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14. FAQ



©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 1


As the state’s leading non-profit organization supporting lung cancer research and education, Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina specializes in connecting patients, survivors and loved ones with the medical and research community.

Our mission is to save lives and provide support to those affected by lung cancer through research, awareness, education and access programs across North Carolina.

Of every dollar your event raises, 82 cents directly supports the following programs:

Research - Since 2008 the Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina has funded more than $1.1 million in lung cancer research. Our support has jump-started the careers of researchers who have gone on to receive continued funding for their work from the National Institute of Health, Department of Defense, and the American Cancer Society. In 2016 we funded lung cancer research fellows from five institutions across the state and partner with the V Foundation to fund additional research.

Awareness – We are committed to increasing public awareness about lung cancer. We do so through our events, Education & Outreach Initiatives and grassroots opportunities, like those outlined here.

Education – Expert Speaker Series - Through partnerships with North Carolina’s leading cancer centers, Our Expert Speaker Series allows for patients and their families to come together to hear from experts on topics related to lung cancer and research.

Physician Education - We provide educational opportunities for health care professionals throughout the state in order to improve diagnosis, referral and treatment. In 2016, educational events will focus on updating North Carolina’s medical oncologists in the latest in lung cancer treatments and research.

Materials Distribution – the Initiative has distributed free print and online materials to patients and physician offices, which provide vital information to help patients and their families better understand their diagnosis of lung cancer and how to find help and receive the best care available on their lung cancer journey.

Access – The Patient Access to Care Gas Card Program provides assistance to lung cancer patients seeking treatment including clinical trials. The goal of the program is to lessen the financial burden for patients to receive appropriate lung cancer treatment.

Access Grant Program - The Initiative is currently awarding two Access Grants up to $10,000 each to assist institutions with improving access to lung cancer screening, treatment, clinical trials, molecular testing or precision medicine for uninsured or underinsured individuals.

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 2


Thank you for choosing to hold an event to benefit Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina. 

As you may well know, lung cancer is disease for anyone with lungs, and affects people from all walks of life. Community events, events put on by people like you, make a huge impact in the fight. Just the act of getting the word out, getting people talking about lung cancer, can make all the difference. And the events themselves are as diverse as the people hosting them. From a large golf tournament to a birthday fundraiser for a single person, all have the power to reshape the lung cancer discussion. Some events raise thousands of dollars – some bring in a few hundred. All make a difference.

Holding an event to benefit The Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina is simple. We request that you complete and return the Event Registration Form, which is located on our event website under Events - Grassroots Events.

Alternatively, you can find a copy of the form on page 18 of this guide. The completed documents should be sent via fax to: (919)784-0416 or by email to

If you have any questions, call (919)784-0410. For more information on how The Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina can support your event, please go to page 4 of this manual.

How to Contact the Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina:

Mail: 4000 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 170 Raleigh, NC 27612By phone: (919)784-0410By email: events@LungCancerInitiativeNC.orgFax:  919‐784-0416

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 3


Dollars and cents are not the only way the Lung Cancer Initiative measures the success of its events. And it shouldn’t be the only way you measure yours either.

Success in any effort is judged by three objectives: fundraising, awareness and additional opportunities.


Fundraising is the total net amount given to The Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina for a grassroots event.


Did the event bring more awareness to the Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina and our mission? Did it draw attention to the lung cancer cause and raise awareness and education of the truths of lung cancer? Did it touch an audience of people with whom we’ve never before been involved? Media attention at an event is a great way to achieve this.

Additional Opportunities

Did an event motivate other advocates to take action? Did it provide a positive experience for a business or other corporate entity that may be interested in getting involved in the cause at a higher level? It can be as simple as gathering a list of people who want to receive our monthly newsletter, or are interested in volunteering in other capacities. It might be as large as introducing the Initiative to a potential major individual or corporate donor.

Keeping these three objectives in mind as you prepare for your event will help the Initiative in our joint mission of saving lives and helping those affected by lung cancer, together. All three aspects of event success contribute to helping us raise vital funds for research, education and access that will improve the lives of lung cancer patients.

Know that we appreciate your efforts on every level and are looking forward to working with you.

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 4


As you are planning to host a fundraising event to benefit the Lung Cancer Initiative, we can assist you by sharing and providing the following support:

We can work with you to create a sponsorship letter template as well as a letter to get in-kind donations such as food, bagels, fruit donated.

