2010 winter eng

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To know God and make him known

Youth With A Mission, Restenäs 239, 459 93 Ljungskile, Sweden Tel +46 (0)522 210 20 Fax +46 (0)522 202 45 www.ywamrestenas.se info@ywamrestenas.se Plusgiro 89 61 56-7 Organisation no. 858500 5633

Youth With A MissionUniversity of the Nations

Restenäs, Sweden

February 2010

“The Fiftieth Year Shall Be a Jubilee for You”

Dear friends,

Warm greetings from Restenäs.

2010 marks a milestone for YWAM In-ternational as we celebrate 50 years of existence. Celebrations will be held all over the world as Loren and Darlene Cunningham visit different bases, including Restenäs.

We are calling 2010 a Year of Jubilee as we celebrate God’s faithfulness. It is also

a significant year for us here at Restenäs as we celebrate our 30 years.

The Biblical meaning of “jubilee” is in the context of being free of debt, and living out generosity and expressions of

forgiveness. (Leviticus chap. 25)

As we consider this meaning, we are asking ourselves the following questions: How are we to bring a relevant Gos-pel to this generation? What is our contribu-tion to Sweden, Europe and the nations?

I would like to invite you to walk closely with us in this Year of Jubilee and into the future. One of the ways you can do that is by becoming a part of the “1000 give 1000” campaign. We would love too see the remaining SEK 1.275 000 of our mortgage paid off by September this year.

Would you join us in this faith venture?

May you know the Lord’s love and pleasure in all you do.

Tove Kirkebye Poulsen,

Base Director

We currently are:..in India and Cambodia with long-term teams

..in China, India and Cambodia with four outreach teams

..hosting a Korean university outreach team

..responding to the earthquake in Haiti by organizing a con-cert

..getting more involved in the local community

..mobilizing and training youth

..offering “Mission Adventures” summer outreaches to Chi-na, Turkey, Romania, Estonia, India and Sweden

..responding to the global concern of human trafficking by offering a Justice and Development Discipleship Training School in March

..working hard to maintain and upgrade our old facilities

Our next five newsletters will present a simple time-line from each decade of YWAM’s first 50 years.Source: extracted fromYWAM_Timeline_Founders_2010_-_updated_17Jan2010.pdf

50 Years of YWAM

A Korean university outreach team helped us raise money for Haiti relief by performing in the local

Swedish church.

From Theory to Action in Rwanda!by Heather Pressley

I have been in Rwanda for the past three weeks, as part of a team facilitating a workshop for caregivers of children at risk. The conference is appropriately called “Celebrating Children”, as our aim is to help caregivers see God’s intention for children and their future. We are providing basic training in a biblical understanding of the child, child development, discipline and other important topics essential to

successfully working with children.

I am very encouraged by the quality of people that I have met at this workshop. There are men and women from Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Congo, Korea and the USA, representing 28 ministries and approximately 30,000 children! All of us share a common goal, which is to provide the best possible care for children such as orphans, street children and those that are at risk of not reaching God’s potential.

In a field typically dominated by women, my hope has been renewed as godly men stand up and share the vision God has given them to work with the smallest and most marginalized of their society. During this workshop God is moving in the hearts of the participants, to make deep changes in how they relate to children. Fol-lowing a lesson on discipline, a Kenyan children’s pastor stood before the class and confessed that he had grown up under a father whose severe corporal punishment led him to be filled with an unhealthy anger. Before us he made a commitment to God that the cycle would stop in his generation. The truth is setting people free! It is amazing to me how God is using this workshop to bring powerful change among our participants -- change that will bear fruit in the children they serve.

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964

YWAM plants nine churches in Africa and an agricultural Training school in Senegal, West Africa.

Birth of YWAM. Call to EVANGELISM: Young peo-ple, short-term, no salaries (volunteers), interdenomi-national, westerners & non-westerners. Paradigm shift in missions; reset the boundaries & “de-regulated” missions.

