10 memorable moments from the strain premiere

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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Boy, FX seems to be on a roll. The cable network has had many successes with its original programming for the

past 12 years. Dramas like The Shield, Damages, Nip Tuck, Rescue Me, Sons of Anarchy, The Americans and

Justified; comedies like Louie, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia and Archer; and horror juggernaut American

Horror Stories helped to put FX on the map, making it one of the go­to networks for quality TV.

The Strain’s Sunday night series premiere episode, “Night Zero”, showed that it’s continuing in that direction. The

show’s brainchildren, fantasy and sci­fi genius Guillermo Del Toro and Carlton Cuse transformed a book trilogy of

the same name into the horror/sci­fi new show, and it follows a strange night when a plane lands at JFK

International airport which stops dead on the tarmac with no communication from the plane, even after an hour.

Every government agency with an acronym is called to the scene, but the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and

its head Ephraim Goodweather (Corey Stoll of House of Cards), have first dibs on the scene and find all 210

passengers on board dead, well, almost everyone, as four passengers later wake up out of their DEEP “sleep”.

The rest seemed to have died of some virus, but as the story unfolds, it’s revealed as a strain of vampirism which

will later turn the rest of the passengers into blood­sucking beings. But that didn’t just happen out of the blue – a

mysterious and ominous 8­foot­tall being was an unwelcomed passenger of the ill­fated aircraft. A cloaked,

billowy vampire­like figure called “The Master”.

The Master lays waste to Bishop. (tvgoodness.com)

The Strain had been intriguing its potential following of its upcoming premiere for months with it graphic

andsomewhat gory posters and TV commercials. What the posters and commercials promised is what we got –

mystery, intrigue and gore. When you have a show like that on television, there are bound to be moments that

stick out like a really sore thumb…a sore thumb with a festering, open wound on it (sorry, I’m trying to stick to the

theme of the show here). Let’s take a look at those moments.

10. Corey Stoll’s Hair Piece

I’ve seen Stoll’s work in other shows, but I became a true fan of his work in House of Cards where he beautifully

played the ill­fated US Representative battling a drug and alcohol addiction. And if you watched the first season,

you’d see that he’s bald…or bald­ING. So it came as a…well, not shock, but kind of a distraction when I saw his

head accessory in all its glory. Mind you, I had already gotten a glimpse of it in the TV spots. But when you have

to look at it for the better part of 90 minutes, you can’t help but stare at it. I don’t think it’s unfair to say that it’s a

separate character in the show. They just need to give it a name now.

Aaahhmm…can we talk about this? (the­strain.wikia.com & screencrush.com)

9. Blink (with your INSIDE lids)

Believe me, by the time Thomas Eichorist (Richard Sammel) shows up to visit an elderly Eldritch Palmer, a

billionaire obsessed with immortality, I think the audience already figured they weren’t watching Willie Wonka and

the Chocolate Factory. But seeing Eichorist’s inner eyelids blink in a close up, we realized that something

REALLY strange was going on…to say the least.

8. Professor Abraham Setrakian (David Bradley) Got This!

“Listen very carefully son. I know your little friend has a gun and the hammer is cut, but I don’t care. I can control

your entire body weight from this pressure point and this knife is pointing straight at your radial artery. By the time

he clears his coat pocket, your artery will be punctured and sliced wide open from top to bottom. You fall down

bleeding, I go under the counter and your friend starts shooting at an empty space. I can guarantee you this – you

will bleed out before the 911 operator answers the phone. That is Option 1. Option 2 is – you release the bills,

your friend gives me the gun…he can keep the bullets – I don’t care, and you leave this store. Now son, you have

a choice.”

‘Nuff said.

Holocaust survivor, Professor Abraham Setrakian handles himself in a robbery. (kernelcritic.com)

7. “Enjoy Dear”?

