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ICME and Friction Stir Welding •

Determining Ductile Fracture Toughness •

In-House vs. Outsourced Materials Testing •

Materials Testing & Characterization


APRIL 2014 • VOL 172, NO 4

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Market Spotlight


Of Material Interest

Industry News

8 Metals/Polymers/Ceramics

10 Testing/Characterization

12 Emerging Technology

14 Energy Trends

15 Surface Engineering

16 Process Technology

18 Nanotechnology


Advertisers Index


Special Advertising Section

Editorial Preview

Stress Relief

Success Analysis











4 7




Scientists in the Materials Science

& Technology Division at Oak

Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

set up a novel testing apparatus to

determine elevated temperature

fracture toughness in metals.

Courtesy of ORNL, Tenn.

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Advanced Materials & Processes (ISSN 0882-7958, USPS 762080) is published monthly, except bimonthly November/December, by ASMInternational, 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073-0002; tel: 440/338-5151; fax: 440/338-4634. Periodicals postage paid at Nov-elty, Ohio, and additional mailing offices. Vol. 172, No. 4, April 2014. Copyright © 2014 by ASM International. All rights reserved. Distributedat no charge to ASM members in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. International members can pay a $30 per year surcharge to receiveprinted issues. Subscriptions: $461. Single copies: $45. POSTMASTER: Send 3579 forms to ASM International, Materials Park, OH 44073-0002.

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35 ASM NewsThe monthly publication about ASM members, chapters, events, awards, conferences, affiliates, and other Society activities.

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Determining Ductile Fracture Toughness

in MetalsXiang (Frank) Chen, Randy K. Nanstad,

Mikhail A. Sokolov, and Eric T. Manneschmidt

Ductile fracture toughness testing is useful for evaluating amaterial’s structural integrity. Three different techniques areexplored in this article.


Analyzing Metals with Handheld

Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)LIBS is taking its first leap into portable metal analysis.


In-House vs. Outsourced Materials Testing:

How to DecideWhen making the choice between onsite and outsourcedtesting, quality and time are as important as ROI in the final analysis.


Not Fiction: Thermal Spray the Key

Technology in Modern LifeThe International Thermal Spray Conference and Exhibition(ITSC), taking place May 21-23 in Barcelona, Spain, featuresa three-day exposition, conference, poster session,education courses, and much more.

ICME Helps Develop Friction Stir Welding

Process for SteelsYu-Ping Yang

Developing a process model to improve understanding ofthermal, mechanical, and microstructural effects—plusoptimizing process parameters—during the friction stirwelding of steels is essential in order to implement

integrated computational materials engineering.


The Age of Steel: Part IICharles R. Simcoe

By 1875, the Bessemer steel industry had spread across thecountry from eastern Pennsylvania to St. Louis, with theepicenter in Pittsburgh.

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9639 Kinsman RoadMaterials Park, OH 44073Tel: 440/338-5151 • Fax: 440/338-4634

Frances Richards, Senior [email protected]

Julie Kalista, [email protected]

Barbara L. Brody, Art Director

Joanne Miller, Production Manager; Editor, ASM [email protected]

Press Release [email protected]


Mario Epler, Chair, Carpenter Technology Corp.

Yu-Ping Yang, Vice Chair, Edison Welding Institute

Ellen Cerreta, Past Chair, Los Alamos National Lab

William Lenling, Board Liaison

Laura Addessio, PCC Structurals Inc.

Arvind Agarwal, Florida International University

Gerald Bruck, Siemens Westinghouse Power Corp.

Steven Claves, Alcoa Inc.

Adam Farrow, Los Alamos National Lab

Nia Harrison, Ford Motor Co.

Alan Luo, The Ohio State University

Roger Narayan, UNC-NCSU

Scott Olig, Vision Point Systems

Nina Pang, Boston University

Somuri Prasad, Sandia National Lab

Fei Ren, Oak Ridge National Lab

Michael Rigsbee, North Carolina State University

Kumar Sridharan, University of Wisconsin

Jaimie Tiley, U.S. Air Force Research Lab

Cong Wang, Saint-Gobain High PerformanceMaterials


C. Ravi Ravindran, President

Sunniva R. Collins, Vice President

Robert J. Fulton, Treasurer

Gernant E. Maurer, Immediate Past President

Jeffrey A. Hawk

William J. Lenling

Linda S. Schadler

Iver Anderson

Mitchell Dorfman

James C. Foley

Jacqueline M. Earle

John R. Keough

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Thomas S. Passek, Secretary and Managing


STUDENT BOARD MEMBERSJessica Booth, Karly Chester, Raymond Hickey

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materials witness


Prepare to be amazed

From the real-life “Lost” drama about the disappearance of

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 to Vladimir Putin staking his claim

on Crimea to Watson being used to help cure brain cancer, there

is no shortage of amazing news these days. Likewise, the world of

materials science is also full of fantastic discoveries and mindbog-

gling news. If you had to pick the most amazing materials-related

story as of late, what would it be?

My vote goes to MIT’s recent work on “living materials.” In Jan-

uary, we reported on one of their projects involving genetically modified viruses being

used to help produce nanowires to solve some problems facing lithium-ion batteries.

The gist of the research is that the virus-built nanowires feature a rough and spiky sur-

face that dramatically increases surface area, significantly improving the rate of charg-

ing and discharging within the battery.

Now, another group at MIT is using bacterial cells to produce biofilms that can incor-

porate nonliving materials, for example, quantum dots or gold nanoparticles. It’s a best-of-

both-worlds scenario: Researchers say that these living materials combine the advantages

of living cells—which respond to the environment, produce biological molecules, and span

multiple length scales—with the benefits of nonliving materials that can add functions

such as conducting electricity or emitting light. The team believes that these hybrid ma-

terials are worth exploring for use in energy applications such as batteries and solar cells,

in addition to diagnostic devices and scaffolds used in tissue engineering.

If ASM’s recent survey about emerging technologies is any indication, these are just

the sorts of materials that will have the most impact on society over the next few years.

The ASM Emerging Technologies Awareness Committee conducted a survey of roughly

300 members (R&D leaders within their organizations) to gain feedback on materials-

related technologies believed to be the most promising for the near future. The top five

categories chosen by respondents include high-performance materials, energy mate-

rials, additive manufacturing, nanotechnology, and integrated computational materi-

als engineering. Based on these results, ASM will consider developing new events,

education courses, and publications around these topics. As discussed previously in

this column, the idea of moving boldly into the future necessitates embracing these

emerging technologies.

In other Society news, ASM is proud to be part of President Obama’s newly an-

nounced American Lightweight Materials Manufacturing Innovation Institute (ALM-

MII), being led by EWI, University of Michigan, and The Ohio State University. ASM is

part of the new consortium of 60 members, including leading manufacturers of alu-

minum, high strength steel, and titanium, along with universities and laboratories in-

volved in research and development of lightweight metals. Next up this year is a new

Advanced Composite Manufacturing Institute, slated for $70 million in DOE funding

over five years. The institute will primarily target continuous or discontinuous carbon

and glass fiber composites, materials based on thermoset or thermoplastic resins with

superior strength and stiffness-to-weight ratios relative to other materials. Funding

closes April 22 with full information available at

No matter what type of material you find yourself working on these days, we hope

it’s amazing. Feel free to send us progress reports along the way and we will include

them in future issues.

[email protected]

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Anew report from SPI, the plastics industry trade association, pres-ents a detailed overview of the state of the U.S. plastics industry. Size

and Impact of the Plastics Industry on the U.S. Economy, published No-vember 2013, notes that this industry has been one of the economy’slargest and fastest growing. Although hit hard by the 2008-2009 reces-sion, it is now recovering. Most plastics are used in manufacturing andservices are becoming increasingly important. Lower inflation, dollarvalue reduction, and lower natural gas prices have spurred U.S. exports,moderating the recession effects. Those same advantages should help theplastics industry in the future, according to analysts. Mirroring numerousother industries, a shrinking number of businesses indicate a continuingconsolidation trend. Key findings of the newly released report include:

The U.S. plastics industry is large, accounting for 892,000 jobs and$373 billion in shipments during 2012. California has the largest plas-

tics industry employment,but as a percentage of totalnon-farm employment, theindustry is most importantto Michigan, where it ac-counts for 15.8 of every 1000non-farm jobs. Indiana is aclose second.

When suppliers to theplastics industry are in-cluded, jobs grow to 1.41 mil-lion, and total shipmentsreach $456 billion. The plas-

tic products portion of the in-dustry was the eighth largest

U.S. industry in2011, while the

plastic materials and syn-

thetics sector (includingrubber and fiber) was thetwelfth largest.

Employment in plasticsmanufacturing grew 0.1%

per year from 1980 to 2012,outpacing manufacturing asa whole, and shipments grewat a 2.3% annual rate from

1980 to 2012. The recent industry slowdown largely reflects the recessionand slowing of the manufacturing sector as a whole.

The plastics industry has improved over the past two years.Although manufacturing is still the main outlet for plastics, an in-

creasing share of plastics is going into services including wholesale and re-tail trade; finance, insurance, and real estate; and healthcare. The U.S.plastics industry, as documented by government data, operated an esti-mated 15,949 manufacturing establishments in 2012 excluding businessesthat produce captive plastic products or supply goods and services to theplastics industry. For more information, visit


spotlight feedbackmarket

Just one word: Plastics

More on Metallurgy LaneOur American metals history is so

interesting, especially when it includesdescriptions of why things happened. Ican see that Charles Simcoe, author ofthe new “Metallurgy Lane” series, spenta lot of time on his research includingextensive travel. The most surprisingthing I learned from the article is thatanthracite coal was used directly for fuelin blast furnaces. I wonder if he cameacross the historical Greenwood Fur-nace* in Eastern Pennsylvania, andwhether or not the Cornwall open pitmine* near Harrisburg is still operating?

Edward Dunn

[I was aware of the Greenwood Furnace,but didn't know it was an ASM HistoricalLandmark until I did some research afterDunn’s email. The Cornwall mine closedafter the underground part flooded dur-ing Hurricane Agnes in 1972 and theopen pit was abandoned in 1973. It hadbeen in operation for more than 230years.—Charles R. Simcoe]

Pig iron productionI’d like to add a side note about pig

iron production. The blast furnacesnear St. James, Mo., (circa 1830) used“long leaf” pine charcoal at the rate ofthree tons of charcoal per ton of ironproduced. The two furnaces producedabout 16 tons of pig per day, henceused 24 tons of charcoal. Pine pro-duces very little charcoal compared tohard woods, so vast stretches were de-nuded. No replanting was done andrain washed away what little soil wasthere to begin with. The railroads tookthe rest of the pines for ties (circa 1850-1870). Today the Ozarks have onlyscrub oak and cedar. The irony (pun in-tended) is that the major industry theretoday is still charcoal, now used in ourcountry’s barbeque pits!

Chuck Dohogne

Wonder of the worldCharles Simcoe wrote a good article

on wrought iron (February issue), but hefailed to mention one of the wonders ofhuman civilization—the Ashoka Pillar(Delhi Iron Pillar*) in India. It was manu-factured sometime around the 4th cen-tury and has stood on open groundsince. It has neither weathered norshows any signs of rust or pitting.

Ashok Bhambri

*ASM Historical Landmarks. See more

We welcome all comments and suggestions. Send letters to

[email protected].

Plastics Industry Employment by Sector, 2012

Plastics work-ing machinery,


Molds for plastics,1.6%

Wholesale, 3.7%

Captive plasticproducts,


Plastic materialsand resins, 6.5%

Plastic (exceptpackaging) filmand sheet, 4.0%


All other, 50.5%

U.S. total: 891,600

Source: SPI,

Plastic bottles, 3.7%

Urethane andother foam products,


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Recreating Roman funeral masks During the Roman Empire, wealthy families cre-

ated masks of males that were displayed in theirhouses after death and also used in funeral cere-monies. The masks, called imagines maiorum, werecreated out of beeswax, according to written sources.While none of these masks have survived, there arethree modern-day wax masks that bear an uncannyresemblance to doctoral students in the Classics De-partment at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. In a sem-inar on Greek and Roman portraiture taught byassociate professor Annetta Alexandridis, the studentswanted to create their own masks as part of a largerresearch project on wax as a material in ancient Rome.

“We found that beeswax tends to be more brittle,so we used foundry wax,” says graduate student KatieJarriel. They first made silicone molds of each person’sface, with the help of a restoration expert. A plastercasting was applied on top to help the silicone hold its shape. Once the silicone dried, wax was poured in themold. After the casts were completed, students considered how they would have been worn by the actors andobserved how quickly they started to deteriorate. In Roman times, they would have been duplicated and re-paired if they were damaged. “So if a nose fell off, they would have built a new one out of wax,” explains Alexan-dridis. For more information: Annetta Alexandridis, 607/254-7263, [email protected],

Fiber reinforced polymer bridgesComposite Advantage, Dayton, Ohio, under its FiberSPAN brand,

launched a range of new fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) trail bridge andbridge deck products. The new line combines high performance with aes-thetics and is maintenance-free, according to company sources. Engineeredfor superior strength, the bridge and deck products resist corrosion fromwater and chemicals, are light weight for easy installation, and provide a non-slip surface. The composite trail bridges and bridge decks are available in grayor beige but also can be fabricated in custom colors. They are designed to

meet the industry standard of 90 lb/ft2 pedestrian live load and can withstanda 15,000-lb vehicle load. Railing options include fiberglass, stainless steel, andsteel.

Invisible coating protects Finnish coins The Mint of Finland chose Beneq’s patented nSILVER invisible protective

coating to prevent tarnishing of its special numbered series of EUR 20 coins.The coins honor Tove Jansson, the Finnish creator of the Moomin books forchildren. The protective coating is based on Beneq’s atomic layer deposition(ALD) technology and prevents silver from tarnishing by protecting it fromairborne sulfur and other chemicals or liquids, which react with the surface.

The coating is completely transparent on silver, enhances surface reflectivity,and gives the coated article a brighter and glossier appearance. nSILVER coats thesilver with a fully transparent, conformal, and pinhole-free thin film consisting ofceramic material. The thin film layers bond with the silver layer and provide aflawless protective barrier. nSILVER is applied using the ALD coating method,which enables thin films to grow on articles of any shape. The coating is extremelyuniform with flawless quality, due to the way small ALD vapor molecules pene-trate even the narrowest grooves.


interestof material

Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite material products such as this trail bridge aresuitable for structurally demanding applicationsand corrosive environments.

From left, Annetta Alexandridis, Carrie Fulton, Jennifer Carrington, and Katie Jarriel display their wax masks. Courtesy of Lindsay France/University Photography.

Mint of Finland’s commemorative Tove Jansson (EUR 20) coin is protected by Beneq nSILVERanti-tarnishing treatment. Courtesy of Mint of Finland.

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Using additives to decrease vehicle weightMilliken, Ghent, Belgium, developed an innovative and high performance reinforcing

agent, Hyperform HPR-803i and Hyperform HPN nucleating additivesfor polyolefins. Hyperform HPR-803i enables automotive design-ers to create parts that are up to 15% lighter withoutcompromising performance. It is added at a lowerrate than mineral fillers to polypropylene (PP) com-pounds, to lower their density. Hyperform HPR-803icompounds are suitable for injection molding oper-ations originally designed for talc-filled compounds,simplifying testing requirements and reducing imple-mentation costs. PP compounds reinforced with HPR-803i main-tain their mechanical properties even after multiple recycling and compoundingoperations. Part surface appearance can also be improved, and HPR-803i lets processorsreduce pigment usage while still meeting color requirements. Scratch appearance is im-proved, which allows for further optimization.

Nickel implants pose no health threat Nickel-titanium alloys are increasingly used for cardiovascular implants in minimally in-

vasive surgery. Once implanted, these alloys can release small amounts of nickel due to cor-rosion. There is a concern that, over time, this could lead to nickel contamination in the

patient’s body, potentially causing healthproblems. However, scientists at FriedrichSchiller University Jena, Germany, foundthat the release of nickel from wires madeof nickel-titanium alloys is very low anddecreases over longer periods.

