04 enterprenuer hazem - power of strategic innovation - creative stage

Post on 14-May-2015






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The Discovery Process

Creating stage

Establishing the right


Collecting the necessary

Creating stage

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3

No judgment while brain storming

Any thing is possible

Don’t look to the nearest choice, look to the future of your company

1.Establishing the right Environment.

Main rules

The discovery process :Creating phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3

Discovery Team

1. Creative

2. Collaborative

3. Entrepreneurial

1.Establishing the right Environment.

The discovery process :Creating phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3

The discovery process :Creating phase

1.Establishing the right Environment.

1.1 Creative

Divergent Phase Convergent Phase

Idea beginning

Idea SelectionOpportunity DevelopmentOpportunity ranking

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3

Opportunities seen from all point of views

The clay remains malleable until it is fired in the kiln

Say “I would like to build on that idea…..”

The discovery process :Creating phase

1.Establishing the right Environment.

1.2 Collaborative

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3

Future opportunities.

Business plan implementation ……..DREAM IT

Fresh prospective … customers, Sci-Fi writer or retired venture capitalist.

Sense of Humor is needed to Visual and verbal images

The discovery process :Creating phase

1.3 Entrepreneurial

1.Establishing the right Environment.

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3

1. List of Insights.

2. Opportunities format

3. Evaluation criteria

The discovery process :Creating phase

2. Collecting the necessary tools


Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3

The discovery process :Creating phase

2. Collecting the necessary tools

2.1 List Of Insight

1. New insight of customers, Market or business model

2. Sorting steps 3C’s

3. Potential value

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3

The discovery process :Creating phase

2. Collecting the necessary tools

2.1 List Of InsightHigh Potential

Low Potential

High 3CLow 3C

Most PromisingInsight

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3

Creation of new business concept

Standardization of the opportunity

Affection of the industry on the description of a business

The discovery process :Creating phase

2. Collecting the necessary tools

2.2 Opportunity Format

1. Code Name, Key insight

2. Description of opportunity

3. Key benefits to customer

4. Important elements of the opportunity

5. Competitive advantages

6. Resources required

7. Additional information

The discovery process :Creating phase

2. Collecting the necessary tools

2.2 Opportunity Format

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3


You should keep the point in the format less than 10 point

Each idea should be developed individually or 2 by 2 in small groups

Don’t work with idea to fit your company abilities but fit the customer needs

The discovery process :Creating phase

2. Collecting the necessary tools

2.2 Opportunity Format

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3

Time to Market

Revenue potential

Leverages a particular core competence in house technology or brand profile

Unique in the market

Will provide a proprietary advantages

The discovery process :Creating phase

2. Collecting the necessary tools

2.3 Rough Evaluation criteria

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3



Innovation Vs. Feasibility

The discovery process :Creating phase

2. Collecting the necessary tools

2.3 Rough Evaluation criteria

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3

Filling up the funnel with ideas “customer service”

Rapid fire brainstorming of ideas “6 hr at most”

The discovery process :Creating phase

3. The Creative process

3.1 Divergent Phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3

1. Select the most promising beginning ideas

2. Develop those ideas into concepts or opportunities

3. Rank-order the opportunities

The discovery process :Creating phase

3. The Creative process

3.2 Convergent Phase

Entrepreneur’s Workshop Powered By SIFE Session 3

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