american baptist association spring/summer … in nicaragua, columbia, panama, belize, honduras, and...

American Baptist Association SPRING/SUMMER 2017 Missions News s Views c h u r c h e s p r e a c h i n g t h e w o r d c h u r c h e s r e a c h i n g t h e w o r l d I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5

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American Baptist Association SPRING/SUMMER 2017

MissionsNews s Viewsch

u r ches p r e a c hing t he word



r c h e s r e a c h i n g t h e w o rl d1


PO BOX 1050 • TEXARKANA, TEXAS 75504-1050PHONE: 903.792.2312 Email: [email protected]

Secretary-Treasurer of MissionsAmerican Baptist AssociationsP.O. Box 1050Texarkana, Texas 75504-1050




I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit:

for without

meye can do nothing.

John 15:5

John 15:5, Jesus states; “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing.” We live in a fast-paced society. We’re used to quick results. It seems that much of our time and money is spent trying to save time, to do things faster, more efficient, and with less effort. We hurry through our daily tasks so we can move on to something more important. Out of all the thousands of words found in the English language, I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that the word “abide” is probably not one you used last week! We use vernacular that keeps us moving, like “hurry up” or “let’s get going,” but words like “abide” usually escapes us. Webster defines the word abide this way: “to remain or settle down.” The tragedy is that fewer believers are abiding in close-knit fellowship with Christ. If we are not depending upon God’s providence, power or protec-tion, then we are doomed to failure. Trying to do the Lord’s work without the Lord’s help is a recipe for disaster in our lives. Such is the reason for this edition of the Mission News and Views. We have enlisted a few of our mis-sionaries and sending pastors to write of their experiences with the under-standing of the words of Jesus; “for without me ye can do nothing.”Success in the Lord’s work comes when we learn the secret of abiding in Jesus. As we strive to carry out the Great Commission, to reach this world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, let us understand that Abiding leads to Abounding! Respectfully, Bryan Sellers

February in Costa Rica is summer time and, as one might imagine, fruit abounds. Orchards and groves are heavy with their abundance; mountain sides share their harvest; and the rain forests are full of fruit most North Americans have never heard mentioned. Indeed, Costa Rica “bringeth forth much fruit” (John 15:5) this time of the year.

Jesus, of course, was not referring to Costa Rica but rather was using a word picture with which Costa Ricans would be quite familiar. They appreciate the fact that the branch must remain attached to the vine if there is to be a harvest. They know that, while the branch carries the fruit, it is the vine which produces the fruit. The lesson taught by our Lord is one the kind people of Costa Rica live by day in and day out; in fact, it’s the discipline by which many of them make their living. To that end our brethren in Costa Rica understand the need for “abiding in Christ” and seem to be sincerely and honestly connected to our Lord. My recent trip to San Jose, Costa Rica, where I was honored to speak in the Opening Week Services and Ceremonies at the Templo Bautista Misionero Seminero de Gua-dalupe, allowed me the opportunity to spend time with men who either were working or at one time had worked in Nicaragua, Columbia, Panama, Belize, Honduras, and of course, Costa Rica. I found these men of God to be genuine, faithful and hungry for the Word of God. The metropolitan area of San Jose hosts numerous missionaries including ABA recommended mis-sionaries Walter Goulding, Erley Sovalbarro and Errol Solis as well as formerly recommended missionaries Gene Ray Ward and Jaime Pardo. Beyond the concrete and steel of the city, the mountains and jungles are home to countless more missionaries and pastors, many of whom we may never meet in person but we can be sure they are carrying the light of the world into the valleys and shadows of the rain forests. This was my second time to enjoy the privilege of visiting Costa Rica and preaching in the Seminary at Guadalupe. Still today my heart remains full. The reminders of God’s grace and the faithfulness of God’s men abound in every direction. Our churches are sending out missionaries and our missionaries are building strong, doctrinal congregations. There is a great work ongoing in Central America and we have great men leading the way. They have my love and respect; they deserve yours too. Please join me in supporting these men of God with both your prayers and your offerings.

Much Fruitby Dr. Roger Stewart

by Rodney BurdetteMissionary - Rouzerville, PA

“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” John 15:5

Four years ago God called my family and I to Rouzerville, PA. It was unexpected and at the time seemed like an interruption. My focus was on Thailand and what God would have me do next when I returned, but God’s plan was different.

In 2012 Lighthouse Baptist Church, my home church was taking care of the property in Rouzerville, Pennsylvania and was looking for a person to start a church there. I remember saying to myself that will be a great opportunity for someone.

