15 nov the peppercorn press - ariah park€¦ · change to school captain speeches school captain...

Post on 27-Jul-2020






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ARIAH PARK CENTRAL SCHOOL 1 Harrison Street Ariah Park NSW 2665 02 6974 1105 ariahpark-c.schools.nsw.gov.au

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7 NOV School Captain


15 NOV Whole School


16 DEC

Presentation Night

Respect, Honesty and Resilience 

Canteen Roster Friday 8th November: Clara Amarant, Amanda Donoghue

Monday 11th November: Jillian Edis, April Frater 

Principal’s Report

It was good to see the dust se le around the region with some

widespread rain over the weekend. Temperatures look good for the

remainder of the week in the low 20's.

Good luck to Cooper Herden and Joe Furphy heading off to

compete in the NSW PSSA State Athle cs Championships this week.

Joe will compete in the 800m whilst Cooper will compete in the

100m. It’s a great achievement to compete at state level and I am

sure they will do well.

Tomorrow is Melbourne Cup Day and our School Captains, Sophie and Josie, have organised a

Melbourne Cup dress up theme day for Tuesday. Cup day is an Australian tradi on and it’s

good to see our students celebrate this event and con nue to build our sense of belonging.

This Thursday the whole school will come together in a closed assembly to listen to the 2020

school Captain speeches. It is a privilege to be chosen as school captain and it carries the

responsibility of your school as you set the standard of leadership. I encourage all our

students to explore leadership possibili es and put yourself forward to be involved. Nothing

great comes without risk.

This Friday I will be a ending the Victor Chang awards with Jack McCormack and Stephanie

Derrick in Wagga Wagga. The Victor Chang Awards are for recogni on of those excelling in

Science. Well done to Jack and Stephanie.

Mrs Drumore and myself will be absent tomorrow to a end a State Access Leadership Team

mee ng in Sydney. We will be back on Wednesday.

Jus n Dunn


4th November 2019


School News

PBL Lesson  

This week’s lesson is “"we wear our hat outside".

PBL Team 

Change to School Captain speeches 

School captain speeches will now be held on Thursday during Period 2 instead of Friday.

This is due to some of our senior students who are running for captain a ending the Victor

Chang Science Awards.

Mrs Tidd 

Free Dress Day  

Tomorrow is Melbourne Cup Day. Students are encouraged to dress up in “race day

theme” or come in casual clothes for Melbourne Cup Day. Students will not be required to

give a gold coin dona on.

Boys’ and Girls’ Educa on Evening 

On Wednesday night we held a Boys’ and Girls’ Educa on evening. The evening consisted

of guest speaker talks from The Cancer Council and Kristy Wallace from Temora, focusing

on sun safe prac ces, bullying and cyber safety. Students also had a great me par cipa ng

in team building games and thoroughly enjoyed fitness with Lucy Pren ce and card making

with Amber Foster. Students finished off the night with a sausage sizzle for dinner.

We would like to thank all of our volunteers who came and shared their knowledge and

skills with our students and to the teachers for pu ng together some fantas c educa onal


The students were very well behaved and had a great me bonding with each other and

learning new skills and strategies to support them across all aspects of their life.

Mrs Anderson  


Boys’ and Girls’ Education Evening


Boys’ & Girls’ Education Evening


School News Name: Grace O’Brien

Age: 8

Favourite ac vity: I like running

Favourite food: Pasta and sausages

Favourite holiday: Cabarita Beach

I like: Cats

What do you want to be when you grow up? A nurse

Someone I look up to/inspires me: Olivia Vivian

Name: Ma lda McCormack 

Age: 8 

Favourite ac vity: iPads 

Favourite food: Ice cream 

Favourite holiday: Burrinjuck 

I like: Handball 

What do you want to be when you grow up? A Farmer 

Someone I look up to/inspires me: My Family

Name: Wayne Banfield 

Age: 8 

Favourite ac vity: Playing Video Games 

Favourite food: Roast Potato 

Favourite holiday: Sydney 

I like: Playing with my sister Fi 

What do you want to be when you grow up? A Police


Someone I look up to/inspires me: James 


School News

Don’t forget:  Race Day Themed/Casual Clothes Day 

Tomorrow—Tuesday 5th November 




Help Ariah Park Central School increase our chances of winning

this compe on to transform the new covered area into an

outdoor kitchen and learning space. Simply scan the QR Code or


h ps://grillex.typeform.com/to/Amj0YQ

and click “Start” to nominate Ariah Park Central School to win the

compe on.

Name of School: Ariah Park Central School

Suburb: Ariah Park

Q.3: Choose the answer which best fits your descrip on.

Q.4: We have recently built a shaded area and with the help of Grillex, we would like to

transform this space into an outdoor kitchen and learning space where our children can

embrace the benefits of growing their own fruit and veggies and learning outdoors. With

Grillex’s fantas c products like the Edge BBQs and sink and the Streetstyle Table Se ng we

will be able to create an invi ng func onal space where students can truly engage.

