10.17.09 government project done

Post on 01-Nov-2014



News & Politics



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  • 1. Age Marital Status Gender Party
  • 2. Ethnicity Religion
  • 3. occupational backgrounds There are 538 members in congress.
  • 4. Congress members from Texas. Kay Bailey Hutchison John Cornyn Elected in June 5, 1993 Elected in November 5, 2002 Served 6 terms Served 7 terms 3 years until she is up for re-election. 5 years until he is up for re-election Home state is Texas Home state is Texas Previous political work : Texas state treasurer & Texas House of Representatives. Previous political work : Texas Supreme Court & District Court Judge.
  • 5. Representative Kelly Hancock 6 Representatives Elected in 2006 Served 3 terms Re-election is in 2012. Previous Political Work: served on 3 house committees, co-author of 18 pieces of legislation, named fighter of free enterprise by the Texas Association of business.
  • 6. President of the Senate: Joseph R. Biden Delaware Elected in 1972 Served 18.5 terms Previous Political Work: Former chairman of the foreign relations committee. & served as senate judiciary committee.
  • 7. President Pro Tempore Robert C. Byrd West Virginia Served 3 terms Previous Political Work: Member of the West Virginia delegates from 1947-1950, member of West Virginia senate 1951-1952 Elected in 1989-1995
  • 8. Majority Leader Harry Reid Nevada Served 4 terms Elected in 2005 Previous Political Work: Nevada state assembly, lieutenant governor, chairman of the Nevada gaming commission.
  • 9. Assistant Majority Leader Richard Durbin Served 4 terms Previous Political Work: School of foreign service. Elected in 1996
  • 10. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Kentucky Elected in 1984 Previous Political Work: student bar association, chief legislative assistant, judge executive of Jefferson county Served 12.5 terms
  • 11. Minority Assistant Leader Jon Kyl Arizona Served 7.5 terms Elected in 1994 Previous Political Work: policy committee chairman, conference chairman, senate minority whip.
  • 12. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Elected on January 6, 2009 Served almost 4 terms Re-election in 2013. Previous Political Work : house minority leader, house minority whip, & claimed a mandate for an ambitious second-term agenda that would include the privatization of social security. Maryland
  • 13. Minority leader of the house John Boehner Has served 10 terms Took office in 1991 Previous Political Work : Launched the GOP State Solution Project. Ohio
  • 14. Majority leader of the house Steny Hoyer Elected in November 2006 Has served 4 terms Previous Political Work : Deputy Majority Whip, Served as Chair of the Democratic Caucus, Former co- chair of the Democrat Steering Committee, & served as the Chief candidate recruiter for house of Democrats. Maryland
  • 15. Minority Whip Eric Cantor Served 5 Terms. Virginia Elected in November 2008 Previous Political Work : Served as Chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare
  • 16. Majority Whip James Clyburn Elected November 16, 2006 South Carolina
  • 17. Current Event 1.
    • SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico Gunmenopened fire into a bar in northernPuerto Ricoand killed at least seven people, injuring 20 others, police said Sunday. A prosecutor said a battle overdrug trafficmight have prompted the attack. A 9-year-old girl and a pregnant woman who lost her eight-month-old fetus after being shot were among those seriously wounded, said policeCol. Jose Morales. Thejustice departmentplans to file a murder charge for the death of the fetus, said prosecutor Wanda Vazquez, who is investigating the case. "The way these killings were carried out suggests ... a struggle to control the traffic ofcontrolled substances," she said. At least two armed men began shooting late Saturday as they entered La Tombola bar, which had reopened that night under new ownership, Morales said. Several people who were at the bar returned fire and the shooting continued outside before the gunmen fled in a car, he said.
  • 18.
    • Three people were found dead inside the bar and another three outside, while a seventh died at the hospital, Vazquez said. Police said they were struggling to identify those who died in the shooting in Toa Baja, San Juan. Vazquez said few people were willing to cooperate with police, complicating the investigation. "This is a very tight, close-knit community. The killings occurred just weeks after federal authorities and local police made several high-profile arrests of suspected drug dealers. An estimated 30 percent of drugs reaching the U.S. come through theCaribbean, with Puerto Rico a popular transshipment point because drugs do not have to clear customs to reach the mainland. Authorities say 709 people have been reported killed this year in Puerto, 65 more than during the same period last year. Puerto Rico's police chief estimates that 70 percent of the killings are tied to drug-trafficking. Nearly 4 million people live in the U.S. Caribbean territory
  • 19. Current Event 2.
