amazing spider-man episode 2 (1-2)

Amazing Spider-Man Episode 2 (S1-E2) “Coming Home” Based on the comic series by J. Michael Straczynski Screenplay adapted by Taylor Spearman All Rights Reserved Trademark of Marvel Comics The episode starts with a quick flashback through the events of the last episode while a narrator (preferably Stan Lee) speaks over the scenes. Narrator: Peter Parker is living the life of a swinging bachelor! After his wife, Mary Jane, left him for the time being, Peter has moved into a small apartment in Manhattan. While exploring the city, contemplating his feelings, Peter finds himself at his old high school, where he spent his life before gaining his spider powers. There he confronts a trio of bullies from picking on a young boy, but realizes that he cannot do anything to stop the bullying. That night, while on patrol, Peter is confronted by a mysterious man named Ezekiel, who not only knows that Peter is Spider- Man, but also has spider powers of his own! Interior—Day—Aunt May’s Kitchen

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Post on 12-Apr-2015




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Peter Parker, the Amazing...School Teacher? Peter goes to his old high school to apply for a substitute teacher position, but soon has to use his powers to stop tragedy from befalling the students.


Page 1: Amazing Spider-Man Episode 2 (1-2)

Amazing Spider-Man

Episode 2 (S1-E2)

“Coming Home”

Based on the comic series by J. Michael Straczynski

Screenplay adapted by Taylor Spearman

All Rights Reserved Trademark of Marvel Comics

The episode starts with a quick flashback through the events of the last episode while a narrator (preferably Stan Lee) speaks over the scenes.

Narrator:Peter Parker is living the life of a swinging bachelor! After his wife,

Mary Jane, left him for the time being, Peter has moved into a small apartment in Manhattan. While exploring the city, contemplating his feelings, Peter finds himself at his old high school, where he spent his life before gaining his spider powers. There he confronts a trio of bullies from picking on a young boy, but realizes that he cannot

do anything to stop the bullying. That night, while on patrol, Peter is confronted by a mysterious man named Ezekiel, who not only

knows that Peter is Spider-Man, but also has spider powers of his own!

Interior—Day—Aunt May’s Kitchen

Start with an extreme close shot of Peter’s eye as he is lost in thought.

Ezekiel:(VO) I know what you’re thinking. Am I a friend, or an enemy?


Ezekiel stands on the water tower as the wind whips his coat around him. Shot is in black-and-white.


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My name is Ezekiel, and I have a question for you.


Pull back a little from Peter, still staying in close but focusing on his face. He is lost in the recollection of the events from the night before.

Ezekiel:(VO) This is the five million dollar question. I’m about to yank your

chain like nobody else ever has before, and nobody ever will again. So listen carefully.

Off-screen, Aunt May is barely heard saying something to Peter.

Aunt May:(OS) (Far off) (Barely audible) Would you like another egg, Peter?


Closer in on Ezekiel’s face as he smiles a wide grin.

Ezekiel:Did the radiation enable the spider to give you those powers?


Peter sits at the kitchen table of his Aunt May’s. An empty plate sits in front of him with utensils.

Ezekiel:(VO) Or was the spider trying to give you those powers before the

radiation killed it?

Aunt May:(OS) I said would you like another egg, Peter?

Peter snaps out of his daze.

He looks up to see his Aunt May standing next to him. In one hand is a skillet and in the other a spatula.

Peter:Hmm? Oh…Um…sorry, Aunt May, I was—

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Aunt May:(Nods her head) A thousand miles away, yes, I could tell. I’ve seen that faraway look in your eyes since you were three and trying to

decide whether or not cats could fly given sufficient incentive and a head start off the roof.

Move in closer to Aunt May.

Aunt May:When that happens, I wait, and repeat, just like it says on those

shampoo bottles, “wash and repeat,” except there’s no water involved. Eventually, you come back. You always do. It’s just

something I’ve gotten used to.

Aunt May uses the spatula to scoop up the last of the eggs and shots it to Peter.

Aunt May:So: Peter, last egg. Last egg, Peter. Would you two like to get


Peter:(OS) (Softly) Yes, ma’am.

Aunt May slides the egg onto Peter’s plate.

Aunt May takes the empty skillet and places it in the sink. She turns on the water and lets it run over the skillet.

