· an omega or coronet...

Post on 12-Mar-2019






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o 2


Pegawai Berita II

Ipoh's new offjc..e


4 Government says so Journal ism

6 Selamot bertugos

7 Potpourri

8 The loans' hypothesis

9 Of time and men in the HQ

U lsi Koto

12 For the romantic

13 Bernamo puzzle

15 Semutalk

Pengarang: Mohd. Jamil Abdullah

Penolong kepoda Pen~rang: RichC'ird Thean I

Sobrey Jaafar Pemberito bulan ini: Sukardi Abdul Gha'ny

Penyelaras: Nori jah Mohd. Noor



Grant + Loan Groan

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o Mother, what do you drive?

- a mini 850

- no. You drive me crazy


• I - Father, why does a doctor call a sick man a patIent?

- because he is not well

- no Becaus'e he has to wa it two hours 4to se~ the doctor.

1 0' , )10 . (

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Affluence has.finally manifested itself in the hands of some of the Bernama HQ people. Of late, there has been a sporadic appearance of an expensive brand of watch on the wrists of several staffers.

Rumour has it that it started in the Editorial department when it'.suddenly , dawned on a senior staffer 'that time was Important and he. decided to acquire a machine to measure it '. Reportedly, this chap performed a card-fla.;hing trick (card flashing has, of course, been reported in these pages before but that is another story'.) and came back with a Submariner, complete with revolving rim and luminous hands. '

A few days later, this same c·hap was seen sporting a GMT Master. Soon, this watch disappeared and another model was on his wrist.

I •

Meanwhile, on the ground floor, another stoffer, after a deep consideration, came to the ,conclusion that she t<;>o wanted a ¥fatch which she could flash around. She thus ju~ped on the bandwagon and purchased a Ladydate.

The latest addition to this group ,is a sub w~, after coming into possession of one of those sol id steel monsters, was overheard to remark that it was 'so very difficult to lift his left hand.

In the meantime, the original senior staffer decided to one-up everyone else and went out and bought himself a $2,500 Datejust.

Incidently, the same chap now also wears Van Heusen shirts and Swan shoes. But, as one colleague observed, "he sti II uses an Artl ine marker I. II

The staffer concerned has token cognizance of this fact. So, who knows, you chaps m~gbt soon have your copy checked with a solid gold du Pont marker?

Anyway, t'his s~QH group of t,imepiece owner.s is slowly growing but at last count, thos'e solid steel mo,,~·t~,rs. pn their wrists cost a total' of about $12, 000. Yes, a cO.o I $12,000: But "hdrd I.>" II must add, enough to buy a solid gold time machiM.e. ofthat brand.·

" . '"



And with this trend, the off-quoted question of Govind's, to wit, "What is the time by your chronometer? II Could acquire more widespread usage.

And still on the subject of affluence, it should be noted that several other manifestations are apparent here in the HQ besides sporting a watch with an omega or coronet logo.

Shoes, for one can also. make a hole in one's wallet. And on a normal working day Clown at HO, ,you will s~e per.haps a. pair of Bally, another pair of Regal, and (:In as~or.tmentlof K, Swan, Saxone, Clarks, to name J.

buta few. ,I

Clothes, it has been said, make the man. And judging from the shirts worn by our male colleagues, there should be many men around. John Langford, Peter England, Manhattan and Van Heusen shirts made of Swiss cotton or some other outrageously expensive fabric adorn our male colleagues.

, Indeed, affluence-watchihg at HQ IS an irfteresting hobby and it's fun too to see male peacocks ~trutting along displaying their latest acquisitions.


I r "

****************** ru

We talk of killing time'as if i~ isn't time that's killing us '•

• • ) tt ..



151 KOTA ialah sumbongan terakhir dod MIHARBI, iaHu Saudara Ibrahim Abdul Kadir. Dia akan meninggalkan BERNAMA mulai I Februari untuk melanjutkan satu bob lagi dalam Iiku-I iku penghiduponnya di Universiti Kebongsaan Malaysia, Bangi. Beliau akan menjadi penuntut dalam faculti Economi. Kepadanya kita ucapkan tahniah dan selamat maju jaya • BERITA BERNAMA juga ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepoda sumbongan yang telah be:iau berikan.