Share our logo for use in your promotional pieces (we would then request that a draft of any promotional pieces, advertising, etc. with our name and logo associated with your event be shared with us in advance for review and approval/confirmation of the use of the brand, messaging, etc. – also, see page on logo guidelines for more information).

List your event on the Lung Cancer Initiative’s events page. Send one email blast for your event to those in your geographic area from our database

(this can also be forwarded to your contacts). Provide guidelines for access to either a fundraising webpage or an event webpage. Access to an events team member for questions and insight. Example Budget. Eight-Step Guide for Planning an Event. Send you brochures and literature for use at the event. These are materials detailing the

Initiative’s mission and programs and include our brochure and fact sheets, book marks etc.

We also have lung cancer awareness wristbands that are definitely a fun addition to any event.

Important Notes The Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina is not able to serve in the role of fiscal agent

and cannot cover any of the costs associated with your event. The Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina is not able to provide liability insurance or

liability coverage in any form for your event nor are we able to provide a certificate of insurance.

You will not have access to the Initiative's database at any point; we keep that information confidential for the benefit of all of our volunteers and donors.

Don’t forget that the Lung Cancer Initiative staff is here to help! If you have any questions contact:

Sandy OehlerManager of Development & Special

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 5


The steps below should provide a basic guideline for planning any lung cancer fundraising event. First, you must decide what it is you want to do. (See attached list of some suggestions; these may help you decide which sort of event is best for you.) Then follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Organize a committee

Committees generate enthusiasm, ideas, resources and contacts that you need to make your event successful. This will help ensure that no single person (including the main event planner) is overwhelmed by all of the responsibilities of planning the event. Ask friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors to join your committee.

Consider this team as the main people who will do the “heavy lifting” in planning the event. Another way to gather interest and volunteers is to put up signs at community centers, the grocery store, libraries, wellness houses, and hospitals asking for help. Try posting on community or support forums. Even reach out to community groups and organizations.

Step 2: Hold your first committee meeting

Once you have secured a core group of volunteers, you will want to hold a meeting to organize the committee’s roles and duties. Some volunteers can assist with sponsors, publicity, speakers, logistics, etc., and some may just want to assist on the day of the event. It takes a variety of people to make an event happen.

Here are some topics to discuss at your first meeting (also see first meeting agenda template).

Type of event: You may have already decided to host a tournament, bowling event, concert or a cocktail party; however, your committee can offer some ideas about the specifics of the event.o You may want to have a small rally, where someone gives a short speech about lung

cancer and the importance of the event. Anyone can speak as long as they are prepared. Survivors, family members, physicians, etc. can give a short, yet meaningful speech.

o You may also want to have an expo at your event; the Initiative will provide educational materials on lung cancer for this as well. This is also a place that sponsors of your event can set up a table to display their company information.

Venueo Generate a list of places suitable for your event. Start calling through the list to obtain

pricing, and to see if it is available on the date of your choice.o Don’t forget to:

Check on whether restrooms will be accessible. Be sure to visit the sites you are most interested in.

Ask about parking and if participants of your event will have to pay extra.

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 6

Step 3: Create a budget and timeline

Be clear about your mission and responsibility. The ultimate goal is to raise funds and awareness for lung cancer research, awareness and education. Plan your budget accordingly. Aim to keep expenses below 20% of your projected gross income.

To view a sample budget, go to page 17 of the packet

Once you have determined a potential date, check local community calendars to make sure you are not competing with a major event in your city. Backtrack from the date of your event to make your timeline and schedule for the committee – important points such as obtaining a venue, printing and mailing/distribution of brochures, flyers or invitations, securing entertainment or local celebrities, publicity, and sponsorship should be noted on the schedule.

There isn’t a set amount of time that it takes to plan an event. Some events are planned a year in advance, while other events are planned in a few months. The Initiative staff recommends allowing yourself at least 6 months from the time you decide to hold your event and the actual event date.

Accurate and Timely Financial ReportingThis is a very important point: Throughout the entire process of preparing for your event, make sure to keep accurate records. When sponsorships and registration sales begin to come in, keep track. If you secure product or in-kind donations, make sure to get all of the pertinent details, such as fair market value cost, at the time the item is donated. It will be very time-consuming to have to go back after the event and contact everyone again.

If you have questions about how to do this, contact the Initiative office at (919)784-0410.

