1. servent leadership lectures for kenya 160609 vista

Post on 21-May-2015






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I think the whole subject of Leadership is both interesting and important. I have added some things to the on going understand of this important subject, I am sure not the last word but I hope a good contribution.


Servant Leadership

Equipped to Lead



An Introduction


• All over the world in every area we need leadership Business, Politics, Education, Media, and of course the church

• We tend to forget there are different kinds of leadership, Paternalistic, Dictatorial, Hierarchical, Pyramid style, Arrow style,

• What style should the church have

Different leadership styles produce different results

• So Pyramid style quick off the mark things get done

• Dictator ship means recourses get channelled for a goal

• Arrow style leadership means things get of slower but tend to go a lot further than the pyramid style

• Paternalistic get things done but others don’t grow up

• Hierarchical also gets things done but doesn’t facilitate others

So what else happens in leadership

• Some of us get impressed by titles ‘Pastor’

• Some people tells us they are leaders but no one is following them

• Some tell us they are leaders but couldn't make a decision to drink tea or water

• Some tell us they are leaders because someone else gave them a title – like standing in a field of donkeys makes you one

Some Basics• Leaders are people who others follow• Leaders are people who make decisions• Leaders sometime make wrong decisions

because decision making means you can sometime be wrong

• Leader are going somewhere otherwise why follow them

• Leaders take risks for all the above reasons• Leaders are people who will step out of the

boat, and can sometime become water walkers

The Difference between Organisation and organic

• A company is organisational

• A business is organisational

• A club is organisational

• A person is organic

• A field of maze is organic

• Church is ORGANIC

• Living growing developing

Therefore Leadership will be different

• Leadership that recognises the organic

• Leadership that takes its cue from Life not simply organisation

• Leadership that understands that its direction is coming from another

world – kingdom- paradigm

• Leadership that takes its mentoring from a Jesus perspective

Yes we need to Lead

• But that leadership style needs to reflect the Kingdom that we are and will be part of rather than the Kingdom of this world.

Adrian Hawkes19th July 2009Kenya Equipped to Lead InspireLeadership Elim Selly Oak November 2011

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