151 KOTA

Bulan tersadai lagi Bintang telah hilang Mentari menjernih suria Muka-muka itu past; bercahayo Seketika kita di neraca Menimbang berat ringanya Tawa dan duka lara Dosa dan pahala-pahala Tercemar iman pada siulan Terlunas nafsu di akhiran Muka -muka kota Hiosan mu bak kaca-kaca Paras mu sungai cetek Pas;r melandai kekerohan Tebing terharu tiada ombok BIJnyi-bunyi itu datang l.antang don lantong 'Kota adaloh dosa I 'Dosa adalah kota I Si penghoyun lolu Si Pendengar kaku Si penglihat malu Pabi la jasad itu Tiada berbaju labuh Tiada bersepatu ki lat Tiada rupa tiada suara Tiada dan tiada MIHARBI



Your attention please. Don't let your 14th day of this month to go unnoticed.

It is a day for the young (99% of us here are young, at least in heart), ideal (everybody is an ideal of one~elf), romantic (must be romancing) to make a 'gift' to make your true love's heart flutter. (Not necessarily for your beloved wi(v)es/husband(s), girlfriends or boyfriends only, but means more for your colleagues) •

Yes, it is Valentines.

Past gifts showed that among popular presentation were: a slipper, x-ray film, clothes hanger (hang around baby, be my valentine?), a pawnshop receipt, a 'raft' of joss stick, and also the inevitable panties.

Thus, anyone who thinks hardcore romanticism had gone completely out of style, should take care of this.

It does not means only sending 'you're never too busy to listen when someone is troubled or blue, you're always on hand with a kind word or smile's card. It is more than that.

So, how about it, my bernamists? -------R. W .A . N.




13,ernama Puz 21 e

3 19. The sheriff has to organise one to search for the James I brothers.


Sole owner

I ")'3

1 0


" is beautiful" should take you down memory lane.I .

_5. Love means never having to say. .J • 1:J

7. Magicians are experts in this --- ­8. Chettiars are synonymous with this act.

10. Most appropriate when used to describe falling stars/politicians at the end

of their rise.

12. A body which tries to help its members to abstain from booze •.

14. Double. , A cache of rifles would be a vital shot in the for freedom fighters.

'.). Fresh

18. When in this state, you need pills.

go Vi;nd • ro dlZ i

rather popular.


'1 i Srll

'"' :/.J 0 .. o.

Down 5'1

I . The green light was given to the plan.--'---- ­

2. He worked hard to become successful. He

3. Think or bel ieve.

4. It sounds Iike a horse's cry.

5. Not a very welcome acronym but, nevertheless, r

6. The Laksamana Muda's bow.

9. This could well describe the heat of the Sahara Desert.

II. Receptacles for refuse.

13. In the middle of.

15. The look on one's face on seeing a tiger in the street.

17. This word virtually rises.

19. A keen golfer will be very satisfied with himself when his score is below it.

b (Sotution in next issue)

ad .1'1


s '~utaJk 'De.m 1\0 '101


Dicetak dan diterbitkan oleh BERNAMA, Bangunan MCOBA, 42, Jalan Syed Putra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Dalam Berita Bernama keluaran lalu, t elah disiarkan nama mereka yang mendapat kenaikan pangkat ke Pegawai Berita II. Berikutan ialah sedikit penjelasan berkenaan dengannya .

Wawancara Wakil Berita Bernama (WBB) dengan Pemangku Pengurus Besar (PPB) Encik Yusuf Bador

WBB Adakah apa'"1Jpa komen yang hendak Encik Yusof berikan tentang kenaikan pangkat ke Pegawai Berita II bagi 13 orang petugas BERNAMA baru-baru ini?