    • WASHINGTON, D.C. -- On March 17, Rafael Palmeiro testified under Oath at a congressional hearing on steroids in sports. Jabbing his finger into the air for emphasis, he declared, "I have never used steroids. Period. But that period quickly turned into a question mark. During a random drug test four months later, the Baltimore Orioles star tested positive for a powerful steroid. Major League Baseball (MLB) suspended Palmeiro for 10 days, docking his $3 million salary by about $164,000. The announcement came just weeks after Palmeiro--one of baseball's top all-time home-run hitters--became the fourth player in major-league history to reach 3,0001 and 500 home runs. Palmeiro told reporters that he would never "intentionally" use steroids--especially in a year when he was poised to reach a major hitting milestone.
  • 20.
    • He said he had no idea how the drug got into his body and even speculated that someone had tampered with his nutritional supplements. "I made a mistake," he said. "I hope the fans forgive me. 'Roid Rage Palmeiro was the seventh MLB player to make that "mistake" this season. Although most of the offenders were lesser-known players, some of baseball's biggest names have been linked to the sport's growing steroid scandal. Record-setting Barry Bonds admitted during grand jury testimony last year to unknowingly using steroids. The San Francisco Giants player said he thought he was using arthritis cream, not steroids. Bonds, who has never failed a drug test, is sitting out this season because of a knee injury. The New York Yankees first baseman Jason Giambi is the only prominent baseball player to publicly admit to using steroids. Giambi said he used performance enhancers during the 2003 season--and hit 41 home runs.
  • 21. Current Event 3.
    • An ongoing statewide series of meetings has begun in Georgia following on the Forest Congress. The newly formed Georgia Forest Resource Council has met several times since February to address management of forests near the Chattahoochie River and implementation of the next steps developed at the Georgia back-home tables at the Washington, DC meeting. A third meeting held on August 27th addressed prescribed burning regulations proposed in the Atlanta area. Coming from different directions (e.g., forestry professionals were concerned about fuelloads building up without prescribed burns, environmentalist were concerned about the possible effect a burning ban would have on endangered species), the Council members decided to petition to get an exemption in the regulations due in late 96 to allow prescribed burns for forest management, similar to the exemption now in place for agriculture.
  • 22.
    • The GA Forest Resource Council is composed of representatives of environmental organizations, forest products industry, state and federal land management agencies, and small woodland owners. The fourth meeting of the GFRC took place on October 3rd and considered coastal zone management alternatives for Georgia. Based on this meeting and a series of public hearings, the Georgia Forestry Association, Georgia Conservancy, Georgia Wildlife Federation, Sierra Club, Georgia Pulp and Paper Association, and others were able to work with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources to draft a bill suitable to all. The bill passed the state House of Representatives in late January 1997, and has been sent on to the Georgia Senate. The next meeting of the GFRC will focus on urban sprawl and is scheduled to take place in April 1997
  • 23. Current Event 4.
    • WASHINGTON President Barack Obamais considering all options to create jobs, including anotherstimulus package, while trying to pull the economy out of a deep recession and deal with a record deficit,White House adviserssaid Sunday. With more than half of the $787 billion recovery package yet to be spent, Obama aides said the administration is not ready to commit to additional measures. "Everything is on the table," senior adviserValerie Jarrettsaid. "You've got this huge national deficit and we've got to do what we can to bring that down. At the same time, it's important to stimulate the economy," Jarrett said. "Let's wait and see. Let's let the recovery bill do its job. Unemployment stands at 9.8 percent, with more than 4 million jobs lost this year. The deficit has reached $1.4 trillion and the national debt $11.9 trillion.
  • 24.
    • Adviser David Axelrodcited progress on reviving the economy, with expectations for growth in the third quarter this year. But he warned that the government should not make the mistake of ending its recovery initiatives too early at the risk of sending the economy back into recession. "That doesn't mean that we don't look to the mid- and long-term for deficit reduction," Axelrod said. "We have a stimulus program in place, an economic recovery program in place, that is not even 50 percent through. We have to see that through. And we'll see what other measures we need to take. In appearances on the Sunday news programs, the advisers criticized those Wall Street firms that are paying huge amounts incompensation and benefitsafter accepting taxpayer assistance.Goldman Sachs, for example, has said it has set aside $16.7 billion for compensation so far this year, more than $500,000 per employee.Citigroupis paying $5.3 billion in bonuses to its employees andBank of America$3.3 billion.

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