15 mobile landing page tips

Post on 23-Jan-2015






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15 Mobile Landing Page Tips And Best Practices For Your Mobile Marketing And Advertising Campaigns


15 Mobile Landing Page Tips


With the incredible adoption rate of mobile devices with full browsers, the desktop is certainly in decline. Just take a stroll through your local best buy and you will see that this is the case. The stores carry about 7 – 10 external monitors, a couple video cards and one row of desktops. The majority of floorspace is dedicated to laptops, tablets, and most importantly – smartphones, and LOTS OF THEM.

Our world is changing rapidly with respect to how we get our information and where we get it. That being said, more marketers are beginning to shift their way of thinking towards a mobile mindset. Approaching marketing and advertising on mobile devices is quite different than that of the desktop.

Today, we want to review some points on building your next mobile landing page. Let's start with...

1. Keep your mobile landing page RESPONSIVE in its design:

You want to make sure that your page will adapt to all different screen sizes and resolutions. Also keep in mind that most tablets and smartphones can discern if the phone is in landscape position or portrait. Having a responsive page will allow your landing page to adapt to the format of the phone.

2. Keep your landing page SIMPLE:

Don’t over-complicate your landing page! If you find yourself overthinking your design, you probably need to scrap it and start over. Keeping your mobile landing page simple is important not only for load times, which is ultra important, but also to reduce abandonment because you have overwhelmed the user’s device with images and too much text.

3. Clear call to ACTION:

Test your landing page on a mobile device emulator and try, as best as you can to keep your call to action “above the fold” – when possible. Having your call to action visible without having to make 5 finger swipes across the device to get to the action will help your CTR and conversion rates.

4. Landing Pages Need To Be Fast

Your mobile pages should be lightweight (less than 20 KB total) and minimally load in under 5 seconds. The top slowdown factors for mobile pages are the number of requests (loaded images, scripts, etc.) followed the number of bytes (page size), so strategize accordingly. Consolidate or eliminate scripts, resize and save mobile-optimized images.

5. Be Orderly

For smartphones, present a single-column layout with the priority content at the top. Mobile users are goal-oriented versus the more benefit-oriented desktop users, so always feature call-to-action task completion content (e.g., click-to-call, find a store) "above the fold" or within the top 100 pixels for smartphones.

6. Avoid Pinching, Scrolling and Zooming

Phones can zoom in and out and scroll up, down, left and right, but it’s much easier on everyone if they don’t have to—especially if the user only has one finger at their disposal. Make sure your page loads neatly into a small width and doesn’t require any zooming and very little scrolling.

7. Don’t Use Flash

Utilizing Flash, frames, etc is another big no-no when creating your mobile landing page. Rather, consider using HTML5 or jQuery instead. These are both compatible with mobile formats and help ensure that your content is always available to your potential customers.

8. Use Large, Thumb-able Buttons

Size matters when it comes to the buttons on your website. Unlike a traditional desktop experience, users type and browse with their thumbs. For those of us with larger thumbs, miniature buttons are particularly annoying. More importantly, people aren’t interested in zooming every time they click a link. Therefore, consider using large, easily clickable buttons.

9. Avoid Having Too Much Content

There is a fine-line between having too much or too little content. For any mobile landing page, this becomes particularly important since you run into screen size limitations. Think about the bare essentials. Create a clever and concise call-to-action. Reduce text and bullets. Highlight the top products/services. Remember, your full-browser and mobile landing pages do not need to be identical.

10. Minimize Your AdCopy

Try to communicate your value proposition in just 2 sentences or less. Text heavy landing pages will nearly always hurt conversions. Using excess text hurts conversions even more when the page visitor is accessing the landing page on a 4-inch screen. Limit your product description on the top portion of your page to 2 sentences.

11. Place Additional Benefits Below your Call to Action

Value should already have been built by the time the user’s eyes come across the Call-To-Action. Most page visitors will have already made a purchasing decision and won’t even scroll down to the bottom of your page. However, all users are different. Some users require or want more details.

12. The 44x44 rule

In order for users to be able to navigate your site comfortably all CTAs need to be big enough to easily click with a thumb. A CTA that is 44x44 pixels should be large enough to accommodate most people’s thumbprints, but you also need to make sure there is enough space around the buttons to avoid accidental clicks.

13. Short Forms Are Best

On a mobile device, users are on a mission and if they must fill out long forms on their smart phone, the frustration factor will get the best of them and add to your abandon rate. When it comes to mobile landing pages, think short forms. Yes, gathering information is crucial, but only get a few fields and then move the user on to more important tasks.

14. Be Action-Compelling

The purpose of the page should be obvious, compelling and readily visible as an action. To optimize landing page conversion, limit the number of "actions" to three or less for mobile. An "action" constitutes any task the user could do on the page – a link, a like, a share, a video view, a form submission, a menu expand, or any other tap/click/swipe gesture.

15. Be Accessible

Ensure your content is available and visible for mobile devices. Flash, frames, PNG-24 images, and numerous plug-ins are not accessible for mobile. Update your site with mobile-friendly alternatives like HTML5, jQuery, and JPG or GIF image formats.

For More Mobile Marketing Tips And Strategies Visit:


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