Fine wires from a superelastic nickel-titanium alloy applied in the form of oc-cluders (medical implants used tocorrect a defective cardiac septum) wereexamined. Wire samples, which under-went different mechanical and thermalpretreatment, were exposed to highlypurified water and the nickel releaseover predefined time intervals was ex-

amined. Depending on the material’s pretreatment, considerable amounts of nickel maybe released due to the mechanical strain of the implant during surgery for the first fewdays or weeks after. “In the long run, however, the nickel release decreases to amountsof a few nanograms per day and is hence far below the amount of nickel that we absorbanyway through our food on a daily basis,” says Prof. Andreas Unidisz. For more informa-

tion: Andreas Undisz, 49 3641-947768, [email protected],

Electronics in extreme environmentsIonix Advanced Technologies Ltd., a spin-out

company from the University of Leeds, UK, re-ceived funding from IP Group plc. to acceleratecommercialization of devices based on high-tem-perature piezoelectric materials developed by theuniversity. Piezoelectric technology, which convertsenvironmental physical forces into electricity, isused in everything from sonar to industrial sensorsto ultrasound scans in pregnancy. The new materi-als work in extreme conditions such as high tem-



IBC Advanced Alloys Corp.,Vancouver, signed a nonbindingmemorandum of understanding(MOU) with Nu-Cast Inc.,Londonderry, N.H., to collaborateon new beryllium-aluminuminvestment casting projects andopportunities, initially for theaerospace sector. The MOUoutlines a framework forincreasing manufacturing capacityand improving productionefficiencies of IBC’s proprietarynear-net-shape beryllium-aluminum castings. The parties willalso focus on joint businessdevelopment initiatives aimed atincreasing market share for IBC’scastings, which offer significantcost savings and improved deliverytimes compared to existingproduction,

The new Paläon Schöningenresearch and experience center,Germany, has a reflecting facadethat mirrors the surroundingcountryside. ThyssenKrupp

Plastics supplied roughly 4500 m2

of ALUCOBOND panels with aspecial mirror finish for thebuilding, which opened in June2013. Panels were installed usinga special adhesive and rivettechnique to make the skin of thePaläon appear like an oversizemirror. ALUCOBOND is a strong yetflexible material consisting of twoaluminum face sheets and apolymer core. It is extremelyweatherproof, impact resistant,and vibration

The unusual design of thePaläon with ALUCOBONDpanels won the 2013 GermanFacade Award for rainscreencladding.



An occluder made of a nickel-titanium alloy

used to correct a defective cardiac septum.

Quanex Building Products Corp., Hous-ton, signed a purchase agreement to sellits interest in Nichols Aluminum LLC, awholly owned subsidiary, to Aleris,Beachwood, Ohio, for $110 million in acash transaction subject to customaryregulatory approvals. Nichols has a longhistory of producing flat-rolled alu-minum sheet products for a number ofkey industries across North

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peratures and pressures, opening up their use in new markets such as aerospace, oil and gas, and nu-clear power. Prof. Andrew Bell spearheaded the research and notes the new materials are compatiblewith existing manufacturing methods for piezoelectric ceramics and therefore can be mass-producedat similar cost to current materials. The fundamental science is the same: Physical changes to the piezo-electric material’s crystal lattice create an electrical change or, conversely, create physical changes whenan electrical current is applied. However, the new ceramics include novel ingredients such as bismuthand iron and have a greatly increased tol-erance. For more information: Andrew Bell,

44 (0)113 3432370, [email protected],

Aluminum smelter and

rolling mill to close in Australia Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, is permanently

closing its Point Henry aluminum smelterand two rolling mills in Australia. Thesmelter will close in August and therolling mills by the end of 2014. A com-prehensive review found that the 50-year-old smelter has no prospect of becomingfinancially viable. The two rolling millsserve the domestic and Asian can sheetmarkets, which have been impacted byexcess capacity. The closures will reducethe company’s global smelting capacity by190,000 metric tons (mT) and reducetheir can sheet capacity by 200,000 mT.Including the closure of the Point Henrysmelter, Alcoa announced closures or cur-tailments representing 551,000 mT ofsmelting capacity, exceeding the 460,000mT placed under review in May 2013.Once the Point Henry closure is complete,the company’s total smelting operatingcapacity will be approximately 3,760,000mT, with approximately 655,000 mT, or17%, of high cost capacity


Allegheny Technologies Inc., Pittsburgh, ac-quired Dynamic Flowform Corp., Billerica,Mass. Dynamic Flowform uses a precisionflowforming process to produce thin-walledcomponents in net or near-net shapes acrossmultiple alloy systems, including nickel-basealloys and superalloys, titanium and titaniumalloys, zirconium alloys, and specialty andstainless alloys. “We have identified signifi-cant growth opportunities for Dynamic Flow-form’s products, especially in the aerospaceand oil and gas markets. These opportunitiesare expected to benefit from ATI’s existingglobal marketing and sales capabilities, andATI’s supply chain experience and relation-ships with OEMs,” says ATI chairman, RichHarshman.

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2014 is International Year of CrystallographyOne hundred years ago,

x-rays were used for the first timeto determine the crystal structureof materials. The pioneering workof Max von Laue, for which hewon the Nobel Prize in physics,was followed by a joint award in1915 (also in physics) to father andson Sir William Henry Bragg andWilliam Lawrence Bragg. Sincethen, more than 25 Nobel Prizeswere awarded in areas related to x-ray diffraction, such as crystallog-raphy, electron microscopy, andtopics related to the structure ofmatter and its properties.

The United Nations pro-claimed 2014 to be the Interna-tional Year of Crystallography asa way to commemorate not onlythe achievements of von Laue andthe Braggs, but also to mark the 400th anniversary of Johannes Kepler’s observation ofsymmetry in ice crystals, which sparked wider study of the role of symmetry in matter.

The discovery of x-rays in the late 19th century transformed the field of crystallogra-phy, which previously relied on classifying crystals based on morphological appearance.The interaction of x-rays with crystals showed that x-rays are electromagnetic waves with

a wavelength of about 10-10 m, and that the internal structure of crystals was spatially pe-riodic over long distances. Since then, crystallography has become a basic discipline ofmany branches of physical and biological sciences, including materials science and metal-lurgy. Understanding the role of defects in crystal lattices and how they affect the deforma-tion of metals has revolutionized the design of materials for the infrastructure of theindustrialized world.,

WPI leads project to design lightweight metals for military vehiclesWorcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Mass., is the lead institution on a $7.4 million,

multi-university award from the U.S. Army to support development of new metallurgicalmethods and lightweight alloys to help build more effective and durable military vehiclesand systems. WPI will receive $2.1 million through the two-year award to develop data-bases and computer modeling techniques that make it possible to predict nanoscale prop-erties of lightweight alloys (primarily aluminum, titanium, and magnesium), and to usethese computational tools to design and test new alloys for specific military applications.

“The military wants new alloys that are strong enough to be used structurally, toughenough to function as armor, and light enough to improve the mobility and fuel economyof vehicles,” says Richard Sisson, director of WPI’s Materials Science and Engineering Pro-gram and principal investigator for the Army award.

Sisson is working with co-principal investigators Diran Apelian, director of the MetalProcessing Institute (MPI), and Makhlouf Makhlouf, director of the MPI’s Aluminum Cast-ing Research Center. They are using a variety of modeling techniques, including thermo-dynamic and kinetic models plus laboratory studies, to predict the microstructure andmicrochemistry of new alloys. A variety of metallurgical processes, including heat treating,are also being studied. From this work, modelling tools that can be used to improve exist-ing alloys or design new alloys with the desired properties are being derived.

The award also includes a focus on high-strength magnesium alloys used by the mili-


FEI Co., Hillsboro, Ore., installed asuite of high-end electronmicroscopes at Simon FraserUniversity’s (SFU) Centre for SoftMaterials, Vancouver, B.C.Systems include the Tecnai Osiristransmission electron microscopeand Helios DualBeam scanningelectron microscope/focused ionbeam. The systems join severalother FEI microscopes in the 4DLABS facility where the newmultimillion dollar center ishoused.,

Scientists use the HeliosNanoLab DualBeam at SimonFraser University.

JEOL USA Inc., Peabody, Mass.,launched an image contest toshowcase some of the best workof its electron microscope users. Awinning entry is being selectedeach month this year, judged byJEOL’s SEM and TEM applicationsteams for both technical andartistic qualities. All submissionsare part of an online gallery with adescription of the sample andtechnique used. The first winner—Nano Bling—was submitted byColin Davis of Rocky MountainLaboratories in Golden, Colo. Theimage, taken with an older modelfield emission SEM installed in the1990s, was chosen for itscontrasting textures andamorphous threads leading to anordered sharplyangular

Nano Bling.Courtesy of

Rocky Mountain




From left, clockwise, crystal structures of a snowflake,free electron laser, zeolite, and ribosome. Courtesy of theInternational Union of Crystallography.

5 �m

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tary, particularly in aircraft components. Current alloys contain rare earth ele-ments (REEs) that are expensive and difficult to obtain, as most come from China.WPI will develop new magnesium alloys that require fewer REEs or use morereadily available elements. Methods for extracting REEs from ores outside of Chinaand for recovering REEs from recycled metals are also being explored. For more

information: Richard Sisson, 508/831-5335, [email protected],

Science award spurs university researchTesting equipment manufacturer Zwick/Roell, Germany, is calling for papers

to be submitted for the 2014 Zwick Science Award. University scientists with aPh.D. or master’s degree who have published a thesis within the last few years areinvited to submit papers describing the innovative use of mechanical testingequipment. Submissions must be received by November 2014. Special consider-ation will be given to applications where some or all of the equipment was de-signed and produced as part of the thesis. Zwick is looking for interestingapplications of materials testing. For example, among the leading submissions forthe 2013 award is a paper from Oxford University titled, “Forced Reeling of Bom-byx Mori Silk,” which describes the process of pulling silk from a silk worm.

First prize includes the Paul Roell Medal and €5000, second prize is €2000, andthird prize is €1000. Travel expenses and accommodations will be provided so re-cipients can attend the awards ceremony. For more information: Robert Strehle,

[email protected],

Carbon nanotubes and bundles emergingfrom a line of catalyst particles. 5 µm scancourtesy of Scott MacLaren, senior researchscientist, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Asylum Research, Santa Barbara, Calif., an Ox-ford Instruments company, invites all Cypherand MFP-3D AFM users to enter their bestatomic force microscopy (AFM) data, includingimages, force curves, or videos, in the AsylumResearch Image Contest. All scientists will re-ceive a gift pack just for sending in their imagesand an Apple iPad will be awarded to one win-ning entry at the end of each

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The National Science Foundation(NSF) announced a new Centerfor Dielectrics andPiezoelectrics to be collocated atPenn State and North CarolinaState University. NSF will provide$830,000 over five years tosupport operations andinfrastructure, and additionalfunding will come from membercompanies and organizations.Areas of research include highenergy-density electrochemicalcapacitors for power electronicsand the energy grid; dielectricswith low-temperature processingfor flexible electronics; capacitorsfor extreme environments; polymernanocomposite dielectrics toenhance energy storage densityand improve insulation for powerdistribution; and

The DOE’s Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory, Tenn., is partneringwith machine tool manufacturerCincinnati Inc., Harrison, Ohio, todevelop a large-scale polymer 3Dprinting system. The partnershipaims to acceleratecommercialization of a newadditive manufacturing machinethat can print large polymer partsfaster and more economically thancurrent technologies. By building asystem 200-500 times faster, andcapable of printing polymercomponents 10 times larger thantodayÕs additive machines, theproject could introduce significantnew capabilities to the U.S. toolingsector, according to ORNLscientists.,

Scientists make muscles with fishing lineAn international research team led by The University of

Texas at Dallas, and including University of British Columbiaelectrical and computer engineering professor John Maddenand Ph.D. candidate Seyed Mohammad Mirvakili, created in-expensive artificial muscles that generate far more force andpower than human or animal muscles of the same size.

ÒIn terms of the strength and power of the artificial mus-cle, we found that it can quickly lift weights 100 times heav-ier than a same-sized human muscle can, in a singlecontraction,Ó says Madden.

Artificial muscles constructed out of materials such asmetal wires and carbon nanotubes are expensive to fabri-cate and difficult to control. Madden and his colleaguesused high-strength polymer fibers made of polyethylene andnylon instead, which are twisted into tight coils to create ar-tificial muscles able to contract and relax. The muscles arethermally powered by temperature changes, which can beproduced electrically by the absorption of light or by thechemical reaction of fuels. Twisting the polymer fiber con-verts it to a torsional muscle that can spin a heavy rotormore than 10,000 rpm. Subsequent additional twisting, sothat the polymer fiber coils like a heavily twisted rubberband, produces a muscle that dramatically contracts along its length when heated, and re-turns to its initial length when cooled. If coiling is in a different twist direction than the ini-tial polymer fiber twist, the muscles instead expand when heated.

Compared to natural muscles, which contract by only about 20%, these synthetic ver-sions can contract by about 50% of their length. Muscle strokes also are reversible for mil-lions of cycles as muscles contract and expand under heavy mechanical loads. Twistingtogether a bundle of polyethylene fishing lines produces a coiled polymer muscle that canlift 16 lb. Operating in parallel, similar to how natural muscles are configured, 100 of thesepolymer muscles could lift roughly 0.8 tons.

The new muscles were used to manipulate surgical forceps and could find use in robotsand low-cost devices to help people with impaired mobility, according to the researchers.For more information: John Madden, 604/827-5306, [email protected],

Nanofiber mesh enables wearable kidney dialysisMitsuhiro Ebara and colleagues at the International Center for Materials Nanoarchi-

tectonics, National Institute for Materials Science in Ibaraki, Japan, developed a way of re-moving toxins and waste from blood using an inexpensive and easy-to-produce nanofibermesh. The material could be incorporated into a blood purification product small enoughto be worn on a patientÕs arm, reducing the need for expensive, time-consuming dialysis.The mesh is made using two componentsÑa blood-compatible primary matrix polymer

made from polyethylene-co-vinyl alchohol (EVOH) and sev-eral different forms of zeolites, naturally occurring alumi-nosilicates. Zeolites have microporous structures capable ofadsorbing toxins such as creatinine from blood. The meshwas made via an electrospinning process, using an electricalcharge to draw fibers from a liquid. The team found that thesilicon-aluminum ratio within the zeolites is critical to cre-

atinine adsorption. Beta type 940-HOA zeolite had the highest capacity for toxin adsorp-tion, and shows potential for a final blood purification product. Researchers are confidentthat a product based on their nanofiber mesh will soon be a compact and affordable alter-native to dialysis for kidney failure patients around the world.



University of Texas at Dallas researchers and international collaborators made artificial muscles in a variety of sizes from polymer fishing line. Courtesy of UT Dallas.

A newly-fabricated nanofibermesh for removing toxins fromblood, made by WPI-MANA researchers, may be incorporated into wearableblood purification systems for kidney failure patients.

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ASM announces emerging technologies survey resultsASM International’s (Materials Park, Ohio) Emerging Technologies Awareness Committee re-

cently conducted a survey of several hundred ASM members to gain feedback on technologies thatmembers believe will have the most impact on the future of materials science and engineering. Respon-dents were asked to name three materials-related technologies and three process-related develop-ments expected to have a significant impact within the next few years. Respondents were further askedto clarify which of these technology developments they expect to have the single greatest impact.

“One of the goals of ASM’s Emerging Technologies Awareness Committee is to identify the latest trendsand areas of interest within materials engineering. Surveys such as this are very helpful, in that they gatherfeedback on leading-edge topics that ASM can then build content and courses around,” says committee chairRoger Narayan, FASM, professor of biomedical engineering at North Carolina State University, Raleigh.

Of the 300 total responses, most could be placed into 11 major categories including: Additive manufactur-ing/3D printing; biomedical or bio-based materials; energy materials such as fuel cells and batteries; environmen-tally friendly/recycled or substitute materials; high-performance materials for light weight, high strength, hightemperature applications; integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) and computational model-ing; welding and joining; metals processing technologies; nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing; smart or mul-tifunctional materials; and surface coatings/engineering. Of these categories, the top five includedhigh-performance materials (66 responses), energy materials (50 responses), additive manufacturing (39 re-sponses), nanotechnology (35 responses), and ICME (26 responses). The survey was not intended to provide sta-tistically significant data, but rather to gain a deeper understanding of what members perceive to be the mostpromising next-generation technologies related to materials engineering. For more information: Frances Richards,

440/338-5151 ext. 5563, [email protected],

Emerging technologies such asbio-based materials,3D printing, and nanotechnologyscored highly onASM’s recent membership surveyabout next-generationmaterials andprocesses likely tohave the greatest impact on societyover the next fewyears. Images courtesy of the Smithsonian, PurdueUniversity, LawrenceBerkeley National Lab,and University ofPennsylvania.

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Growing hairy materials at the microscaleScientists at the DOE’s Argonne National

Laboratory, Ill., attacked a tangled problemby developing a new technique to grow tiny“hairy” materials that assemble themselves atthe microscale. Epoxy is the key ingredientand it is added to a mixture of hardener andsolvent inside an electric cell. An alternatingcurrent is run through the cell while long,twisting fibers spring up—similar to the wayChia Pets grow.

“The process is very simple, the materi-als are inexpensive and available, and theycan grow on almost every surface we’vetried,” explains physicist Igor Aronson. Bytweaking the process, many different shapescan be grown—short forests of dense straighthairs, long branching strands, or “mush-rooms” with tiny pearls at the tips. Althoughthe structures can be permanent, the process is also instantly reversible.

