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    ISBN : 978-974-16-0131-8

  • ISBN : 978-974-16-0131-8

    . ()


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  • -- -- .. -- .. -- .. ..


    - -- /

    - ()

  • (Aquilaria)

    (Thymelaeaceae) (T. & Gillett, H. J. (Eds.), ) -

    (resin) (monoterpene) (sesquiterpene) Agarol, Agarospirol Jinkohol

  • - ()

    - - ( fixative )

  • - - -- .. -- ( ) .. -- -- ()

    - (oleoresin deposit)

    . .--..

  • . - -

    . (one stop service centre)

    . ( % )

    . - -

  • . -- - - -- -- - -

  • -

    (Aquilaria) (Thymelaeaceae) Aquilaria aquila aquilae () ekle ( ) (Eagle Wood) (Lignum Aloes) (Agar Wood) (Aloe Wood) (Calambac) - Jin-KohKya-ra Gaharu Agar ( Agara (Assam) Sasi) Chin Hyuagy Boisd aigle

  • - -

    - -

  • ,


    - - - () -


    . () ( ) ()

  • . ()

    - - - - -

  • -


  • - - -


    (Aquilaria resin)

  • (family) THYMELAEACEAE (genus)Aquilaria (species) Aquilaria (Santisuk, )

    India : A. khasiana, A. malaccensis (A. agallocha)Nepal : A. malaccensis (A. agallocha)Bhutan : A. malaccensis (A. agallocha)Burma : A. malaccensisChina : A. sinensis, A. yunnanensisThailand : A. crassna, A. hirta, A. malaccensis, A. rugosa, A. subintegraLaos : A. crassnaCambodia : A. baillonii, A. crassnaVietnam : A. baillonii, A. banaensis, A. crassna, A. rugosaPenins. Malaysia (& Singapore) : A. beccariana, A. hirta, A. malaccensis, A. malaccensis,microcarpa, A. rostrata

    . Aquilaria crassna ( )


    - (pulp spongy)

  • . - x - . - -

    - - ( - )

    - . x . -. (seed) - x

    . Aquilaria malaccensis ( )


  • - . x -


    . - . x . - - x

    Aquilaria crassna Aquilaria malaccensis

    . Aquilaria hirta ( )

    () ( )

  • . -. x . - -

    - - -

  • . Aquilaria sinensis ( )


    . Aquilaria subintegra ( )

    - - . x - .

    - - - -

  • - Aquilaria subintegra - - () ()

    . Aquilaria rugosa ( )

  • . Aquilaria baillonil ( ) (, )


    . Gyrinops vidalii P.H.HO ()

    - - . x .- . - .

  • . . - . . . . - . . . .. . .

    - (Dipterocarpaceae) CR (Critically Endangered)

    () . . Aquilaria


  • - - ,


    . (monoterpene) (sesquiterpene) (, ) Agarol,Agarospirol Jinkohol

    . Shimada et al. ()

  • -Hydroxy-(-phenylethyl) chromone, -Methoxy--(phenylethyl)chromone, ,-Dimethoxy--(-phenylethyl) chromone -Methoxy--[-(-methoxyphenyl)ethyl] chromone


    - -


  • - -






  • Aquilaria - ( )

    ( )


  • . (super) - , - . ( )





    (: ,)

  • . , - , ( )

    . - - , - ,

    (: ,)

    (: ,)

  • . . () ( )



    . -

    (: ,)

  • (Specific Gravity)

    C , kg/m . . ( kg/m)( )

    - ()

  • () , , (, )

    -- .. ,, - ( ,)

  • A.crassna Trad - A.crassna - A.malaccaensis - A.baillonil -

    / .


    Aquilaria crassna Trad - ( , ; -, ; , )

    (, )

  • . -

    . - -

    , - ( ) - -

  • .

    . - -


    - -

  • -

    . - - -

    . (oleoresin deposit) C.B.G. () ( ,) (, ) (Blanchette, ) (-, )

  • (oleoresin deposit)



  • -


    . -





  • -


    - Ding Hou () (Aquilaria sinensis) parenchyma, ray included-phloem (starchgrain) carbonyl phenolic (Kwangtung Institute ofBotany,) Cytosphaera mangiferae (Aquilaria agallocha) (Jalaluddin, )

  • () (parasite) Botryodiplodia theobromae, Curvularia lunata,Fusarium oxysporum Pestalotia spp.