On furlough, we were offered to park our fifth wheel motor home on the Rou-zerville church property while we were in the Mid Atlantic area. We arrived at the building and did some modifications, so we could hook up our motor home and then await-ed a Bible conference that would be held in the building that following week. During the meeting there was also a work week planned to fix up the building. There were outreach teams, build-ing crews, preachers and missionaries. I looked forward to a great meeting and it was. However, God had already started to speak change to my heart and it was very difficult. He spoke to me in the meetings and I struggled because I knew what He wanted me to do. After the meeting was over I was hooking my fifth wheel up to go back on the road, when the battle within came to an end. I said yes to the Lord, after He lovingly laid to rest every excuse that I had.

My Interruption, God’s Plan

“...our strength to do God’s

work does not originate with us,...”

I praise the Lord that on furlough from the work in Thailand, God was divinely mapping our course, so that we would pull into the parking lot of the place that God knew would be my family’s next mission field. The Lord is constantly speak-ing to us and this is why it is so vitally important to abide in Him.

Planting a church is a task that requires dedica-tion and perseverance. We never know what we will face next, but there is blessing in knowing that our strength to do God’s work does not

originate with us, but flows to us and through us from The Lord Himself.

It is crucial to the Lord’s work that we understand that God already knows the end result. Each person reached, every task fulfilled and every word spoken in His name is accomplished already in His sight. Knowing God is sovereign gives me peace to trust Him as He calls me and sends me.

It has been four short years in the small town of Rouzerville, Pennsylvania and hind sight has shown me so much. Mission work is not easy on a foreign field or here in the States, that is why we call it Mission WORK. However, mission work is always rewarding, when the nurture is sent from the vine through the branches and fruit is pro-duced.

It is important that we abide in the Lord, so that we will hear His still small voice. How can we know what God is calling us to do daily for Him, if we are not receiving all that we need from the vine? We cannot! It is essential that we are making sure to seek everything we need to continue in the work that God has called us to.

I believe that God calls and uses those who are available, moldable and often already serving in some capacity.

The Lord Jesus states that He is the vine and we are the branches that make up the membership of each local church. Truly, THE VINE is mighty and the nutrients being sent are inexhaustible. It is easy to see that being disconnected from this source produces no fruit, which is exactly why Jesus states that without Him we can do nothing.

Liberty Baptist Church of Rouzerville, PA has been growing steadily, each member that has found their strength in Him is growing as they abide in the Lord. Liberty has plans to build a new sanctuary in the near future and a vision to be a beacon of light in this area. It truly is a joy to work with God’s people as we reach out to this area and the world with the gospel and love of Jesus.

We are merely branches, conduits which God chooses to use to produce fruit for His glory. Without Him we can do nothing, but with Him all things are possible.

Bro. Rodney Burdette is an Interstate Missionary on Designated Funds. He is sent out by

Lighthouse Baptist Church in Walkersville, MD, Pastor Gary Hubble.

Everett Ledbetter

Missionary Mike Jones

What is your name? Michael Patrick Jones is my name but the only people who call me Mi-chael are my wife, my mom and the government. I have been a man of many names; My older sister calls me “Boss” and my little sister calls me “Mikey” but most people just call me Mike.

Where are you from? I was born in Gaines-ville, Florida but spent most of my life in Geor-gia. Currently my residence is in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Tell us about your family? My family includes my wife (Jenna) and myself. We raised my little sister (Keri) from the time we were married until she went off to college. Jenna is an elementary school art teacher. She has been my best friend and my girlfriend for almost 14 years now and my wife for 8 of those wonderful years.

How did the two of you meet? Jenna and I met in a High School Musical version of “Midsum-mer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare. I was a senior and she was a sophomore. We spent many afternoons after school practicing and rehearsing our lines. There wasn’t a kissing scene, but in the musical her character did fall in love with my character. At that point in my life I was struggling with who I was and who I wanted to be. The more time we spent with each other the more I felt I was becoming a better version of myself. I en-joyed the person that I was when I was around her. She was one of the first people, besides my mom, to see the person I could become not for the knucklehead that I was.