Step 4: Create your online fundraising pages (where applicable)

The Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina offers a couple of different systems to fundraise and/or set your event up online. After letting the Initiative staff know the specifics of your event, they can send you details on how to set up your own personal fundraising page and/or event web page, if applicable, and send it out to everyone you know.

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 7

Step 5: Find sponsors

So many people have been touched by lung cancer that it really is easier than one might imagine to get sponsors to assist with the costs of the event.

When trying to secure sponsors, seek companies with a similar mission, vision and values. Share what’s in it for them (what benefits will they receive in return) and what their return on investment will be. You will want to share why lung cancer is such an important cause and why it matters to you personally.

When seeking in-kind sponsors, first decide what you need. Some items you may need include:

o food and beverageso signso tables and chairso sound systemo t-shirtso entertainmento goody bagso venue costso brochures or invitations

Once you have decided what you need, start by seeing if your own employer has a sponsorship program, and asking your volunteers and friends and family to reach out to their employers as well. Some will be more than happy to donate to the cause. Other sponsors with a “natural fit” are hospitals, treatment centers, insurance companies, and companies that manufacture and supply drugs and/or medical equipment. Your local bank may also be willing to be a sponsor.

Next, start calling local businesses that can help you. You may want a printer to help with banners, posters and signs. Continue to do this for everything on your list of “wants.”

For food, remember to call local bakeries, bagel shops and bread stores. Many of these places throw away perfectly good food every night. These stores will likely donate food, as may some of your local grocery stores and coffee shops.

The key here is: do not give up and remember to follow up! You will get sponsors, but it does take some effort.

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 8

Step 6: Get publicity Media attention is the fastest way to raise awareness and to grow attendance for your

event. A good place to start is your local papers. Contact and send the details about your event to a writer for the paper that might be interested. Likely, it will be the first-ever event devoted to lung cancer in the area, which is definitely a newsworthy story for the local papers. Be sure to call the newspaper directly to follow-up: this really is the only way to get attention, as most emails and letters are set aside and forgotten. When you call, mention that you are organizing an event to help defeat lung cancer and you believe the readers would want to know about this important function.

Letter to the Editor: Another great way to get information placed in your local paper is by writing a letter to the editor profiling the event.

Your local television and radio stations are another good option for publicity. Some do local spots where you can be invited on to the show to promote your event. Call the local stations and ask about where you can direct your request.

Ask around if there are places to post your event online. There may be a community calendar. Don’t forget to publicize the event on your own social networking sites, blogs, etc.

Post signs about the event all over town! Contact local schools, churches, and groups to inform them about the event and lung cancer in general. Meet with the local wellness houses and hospitals, and ask if they can help promote the event. And again, ask your family and friends to spread the word.

Hand out brochures/flyers and invitations at other events in the area prior to your event. People often like to know what is going on in their community. If you are organizing an athletic activity, contact the local fitness and sporting goods shops and clubs and ask about setting out brochures/flyers or getting a mailing list to send announcements.

Step 7: Finalize Logistics

When you are close to the date of your event, do a run through and make sure you are not forgetting anything important! Have plenty of volunteers secured on event day to help set up, direct parking, hang signs, check people in at registration, distribute goody bags or t-shirts (if applicable), take photos, pass out food, and clean up. For the day of the event, make sure you post several signs so people can easily find the event site.

Step 8: Wrap Up

Be sure to hold a wrap up meeting with your committee, finalize all of your financial records and submit them to the Initiative office NO LATER than 10 days after your event. Official acknowledgement letters with tax information will be sent from the Initiative office, however it is a great idea to personally thank your local sponsors and volunteers immediately after the event.

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 9


The best way to honor someone through a fundraising event is to find something they or you are passionate about. That way the event is personal and takes on more meaning for both you and the participants.

Below are just a few suggestions to get you started, but it is up to you to determine what kind of fundraiser will be the most successful among your network of friends.

  Bake Sale

Basketball Tournament 

Bocce Ball  

Car Wash 

Chili Cook‐off 

Classic Car Show

Comedy Show


Cycling event 

Fashion Show

Fishing Competition 

Food Sales 

Free Throw Contest 

Golf Tournament 

Lemonade Stand 

Gift box or balloon raffle

Live auction 

Parties during professional s

ports  championship games 


Run/walk 5Ks, half & full 


Silent auction

Singles party 

Softball Tournament 

Swim Meet

Three on Three Tournament 

Treasure Hunt 


Wing eating competition 

Wine or cocktail party at

local restaurant or home

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 10


The Initiative has an online fundraising platform that is available for your use, if you chose to have a virtual home base for your fundraising. Once you have your general plan outlined, reach out to Manager of Development and Special Events, Sandy Oehler at (919)784-0410 or to discuss getting your fundraising website set up.