Gummy material prevents fires in lithium batteries Researchers from Washington State University, Pullman, developed a chewing gum-like

battery material that could dramatically improve the safety of lithium ion batteries. Thebiggest risk comes from the battery’s electrolyte, which is made from either a liquid or gel.These acidic liquid solutions can leak, potentially causing fires or chemical burns.

Professor Katie Zhong’s research group developed a gum-like lithium battery elec-trolyte, which conducts electricity as well as liquid versions, but does not create a fire haz-ard. The material—a liquid-solid hybrid—contains liquid electrolyte material that hangs onsolid particles of wax or a similar material. Current can easily travel through the liquidparts of the electrolyte while solid particles provide protection. If the material gets too hot,the solid melts and stops conduction, preventing fire hazards. The electrolyte material isflexible and lightweight, and can be stretched, smashed, and twisted. For more information:

Katie Zhong, 509/335-7658, [email protected],

Flat-pack lens boosts solar powerResearchers at the State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology & Instru-

ments, Tianjin University, China, are able to craft the surface structures on a Fresnel lenswith an array of microscopic cones (rather than concentric ridges), bringing incident lightto a point at a more precise depth on the photoactive layer in solar panels.

Initial tests with their precision-machined Fresnel solar collector showed a peak powerfour times higher than standard panels at low resistance. The difference in power falls offquickly as the device’s resistance rises, which itdoes as it gets hotter under sunlight and as abyproduct of generating electricity. Nevertheless,the differential would be enough to boost its elec-trical output, substantially offsetting the addi-tional cost of the Fresnel collector so that theoverall cost of solar panels might be reduced. Thissimple addition to older, less efficient solar panelsmight also make them viable for places and appli-cations where modern devices of higher intrinsicefficiency are not commercially




The DOE recently announced thatthe U.S. solar industry is more than60% of the way to achieving cost-competitive, utility-scale solarphotovoltaic (PV) electricity—onlythree years into the Department’sdecade-long SunShot Initiative. Tofacilitate further progress, $25million in funding will helpstrengthen U.S. solarmanufacturing for PV andconcentrating solar powertechnologies and maintain a strongdomestic solar industry—supporting the broader CleanEnergy Manufacturing

Plastic shopping bags, anabundant source of litter on landand at sea, can be converted intodiesel, natural gas, and otheruseful petroleum products,according to researchers at theIllinois Sustainable TechnologyCenter at the University ofIllinois, Champaign. Theconversion produces significantlymore energy than it requires andresults in transportation fuels—diesel, for example—that can beblended with existing ultra-low-sulfur diesels and biodiesels. Otherproducts, such as natural gas,naphtha (a solvent), gasoline,waxes, and lubricating oils such asengine oil and hydraulic oil alsocan be obtained from shoppingbags.

Used plastic shopping bags canbe converted into petroleumproducts that serve a multitudeof purposes. Courtesy of JulieMcMahon.

These tiny “mushrooms” could be useful innew energy technologies. The scale barshows 20 µm, about the size of a single bacterium. Courtesy of Alexey Snezhko andIgor Aronson/Argonne National Laboratory.

Researchers at the Helmholtz Center Berlin(HZB), Germany, demonstrated that tiny voidswithin the silicon network are partly respon-sible for reducing solar cell efficiency byroughly 10 to 15% as soon as use begins.Defects in amorphous silicon come in twotypes: Those that are uniformly distributedand those that are concentrated in clusterson internal surfaces of small voids—knownas microvoids—which form within the ma-terial during solar cell

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Bayer MaterialScience LLC,Pittsburgh, participated in theSSPC conference in Lake BuenaVista, Fla., discussing the safe useof polyurethane coatings, whichinclude isocyanates as a rawmaterial and are applied oncommercial and industrialinfrastructure. Safe handlingrecommendations, training, andon-site monitoring arecomponents of the company’sproduct stewardship program.These activities should helpcontractors prepare for inspectionsas well as address concerns thatmay arise from OSHA’s recentlyannounced National EmphasisProgram (NEP) for,

Boyd Coatings Research Co.Inc., Hudson, Mass., developedthe CRC 6000-line hydrophobiccoating, primarily for use onradomes, satellite dishes, andother communication installationsto prevent water film from buildingup and hindering signals. CRC6000 is a solid dispersion offluorocarbon polymer and analiphatic, moisture-cure, two-partpolyurethane that creates a hardfilm with superior UV-resistanceand long-term water repellency.The coating was designed tocreate a high contact angle(140°+) for water droplets,allowing them to roll off and leavea perfectly dry

Self-cleaning solar coating improves energy collectionUnder the sponsorship of

the DOE’s Efficiency and Re-newable Energy SunShotConcentrating Solar PowerProgram, Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory, Tenn., is develop-ing a low-cost, transparent,anti-soiling (self-cleaning)coating for solar reflectors tooptimize energy efficiencywhile lowering costs andavoiding negative environ-mental impacts. The surfacelayer is based on a superhy-drophobic coating technologyshown to effectively repel water, viscous liquids, and most solid particles. Coatings are de-posited by conventional painting and spraying methods using a mixture of organics andparticles. In addition to being economical, these methods can be easily deployed in thefield during repairs and retrofitting.

The anti-soiling coating loses less than 0.3% of transparency over the entire solar radi-ation wavelength range. When exposed to several hundred hours of accelerated UV radi-ation and 100 hours of salt fog exposure, the coating exhibited no degradation insuperhydrophobic or optical transmission properties. When glass slides with the anti-soil-ing coating were exposed to sand and dust in a custom-made wind tunnel, the particlesdid not adhere to the coated surface of the slides.

Metal implants could ease chemotherapy side effectsCancer patients could one day experience fewer side effects from chemotherapy follow-

ing a discovery that opens the door for more targeted treatments. Researchers at the Ed-inburgh Cancer Research UK Centre at the MRC Institute of Genetics and MolecularMedicine, the University of Edinburgh, identified a possible way of treating tumors thatwould see doctors place harmless metal implants at the cancer site. Scientists found thatthey could alter the chemical composition of commonly used chemotherapy drugs so thatthey only become active when they come into contact with palladium. They hope that byimplanting small devices coated with palladium into patients’ tumors, the drugs would be-come activated only where they are needed, causing minimal damage to healthy tissue.

“It will be several years before we’re able to start treating patients, but we’re hopeful thatthis approach will lead to better tolerated cancer therapies in the future,” explains projectleader Asier Unciti-Broceta.

Comprehensive surface finishing guide debutsThe National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF), Washington, announced

the release of a much-anticipated resource for the surface coatings industry: Ad-

vanced Surface Technology, a comprehensive reference for a wide range of coatingand finishing applications. The publication is both a practical guide for any profes-sional or operator in the coatings industry, as well as a core text for teaching engi-neers and scientists at all levels in the field of surface technology. The two-volumehardcover set is authored by Per Moller and Lars Pleth Nielsen and contains themost current information in a reader-friendly format. In addition, it is filled withnumerous easy-to-understand illustrations, charts, and descriptive graphics andshould serve as an inclusive and handy tool for finishers, suppliers, and the OEMcommunity, according to NASF sources.

Solar power reflectors collect dust and sand, reducing theirenergy efficiency—a challenge ORNL researchers are tackling by developing a low-cost, anti-soiling coating.

The Material Works Ltd. (TMW), Red Bud, Ill.,announced that after reviewing the results of abattery of paint performance and welding tests,General Motors and Chrysler approved its stripsteel processed by eco pickled surface (EPS)technology as a replacement for acid pickledsteel. The process removes the layer of oxide (millscale) from the surface of hot rolled steel, impart-ing a clean and uniform surface. The processuses no hazardous substances to accomplish itspickling and leaves the steel inherently rust-re-sistant, so it does not require the oil film that isapplied to acid pickled steel to prevent

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ROFIN-SINAR Technologies Inc.(ROFIN), Plymouth, Mich., acquiredFiLaser USA LLC (FiLaser),Portland, Ore. ROFIN manufactureslasers and laser-based systems forindustrial material processingapplications. Products range fromsingle laser beam sources tocomplex systems, coveringtechnologies such as CO2, fiber,solid state, and diode lasers, andthe entire power spectrum fromsingle-digit watts up to multi-kilowatts. FiLaser developsadvanced laser processtechnology for precision cuttingand drilling brittle materialsincluding glass, sapphire, andsemiconductor substrates withapplications in the touch panel,LCD, cell phone display, LED, andsemiconductor,

The ThyssenKrupp Steel USArolling and coating plant in Calvert,Ala., was sold to a consortium ofArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel &Sumitomo Metal Corp. Uponclosing, ThyssenKrupp received apurchase price of $1.55 billionfrom the,

A faculty team at the SouthDakota School of Mines &Technology, Rapid City, receivednearly $1 million in funding fromthe U.S. Dept. of Defense – ArmyResearch Lab through a sub-award from the University ofAlabama. Focusing on novelextraction technologies for rareearth ores, the research will use amultidisciplinary approach todevelop new leaching andconcentration techniques andstrategies for recovery of rareearth metals.

Conference highlights thermal process modelingASM International’s Heat Treating Society, Materials Park, Ohio, will cosponsor the

5th International Conference on Thermal Process Modeling and Computer Simulation(ICTPCS), taking place June 16-18 in Orlando, Fla. The other conference cosponsor is theInternational Federation for Heat Treatingand Surface Engineering (IFHTSE). Addi-tional industrial sponsors include Bodycoteand the Computational Materials Data Net-work. The event will collocate with the 2014 AeroMat Conference and ICTPCS attendeeswill have access to all AeroMat technical sessions and the exposition area. The conferencehas evolved from a predominately theoretical meeting involving specialists in computa-tional materials science, solid mechanics, and fluid mechanics to one comprised of boththeoretical and practical implementation of modeling and simulation.

Sixty-four technical presentations will explore the broad field of thermal process mod-eling, while several papers deal strictly with computational issues of efficiency, accuracy,and solver methods. Some processes covered include surface treatments such as carburiz-ing, nitriding, thermal spraying, and cladding; immersion quenching in liquids that boil; gasquenching processes; phase transformations during heating and cooling; induction hard-ening and spray quenching; controlled cooling of castings and forgings; and welding.

Keynote presentations will be given by Dr. Sabine Denis of Université de Lorraine, Prof.Christoph Beckermann of the University of Iowa, and Dr. Howard Kuhn of the Universityof Pittsburgh. Their respective subjects include immersion quenching with transient boil-ing; distortion, stresses, and defects in solidifying castings; and modeling of additive man-ufacturing processes. For more information, visit


Nanostructured alloy for copper-beryllium replacementIntegran Technologies Inc., Toronto, received the 2013 Strategic Environmental Research

and Defense Program (SERDP) Project-of-the-Year Award for Weapons Systems and Plat-forms for developing a nanostructured alloy that can replace copper-beryllium. Beryllium isparticularly useful because it is both lightweight and strong. However, it is a toxic material thatcan be harmful to workers who must handle it during assembly and repair.

With support from the U.S. Dept. of Defense SERDP program and Industry Canada’sStrategic Aerospace and Defense Initiative (SADI) program, Integran developed and vali-dated an electroforming process that produces a nanostructured alloy to match the desir-able properties of copper-beryllium, particularly for use as high-load bushings. The pulsedelectroplating process creates near-net-shape components that require little to no machin-ing to achieve final dimensions, producing little material waste. This innovative processcan be used successfully for large metal sheets and high conductivity wires, both of whichare used in multiple military applications.

“The validation testing performed in this project demonstrates that these nanostruc-tured alloys could result in substantial cost savings for the U.S. DoD and Canadian militarythrough the decreased use of toxic substances,” says Brandon Bouwhuis, Integran’s aero-space and defense R&D unit manager.

Canadian Plastics Industry Association joins recycling effortThe recycling committee of SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association an-

nounced that the Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA) joined SPI’s effort topursue zero waste by participating in, a recycling marketplacethat connects buyers and sellers of scrap plastic materials and recycling services.Launched in June 2013, the recycling website is accessible to both association membersand nonmembers. Buyers, and those seeking recycling services, can search for suppli-ers via keyword search or by clicking on a category to find suppliers.


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Manipulating surfaces with single-atom precisionScientists at Macquarie University, Australia, discovered a natural phenomenon that shows

how light could be used to pick apart a substance atom by atom, enabling new possibilities for

nanoscale diamond devices.

“Lasers are known to be very precise at cutting and drilling materials on a small scale—less

than the width of a human hair, in fact—but on the atomic scale they have notoriously poor reso-

lution,” explains lead researcher Richard Mildren. “If we can harness lasers at higher resolutions,

opportunities at the atomic level are tremendous, especially for future nanoscale devices in data

storage, quantum computers, nanosensors, and high-power on-chip lasers.”

Traditional lasers that separate materials by super heating the surface at the laser beam’s focal

point have severe limitations especially with regard to fabrication challenges in nanodevices. Mil-

dren and his colleagues discovered that it is possible to remove atoms from a surface, using ultra-

violet lasers, and confine the interaction to the atomic scale. The phenomenon avoids the heat

generation problem that previously restricted making very small and precise cuts.

“So far, we have used the technique to demonstrate structures in diamonds of

roughly 20 nanometers, the size of large molecules,” says Mildren. “However, the

technique looks highly promising to manipulate surfaces with single-atom preci-

sion, more than 10,000 times smaller than what is possible with standard laser

machining techniques.”

Researchers at Macquarie University removed atoms from a surface using ultravioletlasers and confined the interaction to the atomic scale. Courtesy of Chris Baldwin.

Lockheed Martin, Bethesda,Md., received three 2014 Manu-facturing Leadership Awards forachievements in advanced manu-facturing, environmentally friendlypractices, and customer relation-ships from the ManufacturingLeadership Council of Frost &Sullivan, San Antonio. Continuousimprovement initiatives resultedin robotic spray and mold-in-place automated equipment andtechniques that apply preciseamounts of low-observable ma-terial on aircraft parts. Anotheraward-winning production tech-nique involves machining tita-nium. Lockheed Martin was amajor developer of cryogenic ma-chining, which uses liquid nitro-gen as a coolant to allow tools towork faster and longer. The newprocess also eliminates haz-ardous waste associated withconventional


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Protecting troops with nanoceramics The U.S. Army Research Laboratory dedicated a 5-year program to advanced metals

and ceramics for armor and anti-armor applications. To provide greater protection againstblunt trauma and higher velocity ammunition than can be provided by a standalone softballistic vest, hard body armor was developed. It includes a rigid facing comprising ce-ramic inserts, steel or titanium panels, and a ballistic fabric backing.

In hard armor with ce-ramic inserts, the projectile’skinetic energy is absorbedand dissipated in localizedshattering of the ceramic tileand blunting of the bullet ma-terial during impact. Armorceramics are critical forweight reduction in currentand future military and civil-ian applications. Realizing thefull potential of armor ceram-ics requires an understanding of how the structure of armor-ceramic materials, at severallength scales, affects the inherent ballistic performance and its variability among identicalcomponents.

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are being considered as a reinforcing material to enhancethe mechanical properties of ceramics, particularly fracture toughness, which is likely toimprove their resistance against multiple bullets. Recent studies show that CNTs in ce-ramics like alumina and silicon carbide can have a strong influence on microstructure,fracture mode, and mechanical properties. An improvement of up to 94% in fracturetoughness was observed when 4 vol.% of CNTs are added to alumina.

Graphene ribbons highly conductive at room temperatureAn international team including researchers from the French National Centre for Sci-

entific Research (CNRS), Université de Lorraine, the SOLEIL synchrotron facility, all inFrance, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tenn.,and Université de Leibniz, Germany, produced graphene ribbons in which electrons movefreely. The team devised a novel way of synthesizing such ribbons, and demonstrated theirexceptional electrical conductivity at room temperature. The nanoribbons hold greatpromise for next-generation electronics, say researchers.

The team synthesized 1D graphene from silicon carbide and was able to obtaingraphene ribbons of very high structural quality, made of an extremely narrow sheet ofcarbon only 40 nm wide. In order to obtain ribbons with regular edges, nanometer-deepsteps were etched into the silicon carbide, producing graphene ribbons directly on thesidewalls of the steps.




Researchers at Seoul NationalUniversity, Korea, found thatnanoscale 3D objects such asfreestanding nanowalls can beconstructed using additivemanufacturing. Even without themotion of the substrate, nanojetsare spontaneously laid down andpiled to yield nanowalls. A thinmetal line on an insulating platefocuses the electrical field,suppressing the instability of theelectrical nanojets. To stack fibersin a controlled fashion, the fiberdeposit is manipulated to attractrather than repel the incomingnanojets by quickly draining theelectrical charge. A nanowall thatlines the ground is formed, whichimplies that various freestandingstructures can be created in adesired shape.