PPB Tindakan menaikkan pangkat wartawan kepada NE II baru­baru ini merupakan "one of my most pleasant duties" sebagai Pemangku Pengurus Besar dan ini soya harapkan dapot memberikan semangat baru kepoda semua petugas terutama sekali mereka yang terlibat. Ini soya harap dapot dijadikan salah satu daripada asas Jalam usaha pemulihan semula semangat kerja dalam pertubuhan ini.

WBB Adakah apo'"1Jpo 'pengorbanan' yang terpoksa dibuat oleh BERNAMA untuk memastikan kesemua mereka ini dinaikkan pangkat?

PPB 'Pengorbanan' yang kita buat adalah terlalu kecil untuk d isebutkan dalam ruangan ini. Soya fikir kesempatan yang digunakan amatlah besar ertinya kepada mereka yang telah menunjukkan taat setia kepoda BERNAMA. Soya harap 'philosophy' ini akan d iteruskan di masa hadapon.

WBB Apakah criteria yang utama yang digunakan dalam memilih calun?

PPB 'Criteria' yang d iutamakan dalam pemil ihan ialah kecekapon dan lama berkhidmat dengan BERNAMA.







. ,

. .f

~.~.~ .",

Ada di antara petugas-petugas yang mengatakan bahawa kenaikan pangkat ini merupakan satu perkara yang boleh dianggap "waiting to be taken" dan BERNAN\A hanya perlu "ask for it and you will get it". Adakah ini benar?

Dari surat yang diteriroo dari JPA, kelulusan yang diberi ialah bagi kati ini saja. Pengurusan tidak dibolehkan menaikkan pangkat wartawan kepada NE II selepos ini tanpa diluluskan oleh JPA. Oleh itu anggapan setengah petugas seperti yang disebutkan adalah tidak benar. Walau bagaimanupun ini tidaklah berarti yang peluang yang samo tidak lagi akan wujud. Kalau keadaan mendesak saya percaya kita boleh buot rayuan sekal i logi. Soya harap mereka yang tidak berjaya janganlah putus asa Bersabarlah dahulu.I.

Adakah usaha mendapatkan perlonggaran kenaikkon pangkat ini semata-mata merupakan usaha pihak pentadbiran BERNAMA soja? Maksud saya, adakah Kesatuan Kaki~ ngan BERNAN\A juga memainkan peranannya bersamo dengan pihak pentadbiran untlJk mendapatkan kelonggaron ini?

Kejayaan mendapatkan kelonggaran in: diperolehi dengan kerjasama semua pihak. Kesatuan juga memainkan peranannya yang tersend iri .

Biiakah perlonggarans eumparna in; akan diperjuangkan lagn oleh BERNAMA?

Soya tidak dapot memberi jangka waktu yang tegas. Ini terpulang kepada perkemoongan BERNAN\A sendiri. Perugas juga pedu menuniukkan kesanggupan menerima ronggungjawab menghasi!kan perkembongan ini. Saya percaya, dengan kerjasama semua pihak, petugos tidok perlu menunggu lamo. InsyaAllah I.


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• IPOH'S NEW OFFICE' -~-----""""'- I

Few in Bernamo out~ide Ipoh are oware that we have moved to new premises.

Unless I am wrong, Ipoh is the first, and so far the only, bureau or state office in Peninsular Malaysia tQQ:cupy Bernama-owned premises. It is sufficient for me to say only that the premises are more spacious Gnd certainly for more comfortable than our old abode at the "Good Luck." If any of you readers should be passing through Ipoh (few rr¥:lke our town theirdestination" ~top by for a drink: the Subs Desk is not the only section that owns an electric kettie. For your information, Salleh (if you don't know him, forget about the drink) makes excellent Nescafe (white). (I am the only chop around who likes his Neseafe black). Ooi (not Yeow Hong) makes therapeutic Chinese tea (ugh I.) which he drinks to reduce ,cholesterol content in his blood. (This guy /(lnts to live to 100). If Noorlian or Mahrus are around when you call, there will be Danish butter cookies with your Nescafe or tea. And of course, a round of Carroms or two between sips. Anyone of us can take on anyone of you. You might want to know that all and sundry (from our newspaper boy to at least one Exeo member) have been pressing us to hold a "house warming II.

