燦爛的文藝復興 the glorious and grandiose renaissance 董崇選...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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燦爛的文藝復興The Glorious and Grandiose



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I. Renaissance 的含義 :– A French word meaning “rebirth”

Man and the World resurrected ( 復活 ).

– “How beauteous mankind is! Oh brave new world That has such people in it!” --The Tempest

“This goodly frame, the earth ... this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o’er-hanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire.”

“What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form, in moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god!” --Hamlet

II. Renaissance 的時空 :

– 1321 (Dante died) ~ 1600– the end of 14th C. to about 1600– 1350 ~ 1650– the Age of da Vinci, Cervantes, and Shakes

peare 達文西、塞凡提斯、莎士比亞– the Age of Protestant Reformation 宗教改革– the Age of Discovery 地理大發現– in Italy, France, Spain, England, Germany,

Holland, etc.

III. Renaissance 的背景 1. Geographical Explorations:– The Polos, Dias, the Crusaders, Columbus,

da Gama, Magellan, etc. 馬可波羅、狄亞士、十字軍、哥倫布、 達迦

瑪、麥哲倫 等

2. Scientific Discoveries:– Newton, Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler


III. Renaissance 的背景 :

3. Invention & Spread of Printing Johannes Gutenberg’s movable type: 古 頓保 發明 活字版 4. Fall of Constantinople The Turks, the Greek scholars

君士坦丁堡陷入土耳其人手中,希腊學者四散 5. Movement of Protestantism 新教徒 ( 抗議教徒 ) 之運動

IV. Renaissance 的文藝 In Italy:

1. Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael ( 達文西、米開蘭基羅、拉斐爾 ) :

Mona Lisa, The Last Supper Pieta, David, Sybils, etc.2. Petrarch ( 佩脫拉克 ) : Sonnets to Laura3. Boccaccio ( 薄迦邱 ) : Decameron 《十日譚》 “Federigo’s Falcon”: Monna4. Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto : Romantic epics

Mona Lisa by da Vinci

Da Vinci’s The Last Supper

Michelangelo’s Pietà

David by Michelangelo

Sybils by Raphael

IV. Renaissance 的文藝 :

In Italy

5. Machiavelli ( 馬基維利 ): The Prince 《王者》 the lion & the fox: 獅猛狐猾 6. Castiglione ( 卡斯提禮用 ): The Book of the Courti

er 《庭臣寶鑑》 7. Cellini ( 伽利尼 ) : Autobiography 自傳 8. Commedia dell’arte: 職業劇場 9. Tasso ( 塔索 ): Aminta, Jerusalem Delivered

IV. Renaissance 的文藝 :

In Spain:

1. the picaresque novel : 浪漢小說 (Lazarillo de Tormes): picaro ( 惡棍、浪漢 )

2.Cervantes ( 塞凡提斯 ): 《唐.吉訶德》 (Don Quixote): chivalry ( 俠義、俠氣 )

3. Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina, CalderÒn de la Barca

IV. Renaissance 的文藝 :

In Northern Europe & France

1. 荷蘭 Erasmus ( 伊斯拉瑪斯 ): In Praise of Folly 《愚蠢頒》

2. 德國 Martin Luther ( 馬丁路德 ):

(95 theses at Wittenberg)

3. 法國 John Calvin ( 喀爾文 ): 《基督教機制》 The Institutes of the Christian Religion

IV. Renaissance 的文藝 :

In Northern Europe and France

4. Villon ( 維龍 ) : The Ballade of Dead Ladies, etc. 敘事詩

5. Rabelais ( 拉伯雷 ): 《巨人傳》 (Gargantua and Pantagruel)

6. Montaigne ( 蒙田 ): Essays 散文集 7. Ronsard & others of the Pleiad: 七詩人

IV. Renaissance 的文藝 :

In England:

1. More ( 摩爾 ): Utopia 《烏托邦》 2. Spenser ( 史賓塞 ): The Fairy Queen 《仙

后》 3. Lyly ( 李利 ): Eupheus 《優菲士》 4. Bacon ( 培根 ): Essays 論文集

IV. Renaissance 的文藝 :

In England 5. Sidney ( 席德尼 ): Astrophel and Stella,

The Countess of Penbroke’s Arcadia

6. Marlowe ( 馬羅 ): Dr. Faustus 《浮士德博士》 7. Ben Jonson ( 姜生 ):

comedies of humor 性格喜劇 8. Shakespeare ( 莎士比亞 ): sonnets, plays

V. Renaissance 的結論 – The Renaissance ushered Europe into a brand-new

world. ( 引領歐洲進入新世界 )

– The Renaissance bridges medieval and modern times. ( 銜接中古與現代 )

– The Renaissance is the revival of humanism, the rebirth of man’s questioning and questing spirit. ( 人文主義復活,再生探索求知精神 )

– The Renaissance reawakened individualism & secularism. ( 喚起個人主義與世俗主義 )

– The Renaissance restored the interest in classical Greek and Roman culture. ( 恢復對古典希羅文化之興趣 )

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