american girl dolls donation request

a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization to develop employment opportunities for young women with autism. Contact us to arrange donations: [email protected] or 646-833-8315 Like us on Facebook GirlAGainBoutique Girl AGain boutique is located at 4 Martine Ave. White Plains, NY 10605 Yes She Can Inc. mission: To open job opportunities for young women with autism by using their positive traits and special interests. To teach job skills to enable employees to progress in their careers, and be able to prepare them for employment in the competitive workforce. To create a model of a social enterprise that can be replicated for other locations by individuals or organizations Learn more at Calling all American Girls Seeking gently used American Girl brand dolls and their clothing, furniture, accessories, and books to be resold in our new boutique operated by

Upload: marjorie-madfis

Post on 08-Jul-2015



Government & Nonprofit

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Seeking donations of gently used American Girl dolls and all their accessories


Page 1: American Girl dolls donation request

a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization to develop employment opportunities for young women with autism.

Contact us to arrange donations: [email protected] or 646-833-8315Like us on Facebook GirlAGainBoutique

Girl AGain boutique is located at 4 Martine Ave. White Plains, NY 10605

Yes She Can Inc. mission:● To open job opportunities for young women with autism by using their positive traits

and special interests. ● To teach job skills to enable employees to progress in their careers, and be able to

prepare them for employment in the competitive workforce.● To create a model of a social enterprise that can be replicated for other locations by

individuals or organizations

Learn more at

Calling all American Girls

Seeking gently used American Girl brand dolls and their clothing, furniture, accessories, and books

to be resold in our new boutique

operated by