Fair enough, our top chaps in KL say.

I will get the invitations out the moment KL sends us our signboard Logo.

You see, about the only item missing at our new premises is the signboard. ~-~ TJL.


G HEE aTT CHOY .r .i .r

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Nama mereka berdua disebut-sebutkan oleh kesemua pemain posukan bolasepok Bernama akhir-okhir ini. Namonya bukanlah Rahim G hazal i, penjogo gol hendalon kito, atau Wahid Mohamed Som, salah seorong penyerong utomo kito • Bukan juga noma Rachmann Nordin, Timbalon Pengurus Posukon seloku Jurulotih, otou pun Boki Ghani, yang bonyak koli menjodi pengodil untuk permainon persohaboton.

Noma-noma itu ioloh Osmon Toib don Zoiloni Suloiman'. Tunggu sebentor '. Mereka tidok mewokili Bernomo dolam posukon bolosepok. Tetopi mere!." . teloh menghulurkon sumbongon untuk melengkopkon fXl6ukon kito dengan a ot­olot sukan yang bermutu. Soudoro Osmon teloh membelikon sotu set "jersey" jenis "Adidos" sementoro Soudoro Zoilcni pula sebiji bola jenis "World Cup­Tango, " soma seperti yang diguno dolom perlowonon Piolo Dunio di Argentino dulu.

Kesemua pegowoi don pemain posukon merakomkon ribuon terimo kosih kepoda keduo-duo penyokong kuot bolosepok ini. Dengar khobor mereko menggunakan "credit card" untuk membeli olat-olat tersebut. Adokoh peluang menghorapkon tindakan seumpomanyo dori pemegang "credit cord" yang loin - bukon untuk bolasepok soja tetopi sukon-sukon lain?

Sokongan Saudara Osmon dan Soudaro Zai lani ini dihorap okon dapot mendorong p:rsukan kito mencapoi kejoyoon dolom perlowonon-perlawonon seterusnyo. Tidoklah okan kito tewas dengon jurang joringon gol yang begitu teruk sekoli ••••

Sebagoi usoha mengurangkon jurang jaringan gol ontora pasukon Iowan don posukon komi, posukon kito teloh tewos (kalah juga) di tongon Posukan F&N 1-4 minggu lolu.

Podo 31 Januori komi tewos 0-3 dengan Pasukon Pemuda Umno Temerloh dolom sotu perlowanon persahobotan. Podo hori kemudionnya, komi seri 2-2 dengan Posukan Kementerion Kesihaton dalom perlowonon Iigo Wilayah Persekutuan.

Semuo pegawoi dan pemain posukon komi mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan "Kong Hee Fott Choy" kepado rokon-rakan yang meroyakon Tohun Boru Cino. - G.:>vind, bag; pihok para pemoin.




In an article in The Far Eastern Economic Review some months ago a writer said Ma laysian journa Iists are not playing their roles. They fai I to bridge the communication gap between the government and the people. In other words, they do not really become the communicators who deliver messages both to and from the government.

To most of us these remarks are hard to stomach. How can they say such things '. Don't we report on what is being done by the government to dev::::op the country and the people? Didn't we report on the $2,377 bil. budget for 1981? Didn't we give prominence the announcement by the PM on the $577 million share transfer to bumiputra? We reflect sharply.

What kind of stories then should we report to qualify us as having played our roles?

Fellow journalists, journalism is (] two-way traffic, we are the communicators of the government and the people. This is what I derived from reading "The Professional Journalist" from the library and from a week's workshop I attended last month.