Q.5: Jus n Dunn, Principal

Then enter your details and click Finish. 


Thank you for your support! 


School News Primary News

Year 6 Gradua on 

The Year 6 Gradua on will be held on Wednesday 11th December at the Town Hall,

commencing at 6:30pm.

More details to follow.

Mrs Anderson  

Infants Excursion 

On Wednesday 23rd October, Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 all travelled to Wagga for

their annual excursion. Our first stop was the Bidgee Strawberry and Cream Farm! Here

we had recess while Michael, the owner told us how he grows the strawberries. We went

on a walk through the hydroponic strawberries and were even lucky enough to pick a

couple of our own to eat. We were shown where the bees were kept to help the

strawberries grow and also shown a very old tree where the Aborigines had carved out a

canoe. We were told this tree was over 400 years old. To finish the strawberry farm off,

we were given a scoop of homemade strawberry ice cream and some strawberries to


Next stop – Botanical Gardens! It was lovely to have lunch here and have me to play on

the equipment, where we were able to prac se our PBL skills of ‘We use equipment safely

and fairly’ outside of school. To top the day off, we walked through the zoo to see the

animals that were kept there. The peacocks were spectacular.

Thank you to all the teachers and aides who helped on the day and a special thanks to the

bus drivers, Nodsa and Tara!

Ms Studholme 


Infants Excursion


School News Secondary News

Secondary Excursion Payment Plan 

Please contact the Front Office if have any ques ons or if you require a prolonged payment

plan. Payments can be made by cash or cheque at the Front Office or made via

“POP” (Parent Online Payment) by visi ng our school website:

h ps://ariahpark‐c.schools.nsw.gov.au and selec ng the “Make a Payment” tab. Credit

cards can be used to make POP payments.

Mrs Tidd 


Due By  Details  Amount 

Friday 27th September Deposit $20

Friday 18th October Instalment 1 $50

Friday 25th October Instalment 2 $50

Friday 1st November Instalment 3 $50

Friday 8th November Instalment 4 $50

  Total:  $300 

Friday 29th November Final instalment or full payment



Stage 4 Science 

This week, students in Stage 4 learnt about the different types of fossils that can be found

and how fossils form. Students had the opportunity to build a fossil of their own using

leaves and shells (see collage).

Mrs Tidd 


Stage 4 Science

Community News


Remembrance Day 

The Ariah Park RSL Sub Branch would like to invite

the students and teachers of Ariah Park Central

School to the Remembrance Day wreath laying

service at the Ariah Park Cenotaph commencing at

10.50am on Monday 11th November 2019.

Parents are welcome to a end as students will be

par cipa ng in the service.

Community News


Community News


Ariah Park Pool The weather is warming up summer is almost here & the pool is opening TODAY @ 3.30pm. Our hosts for the season are Alice French & April Frater.

We have been extremely blessed to receive a donation from the CWA & Community Caterers to subsidise our family membership costs. We are hoping this encourages more families to use our beautiful little oasis. Therefore family memberships paid before the end of November will be $115. As of the 1st of December they will return to $165. Prompt payment is appreciated and please, if paying online, include your name as a reference and drop in a receipt to the canteen.

The pool will be closed to the public on Saturday 7th December for the Annual Ariah Park Swimming Club Carnival. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

Memberships: Family $165 Single $95 Pens/Child $65

Bank Details: BSB: 032738 Account: 120232

Daily Admissions:

Adult $4 5yrs+ $2.50 18mth—5yrs $1 Non Swimmer $1 Family Pass $13

Opening Hours During School Term:

Weekdays 3.30pm to 6pm Weekends 2pm to 7pm

Opening Hours During School Holidays:

Monday to Saturday 10am to 12pm & 3pm to 8pm

Sunday 3pm to 8pm only

Community News


Community News


Community News


Community News

19 h ps://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?


1 Harrison Street Ariah Park NSW 2665

PO Box 56 Ariah Park NSW 2665

Principal’s Email: justin.dunn@det.nsw.edu.au

Website: https://ariahpark-c.schools.nsw.gov.au


Principal: Justin Dunn

Mobile: 0428 771 105 (Justin)

Phone: 02 6974 1105

Mobile: 0488 741 329 (School)

Fax: 02 6974 1017



Nov 4  Nov 5  Nov 6  Nov 7  Nov 8 

Preschool Transi on

Visit 11am—12pm

SRC Mee ng School Captain


(Period 2)



Nov 11  Nov 12  Nov 13  Nov 14  Nov 15 

Remembrance Day


Preschool Transi on

Visit 11am—12pm

Whole School

Assembly (9.53am)

Elec ves Day

School Counsellor


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