Loren Cunningham marries Darlene Scratch. (Team concept introduced.) Round the world ministry trip.

First summer of service (SOS) outreach to Bahamas, Dominican Republic and Turks & Caicos Islands. Tests: Darlene is in car accident; Denominational rejection of YWAM vision.

Loren - 13 years: Altar at Monday night youth rally: “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel...” 20 years: Vision of waves of young people, going onto continents of the world (June 1956). 1960’s missions climate: traditional missionary agencies only; no opportunities for youth, short-term, non-Bible school or seminary graduates and non-westerners.

The year of Jubilee 1960-1970 by Magnus Lindetun

It all started when a 20-year-old American college student, who was in the Bahamas on a singing tour, saw what he called a “mental movie.” He saw waves on a map. The waves turned into young people, going to every continent, sharing the good news about Jesus. “Is that really you, Lord?” he asked.

This radical idea, that young people could be missionaries, stayed with this young man, Loren Cunningham. Four years later, in 1960, he started an organisation with that idea ex-pressed even in its name: Youth With A Mission.

Loren Cunningham married to Darlene Scratch in June of 1963. The following year 24 teams of young people went to the Bahamas on an outreach. As the mission was drawing to a close, Hurricane Cleo hit the islands. Loren saw the devastation

on the island and said to his team members, “I wish there was something we could do, like help with food, clothing or build-ing supplies”. As Loren spoke, an idea began to take shape in his mind: a ship filled with youth who could help people in prac-tical ways, and tell them about Jesus as the ultimate answer to their problems. This idea would later become a ministry called Mercy Ships.

By 1966, there were 10 full-time YWAM staff and hundreds of short-term volunteers, and YWAM ministries were started in many places around the world. In the autumn of 1967, Loren began to work on his vision for the first school, the School of Evangelism in Lausanne, Switzerland.

You can read the whole story about YWAM’s first years in the book “Is That Really You, God?” by Loren Cunningham. You can order it from us, 50 SEK plus stamps. Contact us: info@ywamrestenas.se

Loren’s Eastern European, Africa and Central America trip - Approx. 10 YWAMers are placed.

Not so common in Sweden, motorbike taxis were Heather’s regular mode of transport during her time

in Rwanda.

Mission Adventures by Märit Månsson

When parents watch their children take their first steps, they are usually very happy and proud. It is not difficult to understand, since it is such an important part of the child’s development that will affect them for life! I have worked with mission trips for five years (teams going out during the

summer) and every summer I feel just as proud and happy when I afterwards have read the evaluations, though the very best thing is when I have been a team leader myself. It is truly great to be there when someone shares their testimony for the first time, prays for another person or discovers that they can hear God’s voice and that God can actually use them!

YWAM Restenäs has now, 2010, decided to get on board with Mission Adventures. Mission Adventures is a minis-try of YWAM that has been working with youth groups in missions since 1988. Mission Adventures is all about living out and applying what we have learned from Jesus. This can be hard at times. That is why I believe it is so good for a

youth group to go and leave their home environment and together be challenged in how to put their faith into action. What would happen in your youth group and church if you went on a mission’s trip? I think you would grow, be challenged together and come home with greater faith that will inspire people in your community for missions. To be a bit unconventional as a Swede from up north I would like to say that I think Mission Adventures is a part of changing the world!

See you this summer!

SOS Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Mexico, Canada, American and Western Samoa and Hawaiian Islands. Beginning of domestic outreaches.

First YWAM photo book “Journal of a Summer“

Loren meets Jim and Joy Dawson = emphasis on Voice of God, intercession, holiness. Release of others into leader-ship: Dean Sherman, Ross Tooley, Barry Austin, Kalafi Moala, Reona Peterson and others.

Loren and Darlene have their first child, Karen. YWAM has 30 full-time staff, 1,200 short-term workers, no schools yet.