    (control) (Rahman and Basak, ;Rahman and Khisa, ) Chalermpongse et al.() (Aquilaria crassna Pierreex H.Lec) - (Agar or oleoresin

    deposit) (includedphloem)

  • (Chalermpongse et al, ) (, ) () (, ) - (, ) (,

    ) ( ) , , -

  • . . / . . . . ( , ) (, ; Pojanagaroon and Kaewrak, )

    - (- , )

  • Aquilariacrassna Aquilaria malaccensis (DNA marker) (specimen) (species) Aquilaria beccariana, Aquilaria crassna, Aquilaria filaria, Aquilariakhasiana, Aquilaria malaccensis Aquilaria sinensis (Eurlings and Gravendeel, )

    (Aquilaria crassna) (Lam, )

    Lam () (parent material) yellowish brown feralite - (sand stone)

  • reddish brown feralite

    - ()

    () . ( ) ( ) ( , ; Pojanagaroon and Kaewrak, )

  • - (-, )


    .. , ,

  • ..

    () (oleoresin deposit)

  • .

    . () (, )


    .. , ,

  • ()(: www.thaikrisana.com)


  • . -


    . .. - () , , , , - .. ..

  • , ,


  • C.B.G

  • . (, )

    (terpenoid) (carbon) sesquiterpene - - - -

    (: ,)

  • - () ( super) () () (phloem) (xylem) (stress-strain)


    (: ,)

  • - (super)



    - -



  • (compression) YOT


    - .

  • - YOT ( ) - YOT - (-)

    . . (-) ,

    . .

  • . , . , -


    ( ) (condensed) C - C (condensed)

  • .


    ( ) (xylem) (xylem)

    (xylem) (shear force) () ray (included-phloem) -

  • . . . YOT





    YOT -

  • () (included-phloem)

    - - . % (included-phloem)



  • -


    , -, .


    , -, .

    , -, .

    , -,/..






    . ( )

    . (- )

    . ( )

    . ( )



  • Burkill () - - - , Dyak (Guha andKarira, ) (Lopez, )


  • -





    Sim () - Chim-Hyang () Chen-Xiang( ) , A. crassna Chim-Hyang

  • . / / ( Kanam Chim-Hyang /

    . . - /

    . Qi. . . . /. .

    Chu-yeh ching VoKa Py (Phillips, )

    (Aquilaria malaccensis Benth.) jinkoh-eremol agarospirol (Okugawa andHyogo, ; Okugawa et al., )

  • .. ()

    - -- -

  • () - - -

    - - -

  • -

    - ()- - - ()- - - -

  • - - -- -

    - - - - - - -


    - - -

    - - -


  • :


    - :

    - :

    . . .

    - - - ( )-

    - - - -

  • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .

  • () :

    - :

    - :

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • . . . .


    - :

    - :

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • :

    - :

    - :

    . . . , . . . . .


    - :

    - :

    . .

  • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • . . . . . . . . . . - . . . () . . . . . () . . . . . . . .

  • . . .


    - :

    - . - :

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • . . . . .


    - :

    - . - :

    . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • . . . . . . . . . .

    agarwood (),aloeswood (), eaglewood (), gaharu (),oudh (), tram (), jinko (-), chen xiang ( ) (Phillips, ) - - Phillips ()

    . (agarwood branch or trunk section)- (super agarwood)

  • -

    . (agarwood pieces) -

    . (agaroil) (Tora) , -


    marmool - - ()

  • . () --




  • --

    -- -- -- -- ---

  • -- - -

    -- ..

    -- ()


    . .., .. ,.. , , .. , ..

    . -- --


  • --

    . -

    . -- -

    -- ..

    ... ... ... .. ...- ... - - --

  • -- .. ..

    (Aquilaria spp.) (Gyrinops spp.) - -- .. (.) - -



    . -



  • -- ( ).. -

    . ( .. )

    - -

    - -

    - /-





  • . - ( .. ) -

    - -

    . -

    - - - ..


    - --( .. ) ..

    . --

  • . --


    . --

    . -


    - ..

    . -

    - - .. -

  • - -

    . -

    - - - - ..

    - - ..

    . -

    - - ..



    - - -

  • - - -

    - - - -


    . .. -- ..


    . -

  • - ?

    -- ..

    -- - -- (CITES) -- - (CITES Permits) -- - - - - -- , (Aquilariaspp.)

  • .

    . /

    . ( )

    . -- .. ( .. ) --


    . /


  • .




    .. . .. . .. , ..

    .. .. . .. . .. , ..

    .. .. . .. .. , .. . ..

    .. ..

    .. . ..