Share your salvation experience. I was not raised in church and my family was not what you would call religious. As I grew up, I was quite the trouble maker. I was always in fights or terror-izing the neighborhood. One night when I was doing things I shouldn’t be doing, around people I should not have been around, an individual pointed a gun in my face and threatened my life. I wasn’t sure if God was real but not ready to die I prayed and told God that if He did exist, and He allowed me to live I would not stop searching until I found Him. What I call now by the grace of God I survived the night unharmed. I soon began distancing myself from all my friends and my search for this God began. Looking back, I see that God showed himself in the most obscure place. It wasn’t in any of the churches I attend-ed or in the books about him, but in the life and smile of a girl named Jenna Ray. A young lady that I was in a high school musical with. As we grew closer in friendship, her family invited me to a fourth of July cookout at their house. It was a night I will never forget. The main reason is because at 2 a.m. while everyone was asleep, Jenna’s dad (Tommy Ray) took time to talk to me about who I was and my thoughts about God. Most importantly, he was kind enough to listen to me as I began to tell him about my life, and my search for God. I remember him telling me that God was real, and that God loved me. God loved me so much He sent His only son to die for me. He explained if I wanted to be saved, and have a relationship with God, I just needed to repent and ask Jesus into my heart. I believe it was a little after 4 a.m. when I asked Jesus to come into my heart and save me. I thank God every day for Tommy and Jeanette Ray. They did not look at

Serving the Lord in Fayetteville, NC. Sent out by Eastside BC in Minden, LA.

the trouble maker I was, they loved my soul and loved me to the cross of Jesus. For that reason, I am forever grateful for them.

What is a skill you would like to learn? I would love to learn how to play the piano. It seems it is a skill that is very useful in the ministry.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why? I have always dreamed of traveling. The places that I would like to go constantly change, but the one place that has always remained con-sistent is Greece. Watching movies and studying Greek mythology fascinated me when I was young-er. Then after I was saved and began reading the bible, it made me want to go to Greece even more. The opportunity to walk where Paul walked, and stand where Paul preached on Mars Hill makes me very excited.

Other than your salvation, what was one of your most important moments in life? Jan 3, 2009. The day that I stood across the aisle from Jenna and said “I Do”!

What is your strongest personal quality? I feel my strongest personal quality is my ability to relate to anyone anywhere at any time. I am a “people person” and enjoy listening to people’s stories and per-spectives. As the cliché goes “Jack of all trades, master of none”, I feel that being a “jack of all trades” helps me be more relatable.

What age do you feel right now and why? I am 388 months old as of March 2017. Before you take out your calculator I am currently 32 years old, but I feel like I’m 50. I feel 50 years old from living like I was invincible at an early age breaking countless bones while doing ridiculous things like, back flips off a house or crashing anything that had wheels; not to mention the time I was hit by a car while riding my bicycle. On a positive note my bones tell me when it’s going to rain.

How do you spend your free time? I like to spend my free time in what I consider “ballistics thera-py”. Being a firearms instructor, shooting and working on firearms is something that gives me great pleasure. It is relaxing and exhilarating all at the same time. When I have a free weekend, I enjoy shooting in pistol competitions and 3-Gun Tournaments, or going to the range with some church folks—fellowship and firearms doesn’t get much better than that!

Joseph Howell Barker was born on May 21, 1957 in Seneca, South Carolina, to Ted D. and Myrtle Barker. He was saved and baptized at the age of nine at Glen-dale Baptist Church in Mauldin, South Carolina, a church his father founded. Joe grew up with a love for the Lord’s work and served Him as a bus worker throughout his late teens and twenties, in Florida. He attended Florida Bap-tist Schools in Lakeland, Florida, straight out of high school. He went on to graduate from Landmark Bap-tist Institute in Mauldin, South Carolina. It was there that he surrendered to preach. He was later called as a missionary to Paraguay, South America and was ordained and sent out by the church his father then pastored, Forrest Avenue Baptist Church in Apopka, Florida. In 1991, Joe married Antonia Couoh and they became parents to three children, daughter, Eliana, son, Sam, and daughter, Paz. When Joe first moved to Paraguay, he worked alongside one of his brothers, Ted C. Barker in Ciudad del Este. Several years later, Joe and his family would move four hours away to begin a mission work in the city of Villarrica. Through his many years of service to the Lord in the country of Paraguay, Bro. Joe or “Pastor Jose” as his church members called him, was instru-mental in seeing churches begin not only in Villarrica, but also in the towns of Santa Ana and Iruna. It was in the 1990s that Joe contracted the rare disease, Elephantiasis in his legs. It slowed him down physically, but never slowed him down in spreading the gospel! Over the twenty-five years that Joe was a missionary, he would spend much time in the hospi-tal and each time, would see souls saved, which often included doctors as well as nurses. Unfortunately, Ele-phantiasis began to spread throughout his body, taking over his lungs, other organs and finally into his heart. On October 13, 2016, Bro. Barker died on the mission field, in his beloved Paraguay. He not only entered heaven where he was reunited with his earthly

