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Colorado’s Federal Research Labs

November 11, 2016

LAB FACTS: We have 25+ federally-funded research laboratories in Colorado

•Bureau of Reclamation, US Department of the Interior (BuRec)•Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Vector

Borne Infectious Diseases (CDC/DVBID)•Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA)•Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science (CIRES)•Department of Interior North Central Climate Science Center

(NC CSC)•Department of Transportation/FRA – Transportation Technology Center (TTC)•JILA•Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)•National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)•National Ecological Observation Network (NEON)•National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)•National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Earth System Research LabNational Environmental Satellite, Data, and

Information ServiceNational Geophysical Data CenterNational Weather ServiceSpace Weather Prediction Center

• National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)• National Solar Observatory (NSO)• National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)• University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)• UNAVCO• US Department of Agriculture – Agriculture Research Service, (ARS)• Natural Resources Research Center• Natural Center for Genetic Resources Preservation• Crop Research Laboratory• Central Great Plains Research Station• US Department of Agriculture - National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC)• US Geological Survey (USGS)• US Forest Service – Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS)• US Air Force Academy Research Laboratories

Read about them atwww.CO-LABS.org

CO-LABS is a 501(c)3 non-profit supported by membership dues and sponsorships, with a robust

network including the federal labs, Colorado’s research universities, economic development

organizations, key industry associations, private sector supporters and government partners.

• Mission:

CO-LABS educates the public, business, educational organizations, and government entities about the value of the federally funded laboratories, creates connections between these sectors, and supports retention and expansion of Colorado's scientific resources.

• Vision:

To advance Colorado's science and technology competitiveness by building a knowledgeable and connected community around federally-funded laboratories.

WHY ? The CO-LABS consortium includes Colorado federal research laboratories, research universities, state and local governments, economic development organizations, private businesses and nonprofit organizations. We conducts economic analysis, encourage technology collaboration, communicate the impacts and resources of the labs and convene valuable tours and VIP gatherings . CO-LABS plays an important role in bringing together the collective research and development expertise from Colorado.Impetus: Oklahoma attempts to relocate NOAA labsIn 2007 via Governor Bill Ritter the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) establishes and funds CO-LABS

CO-LABS’ Key Deliverables• Bi-Annual Economic Impact Study • Communicating the Value of Colorado’s labs to civic leaders• Facilitates connections via lab tours and gatherings• Annual Governor’s Award for High-Impact Research

Why CO-LABS? Brilliance in Action - Nobel Laureates

Why CO-LABS: Visionary Research

Photo credit: Marti/JILA

Why CO-LABS? Fundamental Technologies

Why CO-LABS? Risk Assessment

Why CO-LABS? Technology Transfer

Direct operating spending at Colorado facilities: $1.2 billion

Direct employment: nearly 8,000 employeesRelated employment: 7000+ employees

Source: 2013 Economic Impact Study

Summary of Impacts FY2011 FY2012 FY2013Operations

Output (Millions) $2,024.2 $2,023.8 $1,922.7Value Added (Millions) $1,448.5 $1,439.1 $1,367.3Employment 16,162 15,749 14,913

ConstructionOutput (Millions) $324.1 $303.1 $123.1Value Added (Millions) $181.7 $169.5 $69.4Employment 2,721 2,503 995

TotalOutput (Millions) $2,348.2 $2,326.9 $2,045.8Value Added (Millions) $1,630.2 $1,608.6 $1,436.7Employment 18,883 18,253 15,908

Impact of Colorado Federal Labs on Colorado, in Thousands

Intangible Benefits of the Labs• Cooperative research agreements • Start-up/spin-off companies• Licensing and commercialization of technology• Opportunities for internships and post-doc• Equipment leases to businesses – productivity• Expertise

More: Intangible Benefits of the Labs• Employment and neighborhood stability• Educating the public• Educating school children• Volunteering• Spirit of exploration, vision and possibilities!


"These projects highlight the diversity and impact of the science and technology coming out of Colorado’s labs that make our state and the world a better place. These awardees prove that collaboration, innovation and incredible vision between the labs, Colorado’s research universities and private sector partners can result in remarkable achievements that make Colorado and our world smarter, safer, healthier and more sustainable." - Governor John Hickenlooper• RSVP at www.CO-LABS.org

2240 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302www.co-labs.org

720-389-4450Dan Powers, Executive Director


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