10 ways to celebrate diwali in india

Post on 15-Feb-2017






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10 Ways To Celebrate Diwali

In India

1. Cleaning Home

Due to a popular belief that Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of good fortune and wealth, graces a well decorate and tidy house.

2. Lighting Diyas

Diwali falls on the night of Amavasya, the night of new moon. Hence it has always been a tradition of lighting diyas to diminish the darkness, the evil

3. Drawing Rangoli

Women come up with beautiful Rangoli designs in front of their houses to decorate it and to welcome the festival.

4. Shopping..

People enthusiastically buy new clothes and jewellery for themselves and for their families as part of the preparation for the festival.

5. Sky Lamping

People decorate their houses to make them look beautiful with different kinds of lighting, especially sky lamps.

6. Firecrackers

The whole country celebrates this festival by bursting firecrackers after the Pooja has been done.

7. Sweets & Namkeen

Friends and family give out sweets to each other in order to celebrate Diwali.

8. LakshMi Pooja

On this auspicious day, Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped, for good wealth and fortune of the family.

9. Greetings with Gifts

Companies, Factories and every family share greeting among themselves by distributing gifts.

10. Worshipping Cow

In Orissa, people worship their cows during Diwali, in order to show their gratitude towards their cattle.

PRESENTED BY : http://www.toursinabudhabi.com

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