100401 smn bro r3blor

Post on 29-May-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 100401 Smn Bro r3blor


    Star Manor o NorthvilleHome-like, Long Term Care

  • 8/8/2019 100401 Smn Bro r3blor


    P1826pNorthville Mills opens

    P1827pNorthville established

    P1831p1st Northville postofce established

    PNorthvillepTimeline o a community

    rich with history.

    P1847Lansing becom

    state capita

    P1837pMichigan becomes

    a state

    Awards and Accomplishments1. Established in 1870 with over 140 years o caring or patients

    and residents in the historic district o Northville.

    2. 2009 Consumers Research Council o America awarded

    Star Manor Americas Top Nursing Homes award.

    3. 2009 County o Wayne resolution rom Wayne County Commissioner,

    Laura Cox or outstanding care

    4. 2009 Award o Excellence or Hospice Services

    5. 2008 Award o Excellence or Hospice Services

    6. 2008 Excellence Award or current state survey

    7. State o Michigan 5 Star rated acility


  • 8/8/2019 100401 Smn Bro r3blor


    P1870pSessions Hospital opens

    P1869pFirst edition oThe Record published

    P1873pParmenter Cider Mill ounded

    P1876pOpera House is b

    Welcome to Star ManorThis brochure will acquaint you with Star Manor o Northville,

    an innovative, unique, personalized, amily owned and

    operated, home-like, elderly care nursing home. Star Manor

    is frmly rooted in Northvilles history. It is a history that spans

    more than 140 years o nursing devotion and confrms our

    commitment to compassion and reverence or the elderly. Star Manor is a

    37 bed licensed, certifed acility providing basic, skilled, Alzheimers, hospice,

    and respite care. We invite you to visit us or a personal tour. We are proud

    o Star Manor and the loving, compassionate care that we give every one

    o our residents. We have received many accommodations to show our

    commitment to care. For more inormation, please call our admissions

    director at (248) 349-4290, extension 101.

  • 8/8/2019 100401 Smn Bro r3blor


    P1887pNorthville Lumbering Indus

    P1885pFirst Methodist Church

    originally built

    P1883pTelephone comes

    to Northville

    P1880pFish hatchery opens

    Historic Star ManorStar Manor began as the frst hospital in Northville,

    Sessions Hospital, built in 1870. Located in the beautiul,

    residential, historic district o Northville, Michigan, we

    have been caring or people or over 140 years, and continu

    to provide dedicated, loving health care to our elderly

    population. Our overriding philosophy

    is to provide all o our residents with a

    comortable, home-like environmentand the opportunity to continue their

    lie with quality and dignity.

    Your card was greatly

    appreciated but not as much as

    the love, respect, care and dignity

    you gave to Hilda when she

    resided with you. Thank you

  • 8/8/2019 100401 Smn Bro r3blor


    P1897pNorthville and Plymout

    separate into two townsh

    P1893pJHirsch blacksmith

    P1889pElectricity comes to


    P1889pOld Library established

    A Full Range of Caring ServicesStar Manor satisfes the need or continual 24 hour nursing care

    o its residents with a compassionate sta o nurses and certifed

    assistants. We provide personalized care in an air conditioned

    environment to each and every resident, whether

    it is through rehabilitation programs, one-on-one

    personal interaction or home-cooked meals.

    We provide weekly physician visits, daily activities,

    physical therapy, massage therapy, occupational therapy, restorativenursing, hospice care, respite care, pain control management, and

    extensive Alzheimers care programs. In keeping with the home-like

    atmosphere, the entire building is designed to promote the security

    and wellness o our Alzheimers and dementia residents.

  • 8/8/2019 100401 Smn Bro r3blor


    P1902pStinson Aircrat Corporatio

    P1900pBirds eye view o Northville

    P1899pAmerican Bell Foundry started

    P1899pStreetcars installed

    Our Facility and ActivitiesAcross the ront o our historic building

    spans a large Victorian, veranda where our

    residents and amilies enjoy parades, children

    playing or whatever may be happening in the

    City o Northville that day. A beautiul gazebo in the garden w

    ountains orms the ocal point or many o the daily activities

    through the spring, summer and autumn months. Regular

    get-togethers at the gazebo and on the veranda provide acalm and soothing setting or socializing with amily and riends

    Our activity directors and social worker are proessionals

    specializing in the psycho-social well being o all o our resident

    Your sta and the pleasant

    atmosphere at Star Manor provides

    the fnest care and best possible

    living environment.

