what is using water wisely to avoid wasting it called? a. saving b. wisation c. conservation d....

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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What is using water wisely to avoid wasting it called? A. Saving B. Wisation C. Conservation D. Desalination

What is the process of obtaining freshwater from saltwater called? A. Deforestation B. Deoceanation C. Desalination D. Freshination

Which of these examples uses water conservation and reduces water pollution? A. factories making printing inks with water

instead of chemical solvents B. farmers using fewer pesticides in farm

fields C. factories reusing cooling water instead of

returning it to a river D. farmers planting fields with coarse grass

that filter out pollutants

Waves on the surface of the ocean are mostly caused by what? A. Wind B. Gravity C. Tides D. Tsunamis

How often do high tides occur in most places? A. Every 3 hours B. Every 6 hours C. Every 9 hours D. Every 12 hours

What are tides caused by? A. Wind B. Waves C. Gravity from the moon D. Gravity from the moon and sun

What is a tide with the least difference between high and low tide called? A. neap tide B. spring tide C. fall tide D. leap tide

What does salinity measure? A. The amount of ions in water B. The amount of dissolved salts in

water C. The amount of fish in water. D. The amount of undissolved salts in


What is the most abundant salt in seawater? A. Sodium chloride B. Magnesium chloride C. Calcium chloride D. Potassium chloride

Which of the following areas in the ocean would have the lowest salinity? A. a warm, tropical sea B. the cold Arctic Ocean C. a bay at the mouth of a big river D. deep parts of the Pacific Ocean

In which zone is the most dense ocean water found? A. Intertidal Zone B. Surface Zone C. Transition Zone D. Deep Zone

What are deep currents caused by? A. Fish swimming B. Wind C. Differences in density D. Gravity

What is a deep canyon in the ocean floor called? A. A canyon B. A trench C. A mid-ocean ridge D. A rift valley

In which zone is ocean temperature most affected by weather? A. Surface zone B. Transition zone C. Deep zone D. Hydrothermal zone

What is the continuous chain of underwater mountains called? A. Mid-ocean ridge B. Volcanic island chain C. Seamounts D. Abyssal plain

What is the nearly flat region of the ocean floor covered with sediment called? A. Abyssal Plain B. Continental Shelf C. Mid-ocean Ridge D. Trench

What marks the true edge of a continent? A. Abyssal Plain B. Continental Shelf C. Continental Slope D. Continental Rise

Which zone of the ocean receives enough sunlight to support the growth of algae? A. Surface Zone B. Transition Zone D. Deep Zone C. Trench Zone

What is the gently sloping region that extends from the edge of a continent called? A. Abyssal Plain B. Continental Shelf C. Continental Slope D. Continental Rise

What surface current affects the climate of England? A. East Australian Current B. Gulf Stream C. Greenland Current D. United Kingdom Current

More than 97% of the Earth’s water is found where? A. The oceans B. The atmosphere C. Lakes D. Ice/Glaciers

The energy that drives the water cycle comes from what? A. Wind B. Tides C. Hurricanes D. Sun

More than two thirds of the Earth’s freshwater is found in what? A. Atmosphere B. Groundwater C. Icecaps and glaciers D. Lakes

What is the process where plants release water into the atmosphere? A. Accumulation B. Condensation C. Evaporation D. Transpiration

The process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid gain enough energy to change into a gas is called what? A. Condensation B. Evaporation C. Precipitation D. Transpiration

Water that falls to the Earth as snow is called what? A. Collection. B. Condensation C. Evaporation D. Precipitation

What is happening to the total amount of water on the Earth? A. It is increasing. B. It is decreasing. C. It is staying about the same. D. Freshwater is increasing but saltwater

is decreasing.

What needs to happen for a molecule to leave the ocean and enter the atmosphere? A. It needs to gain energy B. It needs to lose energy C. It needs to keep the same amount of

energy D. It needs to have an energy party

What is the Coriolis effect? The rotation of the Earth causes currents

to curve instead of traveling in a straight line

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