Aunt May:So are you going to tell me what’s got you so distracted this

morning? Or should I start checking the roof for Mrs. Bailey’s cat?


CLOSE on Peter’s face as he hesitates.

Peter:(VO) How do I explain that last night someone I’ve never met

before turned my life completely upside down.


Ezekiel leaps off the building and disappears into the night.

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Ezekiel:Take care of yourself, P. I’ll be in touch.

Spider-Man leaps up to the spot where Ezekiel stood. He looks around for any sign of the mysterious man.

Peter:(VO) Somebody with powers very close to my own. Who seems to

know more about the source of my power than I do. And who knows my real name.


Peter takes his glass of water and sips from it.

Peter:(VO) How do you explain? You don’t. You just lie the same way

you’ve lied for years now. You lie to the woman who raised you and means more to you than your own life. It sucks. I hate it. But its


Aunt May sits across Peter at the table. She has a fresh mug of coffee in hand.

Peter:I went by my old high school the other day.

Aunt May:Ah, nostalgia. I should’ve recognized the look. I spend quite a bit of

time there myself. How did it feel to be back?

As Peter talks, the background changes to show different flashbacks of the past. The flashbacks show the outside of his high school, a young Peter being put in a headlock by Flash Thompson, a young and beautiful Gwen Stacy, Peter being bitten on the hand by the spider, and Peter sitting in the chemistry lab doing an experiment.

Peter:Weird. In some ways that school was the worst part of my life. In others, it was the best, because that’s when things changed for me…I mean, I caught some breaks got bit by the…science bug,

started selling my photos to the Bugle…the school was a real chance for me to come into my own.

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Aunt May:(OS) And now…?

The flashbacks in the background behind Peter continue, but showing the present state of the school as well as the bullies beating up Joey.

Peter:Now…it’s kind of fallen on hard times. Fraying at the edges,

covered in graffiti…I get the feeling that now it’s an even tougher place for kids who are…well, like I was at that age.

Aunt May:(OS) Gifted? Talented?


Peter lowers his head and closes his eyes. He loses himself in thought again.

Aunt May:Well, you know, I was talking with Mrs. Champfer the other day.

Aunt May waits for a response from Peter, but there is none.

Aunt May:I said I was talking with Mrs. Champfer the other day.

Peter opens his eyes and looks up at Aunt May.

Peter:I went away again, didn’t I?

Aunt May:Yes.


CLOSE ON:Aunt May takes a sip from her coffee.

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Aunt May:Her son, Ronald, was a substitute teacher there last year. He said it’s hard to find good teachers who’ll work in that district. The pay isn’t great, and the neighborhood isn’t what it used to be. He said they’re trying to get professionals in a variety of fields to come in

and teach class once or twice a week. Apparently, they can defer a teaching credential in favor of work experience.


Peter senses a little hidden meaning in Aunt May’s words.

Peter:What are you suggesting?

Aunt May:Not a thing.

Peter:Yes, you are.

Aunt May:No. I’m not. But if I were—


Aunt May innocently sips from her coffee.

Aunt May:If I were…I’d suggest that maybe your sense of fairness is telling you that the kids there today aren’t getting the same breaks you did. And maybe you could repay a little of that, give back to the

school that gave you so much. If I were of a mind to suggest such things. Which of course, I’m not.

Peter lowers his head towards his plate and loses himself in thought again.

Aunt May picks up Peter’s plate and carries it to the sink.

Aunt May:I love watching the gears begin to turn…

Exterior—Day—Simms Inc Building

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Establishing shot of the Simms Incorporated Building HQ in downtown Manhattan.

Move in to one of the top floors of the building. Ezekiel is seen standing at the window, looking at onto the city.

Accountant:(OS) You seem rather distracted, sir…


Ezekiel, wearing a slick business suit, turns away from the window and faces the rest of the boardroom. The members of the board sit at a long black table in the middle of the room.

Ezekiel:Hmm? Oh, yes, I suppose I am. I was out late last night. Please


Accountant:Yes, sir.

Ezekiel takes his seat at the head of the table. His accountant sits to his left, reading through papers.

Accountant:Overseas holdings show a twelve percent increase in revenue over this same quarter last year and up ten percent over the course of

the last fiscal yea…

Ezekiel sighs to himself, incredibly bored.

Ezekiel:(Under his breath) And he wonders why I get distracted.