Stephen Goodnick, professor atArizona State University, Phoenix,gave a talk on nanoelectronicsadvances that could increaseperformance of solar energysystems at the 2014 annualmeeting of the AmericanAssociation for theAdvancement of Science (AAAS),Chicago, in February. Innovationsdriven by nanoelectronics researchenable photovoltaic technology tosignificantly improve the ability toconvert sunlight and heat intoelectric power. New types ofnanostructure-based devices canfacilitate production of photovoltaicsolar cells that achieve betterenergy-conversion efficiency.Stephen Goodnick, 480/965-9572,[email protected],

Conceptual drawing of anelectronic circuit comprisedof interconnected graphenenanoribbons (black atoms)that are epitaxially grownon steps etched in siliconcarbide (yellow atoms).Electrons (blue) travel ballistically along the ribbonand then from one ribbonto the next via the metal contacts. Electron flow ismodulated by electrostaticgates. Courtesy of JohnHankinson/Georgia Instituteof Technology.

Researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, andCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, developed the first ad-hesive tape that not only adheres to a surface as reliably as thetoes of a gecko, but also has similar self-cleaning properties. Elas-tic microhairs of variable size were used and, instead of dirt parti-cles, micrometer-sized glass spheres were distributed on a smoothplate. An artificial adhesive tape covered by microhairs waspressed onto the plate, shifted, and lifted off. When the diameter ofthe spheres exceeded that of the microhairs, the adhesive forcedisappeared after the first contact. After eight to 10 test cycles,however, the gecko-inspired adhesive tape reached 80 to 100% ofits original power again.,

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Determining Ductile Fracture Toughness in Metals

Ductile fracture toughness determina-tion, such as the J-integral vs. crackgrowth resistance (J-R) curve, is a use-

ful tool for evaluating a material’s structuralintegrity in the presence of preexisting defects.The J-R curve can calculate the work (energy)per unit of fracture surface area needed todrive crack growth. A typical J-R curve isshown in Fig. 1. From it, the material fracturetoughness near the initiation of stable crackgrowth (Jq) can be derived. In addition, tear-ing modulus (TR), representing the material’sresistance to stable crack growth, can be cal-culated based on the slope of the J-R curve be-tween two exclusion lines (dashed red lines inFig. 1). Since the introduction of the J-R curve,there have been extensive efforts devoted todeveloping simple and reliable methods to de-termine this aspect of various materials. Thisarticle briefly reviews three widely used J-Rcurve test methods in metals: Elastic unload-ing compliance (EUC), normalization, and di-rect current potential drop (DCPD). The maindifferences between these methods involvecrack size determination. More details aboutperforming the J-R curve test can be found in

ASTM standard E1820-11[1].

Specimen configuration

and test apparatus

Different types of specimens can be usedfor the J-R curve test. Figure 2 illustrates three

commonly used configurations: A standardcompact C(T) specimen, single edge bendSE(B) specimen, and standard disk-shapedcompact DC(T) specimen. After machining,the sample undergoes fatigue precracking tocreate the initial sharp crack. Initial crack size isusually controlled to be ~a/W=0.5 where a isthe crack size and W is the specimen width. Af-terwards, side-grooving on both sides of thespecimen (e.g., C(T) and SE(B) specimens inFig. 2) is usually performed to ensure a straightcrack front. Total thickness reduction of 20%(10% on each side) due to side-grooving func-tions well for many materials.

Both servo-hydraulic and electromechan-ical load frames can be used for the J-R curvetest. Figures 3 and 4 show the experimentalapparatus for performing this test on a C(T)and SE(B) specimen, respectively. The exper-imental setup of a DC(T) specimen is similarto that of a C(T) specimen. As shown in Fig. 3,the J-R curve test apparatus for a C(T) speci-men consists of a pair of clevises with pins forloading the specimen and a displacement gagefor measuring the specimen’s crack mouthopening displacement (CMOD). In contrast,the test fixture for a SE(B) specimen (Fig. 4)employs a central pin to press the specimen,plus two roller pins to support it. The load line

Xiang (Frank) Chen

Randy K. Nanstad,FASM*

Mikhail A. Sokolov

Eric T. Manneschmidt

Materials Science and

Technology Division,

Oak Ridge National



Ductile fracture


testing is useful

for evaluating

a material’s



Three different

techniques are

explored here.

*Member of ASM International

Fig. 1 — A typical J-R curve shows the fracturetoughness near the initiation of stable crack growth(Jq) and tearing modulus (TR).

Fig. 2 — Three commonly used specimen configurations for the J-R curve test. Left to right:Standard compact C(T) specimen, single edgebend SE(B) specimen, and standard disk-shapedcompact DC(T) specimen.

Fig. 3 — Apparatus for the J-R curve test of acompact specimen.







-0.1 0.4 0.9 1.4 1.9 2.4

Crack extension �a (mm)

J-R curve

TR OC dJ/da


J (





0 1 2 3 4 5 cm

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displacement of the SE(B) specimen is measured from thedisplacement of the specimen notch root by a LVDT sen-sor. Alternatively, the CMOD of the SE(B) specimen ismeasured by a displacement gage. For both C(T) and

SE(B) specimens, a load cell (not shown in Figs. 3 and 4)measures specimen load.

Elastic unloading compliance (EUC)

Because a J-R curve consists of two parts, J-Integral andcrack growth, determining this curve naturally involvescalculating both aspects. In elastic unloading compliance(EUC), the J-Integral is calculated as:


where Jel(i) and Jpl(i) are the elastic and plastic componentsof J-Integral, respectively. For Jel(i):


where ν is Poisson’s ratio, E is Young’s modulus, and K(i) isthe stress intensity factor. K(i) depends on specimen config-uration, load level, crack size, and other factors. The equa-tion for calculating Jpl(i) follows:


where a(i) is the current crack size, b(i) is the unbroken lig-ament size, BN is the specimen net thickness, Apl(i) is theplastic area under the load versus load-line displacementrecord for the specimen, ηpl(i-1) equals 1.9 for a SE(B) spec-imen and (2+0.522b(i-1)/W) for a C(T) or DC(T) specimen,and γ equals 0.9 for a SE(B) specimen and (1+0.76b(i-1)/W)for a C(T) or DC(T) specimen. In order to obtain the real-time crack growth value, EUC measures the material com-pliance (the ratio of displacement increment to forceincrement) by periodic unloading and reloading of thespecimen. For instance, a typical load-displacement recordfor a J-R curve test using EUC is shown in Fig. 5(a). Eachshort straight line in Fig. 5(a) represents an unloading-re-loading sequence. The rest of the curve resembles a load-displacement curve in a tensile test, i.e., initial elasticdeformation followed by plastic deformation and load dropafter passing the maximum load level. Once the materialcompliance value is obtained, equations in ASTM standard

E1820-11[1] can be applied to convert the compliance re-sult to the estimated real-time crack size. Eventually, com-bining the J-Integral and crack growth results yields the J-Rdata as shown in Fig. 5(b).

Since its introduction, the EUC method has gainedwide popularity for the J-R curve test. However, EUC stillfaces considerable challenges for testing in extreme envi-ronments. For example, in elevated temperature testing(above 500°C), the compliance measurement in EUC is af-fected by the material relaxation behavior and increasedfriction between loading clevises and pins, which resultsin unreliable crack size measurement. In addition, EUC isrelatively time-consuming due to the periodic unloading-


Fig. 5 — (a) Load-displacement record for a J-R curve test withelastic unloading compliance (EUC); (b) J-R data determinedby EUC.

Fig. 4 —Apparatus for the

J-R curve test of asingle edge bend


J(i) = Jel(i) + Jpl(i)

K(i)2 (1- v2)

EJel(i) =

Jpl(i) =[ Jpl(i-1)+ x ]x [1-γpl(i-1) ]ηpl(i-1) Apl(i)-Apl(i-1) a(i)-a(i-1)

b(i-1) BN b(i-1)


0 2 4 6 8Displacement (mm)












Construction line

1st exclusion line

0.2 mm offset line

0.5 mm offset line

2nd exclusion line

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0�a (mm)












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reloading requirement. In order to solve these issues, al-ternative J-R curve test methods, such as normalizationand DCPD, could be used.


The normalization technique was initially developed

by Herrera and Landes et al.[2, 3] and later studied by Joyce

and Lee[4, 5]. In some cases, this method can be applied todetermine a J-R curve directly from a load-displacementrecord taken together with initial and final crack size meas-urements from the specimen fracture surface. Because thecompliance measurement is eliminated, the load-displace-ment curve in the normalization method does not requirethe unloading-reloading portion as in EUC—see Fig. 6(a)—greatly simplifying the test and reducing test time.

The J-Integral calculation for the normalizationmethod is the same as that in EUC, described previously.In addition to initial and final crack size measurements, in-termediate crack sizes are required to derive the full J-Rcurve. In the normalization method, detailed proceduresfor deriving intermediate crack sizes are lengthy and com-

plicated[1]. In principle, the normalized load (PNi ) and

plastic displacement (νpli’)—both of which are functions ofthe current crack size ai—are calculated first using onlymeasured initial and final crack size data. After calculation,the normalized load and plastic displacement are fittedwith the following normalization function:


where a, b, c, and d are fitting constants. Afterwards, thenormalized load is recalculated with an assumed cracksize and compared with the normalized load from Eq.(4). Then the assumed crack size used for calculating thenormalized load is adjusted until the deviation betweenthe calculated normalized load and the normalized loadfrom Eq. (4) is within the ±0.1% range. After repeatingthis procedure, all intermediate crack sizes are derivedand the J-R curve is determined in the normalizationmethod, which reveals an excellent agreement with the J-R curve from EUC. See Fig. 6(b).

The normalization technique is more favorable for testswith high loading rates or in extreme environments. De-spite these advantages, this method has a very strict re-quirement for crack growth—the final physical crackextension must be within the lesser of 4 mm or 15% of the

initial uncracked ligament[1]. Unlike EUC, real-time crackgrowth estimates are not available in the normalizationmethod. Therefore, strict crack growth control may be dif-ficult to realize during the test for the normalizationmethod.

Direct current potential drop (DCPD)

As an alternative J-R curve test method[6-10], direct cur-

rent potential drop (DCPD) combines the advantages ofboth the EUC and normalization methods. It does not re-

quire the unloading compliance measurement, so the load-displacement test record is simplified and the same as thenormalization method in Fig. 6(a). In addition, DCPD pro-vides experimental real-time crack size measurements asin EUC. DCPD relies on passing a constant direct currentthrough the specimen, then measuring the voltage gener-ated across an area in the specimen. See Fig. 7(a). As thecrack propagates in the specimen, less area is available forthe passage of the constant current, resulting in an increaseof the effective electrical resistance and potential measure-ment, i.e., the potential drop in Fig. 7(b). Thus, a correla-tion can be made between crack length and potential dropin DCPD. In order to convert the potential drop measure-ment to the crack size, Johnson’s equation is usually ap-



where a is the crack length corresponding to potentialdrop U, W is specimen width, y is one-half of the poten-tial gage span, and a0 and U0 are initial crack length andpotential drop, respectively. During the J-R curve test

Fig. 6 — (a) EUC vs. normalization load-displacement record for the J-Rcurve test; (b) comparison of J-R curves derived by EUC and normalization.

PNi =a + bvpli’ + cvpli’


d + vpli’

a = cos-12W cosh(�y/2W)

� cosh{(U/U0)cosh-1[cosh(�y/2W)/cos(�a0/2W)]}



Elastic unloading compliance


0 1 2 3 4 5 6Displacement (mm)










Measuredcrack length

Elastic unloading compliance


Construction line

1st exclusion line

0.2 mm offset line

0.5 mm offset line

2nd exclusion line

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5�a (mm)









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with DCPD, potential drop is measured continuously or

periodically from the specimen, so a real-time crack size

measurement is available. The J-Integral calculation is

performed in the same manner as EUC or normalization

to yield the J-R curve.

Once the original J-R curve from DCPD is ob-

tained, adjustments are needed to differentiate po-

tential drop due to stable crack growth from material

deformation[7, 13]

. Although difficulties still exist in

adjusting DCPD data to yield valid J-R curve results,

new methodology[14]

shows improved results over

previous DCPD adjustment methods[15]

with prom-

ising J-R curve results. As shown in Fig. 8, after in-

corporating the new adjustment procedure, ductile

fracture toughness near the initiation of stable crack

growth ( Jq) from DCPD is in excellent agreement

with results from EUC and normalization, whereas

only small deviations are observed

in tearing modulus (TR

) results.


This article presents the experi-

mental setup and three different

techniques—EUC, normalization,

and DCPD—for evaluating ductile

fracture toughness in metals using

the J-R curve. The J-Integral calcula-

tion is the same in all three methods,

with differences primarily involving

crack size measurements. EUC relies

on material compliance to derive the

real-time crack size, while for the

normalization method, initial and

final crack lengths are measured and

intermediate crack sizes are determined based on the

normalization function. For DCPD, the correlation be-

tween potential drop and crack size is exploited to as-

sess crack size. All three methods are applicable for

testing in the normal temperature range. However, for

elevated temperature tests, the material relaxation be-

havior and increased friction between the loading cle-

vises and pins degrade the accuracy of the elastic

compliance measurements for the EUC method, so

normalization or DCPD should be used. In addition,

the original J-R curve based on DCPD requires adjust-

ment to account for the deformation-induced poten-

tial drop.


The authors are grateful to Chunghao Shih for his technical

review of this article.


Fig. 7 — Schematic for (a) direct current potential drop measurement and (b) crack-growth-induced increase in potential drop.

Fig. 8 — Comparison of post-adjustment DCPD J-R curve results with EUC (black symbols) or normalization (red symbols)[14].

Current probe

Potential probe


(a) (b)




l d



Crack length a

y=x y=x

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200Compliance or Normalization Jq















0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Compliance or Normalization tearing modulus

















lusMatA 150oC

MatA 371oC

MatA 421oC

MatB 371oC

MatB 538oC

MatB 593oC

MatC 24oC

MatC 100oC

MatC 250oC

MatC 500oC

MatD 24oC

MatD 400oC

MatD 500oC

MatD 600oC

MatA 150oC

MatA 371oC

MatA 421oC

MatB 371oC

MatB 538oC

MatB 593oC

MatC 24oC

MatC 100oC

MatC 250oC

MatC 500oC

MatD 24oC

MatD 400oC

MatD 500oC

MatD 600oC

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For more information: Xiang(Frank) Chen is a postdoctoral re-search associate, Fusion Materials andNuclear Structures Group, MaterialsScience and Technology Division,Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1Bethel Valley Rd., Building 4500S,MS-6151, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6151, 865/574-5058, [email protected],


1. ASTM International, Standard Test

Method for Measurement of Fracture

Toughness, ASTM E1820, 2011.

2. R. Herrera and J.D. Landes, ASTM

STP, 1074, p 24-43, 1990.

3. J.D. Landes, et al., JTEVA, 19, p 305-

311, 1991.

4. J.A. Joyce, JTEVA, 29, p 329-351,


5. K. Lee, Elastic-Plastic Fracture

Toughness Determination under Some

Difficult Conditions, Ph.D. Dissertation,

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville,


6. M.A. Hicks and A.C. Pickard, Int. J.

Fracture, 20, p 91-101, 1981.

7. J.M. Lowes and G.D. Fearnehough,

Eng. Fract. Mech., 3, p 103-108, 1971.

8. J.J. McGowan and R.K. Nanstad, Di-

rect Comparison of Unloading Compli-

ance and Potential Drop Techniques in

J-integral Testing, Fall conference of the

Society for Experimental Mechanics,

Milwaukee, CONF-8411104-1.

9. R.O. Ritchie and K.J. Bathe, Int. J.

Fracture, 15, p 47-55, 1979.

10. J. Tong, JTEVA, 29, p 402-406, 2001.

11. H.H. Johnson, Mater. Res. Stand., 5,

p 442-445, 1965.

12. K.H. Schwalbe and D. Hellmann,

JTEVA, 9, p 218-221, 1981.

13. A.D. Bakker, ASTM STP 856, p 394-

410, 1985.

14. X. Chen, R.K. Nanstad, and M.A.

Sokolov, Application of Direct Current

Potential Drop for Fracture Toughness

Measurement, SMiRT-22 Transactions,

San Francisco, Aug. 18-23, 2013.

15. J. Dufresne, B. Henry, and H. Lars-

son, ASTM STP, 683, p 511-528, 1979.


Notice: This manuscript was au-thored by UT-Battelle, LLC,under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S. DOE.The United States Governmentretains, and the publisher ac-knowledges, that the govern-ment retains a nonexclusive,paid-up, irrevocable, worldwidelicense to publish or reproducethe published form of this man-uscript, or allow others to do so,for government purposes.