  • 8/8/2019 100401 Smn Bro r3blor


    P1907pDetroit Urban Railroad, Northville dep

    P1907pGreat Salem Trainwreck

    P1906pStimpson Scale Company

    We wish to express our gratitude or th

    superior care you gave our mother. The

    supportive sta made it easier or us to en

    her health and well-being to Star Manor

    Family Support SystemsPlacing a loved one in an extended care acility or

    nursing home is never an easy decision to make.

    Although it can be a difcult process, Star Manor helps

    amilies provide the care that their loved ones need

    and deserve while simultaneously

    providing a comortable, home-like

    environment. While our main

    objective is to continually improvethe quality o long-term care or our residents, we

    will never orget to provide unequaled support or the

    extended amily members.

  • 8/8/2019 100401 Smn Bro r3blor


    P1930pCity Hall

    P1930pSessions Hospital converts

    to convalescent home

    P1919pMain Street

    P1916pNorthville Highschool

    Hospice CareThe fnal chapter o lie is enhanced by the beautiul

    setting in historic downtown Northville, with black

    walnut tree lined streets and an abundance o local

    Victorian architecture. In conjunction with the serenity

    o this peaceul setting, the caring and proessional sta

    o Star Manor provides a serene and loving environmen

    to spend the fnal days in comort and with dignity.

    We constantly strive to see that our residents and their

    amilies may remain completely at ease throughout our

    residents stay at Star Manor.

    Thank you so much or the wonderul,

    loving care you gave my ather during the last

    six months o his lie. I will never orget that.

  • 8/8/2019 100401 Smn Bro r3blor


    P1953pSulkys on Main Street

    P1940pFord Plant

    P1936pEdward Hines Parkway

    opens to public

    P1932pVillage Hall

    Your thoughtulness has a waytouching lives o making days a

    brighter, hearts a little happier a

    problems seem a whole lot sma

    Your kindness will never be orgo

    Respite CareStar Manor also provides respite care or amilies who

    require temporary or short-term care or a loved one.

    When emergencies, amily reunions or vacations occur, amily

    members can leave town while

    still providing a loving health care

    environment in a home-like setting

    at Star Manor. This can also provide

    an ideal opportunity or amilies toexperience frst hand, the level o care we provide, or the time

    when extended care is needed.

  • 8/8/2019 100401 Smn Bro r3blor


    P1988pMarquis Theater and Northville C

    P1972pMill Race Village created

    P1965pNorthville Downs Racetrack

    P1960spSilver Springs Well

    We Take It to HeartFrom our administrator, director o nursing, dietary manager,

    activities director and social worker, Star Manor has over 110

    years o combined commitment on the part o our proessional

    sta to the quality o lie and well-being o residents entrusted

    to our care. With a maximum o only 37 residents, we assure

    the fnest personalized care and home-like setting available

    anywhere. The extra attention given to our

    individually personalized services is insistedupon by Diana Gabriel, Administrator and

    Director o Star Manor, and by Carole Najduch,

    RN, Director o Nursing. Carole Najduch is also

    a Certifed Eden Associate.

  • 8/8/2019 100401 Smn Bro r3blor


    Our Mission StatementWe are committed to:Provide sae, eective, comortable, and efcient resident ocused care that is holistic in nature.

    Enable the resident to achieve their potential level o wellness, quality o lie, and longevity.

    Create and maintain an environment conducive to compassion and respect or our residents,

    resident amilies, and health care personnel.

    Work collaboratively with all health care providers and our community in order

    to achieve the best possible resident outcome.

    To care or another person in the most signifcant sense is to help that person grow

    and actualize himsel. In the context o a persons lie, caring has a way o ordering values

    and activities around it. When this ordering is comprehensive because o the

    inclusiveness o caring, there endures a basic stability in all o our lives.

  • 8/8/2019 100401 Smn Bro r3blor


    Star Manor o Northville520 West Main Street, Northville, Michigan 48167

    Phone: 248-349-4290 Fax: 248-349-1663

    Email: admissions@starmanor.inowww.StarManor.ino

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