After handling his own in the attempted robbery of his shop (see #8) Professor Setrakian heard the news of the

plane and the circumstances surrounding it. He definitely looked like he knew something and hurried to the back

of his shop. He’s seen talking to someone who the camera doesn’t show, but is slowly inching towards. What the

camera reveals is a beating heart that looks like it’s been out of somebody’s body for YEARS. “He’s back,” he

tells the beating heart (“The Master”, that is). But he gets up, cuts his finger, and lets some of it drop into the jar of

liquid the heart’s in. Out of the heart to receive “dinner” came some worm­like things that happily partook. The

heart was happy. He then said, “Enjoy Dear.” Dear? Huh?

6. The Master – The Unwanted Passenger

It’s bad enough that in this day and age, when flying, you hope you get to your final destination in one piece (no

crashing, no crash landing, no plane disappearing…you know, the usual, simple concerns). But when you as the

air stewardess hears a noise that shouldn’t be there, a noise coming from the cargo hold, you start to panic. The

cargo hold is where the luggage is kept. “There are no animals on the manifest.” So what could it be? Well, the

The Master burst his way out of the compartment and the rest of the plane’s history is, well, history.

The stewardesses come face to face with The Master. (kernelcritic.com)

5. What The Master Left Behind

Besides killing the passengers, The Master left a lot of telltale signs that gave us a glimpse of what he does to

these bodies. These bodies had clean razor sharp incisions “deep enough to puncture one wall of the carotid

artery” (apparently there are no man made instruments that can do that sort of thing). What was really bizarre

though was the nature of what oozed out when the chief medical examiner cuts into those bodies – a white,

opalescent, oozing substance devoid of blood. *Shudder*

4. “Papa. J’ai froid.”

Emma, the youngest passenger on the plane, found her way home, apparently from the morgue. Her father who

went HAM on Ephraim, slapping him in the face during Ephraim’s meeting with the families of the victims, is

basically mourning, even though he doesn’t know if she’s among the dead, or one of the four survivors. “Papa.

J’ai froid.” (Daddy. I’m Cold). There was the initial shock, but he was immediately overjoyed, so much so, that he

neglected to realize she wasn’t looking too…normal. He hugged her emphatically. During the embrace…that

inner eyelid movement again. Yikes!

The medical examiner has no idea what he’s in for. (geeknation.com)

3. My Heart Will Go On

When you’re the only one in a morgue performing autopsies, you know for certain that you’re not supposed to be

hearing sounds. So, of course the medical examiner goes to check what the sound is, and he sees one of the

hearts formerly belonging to one of the passengers just grooving and having a ball, looking like “Dear” in #7. He

picks it up to look at it, but those worm­like thingies grab on to him. And he loses all medical sensibilities when he

tears his gloves off, and has to forcibly pull out one of the little worms out of his palm.

2. “Sweet Caroline”

That’s not the worst of it for the medical examiner though. While fighting off the beating heart and looking like a

winner, the “dead” passengers woke up from their slumber and proceeded to feed…on the medical examiner

(sorry, I was trying to find a nicer way to say it, but…I couldn’t). Can’t forget the exposed and tumbling entrails.

And Neil Diamond’s song, “Sweet Caroline” playing during the group feast kinda made things a bit creepier.

Bishop moments before he meets his, er, Master. (projectfandom.com)

1. Master Blaster

Now, we know The Master knows how to cause major damage, but we never really knew how he did it. Well, we

got a very up close look at how he does his work. Bishop, the air traffic controller went to investigate where a

noise in his head was coming from (maybe he was pulled there), and came face to face with The Master. Let’s

just say he could’ve done without that meeting. We get to experience the attack we’ve been seeing in TV spots.

And The Master, as well as these re­animated bodies, doesn’t necessarily use teeth to bite their prey. It’s this

thing that comes out of their mouths a la Alien. Whatever that thing is, it masterfully finds an important artery in

the neck and vacuums what it needs. But for whatever reason, The Master not only sucks him dry, but smashes

his head in. Repeatedly.

My, my.

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