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Analyzing Metals with Handheld Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)

Metal producers, inspectors, and recyclers areunder constant pressure to increase both the vol-ume and quality of tested materials. Because

testing in non-laboratory settings has become common—close to the production line, in situ, or at chemical facilitiesor handling yards—testing is regularly performed withportable instrumentation.

Technicians and operators who must use this equipmentare seeking faster and more comprehensive analysis fromtools that minimize damage to tested goods. One suchmethod—laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)—is an established technology that provides nearly instanta-neous and virtually nondestructive analysis with minimal orno sample preparation and without an ionizing radiationsource. LIBS is now taking its first leap into the field of metalanalysis via handheld equipment.

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

Accurate metal analysis in the field has been tradition-ally performed using handheld x-ray fluorescence (XRF)and mobile optical emission spectroscopy (OES) instru-ments. LIBS has long been available in a benchtop form,which until recently was limited to lab-oratories for metal analysis.Today, LIBS can be found as astandalone handheld analyzer andit is becoming a viable and eco-nomical option for high-volumemetal alloy analysis.

LIBS is an atomic emissionspectroscopy technique capableof analyzing any element in anyphysical state. It is limited only bythe instrument’s laser power, sen-sitivity, and spectrometer wave-length range. The technology

combines the speed and ease of XRF—without a radiationsource—and the expanded elemental range of OES whileminimizing sample preparation and damage. Drawing onthe strengths of established portable XRF and OES tech-nologies, the handheld LIBS instrument quickly and accu-rately analyzes metals using a laser-based spectrometer,which is virtually nondestructive.

How it works

LIBS is an atomic emission technique whereby the in-strument’s laser—commonly a neodymium-doped yttriumaluminum garnet (ND:YAG) laser—fires a series ofnanosecond-long pulses through a small focusing lens ontothe sample. The focused beam ablates a tiny amount of thesample’s surface and subsequently ionizes the removed ma-terial to create a plasma. The plasma expands as it is bom-barded by the laser and excites electrons in the plasma’sconstituent atoms. As electrons relax and atoms return toa stable state, they emit photons that are characteristic ofthe element and electron transitions. The spectrometeruses a scanning monochromator (e.g., Czerny-Turner), aprism, or grating to disperse light. A photomultiplier or

charge-coupled device (CCD) detectorarray collects emitted radiation over a de-fined wavelength range, typically between170-1100 nm.

Making LIBS portable

Laboratory LIBS instruments havebeen available since the early 1960s.



Fig. 1 — mPulse is a handheld portable scrap metal analyzerthat enables one-second analysis results used in the field tosort scrap metal.

Fig. 2 — The portable mPulse LIBS analyzer allows faster sorting and metal grading.

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Nanotechnology advances over the pastdecade have enabled these laboratorysystems to be turned into powerful andcompact portable instruments. The firsttruly self-contained handheld LIBS in-strument was introduced in 2013. Theminiaturization of electronic compo-nents as well as two key advances madethis possible: First, a laser source of apractical size became powerful and sta-ble enough for use in the smaller designfootprint; and second, a mobile powersource in the form of a nonexplosivelithium iron phosphate (LiFeP) batterywas developed to provide enoughpower to operate the laser and electron-ics for up to 1000 analyses.

LIBS vs. XRF and OES

The primary objective of LIBS,OES, and XRF instruments is to eitherqualitatively or quantitatively analyze amaterial. Portable versions of these in-struments simplify the operation ofcomplex spectrometers into point-and-shoot tools that can be used with mini-mal training or understanding of theinstrument’s inner workings.

OES and LIBS share similarities onthe detection side as both are atomicemission techniques. Where LIBS usesa laser to create the plasma in which theelements are excited, OES uses an arcor spark between an electrode and thesample. Because of this, OES requires aconductive sample and is constrained tometal analysis only. LIBS is considered avirtually nondestructive technique be-cause only one nanogram of material isconsumed during a typical measure-ment. OES is considered destructive be-cause it removes far more material(approximately one microgram). Nev-ertheless, within industrial sectors andfor many applications, the burn mark isrecognized as a quality seal and servesas confirmation of sample analysis.

XRF uses a radiation source, eitheran x-ray tube or radioactive isotope, toexcite atoms and a detector to interpretthe spectrum, typically at wavelengths>1 nm. Because no material is con-sumed during analysis, XRF is also con-

sidered nondestructive. Unlike the rela-tively complex LIBS or OES spectrum,which may contain dozens of character-istic lines for each element present inthe sample, an XRF spectrum is rela-tively simple, containing two to fivecharacteristic lines per element.

In all three techniques, a portion ofthe electromagnetic spectrum is moni-tored and the number of incidents ateach discrete wavelength is countedover a period of time to determine theamount of each element in the analyzedsample. Where LIBS and OES require ameans to disperse the emitted light toseparate it into different wavelengthbands, XRF, more specifically energy-dispersive XRF, does not require any ad-ditional hardware between the sampleand detector.

The LIBS laser is very powerful,but is focused to a microscopic pointon the sample and causes virtually nosample heating around the test area.Outside of the focal point, the laser isvirtually harmless, provided the beamis not aimed directly into the retinafrom a short distance. The laser willnot penetrate the human body and isnon-ionizing. Further, laser light isconsidered noncarcinogenic.

Metal analysis

Thousands of portable metal ana-lyzers are sold annually for a variety ofpurposes including quality control atproduction facilities, inspection ofpetrochemical process equipment,and rapid sorting at scrap recycling fa-cilities. These analyzers are typicallybased on either XRF or OES. XRF ismore common for alloy sorting andmaterials identification purposes be-cause it is self-contained, accuratelymeasures a wide range of elements,and is easy to transport and operate.XRF is safe, but because it uses a radi-ation generating device—either an x-ray tube or radioactive isotopesource—some regions require licens-ing and certification to use it.

OES instruments can measure ele-ments critical to the metal industry that

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XRF cannot, namely carbon, which enables distinguish-ing low and high grades of stainless steel, and very lowconcentrations of sulfur and phosphorus in steel. OESdetermines the nitrogen content and thereby identifiesduplex steels. However, this technique is less portable,requires more calibration maintenance, typically uses anargon gas purge, and sometimes requires additional sam-ple preparation.

Handheld LIBS features the benefits of both tech-niques—it can measure lighter elements than XRF (e.g.,beryllium in copper alloys), minimal sample preparation isrequired, and operation is rapid and does not require a ra-diation source or gas purge. Depending on the application,XRF and OES can make it difficult to measure small orawkwardly shaped samples such as turnings and granules.LIBS systems are capable of measuring large or small sam-ples because the laser is focused to a smaller area (on theorder of 1 mm). For the handheld LIBS instruments, thelaser is focused at the leading edge of the analyzer such thatthe sample should be in contact with the instrument. Theonly limitation to the sample size is the user’s ability to con-veniently hold and position the analyzer to the sample. Op-erators only need to touch the instrument outlet to thedesired sample area and squeeze the trigger. Typical analy-sis lasts approximately one second and measurement re-sults are shown on the screen.


Mobile OES and handheld XRF analyzers have beenaround for decades, and the core components have vastlyimproved in performance and accuracy, putting them onpar with laboratory versions of the same technology.These instruments can be used in new applications dueto user interface improvements and minimal mainte-nance requirements.

LIBS is just now entering a new handheld format,which presents both obstacles and opportunities for con-tinued development. As LIBS continues to mature, manu-facturers will go through similar learning curves to XRFand OES technologies. They will continue to offer the abil-ity to measure a wider range of elements and materials, an-alyze many different sample types such as powders andliquids, measure materials at longer distances from thesample, and implement new accessories that facilitate op-eration and analysis. As LIBS components continue to getsmaller and become more capable, there is hope that hand-held LIBS units will approach the performance of their lab-oratory counterparts.

For more information: Matt Kreiner is business developmentmanager, Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis, 300 BakerAve., Suite 150, Concord, MA 01742, 978/369-9933,[email protected],

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In-House vs. Outsourced Materials Testing:How to Decide

Many companies are revisiting their decision tobring materials testing in-house. Some ownaging testing equipment and must decide

whether or not to invest in upgrades, while others currentlyoutsource testing, and debate if an estimated 200% return-on-investment (ROI) for universal testing equipment isenough to bring testing activities back on site. When mak-ing this choice, quality and time are as important as ROI inthe final analysis. By reviewing the impact on quality con-trol and timeliness, issues can be better understood and ablueprint for gaining bottom-line cost efficiencies can bedeveloped.

Quality results

Materials testing represents a key quality threshold inthe manufacturing process—specific, clear, and relevantdata from which material qualities and overall productquality can be accurately assessed is needed. What is beingtested, how quality is defined for specific products, andoverall business strategies must be considered when decid-ing whether to insource or outsource testing functions.

When reviewing day-to-day operations, includingmanufacturing processes, the business and operational im-pact of testing must be determined. Testing data that lackscredibility, is difficult to use, or negatively impacts inven-tory can destroy performance. Is testing a major part ofnew product development or continuous improvement ofexisting products? Is it connected to brand management?For example, companies that tout their products as being

the most flexible or strongest in the market rely on testingand documentation to back up those claims. When theseresults are central to branding claims, being confident inthe testing process is critical.

Another consideration is the role of testing in work-flow iteration adjustments. The more significant these on-going testing results are to workflow, the greater the needfor real-time or near real-time adjustments to testingschedules. External testing firms may or may not be able toaccommodate testing timetables that can keep pace asquickly as an internal process. How does testing align withoverall business strategies? For some companies, expand-ing or updating testing capabilities can help set the stagefor business growth.

Other quality factors include regulatory requirementssuch as ASTM or ISO standards. If meeting these bench-marks is vital to new business, companies must be confi-dent in their tester’s ability to deliver accurate results.

Testing complexity also plays a role in decision-mak-ing—some materials require highly complex tests; other ma-terials are straightforward. A mix of testing needs can resultin a variety of testing sources, including both outsourcedand in-house options, rather than making an either-or deci-sion. Once the impact of testing quality is determined, test-ing quality measurements can then be determined. This isparticularly important when considering a move from in-house to outsourced testing, or vice versa. Measuring ROI ischallenging when quality specifications vary.

Quantity must also be considered: How many tests and



Fig. 1 — ROI calculation for in-house vs. outsourced testing. Tests conducted by the new equipment in this scenario include tension, compression, peel, and bend. When considering all factors—quality, time, and cost—it is clear that in-house testing is thebetter option for many companies.

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how many different types of tests must be performed? Forexample, a large number of the same test typically requiresone tester, whereas a large number of different tests mayrequire multiple testers or a universal tester. Capabilitiescan be extended by retrofitting in-house testers with addi-tional controllers and/or fixtures.

The importance of quality and broader business strate-gies must also be considered. For example, when controlover the materials testing process is critical to a businessprocess, it is easier to justify the costs of rehabbing existingmachines or purchasing new equipment for in-house test-ing. For situations that require a large number of routine me-chanical tests, such as friction or force, and a few highlycomplex tests, such as those with multiple parameters, a mixof insourcing and outsourcing may be best. A businessknown for timely product upgrades would more likely turnto in-house testing to better accommodate frequent adjust-ments. The key is to arrive at the insourcing vs. outsourcingdecision after giving appropriate weight to the broader is-sues that impact product quality and business performance.

Time factors

Time is also an important factor as it involves not onlyunderstanding the limits before product and service qualitydecline, but also the turnaround providing the greatest effi-ciencies in quality and cost. Turnaround speed for receiving

test results is the most important criteria. For example, it isessential to know how quickly test results are needed forproduct development and/or new iterations, if delays in test-ing create production bottlenecks, or if testing speed im-pacts the ability to fill orders in a timely manner.

Sometimes too much stock is tied up in external test-ing facilities, which can easily outweigh the expense of in-vesting in an in-house tester. It is critical to know if allproducts must be tested prior to shipment, or just a repre-sentative sample. Missed deadlines or penalties due to test-ing problems should also be considered.

Issues on this “checklist” often clarify the value of in-house testing or, if these are not concerns, show that out-sourced testing is the better option. Because of theirimmediacy and high visibility, time factors can actuallyoutweigh cost considerations when it comes to testing.When combined with quality issues, time considerationsshould steer the materials testing debate.

Cost considerations

Cost scenarios are another important factor in revisit-ing the decision-making around in-house vs. outsourcedtesting. The “cost checklist” starts with a deceptively sim-ple question: How important is it to save money in meet-ing testing needs?

To answer this question accurately, criteria must beviewed through the lens of quality and time considerations,as well as the advances in functionality, relative to cost, ofnew testing equipment in the past 10 years. ROI is an effec-tive cost-measurement method. Capital investment in anew universal tester vs. dollars spent on external testingmust be measured using the following factors:

• Cost per test • Number of tests performed each year • Tied up stock value (at outsourcer) • Borrowing cost (if necessary) to invest in testing

equipment • Outsourcer’s turnaround time on tests • Penalties incurred (if any) due to missed deadlines • Cost of operator to run testing equipment • Potential investment in a new system By bringing these components together (illustrated in

Fig. 1), it is possible to determine a complete ROI pictureof insourcing vs. outsourcing.


Manufacturers must test materials. The challenge lies inidentifying not only the cost, but also the quality and timefactors that will determine if testing should be conductedin-house, outsourced, or both. Thorough analysis that in-cludes all business concerns enables a better understandingof how and where bottom-line testing efficiencies exist. Thisprocess provides a blueprint for optimal testing quality thatmeets and even anticipates broader strategic goals.

For more information: Richard Gedney is CEO for ADMET,51 Morgan Dr., Norwood, MA 02062, 781/769-0850, [email protected],

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The International Thermal Spray Conference and Exhibition (ITSC) features a three-dayexposition, conference, poster session, education courses, young professional competition,

social events, and much more. At ITSC, attendees will find information about thermal sprayequipment, research and specialist institutes, applied research, and the latest innovations con-veniently located in one big forum. The exposition will be held in the Palau de Congressos deCatalunya in northwest Barcelona.

The three-day exposition is an integral part of ITSC 2014. Exhibitors are experts who offervisitors a wealth of problem-solving information and cost-saving opportunities. Dates andtimes of the exposition include:

• May 21, 12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.• May 22, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. • May 23, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.ITSC is a golden opportunity for the global thermal spray community to meet, network, ex-

change key information and ideas, and conduct business. The conference officially opens withan awards ceremony and plenary lectures on Wednesday, May 21. The ITSC awards banquetoccurs Thursday, May 22. The conference program offers more than 200 presentations fromdistinguished speakers covering several topics ranging from fundamental science to industrialapplications.

Plenary sessions:

• “Plasma sprayed solutions: From the coating of the top to their integrated functionality on aeroengine components,” by K. Ostolaza, ITP Technical Fellow Material and Processes.

• “The history of thermal spraying: From Max Ulrich Schoop to the present time,” by S. Hartmann, obz innovation gmbh.

Education courses:

Thermal Spray Technology, Processing, and Evaluation

May 18-20, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Instructors: Christopher C. Berndt, FASM, TS-HoF and Douglas G. Puerta

Thermal spray technology and coatings solve critical problems in demanding environ-ments. They provide solutions to problems involving repair, wear, high temperature andaqueous corrosion, and thermal protection. Thermal spray can also be used to manufacturenet-shapes, advanced sensors, and materials for the biomedical and energy/environmentalsectors. These and other emerging applications take advantage of the rapid and cost-effec-tive capabilities of thermal spray technology in the OEM and repair industries.

Thermal Spray for Gas and Oil Industries

May 20, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Instructor: André G. McDonald

Given the special needs of the oil and gas sector for wear and corrosion resistant coat-ings with high longevity, the certification process and validation of the coatings producedby those examining them needs to be different. Therefore, this course includes training andtesting information that applies specifically to the oil and gas sector.

Introduction to Advanced Diagnostic Techniques Applied to Thermal/

Cold Spray Processes

May 20, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Instructors: Luc Pouliot and Christian Moreau

This course provides a historical perspective of diagnostic techniques develop-ment as well as a detailed description of basic principles of operation for sensors andan extensive series of examples of the practical use of sensors in research and produc-tion environments.

ITSC 2014Not Fiction: Thermal Spray the Key Technology in Modern Life!May 21-23, 2014 • Barcelona, Spain

Palau de Congressos de Catalunya.

Special events:Opening of ITSC 2014

with Awards Ceremony

and Plenary Lectures

Wednesday, May 21

9:00 a.m.

Opening of the ITSC 2014

Exposition and Poster


Wednesday, May 21

12:30 p.m.

Exhibitor Reception and

Poster Session

Wednesday, May 21

5:40 p.m.

ITSC 2014 Awards Banquet

Thursday, May 22

8:00 p.m.