  • .



    . -

    . -

    . -- (CITES)


  • .

    / / -


    . -


    . /

  • . . . : http://

    www.sql.diw.go.th/results.asp, .

    . . () -. () . .

    - . . . www.agarwoodinfo.com(Avialable online : ).

    - . . . . .

    . . , . -. (). , .

    -, , . . . .-. . , .

    -. . . --,.


  • -. . . . : () : -.

    . . . (). . . .

    . . . ,.

    . . . , .

    , . ., . -. . . , .

    . . . . . . .

    . . .. .. -.

    -. . . (): -.

  • . . : . : (- ) . -.

    . . .. () : -.

    . . , . - -. . , .

    -. . .. : ( ) : -.

    . . .. . . . . .

    . . . .. .

    . . - ., -.

  • . . . , .

    AWANG, M. R. 2007. Chemical profiling of gaharu oil extracted fromdifferent wood grades. Conference Booklet of Second Interna-tional Agarwood Conference, March 4-11, 2007, Chaophya ParkHotel, Bangkok. p.22.

    Barden, A., N.A. Anak, T. Mulliken and M. Song. 2000. Heart of theMatter: Agarwood Use and Trade and CITES Implementationfor Aquilaria malaccensis. Available Source: http://www. traffic.org/news/agarwood.pdf, Aug 20, 2004.

    BLANCHETTE, R. A.. 2007. Successful Production of CultivatedAgarweed: A New Economy for Poor Rural People usingGreen Technology. Conference Booklet of Second InternationalAgarwood Conference, March 4-11, 2007, Chaophya Park Ho-tel, Bangkok. p.17.

    Burkill, I.H. 1966. A Dictionary of the Economic Products of theMalay Peninsula. vol. I. Governments of Malaysia and Singapore,Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operative, Malaysia.

    Chalermponges, A., S. Siripatanadilok and S. Sangthongprao. 1990.Role and Activities of Fungi Associated with Agarwood andKritsana Tree in Thailand. Thai J.Forestry. 9(3): 163-167.

    CITES. 2004. Amendments to appendices I and II of CITES. TheConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species of

  • Wild Fauna and Flora. Available Source: http://www.cites.org/eng/cop/13/prop/E13-P49.pdf, December 15, 2004.

    COMPTON, J. 2007. Trade Matters: Regulating a Legal and Sustain-able Agarweed Industry. Conference Booklet of Second Inter-national Agarwood Conference, March 4-11, 2007, ChaophyaPark Hotel, Bangkok. p.12.

    DAWEND, J. 2007. Gaharu Trade and Its Challenges in Sarawak,Malaysia. Conference Booklet of Second International AgarwoodConference, March 4-11, 2007, Chaophya Park Hotel, Bangkok.p.23

    Ding Hou, L. 1960. Thymelaeaceae, pp. 1-48. In C.G.G.J. VanSteenis, ed. Flora Malesiana. Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen,Netherlands.

    Eurlings, M and B, Gravendeel. 2003. Identification of Agarwood(Aquilaria and Gyrinops) Dry Wood Using trnL-trnF Polymor-phisms. (CD Rom). The Rainforest Project. Viet Nam. (FirstInternational Agarwood Conference, November 10-15).

    Guha, S.R.D. and B.C. Karira. 1976. Chemical pulps for writing andprinting papers from Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. Indian Pulp andPaper. vol. 30 (6): 16-17. CABI. Accession no. 760635453.

    HEUVELING VAN BEEK, H. 2007. The Politics of Agarwood Towardsa Sustainable & Transparent Future. Conference Booklet ofSecond International Agarwood Conference, March 4-11, 2007,Chaophya Park Hotel, Bangkok. p.29.


  • Jalaluddin, M. 1977. A useful pathological condition of wood.Economic Botany. vol 31(2): 222-224. CABI. Accession no.771337216.

    Kunda, M. and J. Kachari. 2000. Desiccation sensitivity and recalci-trant behavior of seeds of Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. SeedScience and Technology. vol. 28 (3): 755-760. CABI. Accessionno. 20013009224.

    Kunda, M. and J. Kachari. 2000. Desiccation sensitivity and recalci-trant behavior of seeds of Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. SeedScience and Technology. vol. 28 (3): 755-760. CABI. Accessionno. 20013009224.

    Kwangtung Institute of Botany. 1976. A preliminary attempt atunravelling the secret of the oleoresin formation in the woodof Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Gilg. Acta Botanica Sinica. vol.18(4): 287-292. CABI. Accession no. 770641192.