The site has tools for people to donate electronically, decreasing the need for you to handle event moneys. If this is a good fit for your particular type of fundraising event, the Initiative will help you get everything set up. They are also available to discuss other ways to collect money if this proves less than ideal for your particular event.

There are also other places that will allow you to host your event, and they may be a better fit. Check out a few of the options below:


Ticket Leap

Ticket Tailor


Splash That

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 11


By signing the License Agreement, the Event Planner agrees to use Initiative logos in the correct manner. Please follow these guidelines:

Make sure you are using the correct, up‐to‐date version of the logo. - The logo may not be redrawn or modified in ANY way. - Leave space around the logo.  Do not crowd it with other graphics

- Be sure to use the correct PMS colors: Blue: PMS 2945Green: PMS 376Cyan: PMS Cyan

When using a one color version, we prefer the logo be white or one of our blues- The amount of white space around the logo should be maintained- All logo options, including one color, will be emailed to you. These are the only official logos.

Below are a few examples of proper logo usage:

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 12


PERSONAL STORYThe reason people come to your event will be because you made an emotional impact. Tell your story, tell why the cause is so near and dear to you. Keep it neat and on message, but do not be afraid of being emotional. That is why everyone is there.

MOMENT OF SILENCEIf appropriate, you may want to include a moment of silence at your event for all those we’ve lost to this disease.

LUNG CANCER FACTSLung cancer takes more lives than the next top three cancers combined; it represents 27% of all cancer deaths, with over 430 lives lost to this deadly disease each day. Despite these facts, lung cancer remains drastically underfunded and largely overlooked.

Because of this lack of research funding and attention, the five-year survival rate for lung cancer remains at a dismal 18%, a number which has only changed by 3% in the last 20 years.

For other cancers, improvements in diagnostic practice, screening guidelines and treatment options has caused a direct increase in survival; these changes have led to better and longer lives for patients. Now is the time for lung cancer! Together we can improve these statistics through dedication to research, awareness, access and education. This type of focus has been proven to work – to save lives – and we can create a future where lung cancer patients have the same opportunity to live a life beyond diagnosis.

ON SMOKING: The Lung Cancer Initiative of NC does not discriminate against how anyone came to be diagnosed with lung cancer. We strive to be an inclusive organization that does not contribute to the stigma that smokers “did it to themselves.” The Initiative’s goal in this regard is to spread acceptance and unification as a cause. For this reason, any display of black lungs is prohibited. Smoking cessation materials are certainly welcomed at all events, and we, as an organization, do encourage all smoker to quit.

The only requirement to get lung cancer is that you have lungs.

THERE IS HOPEOver the last five years, there has been an explosion in the scientific understanding of the biology of lung cancer. This information is beginning to be translated into new treatments for the disease, but we can only continue to make progress by funding more research, awareness, education and access programs. And together, there’s always something we can do.

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 13


Q: What if my event is cancelled?

A: When creating your event, we suggest using an event waiver that indicates an event will not issue refunds due to weather or unseen cancelations. That language can be found in the sample section at the end of this packet.

Q: How quickly should I send in funds?

A: One check or money order after the event is the best way to send in money. We understand that outstanding balances, post-event fees and other such invoicing come up, so sending the check within one month after the event ends is suggested.

Q: How should I submit the funds from my event?

A: The easiest way is to write a check to the Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina. The mailing address is 4000 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 170, Raleigh, NC 27612. And we’d love if you wanted to bring it by in person as well!

Q: Is there a banner that we may use at our event?

A: The Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina has a welcome banner that can be used at an event, provided it isn’t in use elsewhere. Your event is certainly welcome to it, that being the case.

Q: Can we use the Initiative’s mailing list?

A: As mentioned, the Initiative protects the privacy of all of its constituents, and does not share their database list. We are happy to send an e-blast to all people on our list within a radius of your event, however.

