american history chapter 10 9/14/2015john 3:161. overview americans had overthrown king george iii...

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Page 1: American History Chapter 10 9/14/2015John 3:161. Overview  Americans had overthrown King George III and the Articles of Confederation  Basic distrust

American History

Chapter 10

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Page 2: American History Chapter 10 9/14/2015John 3:161. Overview  Americans had overthrown King George III and the Articles of Confederation  Basic distrust


Americans had overthrown King George III and the Articles of Confederation

Basic distrust of central authority--but saw it as a necessary evil

In debt and revenues limited Skeptical world doubted the upstart

United States

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Page 3: American History Chapter 10 9/14/2015John 3:161. Overview  Americans had overthrown King George III and the Articles of Confederation  Basic distrust

Growing Pains Constitution launched in 1789 amid

growthPopulation doubling each 25 yearsPopulation about 90% ruralAll but 5% lived east of Appalachian

MountainsForeign visitors looked down their noses at

the roughness of pioneering lifeFurther west were Spanish and British

agents moved freely among the settlers

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Growing Pains America had done something no other

nation in history had ever done—free its people from tyranny, told its people they were all equal, and gave the people the power to govern themselves

The Virginia constitution was the first constitution adopted by the people’s representatives in the history of the world

The rest of the world looked with awe upon America

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Washington for President George Washington unanimously

drafted as first president by Electoral CollegeOnly nominee in historyStrong, imposing figureDidn’t seek the office—preferred Mount

VernonBalanced, not brilliantStrength of character, but not politically


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Washington for President Temporary capital was New York City Took oath of office April 30, 1789 Washington’s first cabinet

Secretary of State: Thomas JeffersonSecretary of the Treasury: Alexander

HamiltonSecretary of War: Henry Knox

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The Bill of Rights

Unfinished of Bill of Rights Promised when states were ratifying

constitutionParticular concern of anti-federalistsWould be amendments to constitutionAdopted in 1791

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The Bill of Rights First 10 amendments are the Bill of Rights

1. Freedom of religion, speech, and the press and to assemble

2. Right to bear arms

3. Restricts housing of federal troops in home

4. Protects against unreasonable searches and seizures

5. No imprisonment without due process; cannot be forced to testify against self

6. Right to public and speedy trial by jury

7. Trial by jury in civil cases

8. Freedom from cruel and unusual punishments, excessive bail

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The Bill of Rights

Madison inserted two more—the 9th and 10th

9th: Certain rights “shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people”-we have more rights than those mentioned

10th: All rights not explicitly delegated or prohibited by the federal Constitution “to the States respectively, or to the people”

Brought the constitution back to more anti-federalist stance

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Judiciary Act of 1789

Created the courts○ Organized the Supreme Court○ Federal district and circuit courts○ Est’d Office of Attorney General

John Jay-1st Chief Justice

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Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton1st Sec. of the TreasuryBig central governmentNative of West Indies-doubts

about his loyaltyFinancial wizardArchrival of Thomas JeffersonPay the entire national debt “at

par”—face value of debt○ $54 million○ + Assume debts of states-tie them

to fed. gov’t. ○ Jefferson finally agreed-capitol

moved to the Potomac.

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Customs Duties and Excise Taxes Behind Hamilton’s plan, the United

States owed $75 million“Father of the National Debt” Debt- “National Blessing”

Tariffs to help pay the debtProtection wall around American goods

Started tax on domestic items, e.g. whiskey

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Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a Bank Hamilton wanted national bank to

conduct business and have a location to keep its assets and print money

Jefferson disagreedstate’s responsibilityThe constitution didn’t authorize banks

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Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a Bank Washington asked Jefferson for a

written opinion—Jefferson respondedNo constitutional authorityAll powers not granted to the federal

government were reserved for the states○ The states, not congress, could charter banks

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Interpretation Differences

Jefferson• Strict/Literal Interp.• Based on concern

for states’ rights• Theory of “strict


Hamilton• Loose-What the

constitution did not forbid, it permitted

• Hamilton invoked Art I, Sec VIII, para 18—Congress may pass laws “necessary and proper”

• Basic functions of gov. require a bank

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*North for the bank, South against

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Mutinous Moonshiners in Pennsylvania The Whiskey Rebellion in 1794

Rebellion in PA against Hamilton’s whiskey taxTax collectors tarred and featheredWashington sent troops“Whiskey Boys” dispersedShowed strength of new gov. Some criticized for sending a “sledgehammer to

crush a gnat”

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The Emergence of political Parties Hamilton had established good credit

rating in AmericaNetherlands loaned America at low rates

The tax, the bank, the Whiskey Rebellion suppression, etc. created some states rights enemiesThe central government was “mistreating”


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The Emergence of Political Parties The Hamilton-Jefferson feud became

bitter political rivalry Founders had not envisioned political

partiesopposition voices seemed disloyal

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The Emergence of political Parties Jefferson/Madison face Hamilton

Voices grew louderPolitical messages were publicizedJefferson and Madison formed the

Democratic-Republican party in 1792Hamilton led the FederalistsThe two-party system has worked ever

since○ The party out of power is the “loyal opposition”○ Ensures politics never drifts too far one way

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Foreign Policy Under Washington

French Revolution:Initial approval soured when Reign of Terror beganJeffersonians watched the bloody French Revolution with

interest○ Jefferson: can’t expect to be carried from “despotism to liberty in a

feather bed”

Hamilton’s Federalists feared it

GB & France fighting again-1793-1815 Edmond Genet-minister from French gov’t-pursued

