10 life lessons from a story of cinderella

Post on 20-May-2015






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10 Life Lessons From A Story Of Cinderella


A Cinderella StoryDiscover and Learn the Life Lessons From A Little

Working Girl

The Cinderella story is the ultimate tale of good and evil, of tragedy and triumph. As the Cinderella tale unfolds, we are offered important insights: life is not always fair and difficult circumstances befall good people. The Cinderella story teaches us that we can make good choices when faced with tough circumstances. Here are 10 life lessons that you can learn from her :

Cinderella is an orphan and her stepfamily is unloving--Instead of becoming despondent, Cinderella looks elsewhere for friendship. The story teaches us that comfort and friendship can be found if one chooses to look for them.

Lesson # 1 : Choose To Look For Comfort And Friendship

Cinderella is treated unfairly and unkindly. Instead of returning evil for evil, Cinderella chooses to remain kind and thoughtful. The Cinderella story teaches us that we can act appropriately, even when surrounded by bad behavior.

Lesson # 2 : Choose To Remain Kind And Thoughtful

Cinderella has chores--and lots of them. The Cinderella story depicts Cinderella as being industrious and uncomplaining. Her work ethic teaches us that tasks, while unpleasant, can be approached in a constructive manner.

Lesson # 3 : Choose To Be Industrious And Uncomplaining

Lesson # 4 : Choose To Maintain An Optimistic & Hold Onto HopeCinderella is forced to live in poverty while those around her enjoy creature comforts. At this juncture, the Cinderella tale teaches us much about enjoying simple pleasures, about endurance, and about the importance of maintaining an optimistic attitude and holding onto hope.

Cinderella wasn't allowed to attend the ball. To ease her suffering, the fairy godmother arrived. The pumpkin, mice, etc., utilized by the fairy godmother to make the chariot and horses. The fairy godmother asks Cinderella to define her goal and develop a plan to achieve it.  It won’t be easy, but sometimes we can make the impossible possible, she says.

Lesson # 5 : Choose To Define Goal And Develop Plan

Cinderella lives in the moment, and while she is at the ball, she enjoys it, putting out of her mind the worries at home. When she dances with the prince, she smiles radiantly at him, and then brings out his pursuing masculine side by disappearing, leaving a trail of mystery in her wake. She does not chase after the prince like everyone else in the kingdom. In fact, she runs away from him.

Lesson # 6 : Choose To Live In The Moment And Be Relax

As the story goes, Cinderella loses her slipper as she runs out of the ball at the stroke of midnight. Thatis the only clue the Prince has to find his new love.  She does not try and get a job in the palace… instead she goes back home to her nasty stepmother and ugly stepsisters and continues working there, without expecting the prince to rescue her.

Lesson # 7 : Choose To Take Responsibilities

Prince knows that the woman on whose foot the slipper fits perfectly is the beautiful princess from the ball.  Woman after woman tries to say that the slipper is hers.  Over and over, each woman tries to tell the prince’s steward that she was the perfect woman for the prince. Prince is so bewitched that he searches high and low for her until he finds her. Cinderella chooses to wait for her chance with hope.

Lesson # 8 : Choose To Wait For Chance With Hope

Cinderella is the Mistress of Her Own Destiny. She dreamed of the possibilities of a better life, she knew how to accept help, take risks and work hard. And she didn't fall asleep on the job, like Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, who depended on Princess to bail them out of their misadventures. It's always been up to Cinderella alone to step forward and claim her new life herself. 

Lesson # 9 : Choose To Step Forward And Claim New Life

Cinderella is able to think outside the box, welcoming risks, not afraid to break a sweat. Presiding over town meetings, funding homeless shelters and giving the servants a raise and child care benefits. She chooses the choices by herself, and she can choose how to respond in a positive way!!!

Lesson # 10 : Choose To Think Outside the box

A true “Cinderella story” should be about a heroine who isn’t waiting to be rescued. She should be making the most of her lot in life, and her positive attitude should be the thing that attracts a good man into her life – with or without the assistance of a fairy godmother. If you would like to succeed in your life like Cinderella, please follow her lessons!!!

Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn

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