From what I gathered, a journalist (or reporter) does not only report what the government says or the figures given. There is more to it. A journalist also reports what the people say, the reactions of the people towards an issue, the pros and cons, their hopes, their aspirations, and their frustrations. In this respect, the famous Kennedy quotation about Americans not to ask what America could to them and so on, most often than not, does not apply in Journa Iism. Otherwise Carter wou Id not have been toppled by Reagen.

In other words, a journalist should humanise most of his or her stories. Put human interest as much as possible in the1m, especially in the intros to make the stories more interesting, captivating and readable.

After a" news are read by people. So we have to sell something that they buy, not something the government wants all the time. Only in "government says so journalism" do you write whatever the minister/offjcial says and your work is fi nis hed •

The remarks by the foreign journalists about us not playing our role is valid, in view of our present performance.


In an assessment made during the workshop on Development Journalism which I attended, we found that almost 80 per cent of the stories published in the local newspapers in a given day are from official sources (speech by ministers or heads of department). X minister says this. Y minister urges that. M head of department says this and so on.

It was also found that too. many figures are quoted especially about several thousands or millions of dollars which are sometimes not very substantial to the story. According to the Workshop Director fr mAl BD, Encik Paul De Maeseneer, figures should only be used to substantiate a statement i)t Fn comparisons of such and such matters. Too many" ig ll figures might no'j interest the readers.

Another element found in news stories in the Malaysian Press is the prese ce I of the words "today" and lIhere II. Take for instance this i tro: I "Kua la Lumpur, January 28 -- The Prime Minister so and so to 'ay urged the private sector to be aware of ••.....• -­II

He was speaking at the opening of ••••••at here".

Encik de Maeseneer said it is rather "silly" to put the word "today" and "here II when it is obvious in the dateline. Moreover a news agency always report what is happening today.

Foreign journalists always wonder why the Malaysian press do not publish sensitive and contraversial issues especially connected to the government.

Perhaps this is because of the self-censorship by the journalist himself of by the editors so much so we find certain stories are written in an ambiguous manner.

Well, I think it's about time we make changes in order to improve the Ma la ys ian standa rd of journa Iism.

, ~


Let's put more life to our stories. Dramatise and humanise as much as possible to make them interesting. Present our stories honestly without fear or favour. After all, we want to put across the message to people to inform and to communicate with them in order to develop their thinking and thus raise their standard of living. And that is what the role of journalists is.

Why all of sudden is this idea is brought forward, you may ask. To show off that you have attended a workshop?

No. Not at all. But I had derived new knowledge from the workshop. And I'd Iike it shared amongst us so as to improve ourselves. --- Othman Shafie.



Diucapkan selamat datang ke BERNAMA kepada wartawan Othman Ahmad dan Bahara Kamorak (dulu bertugas di RTM), kedet-kedet Loke Kok Ming, Noar Zalihan Zainal Abidin, Mohd. Fisol Jaafar (Sob's Brother), Mahfar Ali, Tham Choy Lim dan Baharum Haji Arshad (Sudir's brother).

Juga selamat datang kepada kerani-kerani Ibrahim Yusof, Aminuddin Ibrahim, Razali Pilus, Mohd. Ghazali Abu Bakar, Nasaruddin Omor, Faridah Faki Mohamed, R. Ra jeskaram, jurutaip Azizah AI ias dan Pegawai Kerja AI i Suratmon.

Hope they all will enjoy their work here.


, . , . J ", , .



1981 defination for this month:

'A mother's day is a father's night nine months ago. I

~', ... .. 1981 advise for this month:

There is only one way to happiness and t-hat is to cease :about stories that appeared on the teleprinters. "

Contributed by: Reporter withput a name. (R. W.A. N.)


Talking Point: By Govind

Many, if not all, of us seem to be counting the chickens before even the eggs have been laid. Well, what else can talk be centred on but the recent report of housing rent subsidy for theJarmed forces. Many among us believe all civil s-~rvants will receive the subsidy, too. A few have even gone to the extent of calculating how much they will get, believing that poyment will be backdated to July, 1980, as in the case of the armed forces. Let us keep our fingers crossed.


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