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Integrated Computational Materials Engi-neering (ICME) is a relatively new disciplinethat shows great promise for reducing the

cost and time required to design and deploynew materials, manufacturing technologies,and products. It has been successfully used insome product development programs to date.

Although considerable effort has been putinto model development over the past threedecades, and while many of these computationalmodels are now in use, significant challenges tocomprehensive development and implementa-tion of these models in ICME remain. This article introduces an ICME implementationframework for product development using awelding process and discusses requirements fora welding process modeling tool for ICME. De-velopment of the friction stir welding (FSW)process modeling tool is discussed in detail.

Implementation framework

A proposal for implementing ICME to de-velop products using manufacturing processessuch as welding is shown in Fig. 1. The frame-work includes three major blocks: Product re-quirements, manufacturing process modelingtools, and the final product. Product require-ments include property requirements, design,and materials. Manufacturing process model-ing tools include process parameters, a thermalmodel, microstructure model, and propertymodel, as well as performance prediction tools.The final product must be validated and veri-fied with regard to materials and design.

The process tool is the engine of ICME, asshown in Fig. 1. The thermal model is optionalbecause some manufacturing processes such as

cold forming do not experience a temperaturechange. For thermally-related processes such aswelding and heat treatment, the thermal modelpredicts temperature by conducting heat trans-fer analysis.

To develop a welding process modelingtool, model development, validation, and appli-cation are necessary. This article explores howICME is used to develop a friction stir welding(FSW) modeling tool, which can also be usedin a FSW process to develop products.

Numerical models for FSW

FSW was originally intended for aluminumalloys but now includes a variety of materialssuch as magnesium, copper, titanium, and steel.The process is extremely successful with alu-minum alloys but has not progressed assmoothly with steels due to their complicatedphysical properties, such as thermal, mechani-cal, and microstructural effects. It is essentialto develop a process model to improve under-standing of these physical phenomena and op-timize process parameters during FSW of steelsin order to use ICME.

A thermal model for FSW was developedbased on the finite element method. In themodel, surface heat flux is applied on the shoul-der surface and body flux is applied in the pinvolume. A microstructure model developed byM.F. Ashby and colleagues was implemented inthe FSW process model to predict the distribu-tion of individual phases such as ferrite, bainite,and martensite, and the hardness map aroundthe weld area.

Model validations

Analyses simulated the welding experiment

performed by D.M. Failla and J. Lippold[1, 2] tovalidate the FSW model. The specimen wasmade of HSLA-65, and was 12 mm thick, 150mm wide, and 300 mm long. Thermal bound-ary conditions including air convection andstrong cooling on the clamping and supportsurface are specified in the thermal analysis.Mechanical constraint from welding fixtureswas simulated in the thermo-mechanical analy-ses. Contact between the FSW tool and weld-ment was modeled by a contact pair.

Thermal analysis

The thermal model conducted transientthermal analysis by inputting welding parame-

ICME Helps Develop Friction Stir Welding Process for Steels

Developing a

process model

to improve


of thermal,








during the

friction stir

welding of

steels is

essential in

order to







Yu-Ping Yang*EWI

Columbus, Ohio

*Member of ASM


Fig. 1 — ICME implementation framework.


process development

with ICME

1. Product property


2. Initial geometry

3. Material composition



6. Microstructure model

5. Thermal model 5. Property model

9. Tools to predict

process performance

10. Develop and test


12. Final design configuration



4. Manufacturing







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ters: Rotation speed 850 rpm, travel speed 3.39 mm/s, andload 15.569 kN. Abaqus software was used as a solver inthe thermal analysis. Temperature-dependent materialproperties, density, thermal conductivity, and specific heatfor HSLA-65 were also input to the thermal model. Ther-mal analysis results were compared with results collected

by Failla and Lippold[1, 2] to verify the thermal model.Figure 2 shows the predicted temperature distribution

at 75 seconds. The tool predicts high temperature, but afterthe tool moves away, temperature in the weldment coolsdown. Figure 3 shows the predicted temperature historiccomparison between the model and experimental measure-

ment[1, 2]. Both model predictions and measurements indi-cate that the temperature in the FSW stir zone of steel canbe higher than 1200°C. The comparison shows the modelcan predict the same temperature distribution observedduring the experiment, thus validating the thermal model.

Microstructure analysis

The predicted temperature evolution was input to themicrostructure model to predict microstructure and hard-ness. Figure 4 shows a comparison of hardness between

model prediction (Fig. 4a) and experiment[1, 2] (Fig. 4b) at aweld cross-section. The model predicted hardness in thetool stir zone close to the hardness measurement. But thesize and shape of the hardness map exhibit some differ-ences between the prediction and experiment. This mayhave occurred due to the difference between FSW tool di-mensions in the model versus the experiment. Tool dimen-sions in the model are found by scaling the FSW tool photoin Ref. 1.


An ICME framework for developing a product usingmanufacturing processes includes product requirements,manufacturing process modeling tools, and the final prod-uct. Using FSW as an example, model tool development wasintroduced, which includes a thermal model, microstruc-ture model, and mechanical model. The thermal and mi-crostructure models were validated with experimental data.Models are able to reasonably predict temperature and hard-ness distributions as seen in the experiment.

For more information: Yu-Ping Yang is a principal engineerin the modeling group at EWI, 1250 Arthur E. Adams Dr.,Columbus, Ohio, 43221, 614/688-5253; [email protected],


1. D.M. Failla, Friction Stir Welding and Microstructure Sim-ulation of HSLA 65 and Austenitic Stainless Steels, MS The-sis, The Ohio State University, 2009. 2. D.M. Failla and J. Lippold, Ferrous Alloy Friction Stir Weld-ing and Microstructure Simulation, FABTECH International& AWS Welding Show, 2009.

Fig. 4 — Hardness comparison at weld cross-section between predictionand measurement. (a) Predicted hardness distribution, (b) Measured hardness map by Failla and Lippold[1, 2].









5 10 15 20×103

Position, µm









, µ


HSLA 65 – Weld 431











Fig. 3 — Temperature history comparison of prediction and experiment[1, 2].

Fig. 2 — Predicted temperature evolution during FSW.


Time = 75 s

Temperature, °C











Weld 431: 850 rpm,

8 imp, 3500 lbf





0 50 100 150 200

Time, s
















, °C

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Pittsburgh was home to a number of plantswith multiple converters and the requiredblast furnaces and rolling mills to serve the

growing demand for steel rails and beams. A majorfactor in the city’s prominence was the availabilityof coal for coke. Connellsville, south of Pittsburgh,had coal fields that produced the finest metallurgi-cal coke in the world. Andrew Carnegie pulled allthese factors together to build his steel empire.

Carnegie made his first major investment inironmaking simply to supply material for his bridgecompany. In 1872, he joined the ranks of the selectfew U.S. steelmakers by building a Bessemer steelplant. Carnegie named his new steel mill after J.

Edgar Thomson—arguably the most in-fluential railroad executive in Americaat the time—because he needed the rail-roads as customers for his new plant.

The Edgar Thomson Steel Works wasconstructed in 1873-75 and AlexanderHolley was the engineer in charge. An-drew Carnegie was twice blessed in hir-ing Holley because he got two great steelmen in the bargain. Holley had been aconsultant on the new Bessemer shop atCambria Iron Company in Johnstown,Pa., where he worked with CaptainWilliam (Billy) Jones, who resigned whenhe was not promoted to superintendent.Jones contacted Holley, who immedi-ately hired him as his assistant on theThomson Works. After construction,Carnegie hired Jones as general superin-

tendent. Jones became another star in the long lineof top-quality men that Carnegie enlisted in forginghis great steel empire.

Captain Billy Jones

Jones was a truly unique manager who camefrom the same mold as John Fritz. He worked vari-ous jobs and eventually joined the Cambria IronCompany. He also joined the Union Army shortlyafter the Civil War got underway. His experienceand maturity won him a commission and he wasmustered out as a captain at the end of the war, re-turning to Cambria where he became an assistant tothe general superintendent. Jones was known as amechanical genius and true friend of his workers

and his patents were amajor factor in thegreat advances of thesteel output ofCarnegie’s empire andof the industry in gen-eral during the 1880s.

One inventionalone—the “hot cartransfer ladle” thatmoved molten metalfrom blast furnaces toBessemer convert-ers—eliminated theneed to remelt pigiron to make steel.Royalties from hismany patents earnedJones $15,000 annually during the late 1880s whenhis salary was $35,000. He became world renownedand was the first American invited to visit the greatKrupp Works in Germany. His greatest legacy,however, was as a leader of men. Captain BillyJones was killed in 1889 at the age of 50 when a fur-nace exploded. His death was not only a loss andshock to his fellow workers, but to the entire steelindustry and especially the city of Pittsburgh. Steel-making is said to have ceased while the citymourned at his wake and funeral. Captain Billylived for his work and his men. Now that both arelong gone, his name has been forgotten by many.He deserves better.

Carnegie’s empire expands

As Carnegie’s steel empire grew, he became amajor client of the coke industry. The chief playerin this game was a young Pennsylvanian namedHenry Clay Frick. Like so many successful entrepre-neurs, Frick was very lucky. Just as he was expandingthe manufacture of coke, Carnegie became one ofhis most important customers. Frick reorganized in1881 to raise capital and Carnegie bought a small in-terest in the company. However, Andrew was neverone to remain a small shareholder if the business wassuccessful. Within several years, he bought out someof the other shareholders, and the next time Frickneeded capital for more expansion he sold evenmore stock to Carnegie. With that, the controlling

Metallurgy Lane,

authored by

ASM life member

Charles R. Simcoe,

is a yearlong series

dedicated to the early

history of the U.S. metals

and materials industries

along with key

milestones and


The Age of Steel: Part IIBy 1875, the Bessemer steel industry had spread across the country

from eastern Pennsylvania to St. Louis, with the epicenter in Pittsburgh.

Andrew Carnegie,American business-man and philan-thropist, circa 1913.Courtesy of Libraryof Congress/U.S.public domain.

Captain William (Billy)Jones, inventor of the hot car transfer ladle. Courtesy of

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interest in the FrickCoke Company passedto the Carnegie Bros.Company.

After Tom Carnegie’sdeath, Andrew enticedFrick into the steel com-pany to become the gen-eral manager. Thusbegan the team ofCarnegie and Frick thatwould complete the steelempire that had beenslowly growing duringthe past 15 years.Carnegie’s empire nowincluded the EdgarThomson Steel Works,

Homestead and Duquesne Steel Works, the FrickCoke Company, the Keystone Bridge Company, and avariety of small mills, mines, and coke works. It wasthe largest steel operation in the country. Within a fewyears (by 1892), the output of the newly organizedCarnegie Steel Company would exceed half that of theentire steel industry of Great Britain, and AndrewCarnegie owned more than 50% of it.

Great strike of 1892

However, the year 1892 would go down in historyfor the great strike of the Amalgamated Associationof Iron and Steel Workers at the Homestead Works.Frick was determined to break the union. To ensurecontrol of the situation should force be needed, hearranged for 300 armed guards from the PinkertonAgency to stand by ready to help. Frick then rejectedthe first proposals submitted by the union and of-fered terms he knew would be unacceptable. Theworkers walked out. When the local authorities wereintimidated by the laborers who were joined by thewhole town of Homestead, Frick sent for his Pinker-ton force. The 300 guards came down the Mononga-hela River in two steel barges and attempted to landat the Homestead plant. Workers lined the riverbankand the guards were met by a hail of gunfire. The bat-tle raged all day, but suffered few casualties.

Late in the afternoon, the guards surrendered andthe union leaders promised them safe passage out oftown. However, when they came ashore they were at-

tacked by the entire town. The men, women, andeven children unleashed a fury that killed three of theguards and injured the rest. Several days later, 8000troops from the state militia arrived to take over theplant and return it to management. Labor relationsand worker morale never recovered at Homestead.Frick’s reputation, as well as that of Carnegie, wouldnever again ride as high within the industrial and po-litical scene.

Skyscrapers and steel

move upward and onward

By the 1890s, steel was being used in many newapplications where it permitted breakthroughs in en-gineering and construction.One of these was the emerg-ing world of skyscrapers. The1890s witnessed such build-ings going up in Chicago—thebirthplace of these struc-tures—as well as Saint Louis,Buffalo, New York City, andother rapidly growing popula-tion centers. The cost of steelhad been driven down byCarnegie and his competitorsto the lowest the world wouldever see. What they allneeded was rapid growth intheir markets. This is whatthey got, because they werestanding on the threshold ofthe American TechnologicalRevolution.

It was at this critical junc-ture in American history thatAndrew Carnegie decidedthat he had taken his steel em-pire about as far as he wasgoing to go. He was 65 yearsold and his lifelong philosophy had been to turn awayfrom moneymaking for its own sake in order to dosomething more useful with his life and fortune. AtFrick’s suggestion, he agreed to entertain offers forhis interest in the steel empire that had taken morethan 25 year to assemble. He sold to J.P. Morgan whofolded his Carnegie Steel Company into a new cor-poration named United States Steel.

Henry Clay Frick, earlycoke entrepreneur andgeneral manager of theCarnegie Corp. Courtesyof Library of Congress/U.S. public domain.

State militia troopssent to break the1892 strike atCarnegie’s Homestead Works.Courtesy

Architect and “father of skyscrapers” LouisSullivan’s Prudential Building, Buffalo, N.Y.Courtesy of Library of Congress/U.S. publicdomain.

For more


Charles R. Simcoecan be reached at [email protected] more metallurgical history, visit

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President Obama hosted an event at theWhite House on February 25 to announce

new steps in a partnership with the private sec-tor to boost advanced manufacturing andstrengthen U.S. defense capabilities. ASM In-ternational’s (Materials Park, Ohio) managingdirector Thom Passek attended to representthe technical society at the ceremony.

The President announced two new manu-facturing innovation institutes led by the De-partment of Defense and supported by a $140million Federal commitment combined withmore than $140 million in non-federal re-sources: (1) Detroit-area headquartered con-sortium of businesses and universities, with afocus on lightweight and modern metals man-ufacturing; (2) Chicago headquartered consor-tium of businesses and universities that willconcentrate on digital manufacturing and de-sign technologies.

ASM will be part of the consortium focus-

ing on lightweight mod-ern metals manufactur-ing technologies. TheAmerican LightweightMaterials Manufactur-ing Innovation Insti-tute (ALMMII) is ledby a collaboration be-tween EWI, Universityof Michigan, and TheOhio State University. The new consortiumwill involve 60 members, including leadingmanufacturers of aluminum, high strengthsteel, and titanium, along with universities andlaboratories involved in research and develop-ment of lightweight metals. The institute willseek to accomplish advanced research throughpartnerships among key players in industriessuch as automotive, aerospace, defense, and en-ergy. ASM’s specific role within the consortiumwill be defined over the coming months.


Submit news of ASM and its members, chapters, and affiliate societies to

Joanne Miller, editor, ASM News • ASM International, 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073

tel: 440/338-5151, ext. 5662 fax: 440/338-4634 e-mail: [email protected]

Contact ASM International at 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073 tel: 440/338-5151, ext. 0, or 800/336-5152, ext. 0 (toll free in U.S. and Canada) fax: 440/338-4634 e-mail: [email protected] website:


35 ASM Joins Lightweight Metals Institute

36 Update from Foundation Chair

37 Gratitude Letter to Volunteers

38 Chapter News

White House Announces ASM as Member of Lightweight Metals Institute

39 Members in the News

40 Profile of a Volunteer

41 MetTrans E First Issue Released

Two days after the Washington announcement, ASM Managing Director Thom Passek, ASM Vice President Sunniva Collins, and ASM President Ravi Ravindran (left to right) met at Materials Park to discuss the new institute and their vision for ASM.

ALMMII’s mission is to serve

U.S. manufacturing by supporting innovative

manufacturing technologies, and enable

cost-effective lightweighting of components

across a wide range of industries.

ASM members from

these and many other

companies will

play key roles in the

new institute:

Materion, Honda,

MesoCoat, Boeing,

QuestTek, WPI, GE,

and Thermo-Calc. this issue

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HIGHLIGHTS...Historical Landmark Celebration

The International Metallographic Contest (IMC) and Exhibit,cosponsored since 1972 by the International Metallographic So-ciety (IMS) and ASM, is being held in conjunction with the 47thIMS Annual Meeting in Hartford, Conn., August 3-7. The con-test features the best work of metallographers and microstruc-ture analysts from around the world. A recent revision of thecontest rules has resulted in fewer classes and larger prizemoney. The changes also are intended to encourage participa-tion and to simplify the submission process.

