11.8.11 classwork tuesday

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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  • 1. WritingJournal:Imaginethatwhenyouopenedyourclassroomdoor,yousawyourparentasthesubstituteteacherfortheday.Describeyourdayatschool.Usetwoparagraphs,atleast3sentencesforeachparagraph.APPLYGRAMMAR:Circlethepropernouns. Brianna Johnny Mitzy JoshuaRoxana Joey Emma MaxNyashiaEric Alan Cincere Ricardo Ramon NatalieChristian JoseGia Adolfo David AndresMassire CameronElizabeth Carlos Angel MatthewLinder Brian Crystal ChristopherRyanSualee Alan

2. "The secret of getting ahead is getting started."Practice: Multiply Exercise 50-51 on page 72 Exercise 52-53 on page 73 Exercise 60-63 on page 73 3. Reading - Slithery Snakes! (page 170)Survive means to "remain alive or continue toexist." When something is alert, it is watchful and ready to respond quickly.Something that vibrates moves back andforth or up and down very fast. 4. Reading - Slithery Snakes! (page 170) Surroundings refer to the conditions and objects around something or someone. Prey refers to a creature caught and killed by another animal for food. Predators are animals that kill and feed on other animals. 5. Reading - Slithery Snakes! (page 170) A species is a group of animals or plants that share similarities. Lunging is making a sudden forward movement. 6. Reading - Poisonous Snakes (page 172) Do Now: Reread for Comprehension AsummaryisashortstatementofthemostPull Summarize importantideasinapassageortext.Good readersknowthatsummarizingcanhelpthem Main Idea and Details understandwhattheyhavereadbecausethey havetoidentifywhatapassageortextisabout, selectthemostimportantideas,andthen A Main Idea Web helps you decide which paraphrasethem,orrestatethemintheirown words. information is important to include in a summary. Use your Main Idea Web as you reread "Poisonous Snakes" to summarize the main idea and the important details of the selection. 7. Reading - Poisonous Snakes (page 172) Do Now: Reread for Comprehension Main Idea 8. Math - Repeated Addition Multiplication is a fast way of adding a series of numbers. 3 x 5 means to add 3 together 5 times or 3+3+3+3+3 9. Math - Commutative Property of Multiplication The commutative property of multiplication simply means it does not matter which number is first when you write the problem. 10. Math - Zeros Multiplication is repeated addition so: 0x3=0+0+0= 0 Any number times zero is always zero! 11. Math - Ones Multiplication is repeated addition so: 1x4=1+1+1+1= 4 Any number times one is always itself! 12. Math - Twos Multiplication is repeated addition so: 2x4=4+4=8 Any number times two is the number doubled! 2 x 4 would be 4 + 4 or 8 2 x 6 would be 6 + 6 or 12 13. Math - FivesIf you are multiplying five times an even number, take half of the number andput a zero after itFor example 5 x 6 (6 is even) take half of 6 (30) add a zero - 30If you are multiplying five times an odd number, subtract 1 from the numberand halve the numberFor example 5 x 7 (7 is odd) Subtract one from 7 (6) take half of 6 (3) Add a five - 35 14. Math - NinesThis is the one less = nine methodSubtract one from the number you are multiplying by. 9 x 5 (one less than 5 is 4)The two numbers that make up the answer will equal 9. The last number in the answer is 5 4+5=9Here is another example 9x8 One less than 8 is 7. So the first number in the answer is 7 7+2=9 So the second number in the answer is 2. 15. Math - 3 x 4 and 7 x 8These two multiplication facts are as easy as counting 12 = 3 x 4 (notice the numbers go 1, 2, 3, 4) 56 = 7 x 8 (these also go in order 5, 6, 7, 8)Remember these sentences: One two (12) equals three times four (3 x 4) Five six (56) equals seven times eight (7 x 8)Because of the commutative property of multiplication: 3x4=4x3 7x8=8x7 16. Math - FoursRemember the FOURs as a double-doubleDouble-double the number you are multiplying four by (double it twice) 4 x 3 (double 3 twice) = 3 doubled is 6, 6 doubled is 12 4 x 6 (double 6 twice) = 6 doubled is 12, 12 doubled is 24 17. Math - Multiplication Table 18. Math - Multiply decimals by decimals (page 74) 19. Math - Multiply decimals by decimals (page 74) 20. Math - Multiply decimals by decimals (page 74) 21. Math HomeworkPractice book, page 17 22. FortheWeekofOctober31,20111.rattlers 11.difficulties2.fangs12.batches3.countries13.abilities4.liberties14.lashes5.potatoes 15.identities6.rodeos 16.losses7.taxes17.possibilities8.reptiles 18.notches9.surroundings 19.zeroes10.beliefs 20.eddies 23. HomeworkSummaryTuesday,November8,2011Reading1.Practicebookpage47Math1.Practicebookpage17LanguageArts1.Textbookpage159,exercise110(notebook)Religion1.Completepage652.Finishreadingpage68693.Completepage69ScienceProject1.Writeadescriptivestorydescribinganadventurethroughthedigestivetract.Tellaboutthe"steps"youmakealongthewayincludingthevariousorgans.2.Typedonly3.ProjectdueThursday 24. 5 25. Attachments imgres

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