    Kwangtung Institute of Botany. 1976. A preliminary attempt atunravelling the secret of the oleoresin formation in the woodof Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Gilg. Acta Botanica Sinica. vol.18(4): 287-292. CABI. Accession no. 770641192.

    Lam, N.H. 2003. Factor Influencing the Natural Formation of AgarwoodResin in Aquilaria Trees and the Use of a New BiologicalProduct for Stimulating Resin Formation in Aquilaria crassna inViet Nam. (CD Rom). The Rainforest Project. Viet Nam. (FirstInternational Agarwood Conference, November 10-15).

  • Lopez, D.T. 1978. Malaysian timbers for pencil manufacture. Malay-sian Forester. vol. 41(1): 17-25. CABI. Accession no. 780649108.

    MASATAKA, H. 2007. Trade and Conservation of Agarweed. Confer-ence Booklet of Second International Agarwood Conference,March 4-11, 2007, Chaophya Park Hotel, Bangkok. p.27

    Matsui, M. 2005. Effects of the Stem Debarking Treatment onGrowth and Wood Specific Gravity of Domesticated Aquilariacrassna Pierre ex Lec. M.S.Thesis, Kasetsart University.

    Osoguchi, T. 2002. Domestication of Aquilaria crassna Tree inHevea brasiliensis Plantation, Huai Raeng-Klong Peed Water-shed, Trat Province, Eastern Thailand. M.S.Thesis, KasetsartUniversity.

    Osoguchi, T. 2002. Domestication of Aquilaria crassna Tree inHevea brasiliensis Plantation, Huai Raeng-Klong Peed Water-shed, Trat Province, Eastern Thailand. M.S.Thesis, KasetsartUniversity.

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  • Phillips, D. 2003. Revealing of the Structure of the World AgarwoodMarkets (CD Rom). The Rainforest Project. Viet Nam. (FirstInternational Agarwood Conference, November 10-15).

    Pojanagaroon, S. and C. Kaewrak. 2005. Mechanical Methods toStimulate Aloes Wood Formation in Aquilaria crassna Pierre exH. Lec. (Kritsana) Trees. Acta Horticulturae 676: 161-166.

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  • Shimada, D., T. Tominaga, T. Konishi and S. Kiyosawa. 1982. Studieson the Agarwood (Jinkoh). I. Structures of 2-(2-Phenylethyl)chromone derivatives. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 30(10): 3791-3795.

    Sim, K.S. 2003. Medical and Non-medical Uses of Aquilaria crassnaand Method to Determine the Authenticity of A. crassna (CDRom). The Rainforest Project. Viet Nam. (First InternationalAgarwood Conference, November 10-15).

    Siripatanadilok, S., A. Chalermpongse and S. Sangthongpraow. 1991.Utilization and propagation of agarwood trees (Aquilaria spp.).IFS Research Grant Agreement Number D/0731. 40p.

    Soehartono, T. and A. Mardiastuti. 1997. The current trade in Gaharuin West Kalimantan. Jurnal Ilmiah Biodiversitas Indonesia,1(1).

    Soehartono, T. and A.C. Newton. 2001. Reproductive ecology ofAquilaria spp. in Indonesia. Forest Ecology and Management152 (2001): 59-71. ELSEVIER.

    THAWATCHAI, S. 2007. Taxonomy, geography and ecology ofAquilaria Lamk. (Thymelaeaceae : Aquilarioideae) in continentalAsia. Conference Booklet of Second International AgarwoodConference, March 4-11, 2007, Chaophya Park Hotel, Bangkok.p.11.

  • Todokoro, T. 2005. Domestication of Aquilaria crassna Tree in HomeGarden, Klong Sathorn Village in Wang Num Kheaw District,Nakhon Rachasima Province, Northeastern Thailand. SpecialProblems, Kasetsart University

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    Whitmore, T.C. 1973. Thymelaeaceae. In Tree Flora of Malaya; AManual for Foresters. vol. 2. Longman, London.


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    . Focus Group --


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    . Focus group

  • ( ) ,


    ( ) ,

    . Focus Group

    () ,

    , ()


    . --




  • - -


    ...........................................( ) 3

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    ...........................................(- )


    ...........................................( )

  • -- . --


    -- / - - -- - -.. -- / /

    . , () , ( ) , () ( )

  • /


    . Focus Group

    . ,

    . , () - -- -- ( )

  • --



    (- ) 8


  • -- /

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  • .



    . --







  • . . .-

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    . ..

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    . . .


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