The five classes include:¥ Light MicroscopyÑAll Materials¥ Electron MicroscopyÑAll Materials¥ Undergraduate Student EntriesÑAll Materials¥ Artistic MicroscopyÑColor¥ Artistic MicroscopyÑBlack and White

Best-in-Show receives themost prestigious awardavailable in the field of met-allography, the Jacquet-Lucas Award, whichincludes a cash prize of$3000. The award has beenendowed by Buehler since1976. First place winners inClasses 1, 2, 4, and 5 receive$500 and first place winnersin Class 3 (student entries)receive $1000 and theGeorge L. Kehl Award. The DuBose-Crouse Award is pre-sented for innovation in metallography in Classes 1, 2, and 3.Second and third place winners in all Classes receive $200 and$100, respectively.

All entries are displayed at the IMS Annual Meeting and againin the fall during MS&T.

For contest rules and entry information, visit IMS and click on Awards, or email [email protected]. Submission deadline isJuly 19.

The weld interface in an extrusion-welded magnesium alloy. From the2013 IMC Jacquet-Lucas award winning entry.

Historical Landmark

Celebration—Cleveland, May 9Alcoa Cleveland was honored for having

Historic Heavy Hydraulic Closed Die Forg-ing Presses of the World and named as anASM Historical Landmark Winner in 2013.These giant presses enabled quantumchanges in the approach of modern aircraftdesign by producing large, forged monolithicstructures. In turn, this capability provided de-signers with greater flexibility in the applicationof new alloys; lighter, stronger, and affordableaerostructures; and more powerful and fuel efficient gas and turbine engines. Alcoa Cleveland will hold a dedication ceremony at their location in Ohio on Friday, May 9. For more information, contact Cary Dell at [email protected].

2014 IMC – Revised Rules –

Fewer Classes and Larger Prize MoneyFrom the Foundation:

Update from the ChairDr. Stephen Copley

Chair 2012-2014

ASM Materials Education

Foundation Board of Trustees

The ASM Materials EducationFoundation had a fantastic yearin 2013 and 2014 promises tobe even better. Twenty under-

graduate scholarships were awarded including the100th G.A. Roberts Scholarship on the 100th yearanniversary of ASM International. Also, 20 K-12Teacher Grants were awarded (increased from 10last year) as well as six student chapter grants, twoawards in the undergraduate design competitionand an award to a distinguished teacher. The Foun-dation continued to support a National MeritScholarship, the City of Materials, Materials Radio,and Science Fairs.

Our premier program, ASM Materials Camp,continued to grow. In 2013, the Foundation con-ducted 27 student camps and 44 teacher camps.The Pick-Up-the-Pace (PUP) goal of 50 camps by2015 is in sight. Since 2000, 9965 students and5607 teachers have participated in ASM MaterialsCamps at a total of 479 different locations. Be-cause teachers typically reach 100 students peryear, our camps could potentially reach more than560,000 students during the 2013-2014 academicyear! In 2013, we welcomed our new Director ofDevelopment and Operations, Nichol Campana,whom you met via this column in the Februaryissue of AM&P.

Looking ahead to 2014, the Foundation plans tooffer 49 teacher camps. Through several commit-tees, we are exploring promising new approachesto excite young people in materials, science, andengineering careers. These include: (1) a programfocused on 6th to 8th grade students, which will bepiloted at the Roper Mountain Science Museum,Greenville, S.C., during the summer; (2) materials,science, and engineering education via the Inter-net, and (3) an advanced teacher camp on additivemanufacturing in collaboration with CarnegieMellon University, Penn State University, andAmerica Makes, the National Additive Manufac-turing Innovation Institute (NAMII). These andother new approaches will be advanced by our vicechair, David Spencer, when he becomes Founda-tion chair at the MS&TÕ14 Board Meeting.

It is a great privilege serving as chair of the ASMMaterials Foundation. I would like to thank theFoundation Board of Directors, staff, ASM Inter-national, and all of our individual and corporatesupporters and volunteers and to appeal for yourcontinued assistance in making the FoundationÕsprograms a success.




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Mitchell R. Dorfman, FASM, has beenapproved for membership into the Ther-mal Spray Hall of Fame. His induction willtake place at ITSC 2014 in Barcelona,Spain, May 21-23. Dorfman’s nominationwas based on his extensive thermal sprayresearch and development and his world-wide service to the thermal spray commu-nity both through his employment and his many ASMThermal Spray Society (TSS) activities over the years.

Dorfman is a Sulzer Metco Fellow and Director of Ceram-ics, Materials Development at Sulzer Metco (U.S.) Inc. inWestbury, N.Y. During his 30-year career there, he has led

development of numerous materials for the turbine and in-dustrial markets. He is currently on the TSS Board, servingas ASM Board liaison. He is a past TSS president, has chairednumerous ITSC sessions and TSS conferences, and hasserved as a reviewer of technical papers for the Journal of

Thermal Spray Technology. The author of more than 50 pa-pers and holder of 14 patents, Dorfman received his B.E. inmechanical engineering and M.S. in materials science bothfrom SUNY Stony Brook. Dorfman most recently served asdivision editor on the revision and expansion of ASM Hand-

book, Volume 5A, Thermal Spray Technology. The TSS ispleased to honor Dorfman with Hall of Fame membershipfor his exemplary service, leadership, and guidance.

Dorfman Inducted into Thermal Spray Hall of Fame

With Gratitude: A Letter to ASM Volunteers

By Gay Eyerman

Contributing Editor

Over the past three years, I’ve enjoyed meeting 32ASM volunteers at my dining room table. That’s whereI interview members over the phone for the VolunteerProfile feature in ASM News. It’s been my privilege tohear your stories, learn about your careers, and askwhy you volunteer with ASM.

I’ve interviewed engineers, consultants, managers,students, retirees, professors, metallurgists, re-searchers, and technologists…along with a rocket en-gineer, special effects designer, and one recent gradworking as an insurance agent while looking for herfirst job in materials engineering. It’s truly a diversegroup of members—approximately one-third of themwomen.

Here are some of the common qualities I see inASM volunteers and some of my favorite quotes:

You want to give back.

“We pass the torch to the next generation.” It often begins with gratitude for a mentor, job referral, or tech-nical resource. Giving back brings great fulfillment in helping new members, students, chapters, commit-tees, Material Advantage, Teacher Camps, Materials Camps, and science fairs.

You push yourselves.

“When I stop learning, it’s time to hang up my career.” Volunteers often say that ASM helps them rechargeprofessionally, advance their careers, and build leadership skills.

You value relationships.

“ASM is my extended family.” Personal friendships, job contacts, and mentors are key relationships thatopen doors and create lasting bonds, even when jobs change.

I’ve enjoyed the humility of so many volunteers—many attributing their success to help from others. I lovehearing about high school demos or college moments that inspired a new direction. ASM volunteers havea passion for STEM education and appreciate that “you make the biggest decisions in life when you’re theleast prepared—around age 18.”

Volunteers often reflect on dramatic changes in the steel and auto industries and other evolving technolo-gies. All are concerned about engaging the next generation and are committed to making ASM relevantand responsive. There is general agreement that “these things don’t happen in a vacuum—volunteers are crit-ical.”

Volunteers are greatly valued and appreciated by staff. You are the heart of ASM. You truly make it all hap-pen, from writing books, speaking at symposiums, and organizing camps to running local chapters andserving on national committees. This is our time to say thank you—for pouring yourself into this “labor oflove,” selflessly giving your time and talent to serve ASM and the entire materials science community.

For all you do…thank you!

You are the heart of ASM.You truly make itall happen, fromwriting books,speaking at symposiums, andorganizing campsto running localchapters andserving on national committees.

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s HIGHLIGHTS...Chapter News

Chapter NewsToronto MA Execs Meet with President Ravindran

University of Toronto Material Advantage Chapter exec-utives met with ASM president Ravi Ravindran on March 6to discuss the chapter program, ASM Scholarships andAwards, and careers in materials science and engineering.From left to right: Anthony Lombardi, ASM 100th fundrais-ing coordinator, Ph.D. candidate; Abdallah Elsayed, ASM100th fundraising coordinator, Ph.D. candidate; Ayman El-zoka, chair, 4th year undergraduate; President Ravindran,FASM; Hans Zhang, vice chair, 4th year undergraduate; JeffOtto, vice chair, M. Eng. Candidate.

Houston’s Spouse and Past Chair Night

ASM Houston Chapter’s Spouse and Past Chair night washeld March 4 at Fung’s Kitchen. Guests enjoyed a fabulous Chi-nese banquet and journeyed with speaker, D. Scott MacKenziePh.D., FASM, through the historical capitals of China.

Seated (left to right) at the Houston meeting are Marco Deuterio,David Fitzgerald, FASM, Diane Nielsen, and Edgar Zapata. Standing (left to right) are Bob Badrak, Bob Koester, FASM, Joel Russo, Eric Drake, FASM, and Bill Bailey.

Stan Galanski (left) receives aplaque from Willie Howie,

Houston chair, in recognitionof 50+ years of service to the

Houston Chapter of ASM.

Hartford March Meeting

Past chair of the ASM Hartford Chapter, Arnie Grot (sec-ond from right), presents a Speaker Mug to Maurice “Gus”Gustin, director of sales, TIMET Powder Metals of Exton,Pa., (second from left) at ASM Hartford Chapter’s March 6meeting. Gus gave a presentation on “Titanium in the Auto-motive Industry.” Amber Black (left), chair of the ASM In-ternational Volunteerism Committee, gave a Coffee Talk onthe benefits of volunteering, based on her personal experi-ence at the local and international levels of the Society.Rainer Hebert, ASM Hartford vice chair, was the program’stechnical chair.

L.A.’s February Meeting

Members of the ASM Los Angeles Chapter meet for happy hourat the Pour Haus wine bar downtown, before a tour of the nearbyLos Angeles Times Olympic Printing Plant.

No more Line-O-Type! Thetour guide shows one of thethin aluminum sheets whichare etched and used in highspeed transfer printing of theLos Angeles Times and several other newspapers.(The light color in the room is to avoid exposing photosensitive materials).

For a list of upcoming ASM Training Courses, see our ad on page 43 of this issue.

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HIGHLIGHTS...Journal Access

Members in the News

Misra Receives Hind Ratan Award and More

Devesh Misra, FASM, DistinguishedProfessor and Director, Center for Struc-tural and Functional Materials, Universityof Louisiana at Lafayette, received theHind Rattan Award (translated “Jewel ofIndia”) of 2014. The NRI Welfare Societyof India award recognizes Misra’s excep-tional services to the society, achieve-ments, and contributions to the field, and for the significantefforts that he has made in building relations between Indiaand North America, The award was given in New Delhi onJanuary 26, the Republic Day of India. More recently, Dr. De-vesh Misra was awarded Distinguished Alumnus Awardfrom his alma mater, Department of Metallurgical Engineer-ing, Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu Univer-sity, on November 14, 2013.

Scully Honored with Sword

In September 2013, Prof. John

R. Scully, FASM, was presentedwith the Institute of Corrosion’s(ICorr) U.R. Evans Award. He isthe Charles Henderson ChairedProfessor of Materials Science andEngineering and Co-Director ofthe Center for ElectrochemicalScience and Engineering at theUniversity of Virginia. In additionto being granted an Honorary LifeFellowship in the Institute, Scullywas presented with an engravedsword. The lifetime achievementaward recognizes outstanding in-ternational achievements in pure or applied corrosion sci-ence. The presentation was part of a joint meeting with theRoyal Society of Chemistry’s Electrochem2013 and ICorrat the University of Southampton. His acceptance includeda keynote lecture, “Some Advances and Challenges in Un-derstanding the Influence of Microstructural Heterogene-ity on Corrosion.”

Schadler Appointed JMR Associate Editor

On March 12, Journal of Materials Re-

search (JMR) editor-in-chief Gary Messingannounced the appointment of Prof.

Linda S. Schadler, FASM, as associate ed-itor for polymers and organic materials.The journal is published by the MaterialsResearch Society. Schadler is the RussellSage Professor in Materials Science andEngineering and the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs inthe School of Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-tute. She is an experimentalist and her research has focusedon the behavior of two-phase systems, primarily polymercomposites. Schadler was named as one of the Top 100 Ma-terials Scientists worldwide in the last decade by TimesHigher Education, 2011. She is a current member of ASMInternational’s Board of Trustees.

AIST Honors Asfahani

Riad I. Asfahani, FASM, was selectedas the recipient of the Association of Iron& Steel Technology’s (AIST) 2014Richard J. Fruehan Award for his paperentitled “Control of Ca-Containing Inclu-sions in Al-killed Steel Grades.” Estab-lished in 2005 to honor Dr. Richard J.Fruehan, a devoted teacher and outstand-ing scientist dedicated to the steel industry, the award isgiven to the author of a process metallurgy technical paperjudged to be the best of class by the AIST Metallurgy Tech-nology Division. The award will be presented during theAIST Metallurgy, Processing, Products & ApplicationsTechnology Committee meeting, colocated with MS&T14in Pittsburgh on October 14.

Distinguished Alumnus

and HTCMC Awards for Singh

Dr. Mrityunjay Singh, FASM, chiefscientist, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleve-land, was awarded the DistinguishedAlumnus Award by the Indian Institute ofTechnology-BHU, Varanasi, in India. Hepreviously received Distinguished Alum-nus Award from the Metallurgy Depart-ment of IIT-BHU in 2004. In addition, healso received the HTCMC International Achievement Awardfor his contributions in the field of high temperature ceramicmatrix composites. Singh was recognized for his pioneeringand seminal contributions and global leadership in the fieldof science, engineering, and applications of advanced ce-ramic and composite materials and technologies.

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Weertman Elected MRS Fellow

The new class of 22 Fellows of the Ma-terials Research Society (MRS) will be rec-ognized at the 2014 MRS Spring Meeting,April 21-25, in San Francisco. Prof. Julia

R. Weertman, FASM, of NorthwesternUniversity, is among them. Fellows are se-lected for their distinguished accomplish-ments and their outstanding contributionsto the advancement of international materials research.Weertman is being honored “for pioneering contributions inmaterials research and seminal and groundbreaking work ondislocations, fatigue, small-angle x-ray diffraction, andnanostructured materials.”

Gschneidner Wins

Acta Materialia and Science Award

Karl A. Gschneidner Jr., FASM, seniormetallurgist at the DOE’s Ames Labora-tory, received the 2014 Acta MaterialiaMaterials and Society Award on February18. The award honors scientists who havemade a major impact on society throughmaterials science. Gschneidner, known as“Mr. Rare Earth,” is considered the world’sforemost authority on the science of rare earth elements.Through his long scientific career and expert testimony be-fore Congress in 2010 and 2011, Gschneidner has been in-strumental in bringing attention to the importance of rareearths for the nation’s energy and security future. Gschnei-dner, is also an Anson Marston Distinguished Professor ofmaterials science and engineering at Iowa State University.

Hecker Receives AAAS Award for Science Diplomacy

Siegfried Hecker, FASM, director emeritus of LosAlamos National Laboratory and an internationally recog-

nized expert in plutonium science, globalthreat reduction, and nuclear security, waschosen by the American Association forthe Advancement of Science (AAAS) to re-ceive the 2013 Award for Science Diplo-macy. Hecker was honored for his “lifetimecommitment to using the tools of scienceto address the challenges of nuclear prolif-eration and nuclear terrorism and his dedication to buildingbridges through science during the period following the endof the Cold War.” He led cooperative programs in Russia,Kazakhstan, and North Korea. Hecker, a metallurgist, re-ceived his doctoral degree from Case Western Reserve Uni-versity in Cleveland.

NAE Elects New Members

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) elected 67new members in February, bringing their total U.S. member-ship to 2,250. Election to NAE is among the highest profes-sional distinctions accorded to engineers. Three ASMmembers are among the newly elected.

Alan W. Cramb, FASM, provost, senior vice president foracademic affairs, and Charles and Lee Finkl Professor ofMetallurgical and Materials Engineering, Illinois Institute ofTechnology, Chicago, was acknowledged for contributionsto the development of high-integrity continuously cast steels.

George M. Pharr, IV, FASM, Chancellor’s Professor andMcKamey Professor of Engineering, department of materi-als science and engineering, University of Tennessee,Knoxville, was honored for the development of methods fordetermining mechanical properties of materials by nanoin-dentation.

David Bruce Spencer, founder, chairman, and chief tech-nology officer, wTe Corp., Bedford, Mass., was recognizedfor invention and entrepreneurship in materials manufac-turing and recycling.




s HIGHLIGHTS...Profile of a Volunteer

Members in the News


Profile of a Volunteer

Kathy Hayrynen, FASM

Director of Research & DevelopmentApplied Process Inc.

Mentors make a difference. Kathy Hayrynenfeels fortunate she had strong mentors at

every stage of her career—most of them ASM fel-lows. She met her first mentor, Don Mikkola, in

her senior year of high school during a research internship atMichigan Tech. “Later, he gave me a membership applica-tion to ASM and said ‘you need to pursue this organization,it will be important in your career!’”