Joseph Howell BarkerMay 21, 1957 - October 13, 2016

Missionary to Paraguay

father, and was free from the daily pain he fought for years, but was as he would say was his greatest joy, he saw his Savior face to face! Bro. Barker is survived by his wife, Antonia, daughter Eliana, age 18, son Sam, age 13, and daughter Paz, age 11. He also leaves behind his mother, Myrtle Barker of Apopka, Florida, brother, Missionary Ted C. (Lume) of Cd. del Este, Paraguay, brother, Pastor Scott of Apopka, Florida, and sister, Amy McCarver (Glenn), missionary wife to El Paso, Texas. He also had nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews who loved him dearly. He was loved by all who knew him and was a family oriented man, but his greatest desire was truly to see one more soul saved!

Would you help me honor one of the finest men I ever knew?Would you help me build the JOE BARKER MISSIONS CENTER, here in the

city he loved?

We have great property, bought and paid for. I want to begin very soon to build the property wall. We then will build a foundation for four floors, as soon as the funds come in. This Missions Center will have rooms where mission teams can stay. It will have a place for a Bible Institute. It will have an apartment for Lume and me, so we can be available to our teams, or new missionaries. I hope to have an extra apartment where a new missionary family could “land” and live rent free for a few months while they hunt for a house and furniture. Help us if you can. Pray even if you cannot help.

The Missions Center land is right behind our oldest church here. It is just ten minutes drive from the bridge to Brazil, and fifteen minutes ride from the ferry to Argentina. Help us establish a strong base for work in this three nation area. Send your offerings to Ted Barker, 230 E. 6th St. Apopka, FL 32703. Mark your gift “Missions Center.”

Left is the property for the Joe Barker Missions Center.Below is pastor Dani Silva, pastor of the church in Villarrica. The work continues and there is more to do.

The good Lord willing, the messengers of the churches of the American Baptist Association will meet in Daytona Beach, Florida, on June 20, 21 and 22 for the 92nd meeting. I prayerfully encourage the pastors and church members to make your plans now to attend the meeting and be blessed by the Christ-hon-oring singing and the preaching of the Word by men of God. The messenger meeting affords everyone the wonderful opportunity to visit with friends of many years, make new friends and visit with missionar-ies and their families. Pastors, please challenge the church that you are privileged to serve and urge the people of God to make it possible for you to attend. Some churches may need to begin a fund now to send their pastor.

Daytona Beach is a wonderful place to enjoy a vacation with your family. The messengers met in Daytona Beach in 2006 and many pastors and their families took advantage of the beauty of this city to spend time together. Bro. Edgar N. Sutton, Director of Meeting Arrangements, works very hard in behalf of the churches to keep prices as low as possible for meals and hotels. Bro. Sutton is a tireless worker. I commend Bro. Sutton for the many years that he has served and continues to serve in helping the messen-gers of the churches in regard to the annual meet-ings.

Let’s Make Plans Now

to go to Daytona Beach

By: Dr. Randy Cloud, ABA President

The American Baptist Association is a fellowship of Missionary Baptist churches laboring together to preach the gospel to the world (Mark 16:15). It is the will of God that His churches be triumphant church-es for His glory! The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 2:14, “Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ.” The triumphant church will:

EXALT THE SAVIOR!Almighty God has highly exalted His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus (Philippians 2:9). If a church pleases God, that church must exalt Jesus! The word exalt means “to lift up above.” The triumphant church is “to lift up Jesus to a lost and dying world.” The Psalmist declared, “O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together” (Psalm 34:3). The proph-et Isaiah proclaimed, “O LORD, thou art my God; I will exalt thee; I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth” (Isaiah 25:1). The triumphant church will:

EDIFY THE SAINTS!The Bible says of the early churches, “Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied” (Acts 9:31).

The word “edify” is an architectural term that means to build up. By the inspiration of God, the Apostle Paul wrote, “Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do” (1 Thessalonians 5:11). The people of God are to edify one another through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God, praying for one another and encouraging one another in the work of the Savior. The triumphant church will:

EVANGELIZE THE SINNER!The Bible says, “Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word” (Acts 8:4). Evangelism is the center and circumference of the triumphant church. Bringing lost souls to Jesus Christ is the principal responsibility of every child of God in the triumphant church.

The great heart of God is wrapped up in the glorious work of evangelism. New Testament evangelism is obeying the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

With the help of God, may the churches of the American Baptist Association be triumphant churches for His honor and glory! I am looking forward to seeing you in Daytona Beach!

