deacons, and Trustees on March 24 at Cheshire.The Salisbury, Goshen and Cornwall UCC congregations are sharing opportunities for mission and youth.

Treasurer Charlie Milligan distributed a draft report for 2011.He will ask the Pledge Committee to send follow-up letters to those who pledged last year but have not done so this year so that planning for 2012 can proceed.Charlie Gold moved and Pam Longwell seconded that Council recommend to the Trustees that the funds from the Rogers Bequest be put in the existing North Cornwall Meeting House fund. Motion passed unanimously.

Director of Christian Education Tracy Gray announced plans for a Chili Fest February 25.The children are completing the window “snakes” for the Village Meeting House sanctuary.Two members of the Confirmation Class attended the Boar’s Head Festival in Winsted.Church school classes are beginning a study of Jesus’ call to the disciples.Continuing education:

January 8 – Mohamed Elserafy spoke.January 29 - report on survey results.A Lenten series with videos with Marcus Borg is tentatively planned.

Tracy, Pam, and Pastor Micki will plan a Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper for February 21.Charlie Milligan moved and Barbara Gold seconded that the nomination of Diane Beebe to the Christian Education Committee be approved. Motion approved unanimously.

Deacons: Jim Longwell reported the resignation of Catherine Tatge; he will notify Anne Baren, Nominating Committee. Appreciation was expressed by the Council for Catherine’s faithful and remarkable work.

Old Business:Charlie Gold will report on the survey results January 29. The committee has identified the issues respondents agreed on; the issue is what to do about them.Pine Ridge trip will be the week of August 18, 2012. Pastor Micki has sent emails to potential participants.Technical Committee: Lisa Keskinen, Laszlo Gyorsok, Charlie Milligan have expressed interest in serving on the committee.

New Business:Tracy Gray is working to cut the cost of mailing the Newsletter. She will include a questionnaire in the next mailing to determine interest and format desired (regular mail, distribution in church, email, web site).Barbara Gold announced that Anne Chamberlain has offered to do another benefit concert for the Pine Ridge trip; the Council enthusiastically accepted her offer. Barbara will reply to Anne and determine a date.

Next meeting: Wednesday, February 15, 7:15 PM.Meeting adjourned with prayer at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Barbara Gold, Clerk

Heifer Project International Benefit2nd Annual Cornwall Chili

FestSaturday, February 25

5:00pm – 7:00pm

LOCATION: UCC Parish House8 Bolton Hill Road, in Cornwall Village

Many varieties of Chili (including vegetarian), rice, cornbread, desserts and beverages served.

Open donations accepted

100% of the proceeds benefit the Heifer Project !

Silver Lake Summer Opportunities!Silver Lake Summer Conference brochures are in the church office! Please speak to Tracy if you

would like one for your child(ren).Kids have a wonderful week full of singing, crafts, games, swimming, active worship, ropes course and

much more. The food is great too! Scholarships are available!!!

LENTEN FAST?For hundreds of years, Ash Wednesday (February 22, 2012) marks the beginning of a time when

Christians engage in spiritual disciplines involving repentance, fasting, prayer, study and works of love.  Living as we are at a time when our actions - along with the actions of only a few generations - have threatened creation as we know it by the excessive burning of fossil fuel, it is fitting to engage in a spiritual discipline of fasting from carbon.

Sign up to participate in this fast through the CT Conference of the UCC. Beginning Ash Wednesday and throughout Lent, participants will receive a daily email with the day's suggested carbon-reducing activity. When possible, this will include a quantitative measure of the carbon reduction resulting from the activity.

Initiated by the UCC in 2011, this Lenten activity was endorsed by the Episcopalians in 2012 and promoted in countless places the world over. Over 6,000 people in every state and in 14 countries participated in the daily invitation to fast from carbon. Sign up at the CT Conference website (www.ctucc.org ) and let our church office know you are participating!

Fifth Grade AssignmentA fifth grade teacher asked her class to look at TV commercials and see if they could use them in 20

ways to communicate ideas about God.Here are some of the results:

God is like. BAYER ASPIRIN He works miracles.


He cares enough to send His very best.

God is like. SCOTCH TAPE You can't see Him, but you know He's there.

God is like.

ALLSTATE You're in good hands with Him. God is likeTHE U.S. POST OFFICE Neither rain, snow, sleet nor ice, will keep Him from His appointed task.