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 14


Donor Information: Title: ________ First & Last Name: _______________________________________________Street Address: ______________________________________________________________City:______________________________ State: _________________ Zip: _______________Email: _____________________________________ Phone: __________________________

Donation Information:Amount: $30 $50 $100 $250 Other: ________

Please Credit to:

Payment Information: Cash Check # ____

Thank you for believing in what’s possible!

All donations are tax deductible and proceeds benefit the Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina. If you provided a current and legible address you will receive an acknowledgment letter to serve as your tax receipt.

Our 501©3 number is 26-2300885.

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 15

Your Event Logo, or the Lung Cancer

Initiative’s Logo, here.

EVENT NAME Donation FormIndicate who checks should be made out to


June 15, 2016

[Name][Company][Address][City, State Zip]

Dear [Name],

We would like to invite you to join us in the fight against lung cancer. On September 23, 2016 we will host the 4th Annual NC Lung Cancer Golf Classic in Memory of Harold Morrow & Susan C. Hicks, who were both residents of Catawba County. The event will be held at the Rock Barn Golf & Spa Club in Conover, North Carolina. The purpose is to raise awareness and research funds for lung cancer. All proceeds will benefit the Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina.

As the state’s leading non-profit organization supporting lung cancer research and education, the Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina specializes in connecting patients, survivors and loved ones with the medical and research community. Their mission is to decrease deaths and provide support to those affected by lung cancer through research, awareness, education and access programs across North Carolina. We believe that together, there is always something we can do.

Money raised will support our battle against lung cancer, the #1 cancer killer of American men and women and the least funded.

Would you consider supporting the Golf Classic? [insert what you want to ask for here, whether it’s a sponsorship or an in-kind donation].

For your records, the Initiative’s tax ID# is 26-2300885.

Please contact us with any questions.



Lung Cancer Initiative Raleigh Committee

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 16



Ordinary Income/Expense


Other Fundraising Income 4,000.00

Individual Donations 1,000.00

Registration Fees 5,000.00

Corporate Sponsorships 6,000.00    

Total Income 16,000.00

Cost of Goods Sold

Golf Expenses

Merchant Fees 75.00

Direct Cost Benefit to Others

Green Fees 2,600.00

Other Expenses 50.00

Facility Fee 100.00

Flags/Balls/Tee Signs 450.00


Total Direct Cost Benefit to Others 3,200.00

Travel Expenses



Total Golf Expenses 3,275.00    

Total Cost Of Goods Sold 3,275.00    

Gross Profit 12,725.00    

Net Ordinary Income 12,725.00    

Net Income 12,725.00    

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 17


Waiver: I, the undersigned, know that the event I am entering carries the risk of personal injury or damage. I certify that I am physically fit for this event. I hereby waive and forfeit all rights I may have to file suit or make claims against Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina and the directors thereof, Rock Barn Golf Club, the town of Conover, NC, any other sponsoring organizations and all persons connected with this golf tournament for any injuries I may suffer at this event on September 23, 2016. I understand that no refunds can be made if the event is canceled due to weather conditions or other circumstances beyond the control of the organizers.


©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 18




Name of Event: ________________________________________________ Date(s):___________

Place:  _________________________________________________________________________

City:________________________________   State: _____________________   Zip:  __________

Event Website:  __________________________________________________________________

Brief Description of Event: __________________________________________________________



Projected # of Participants:____________________  

Would you like your event to be placed on   YES    NO  (If yes, event information and contact information for the Event Planner will be placed online.)

Would you like: Lung Cancer Initiative Brochures?   …  YES  Qty:________…  NO  (If yes, they will be mailed to you approximately 10‐15 business days before the event date.)

Would you like the use of the Lung Cancer Initiative Logo? YES    NO (If yes, logo will be emailed to the Event Planner, who will agree not to edit it aside from resizing. See page on proper logo use.)

Event Contact Person: ____________________________________________________________

Contact Person Telephone: ___________________ Contact Person E‐mail: __________________

Contact Person Address:  __________________________________________________________

City:________________________________   State: _____________________   Zip:  __________

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 19

PLANNING COMMITTEE1. Name: _____________________________________    Tel:  ____________________________2. Name: _____________________________________    Tel:  ____________________________

Projected Donation: _________________If you will incur expenses for your event, please provide sample budget form.

Please complete and fax or send your completed form back to:   Lung Cancer Initiative of NC 4000 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 170 Raleigh, NC 27612 or Fax to: (919)784-0416

©Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina Planning a Grassroots Event Page 20

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