American support Washington issues Neutrality Proclamation of 1793

Started tradition of isolationism

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Embroilments with Britain Britain had kept outposts in Great Lakes

RegionSupplied Miami Confederation, 8 tribesLittle Turtle, Miami chiefKilled hundreds of American forces, —1790-

1791 General “Mad Anthony” Wayne’s forces defeat

them in 1794-Battle of Fallen Timbers Treaty of Greenville: Indian lands were sold

north of the Ohio River

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Embroilments with Britain Britain’s navy attacked hundreds of US

merchant ships and began impressment of our sailors

Still, Hamilton wanted trade with Britain and thus America didn’t respond by getting into the warHamilton’s financial system depended on

trade with the British

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Washington John Jay to Britain to try to avoid warJay’s Treaty:

○ Weak and angered many JDRs○ British promised to evacuate outposts (again)○ Refused to abandon impressment

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Pinckney’s Treaty

Spain feared Anglo-American alliancePinckney’s Treaty of 1795

○ Free navigation of the Mississippi○ Land in north Florida

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Washington’s Farewell

Washington had served two termsDecided to retireStarted a trendIn farewell address, advised against

permanent alliancesFavored temporary alliances for specific


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Washington’s Farewell

Washington’s contributions enormous

Good economic foundation (Hamilton)Expanding nationInternational tradeKept out of foreign wars

Some still criticized for Jay’s Treaty and not helping France

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John Adams Becomes President The presidential campaign of 1796

featured Jefferson and AdamsJefferson: Democratic-RepublicanAdams: FederalistFollowers of each refused to drink in the

same tavern

Adams wins-71 to 68Jefferson VP!Adams was intellectual, tough, had prickly


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John Adams Become President

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Unofficial fighting with France Adams had problems

Hamilton as an enemy France—who had a grudge against the America for not helping

when needed France angry about Jay’s Treaty

Refused to received the American minister Seized American ships

XYZ Affair Adams sent diplomats to avoid war 3 French officials (X, Y, & Z) demanded money to see the minister

—John Marshall, future CJ, refused. War preparations against France began

Dept. of the Navy created Marine Corps reestablished

Unofficial war confined to the sea Convention of 1800-settled matter-ended 1778 Alliance;

negotiated with Napoleon

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Adams Puts Patriotism Above Party France, wanting to avoid war with

America (it was fighting others on the continent) suddenly permitted the American minister to be received

Adams won much acclaim—remained coolHad avoided war while nation was weakCould have won popularity through war by

seizing Florida and Louisiana outright

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Adams Puts Patriotism Above Party France received American envoys and

signed a new treaty with AmericaThe Convention of 1800Deleted the old treaty—allianceAmerica agreed to pay damage claims on

shippersLast of “foreign entanglements” for a long


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Adams puts patriotism Above Party Adams given much credit

His party wanted war with France, but he kept peace

Led to Napoleon selling Louisiana Purchase to America while Jefferson was president (1803)

Suggested his own epitaph: (Not used)○ “Here lies John Adams, who took upon himself the

responsibility of peace with France in the year 1800.”

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The Federalist Witch Hunt Federalists wrote laws to muffle

Jeffersonians Alien Acts

New aliens from Europe were poor○ Scorned by Federalists○ Welcomed by Jeffersonians

Increased to a 14 year wait to become citizens

Pay bond to come inDeportation of “dangerous” aliens

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The Federalist Witch Hunt Sedition Act

Illegal to criticize the government “to keep patriotism strong” (through speech or print)

Obvious violation of 1st AmendmentMany Jeffersonians put in jailFederalists felt the law was justified due to

the “verbal violence of the day(pg 205,206)

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The Virginia (Madison) and Kentucky (Jefferson) Resolutions

Jefferson furious about Sedition and Alien ActsSecretly wrote resolutions approved by

KentuckyMadison did the same in Virginia

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The Virginia (Madison) and Kentucky (Jefferson) Resolutions The logic-”Compact Theory”

The 13 sovereign states created the federal government○ The states were the final judges of whether

the federal government had broken its contract

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The Virginia (Madison) and Kentucky (Jefferson) Resolutions The Kentucky Resolution

Said federal government had exceeded its powers

Nullification—a refusal to accept them—was rightful remedy

No other states would follow Many debated Jefferson saying the people

not the states had created the federal government

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The Virginia (Madison) and Kentucky (Jefferson) Resolutions The determination made that Supreme

Court must nullify legislation passed by the federal government

Nullification resolutions later used by south to secede from Union

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Federalists Versus Democratic-Republicans The Federalists believed the few should

run the countryHamilton said only the “best people” should

be in controlIntellectual arrogance Feared the “swayability” of the untutored

common folk

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Federalists Versus Democratic-Republican Jefferson’s Democratic-Republicans,

often referred to as “Republicans” Jefferson and Hamilton had different

theories of society, politics, and diplomacy

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Federalists Versus Democratic-Republicans Thomas Jefferson

Appealed to the middle class and under privilegedA contradiction

○ An aristocrat with sympathy for the downtrodden○ “I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility

against every form of tyranny over the mind of man”Best government was the one that governed leastNational debt, bequeathed to later generations, should

be paid off“Those who labor in the earth are the chosen people

of God”

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Federalists Versus Democratic-Republicans Jefferson, cont’d: profound respect for the ability of the

masses, when taught Feared landless dependents would be

political pawns Reconciled slavery by offering that

cheap labor would free poor farmer to learn and vote

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