amg database of fund flows and holdings

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AMG Database of Fund Flows and Holdings. Calculating Fund Flows and Holdings. AMG Database of Fund Flows and Holdings. MARKET DATA. INVESTOR DEMAND. LIQUIDITY. MARGINAL FLOWS. Calculating Fund Flows and Holdings. Overview. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • AMG Database of Fund Flows and HoldingsCalculating Fund Flows and Holdings

  • AMG Database of Fund Flows and HoldingsCalculating Fund Flows and HoldingsMARKET DATALIQUIDITYMARGINAL FLOWSINVESTOR DEMAND

  • OverviewHistorical Reports show 800+ weeks of history for every market sector (Prospectus) and Investment Style (Morningstar);Comparative Reports show flows into all sectors with Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, & Annual comparisons;Fund Complex Flows Reports show flows on a Complex, Sector, Combined Share Class, and Individual Share Class basis

    The AMG Data Services Fund Flow Reports are the primary source of information on weekly investor demand in the securities markets:

  • OverviewThe AMG Holdings reports show Portfolio Activity in comparison to other portfolios as well as activity in a security in comparison to other securities:Mutual Fund Portfolios (Quarterly) relate activity of Domestic & International securities to other securities in an Index, Country, Sector, Industry Group, or Exchange;13F Portfolios (Quarterly) relate activity of Domestic securities to other securities in an Index, Sector, Industry Group, or Exchange;ETF Portfolios (Monthly) relate activity of component securities to each other.Together, the AMG Fund Flows and Holdings reports enable you to understand mathematical relationships about market demand with a graphic representation of actual Investor and Professional demand sentiment.

  • The AMG Data Services Fund Flow reports have been the primary source of information relating to weekly investor demand in the securities markets for 16 years. FUND FLOWS AND HOLDINGS

  • Financial Professionals and Fiduciaries can:Identify the nature of current market demandRelate the effect to their clients portfolios.

  • 19000 Mutual Funds $10.5 Trillion Assets Investing in 30,000 CompaniesAMG Fund Flow data is the proxy for marginal investor demand sentiment.ACCURATETIMELYCOMPREHENSIVE

  • The AMG Fund Flow Reports are distributed in two forms: Historical and Comparative;

  • Historical Fund Flow Report

  • Expanded Historical Report

  • Weekly Comparative Fund Flow Report

  • Fund Complex Flows Report

  • Share Class LevelsLinks to view more.Links to more.

  • Share Class Historical Report

  • Report Frequencies

  • Mutual Fund and 13F Holdings

  • Holdings SEC Filings AMG Portfolio data:reports professional trading activity- Quarterly and Monthly

    Mutual Funds (Equities & Bonds - Domestic & International) N-Q; N-CSR Investment Management Companies ($100 Million - Domestic Equities) 13F

    Create Data Sets: Index Country Exchange Industry Group Vendor Custom

  • PortfoliosSelect Portfolio:View Changes:Click to view All Activity in a Security

  • Liquidity Index ReportsSelect Data Set:Define Liquidity:Select Country; thenMutual FundOr13 F PortfoliosMost Widely Held Securities

  • Liquidity Ranking ReportsDefine Liquidity:Rank Most/Least Liquid Securities in Dataset:

  • LIQUIDITY ANALYSIS: FUND FLOWS & HOLDINGSFund Flow Report: Investor DemandHoldings Report: Professional Demand

  • LIQUIDITY ANALYSIS: HOLDINGSRelative Liquidity:Rank Most/Least Liquid Securities in Dataset:

  • LIQUIDITY ANALYSIS: RANKINGSort By: Shares Mkt Value % Portfolio

  • Understand Market DemandInvestor FlowsPortfolio Activity Resulting from the FlowsDistribution:Browser-base interface FTP CSV File Download AvailableIntroductory Pricing: Beginning at $750/year.Contact AMG Data Services for more information.