1965 1966 1967 1968 1969

Birth of Training = Key for multiplication. Live-learn concept; visiting professors; modular training.. Buper crop of leaders, including: Al & Carolyn Akimoff, Don & Deyon Stephens, Lynn & Marti Green, David & Carol Boyd, Joe & Judi Portale, Gary & Helen Stephens, Rudy Lack, Reona Peterson, Ramona Jensen. First around the world team (Jim & Jan Rogers). YWAM has 40 full-time staff. Growth by addition

Mission Adventure Dates 2010

June 14 - 28 Estonia and Romania

June 14 - July 6 Turkey and China

July 20 - August 12 in connection to a youth camp in Borås. India and Sweden.

Estimated price 3000-5000 SEK not including bus/airfare

For More information: www.missionadventures.se e-mail: ma@ywamrestenas.se

Love in action - Swedish youth sharing Christ with those that have never heard!


ywam restenas


Birthday Gift – “1000 give 1000”We would like to present Jesus with the birthday gift of a debt-free Restenäs by September 25th.

When Jesus turned 30 he was completely released into ministry. We believe that the Lord wants to see

the Restenäs ministry fly free from debt. If 1000 people give 1000 kr, we will get there! Will you

prayerfully consider whether you are able to give 1000 toward this gift at this time?

How to giveAccount holder: UMU/ YWAM,

Restenäs 239, 459 93

Ljungskile, Sweden

Bank: Swedbank, Vällebergsvägen 12, 459 30 Ljungskile, Sweden

Account: IBAN: SE1880000836833449408370


Please mark your gift: 1000 x 1000

School of Intercessory Prayer by Sue Gauen

This fall, YWAM Restenäs will be host-ing the School of Intercessory Prayer (SOIP). This is a 12-week course de-signed for DTS/CDTS graduates who want to continue developing their ability to hear God’s voice and to re-spond to the burdens of His heart. Students will learn to pray prayers which are inspired by God’s passion

for individuals and for nations. We seek to create an atmosphere that helps people go deeper in their relationship with God while participating in daily intercession and worship times.

Students have the opportunity to develop their confidence in leading intercession, as well as becoming more effective in wor-ship and intercessory prayer in a variety of ways! Some of the topics covered include: The Nature and Character of God, The Spiritual Authority of the Believer, Proclamation, The Personal Disciplines of the Intercessor, Prophetic Intercession, Praying the Scriptures, Hearing God’s Voice, Prayer Walking, Worship, Growing in Intimacy with Jesus, How to Lead Corporate Prayer,

God’s Desire for the Nations, and Research (spiritual history and atmosphere of a town, country, etc).

Three essential tools, whatever ministry you may have, are:

INTERCESSION... Hearing God’s voice and responding in faith to pray what He has said. Learn creative ways of leading inter-cession; participate in planning for group intercession times.

WORSHIP... Join in worshipping the King of Kings. Learn to lead corporate worship. Learn about the role of worship in in-tercessory prayer, both corporately and individually.

TAKING YOUR PLACE ... As active Christians, we are part of es-tablishing God’s kingdom. Taking our place is not optional. You are involved! The question is: Will you develop your skills, learn your authority and exercise it?

Come join us for an adventure in Intercession, Worship and Spiritual Authority at a School of Intercessory Prayer!!

People who want to apply should e-mail Sunny Song at soip@ywamrestenas.se

Birthday Invitation

Come celebrate YWAM Restenäs’ 30 years of existence

on September 25th. This will be an all-day event, gather-

ing friends and alumni from around Sweden and abroad.

A time to re-connect, tell stories and celebrate God and

each other.

We are anticipating amazing times of worship, hearing

from the Lord, looking into the future, uniting with old

friends, loads of fun and tasty BBQs, etc.

Please invite your friends, family and old school- mates

and let’s have a great time!!!

Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime event!

For more information and registration, contact:


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