Hebrews 2:9

TO A.B.A. CHURCHES: On May 22-23, 2017, (starting at 1:00 p.m. on Monday) the annual pre-associational meeting of the Standing Missionary Committee will be held at Northern Hills Baptist Church in Texarkana, Ar-kansas. They will review the missionary recommendation forms that serve as a basis for presenting a recommended list of missionary and missionary helpers to our church messengers when we meet in Daytona Beach, Florida, June 20-22, 2017. These 25 men have volunteered time away from their churches, ministries, and families to serve us, and they receive no compensation for their valuable assistance to our associational work. We want to respect these men and their time and reimbursing them for their travel, lodging, and meals expenses is the very least we can do. It takes approximately $12,000 for these men to travel from all over the U.S. and Mexico to meet in Texarkana to serve us. In years past, we have stepped up and funded their travel expense, and this year we want to continue that brotherly practice.Please receive a special offering from your church and send it to the office of Secretary-Treasurer of Missions, P.O. Box 1050, Texarkana, Texas 75501-1050 and designate it Missionary Committee Travel Expense Fund. As we all join together in this project, we assist hard working missionaries get their recommen-dation forms reviewed and presented to our churches. Your offering will not only help the committee but dedicated men who labor so faithfully in their fields of labor.Thank you in advance for hearing and participating in this much needed request.

Brotherly,Bill Kuykendall, TexasMicah Carter, ArkansasJohn Mix, Virginia

Missionary Committee Travel Expense Fund Committee

Standing Missionary Committee MeetingMay 22-23, 20171:00 pm Monday

Northern Hills Baptist Church


[ ] New Recommendation [ ] Re-Recommendation

RECOMMENDING AS:[ ] Interstate Missionary[ ] Foreign Missionary[ ] National Missionary[ ] Missionary Helper[ ] Mission Ministries




Salary Requested: Full [ ] or Other [ ] $___________________ Is this a Change in Salary? Yes [ ] No [ ]








[ ] Single [ ] Married [ ] Widowed [ ] Divorced

If married more than once or divorced, please attach an explanation to the form.




YEAR SAVED ________ YEAR BAPTIZED ________














This form must be received by April 20, 2017, 60 days prior to the Messenger Meeting in Daytona Beach, FL. Please fill out the form completely and mail to: Secretary-Treasurer of Missions

American Baptist AssociationPO Box 1050

Texarkana, TX 75504-1050


Are you a member of your recommending church? ________ Are you in full agreement with the Doctrinal Statements of the American Baptist Association (pages 136-138) of the 2016 Yearbook? ________



PROPOSED AREA OF MISSION WORK (city, state, province, country): _________________________________

NAME OF MISSION OR CHURCH_____________________________________________________________________

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE MISSION WORK:_________________________________________________________




Salary $ __________ Housing $__________ Property $ __________ Other $ __________________________

ANNUAL STATISTICAL REPORT FOR EXISTING WORKS 2016-2017 Professions of Faith _______Baptisms _______

Other Additions _______Mission Membership _______







Indicate areas and approximate amount of monthly support this church will be contributing to missionary and mission: SALARY $ ___________ HOUSING $ ___________ PROPERTY $ ___________ OTHER $ ___________

If you have a current photo to update the Missionary Poster, please send the photo via email to [email protected] in a JPEG format. Please include

the name of the missionary in the e-mail.

Any questions, please call or email the missions office. Phone: 903-792-2312 Email: [email protected]

Missions OfficeDate Received:______________________By:_______________________Returned for Additional Information:______________________Received Back in Office:_________________

Is this church in full agreement with the Doctrinal Statement of the American Baptist Association (pages 136-138)of the 2016 Yearbook? __________

This recommendation was approved by the sponsoring church on ______ day of ___________________, 2017.

Moderator________________________________ Church Clerk_________________________________________



Attendance Averages

Morning Worship _____ Sunday School _____

Evening Worship _____ BTC _____ Mid Week Services _____

American Baptist Association SPRING/SUMMER 2017

MissionsNews s Views

chu r ches p r e a c hing t he word



r c h e s r e a c h i n g t h e w o rl d11


PO BOX 1050 • TEXARKANA, TEXAS 75504-1050PHONE: 903.792.2312 Email: [email protected]

Secretary-Treasurer of MissionsAmerican Baptist AssociationsP.O. Box 1050Texarkana, Texas 75504-1050




I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit:

for without

meye can do nothing.

John 15:5