With her interest in metallurgy, Hayrynen earned a Ph.D. atMichigan Tech and joined Applied Process Inc., specializingin heat treatment of metals, specifically austempering of castiron and steel. She is responsible for day-to-day operations ofthe R&D department and is liaison to multiple technical or-ganizations. Kathy chaired the Detroit ASM chapter, servedon the Awards Policy committee at the national level, and was

named a 2006 ASM Fellow. Asked why she is a loyal volun-teer, Kathy explains, “ASM helps me stay current and gives methe opportunity to give back to the next generation.”

Most of her volunteer time is spent organizing the sum-mer camp for high school and middle school teachers atthe University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. “What I like bestis the look on a teacher’s face when they learn somethinghands-on to take back and engage their students,” saysKathy. “We do more good this way than working one-on-one with a student. When you do something for a teacher,they influence hundreds.”

Kathy engages next-generation engineers by getting theminvolved with students closer to their own age, in activitiessuch as judging science fairs. “People need a voice and guid-ance. They are waiting for mentors and there’s nothinggreater than seeing them get that.” ASM has served that rolein Kathy’s life, allowing her to give back as her own mentorsdid for her. “My career path—and my success—would neverhave happened without my involvement in ASM.”

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Canada Council Award Nominations due April 30ASM’s Canada Council is seeking nominations for its

2014 awards program. These prestigious awards include:The G. MacDonald Young Award – the ASM CanadaCouncil established this award in 1988 to recognize dis-tinguished and significant contributions by an ASM mem-ber in Canada. This award consists of a plaque in additionto a piece of Canadian native soapstone sculpture.M. Brian Ives Lectureship – This award was establishedin 1971 by the Canada Council of ASM to identify a distin-guished lecturer who will present a technical talk at a reg-ular monthly meeting of each of those Canada ASMChapters who elect to participate. The winner receives a$1,000 honorarium and travels to each ASM CanadaChapter throughout the year to give their presentation atthe expense of the ASM Canada Council.

John Convey Innovation Awards – In1977, the Canada Council created a newaward to recognize sustaining memberscompanies’ contributions for further de-velopment of the materials engineeringindustry in Canada. The award considersa new product and/or service directed at the Canadian orinternational marketplace. Two awards are presentedeach year—one to a company with more than $5 millionin sales.

Nomination forms and award rules can be found

For more information contact Christine Hoover at [email protected] or 440/338-5151ext. 5509.


Gareth Thomas, FASM, of Irvine,Calif., founder of UC Berkeley Lab’s Na-tional Center for Electron Microscopy(NCEM) and one of the world’s foremostexperts on electron microscopy, passedaway on February 7. He was 81. A nativeof Wales, Thomas earned his Ph.D. inmetallurgy from Cambridge University,and joined the Berkeley faculty in 1960, becoming a pro-fessor of metallurgy and a faculty scientist at Berkeley Labin 1966. Thomas served as director of NCEM from 1983to 1991. In 2006, he was named UC Berkeley’s EmeritusProfessor of Materials Science and Engineering. Thomas

once said that the experience of using electron microscopyto image atoms was like “gaining sight after being blind.”He dedicated his professional life to sharing and enhanc-ing that experience for a generation of scientists.

Thomas served on the Acta Materialia Inc. Board ofGovernors and was editor-in-chief from 1995-98 of bothActa Materialia and Scripta Materialia. He received theirGold Medal in 2003.Thomas also won the following ASMawards: the ASM Gold Medal (2001), Albert SauveurAchievement Award (1991), IMS Henry Clifton SorbyAward (1987), ASM Fellow (1976), Grossman PublicationAward (1966), and 1965 Bradley Stoughton TeachingAward (1965).

ASM International and The Minerals, Metals & Materi-als Society (TMS) announce the highly anticipated firstissue of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E: Ma-

terials for Energy Systems, a new journal of peer-reviewed,original research, and review articles focused on the sci-ence and technology of energy materials. A major goal ofthe publication is to help advance materials solutions forenergy and environmental challenges.

The journal, published inpartnership with Springer Sci-ence+Business Media, joins theestablished Metallurgical and

Materials Transactions A:

Physical Metallurgy and Mate-

rials Science and Metallurgical

and Materials Transactions B:

Process Metallurgy and Materi-

als Processing Science publica-tions. The journal will bepublished quarterly.

The articles from the first twovolume years of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E

will be available online for free at the SpringerLink website:

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E is under the

editorial leadership of David Laughlin, FASM, principal ed-itor, and editors Victorino Franco, Steven J. Zinkle, FASM,and Sridhar Seetharaman (not pictured) who is an editor onMetallurgical and Materials Transactions A, B, and E.

Laughlin is Alcoa Professor of Physical Metallurgy atCarnegie Mellon University. Franco is a professor in the con-densed matter physics department at Sevilla University inSpain. Zinkle is Governor’s Chair, Department of NuclearEngineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Seethara-man is TATA Steel and Royal Academy of Engineering JointChair for Research into Low Carbon Materials Technology inthe Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) at the Univer-sity of Warwick.




ASM/TMS Release New Energy Materials Journal

Editors of MetTrans E include, left to right: Victorino Franco,David Laughlin, FASM, and Steven J. Zinkle, FASM.

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l iterature

products &

Instron, Norwood, Mass., announces the MPX Series of

motorized pendulum impact testers for metals impact

testing to Charpy and Izod standards. The series offers a

range of testing capabilities from 300-900 J and comes

standard with Fracta software, which al-

lows for reliable data acquisition and reporting

of absorbed energy. Upgrading to Impulse

data acquisition software and instrumenta-

tion allows direct measurement of impact

force and striker velocity. MPX is designed

with an automatic test start as soon as the

door closes, allowing for rapid testing. Inter-

changeable hammer weights allow easy ad-

justment of impact energy, eliminating the

need to change hammer shafts. An integrated

guard and safety control system is also in-


Arkema, France, launched its first range of liquid thermo-

plastic resins under the brand Elium. The resins are trans-

formed using the same processes as composite

thermosets with results that are lightweight, cost-effec-

tive, and recyclable. They polymerize quickly and can be

used to design structural parts and aesthetic elements.

Composite parts made of Elium are 30-50% lighter than

the same parts made of steel and have the same resist-

ance. Because of their thermoplastic properties, the resins

can be used to design composite parts that are easily

thermoformed and recyclable with comparable mechani-

cal performance to epoxy parts.

Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC, Thornwood, N.Y., announces

a special promotion on the ZEISS ELYRA P.1, a highly so-

phisticated 3D superresolution light microscope. Using

PALM or dSTORM techniques, ELYRA P.1 can localize flu-

orescently-labeled struc-

tures in 3D, yielding

achievable resolutions

down to 20 nm laterally

and 50 nm axially. Detec-

tion with an effective reso-

lution down to 20 nm

reveals substructure and

patterns where conventional light microscopy simply

shows co-localization. Users can correlate superresolu-

tion data with electron microscopy images for in-depth

analyses. Special pricing is available for orders received

by Sept. 30.

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Lake Shore Cryotronics, Westerville, Ohio, released a

comprehensive catalog for its temperature measure-

ment and control products. The downloadable catalog

contains detailed specifications and guidance for choos-

ing the best product for various research and industrial

applications. It also provides guidance on choosing sen-

sors and instruments for cryogenic refrigeration systems,

including cryogen and cryogen-free cryostats, dilution re-

frigerators, and superconducting magnet systems.

Princeton Instruments, Acton, Mass., released the Iso-

Plane 160 imaging spectrograph, said to be the world’s

first compact spectrometer to provide outstanding imag-

ing, high spectral resolution, and excellent light-gathering

power from the vacuum-UV (VUV) to the mid-IR range

without performance tradeoffs. Key benefits of the 160

mm focal length spectrograph include high spectral and

spatial resolution across the entire 27 × 14 mm focal

plane, as well as complete flexibility in resolution and

wavelength range.

Physik Instrumente LP, Auburn, Mass., introduces a new

piezo-Z nanopositioning system for imaging and fast fo-

cusing applications, com-

prised of a large-aperture

piezo stage and digital

controller. P-736.ZR large-

aperture, flexure-guided

piezo nanopositioning

stages are optimized for

high resolution and very fast step and settle, required for

real-time imaging applications. Travel ranges to 220 µm

with sub-nanometer closed-loop resolution are well suited

for surface metrology, microscopy, and imaging applica-

tions. Digital nanopositioning controllers can be quickly

switched between focus tracking and closed-loop posi-

tioning and also accommodate fast focus and freeze ap-


MCI-2012 IntegraPel from Cortec Corp., St. Paul,

Minn., is an integral waterproofing and corrosion in-

hibiting admixture designed to prevent or retard cor-

rosion of steel reinforcement in new concrete

structures. It uses a two-pronged approach to protect

embedded steel and reduce the intrusion of corrosive

species into concrete, and also provides a self-replen-

ishing protective layer on embedded reinforcement

l iterature

products &

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To advertise in the classifieds, or to order article reprints,please contact Diane Whitelaw at 440/338-5151, ext. 5240; [email protected].

ad index


The ad index is published as a service. Every care is taken to make it accurate,but Advanced Materials & Processes assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.

Dictionary of Metalsby Harold M. Cobb

The authoritative reference work for terms and definitions of metals,history, discoverer, naming, meaning,applications, significance of thediscovery and physical properties. Alsoincludes a timeline of important eventsin the history of metals and metallurgy.

Product Code: 05359GOrder online

Advertiser Page

Allied High Tech Products Inc. BC

Applied Test Systems Inc. 28

Epsilon Technology Corp. 46

Instron 11

JEC Composites 13

JEOL USA Inc. 3, 5

LECO Corp. 9

Master Bond Inc. 46

NSL Analytical Services Inc. 25

Struers Inc. IFC

Tinius Olsen Inc. 23

Westmoreland Mechanical Testing & Research Inc. 45

Zwick GmbH & Co. KG 7

with a migratory corrosion inhibitor. The admixture di-

rectly protects reinforcing steel and is suited as a cor-

rosion preventative for concrete construction exposed

to corrosive environments (carbonation, chlorides, and

atmospheric attack).

Rigaku Raman Technologies Inc., Burlington, Mass., an-

nounces its next-generation handheld analyzer, the

Rigaku Progeny, featuring an advanced miniature VPG-

based optical engine with bench-top

quality analytical performance in an

ergonomic, IP-68 sealed enclosure.

The analyzer’s customizable work-

flow software is 21 CFR Part 11

compliant and has a smartphone-in-

spired user interface. A 1064-nm,

high-power excitation laser opti-

mizes speed and sensitivity of analysis and minimizes flu-

orescence interferences, broadening the range of

materials that can be measured. A 512-pixel InGaAs de-

tector delivers improved resolution, analytics, and signal to

noise, handling the most challenging mixture analyses.

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editorial preview

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MAY 2014Aerospace Materials & Applications

Highlighting:• Development of Ti2AlNb Alloys• Overcoming Barriers of Magnesium

Flammability • AeroMat Show Preview

Special Supplement:International Thermal Spray and Surface Engineering newsletter covering coatings in the energy and power generation industries.

Advertising Bonus:• Corporate Spotlights

Bonus Distribution:AeroMat 2014 Conference & ExpositionJune 16-19—Orlando, Fla.

Advertising closes April 4, 2014

JUNE 2014Composites Testing & Characterization

Highlighting:• Automotive Composites Testing• Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy• Dynamic Testing of Composites

Special Supplement:HTPro newsletter covering heat treating technology, processes, materials, and equipment, along with Heat Treating Society news and initiatives.

Advertising Bonus:• Signet Ad Study

Advertising closes May 5, 2014

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Hexagon on SaturnThis view of Saturn looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from roughly

43° above the ringplane. It was taken with the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle

camera in November using a

spectral filter that preferentially

admits wavelengths of near-

infrared light centered at

752 nm. The picture was

captured from approximately

1.6 million miles away and the

scale is 93 miles per pixel. The

Cassini-Huygens mission is a

cooperative project of NASA,

the European Space Agency,

and the Italian Space Agency.

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory

(JPL), a division of the

California Institute of

Technology, Pasadena,

manages the mission for

NASA’s Science Mission

Directorate, Washington.

The Cassini orbiter and its

two onboard cameras were

designed, developed, and

assembled at JPL. The

imaging operations center is

based at the Space Science

Institute in Boulder, Colo.,


3D printing penThe 3Doodler is a 3D printing pen

developed by Peter Dilworth and Maxwell

Bogue of WobbleWorks LLC, Boston.

3Doodler began fundraising in February

2013 on the crowdfunding platform

Kickstarter. Plastic thread made of either

acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) or

polylactic acid (PLA) is melted and then

cooled while moving through the pen,

which can be used to make 3D objects by

hand. The pen has been described as a

glue gun for 3D printing because of how

the plastic is extruded from the tip, with

1 ft. of the plastic thread equaling “about

11 ft. of moldable material,” according to

company sources.

Just as Saturn’s famous hexagonal-shaped jet stream encircles theplanet’s North Pole, the ringsencircle the planet, as seen fromCassini’s position above. Courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/SpaceScience Institute.

Young scientists explore

nanotechnologyIngenuity Lab, Edmonton, Alberta, is using an

innovative method to teach elementary school children

about the wonder of nanotechnology: Scopey’s Nano

Adventures. The app was designed to teach future

scientists about myriad opportunities at the nanoscale.

Designed for kids ages 5-10, the interactive application

features animated tutorials that make learning creative

and fun, according to developers. The application is

now available on both iOS and Android devices and is

free for Canadian users. Narrated by a cartoon

microscope named Scopey, the app was tested in

classrooms and science centers earlier this year and

was well received by educators, children, and industry


Scopey’s Nano Adventures is anapp created to teach future

scientists about opportunities atthe nanoscale. It features animatedtutorials that strive to make learning

creative and fun.

3Doodler is a handheld 3D printing pen that can drawin the air.

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Specimen Name: NIST nSoft Consortium

Vital Statistics:

ÒSoft materialsÓ are the basis of plastics and compositesÑcritical

for producing everything from consumer goods to automobiles,

but the light elements in these materials are difficult to observe and

study with traditional tools. Neutrons, however, interact strongly

with these light elements and are ideal for studying soft materials.

The NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) operates facilities

designed for users from both industry and academia to study

neutron interactions with matter.

The goal of NISTÕs nSoft Consortium is to bring together

companies and enable them to use neutron measurements to

improve products made from soft matter. NIST scientists share

their experience with member companies and together they work

to identify and develop new measurement tools for understanding

soft materials. Members participate in experiments, training

programs, and meetings that enable them to adopt neutron-based

tools into their research plans and conduct their own proprietary research using NIST facilities.

Success Factors:

Formal operations at nSoft started with a kickoff meeting on August 14, 2012, and included a

dozen companies from industries such as petroleum-based energy products, basic chemicals,

consumer goods, and pharmaceuticals. The consortiumÕs main technical objectives are to explore

material morphology and topology, materials characterization under flow and strain, and shear and structure of soft

material interfaces.

Molecular topology is a critical parameter of manufacturing soft

materials. nSoft is developing neutron scattering and imaging methods

to measure the spatial position and shape of long-chain branched

polyolefins, used to control the flow rate and mechanical properties of

the commodity plastics industry.

Incorporating a Couette rheometer on a SANS instrument (Òrheo-

SANSÓ) demonstrates the capacity of neutrons to probe soft materials

under dynamic conditions. nSoft will build on this effort at the NCNR to

develop in situ measurements using a Sentmanat extensional rheometer,

large amplitude oscillatory shear technology, and hyperbolic inlets to

measure materials under high shear rates (approaching 1 million s-1).

About the Innovators:

The consortium is led by nSoft director Ronald Jones and NIST

researchers Eric Lin, Dan Neumann, and Robert Dimeo. Members

include Dow Chemical, DuPont, Genentech, Kimberly-Clark,

MedImmune, Solvay, Chevron Phillips, ExxonMobil, and several others.

What’s Next:

Soft materials are defined by their interfaces, including surfactants at an

oil/water interface, polymer adsorbtion at a filler interface in composites, and

the interphase between amorphous and crystalline regions in polyolefins.

Depth penetration and sensitivity to contrast variations at internal interfaces

allow neutrons to probe soft material interfaces, even during application of

shear. Methods such as the overflowing cylinder, dynamic Langmuir trough,

and time-resolved SANS are in development to probe this key component of

material design for manufacturing.

Contact Details:

Ronald Jones, nSoft Director

NIST Material Measurement Laboratory and Center for Neutron Research

100 Bureau Dr., Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8553

301/975-4624, [email protected],

A flow cell being developed for

interfacial studies of soft materials and




The Couette rheomete

r sample environment

for the 30-m SANS in

strument at the NIST

Center for Neutron R


Small angl

e neutron


(SANS) dat

a demonstr




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with incre

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