God is like

B o u n t yHe is the quicker picker upper.He can handle the tough jobs,And He won't fall apart on you.

God is likeThe Energizer BunnyHe keeps going, and going, and going!

FEBRUARY 2012 United Church of Christ in Cornwall, Congregational 860-672-6840 cornwallucc@aol.com

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1Stepping Stones

workshop, 6:45- 8:30, Southington


2Woman’s Society, 9:30Parish House

Food Pantry open,

11:00 – 12:00

3Food Pantry open for drop-offs only, 9 – 1

World Day of Prayer planning meeting, 2:00, DR

4Cornwall Assoc., 9:00 DR

58:45 Choir rehearsal10:00 Worship and Church School11:20 Children’s Choir rehearsal

6Food Pantry open for drop-offs only, 9 - 1

7Food Pantry

open,11:00 – 12:00

8 9Food Pantry

open,11:00 – 12:00



Senior Housing Com meeting,

4:30, UR

10Food Pantry open for drop-offs only, 9 - 1


128:45 Choir rehearsal10:00 Worship and Church School11:20 Children’s Choir rehearsal3:00 Cont. Ed

13Food Pantry open for drop-offs only, 9 - 1Blood Pressure Clinic, 12 – 1, PH

14Food Pantry

open,11:00 – 12:00


Council, 7:15, Lib.

16Food Pantry

open,11:00 – 12:00

17Food Pantry open for drop-offs only, 9 - 1

18Motherhouse Workshop9:00 – 3:00PH

198:45 Choir rehearsal10:00 Worship and Church School11:20 Children’s Choir rehearsal11:30 Cont. Ed

20Food Pantry open for drop-offs only, 9 – 1

Office Closed

21Food Pantry

open,11:00 – 12:00

Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper

5:30 – 7:30,PH


Wednesday Service,7:00, St. Peter’s

23Food Pantry

open,11:00 – 12:00

Trustees meeting, 7:00,


24Food Pantry open for drop-offs only, 9 - 1

25Benefit Chili Fest5:00 – 7:00

268:45 Choir

27Food Pantry

28Food Pantry

29Lenten Study:

rehearsal10:00 Worship and Church School11:20 Children’s Choir rehearsal11:30 Confirmation Class w/Micki

open for drop-offs only, 9 - 1

open,11:00 – 12:00

“Embracing an Adult Faith”

7:15, Lib.

PH = Parish House Lib. = Church Library DR = Day Room UR = Upper Room

Couples from the BibleFebruary is the month of love! Find the names of the following couples in the word search below. Read about

their story in the bible verses listed after their names.

O H E Z E C H A R I A H R S Adam & Eve (Gen. 2:20-24,3:20)D A V I D T WE C S I A O O Abraham & Sarah (Gen.16:1, 21:1-4)C S D P WT S A R A H C B S Isaac & Rebekah (Genesis 24)A MJ P D C Y L C A WT A A Jacob & Rachel (Gen. 29:14 – 30: 43)I O WO WP R I S C I L L A Moses & Zipporah (Ex. 2:21)WS Y R S E C I WMI I U D Ruth & Boaz (Ruth 4:1-22)F E T A WE MMA E U F T A Esther & Xerxes (Esther 2:1-18) E S T H E R P J A Q E MH M David & Bathsheba (2 Sam. 11:1-27)

United Church of Christ in Cornwall, Congregational

8 Bolton Hill RoadPO Box 35Cornwall, CT 06753

Phone: 860-672-6840Fax: 860-672-6840Email: cornwallucc@aol.comWeb:www.uccincornwall.orgMorning Worship: 10:00 Church School: 10:00Office Hours: M – F, 9 –1

God is Still Speaking!

We are an Open and Affirming Church.

All are welcome here!


V I L S F E U H A P H O U O Elizabeth & Zechariah (Luke 1:1-25)E WE C I B A R A C H E L C Mary & Joseph (Matt. 1:18-25)S X E R X E S R D WO T C B Aquila & Priscilla (Acts 18)S A D WT K C U B L S B E RT D G L G A E T MA U P R XF S B A T H S H E B A G Y IE X O Y Z A T U J R O O H XWMA R Y E L I Z A B E T HL R Z I K L F S R H P C N PG K H V H T B E N A G O B MZ C J D U G MV D MWG P A

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