The accountant overhears this and looks up.


Ezekiel straightens up and adjusts his tie.

Ezekiel:You’re new here, aren’t you?

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Accountant:I uhm…yes, sir.

Ezekiel:Then let me make it simple for you. This is a general meeting for

the sake of the other partners, so all I want is the coffee table figure.

Accountant:(Confused) Of course, sir, I…uhm…the what?

Ezekiel:The coffee table figure. If I took all the money we have, and

dumped it out onto the coffee table over there, what would it be?

The accountant looks nervous, looking around at the rest of the table.

Accountant:I’ve…never been asked that question before.

Ezekiel:I rather got that impression.

Accountant:If you can give me a moment…

Ezekiel:Take two.

The accountant starts to frantically do the numbers to find the solution.

Ezekiel chuckles to himself while the woman sitting next to him smiles at him.

Female Board Member:You’re enjoying this aren’t you?

Ezekiel:It’s a small pleasure, and small pleasures are the best pleasures. A warm pair of slippers, saving the last crisp piece of bacon for your

last bite in the morning, giving the accountant a snuggie—

Accountant:(OS) I have it, sir.

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Ezekiel:Yes, Prince Mishkin, what’s your prognosis?

The accountant clears his throat and reads his findings.

Accountant:Allowing for variations in real assets Vs liquid assets, and taking

into effect this years amortization—


Accountant:Five hundred, twenty-three million, seven hundred forty thousand dollars…and some change. That’s a very large coffee table, sir.

Ezekiel:It’s a start.

Several of the board members see something outside that catches their attention.

Accountant:Now we can go over the…uhm…

The accountant stops and looks at his coworkers as they look at something out the window.

Accountant:That is…I can…sir?

Ezekiel has stood up from his chair and is looking out the window yet again.


The accountant turns in his seat and looks out the window, adjusting his glasses.

Accountant:What is it? I don’t…see anything outside.

Ezekiel:No, I don’t expect you would.

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Ezekiel stands at the window and watches as Spider-Man is seen swinging by outside.

Ezekiel:You can go now. Thank you for the figures.

The rest of the board members stand up and leave out the main doors.

The woman sitting next to Ezekiel walks over and stands next to him at the window.

Woman:You made contact last night, didn’t you? Against all our


Ezekiel:I did.

Woman:I just hope you know what you’re doing. You’re not the only one at risk here. If this goes badly, it could destroy all of us. Rather than

face that prospect, given the choice…I’d rather it was him than us. He is expendable.

Ezekiel:Is he? I’m not so sure…not so sure at all…

Exterior—Day—Outdoor Café

Morlun, now wears a black bandanna over his head and has his hair in a pony-tail, sits at a table with Dex. They sit in a large outdoor section of a small Manhattan café. They each have a drink in front of them while Dex has a croissant on his plate.

Morlun nods towards the uneaten pastry before Dex.

Morlun:You haven’t eaten your croissant.

Dex replies hesitantly, obviously terrified of Morlun.

Dex:I guess I’m not as hungry as I thought.

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Morlun:You should eat. Keep your strength up. I do. But I’ve had longer

than you to acquire good habits. (Beat) Much longer.

Morlun’s tone becomes much more serious.

Morlun:Eat your croissant, Dex.

Dex gives in and picks up his fork.

Dex:Yes, Morlun.

Dex slowly starts to eat the croissant.

Morlun:Do you know why humans are a people of hope? Because you make things like croissants and pastry. Pastry in particular. You

make something of astonishing beauty, carefully decorated, fragile, lovely, knowing that the person who receives it will appreciate that beauty only for about two seconds before devouring it. In that, we

have something in common.

Morlun senses something and looks up towards a nearby building.

Morlun:And speaking of which…

Spider-Man s seen in the distance swinging through the air.

Morlun’s eyes suddenly flash with a bright red light. His face quickly changes from calm and handsome to terrifying and evil.


As Spider-Man swings through the air, he is hit hard and suddenly by his spider-sense. It is so hard he is knocked out of the air.


Spidey tumbles through the air towards the ground.

Spidey manages to get a hold of himself and shoot a web to the nearest building and pull himself towards it.

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Spider-Man lands with a less than graceful thud against the side of the building. Still shaken up from the spider-sense blast.

Peter:(VO) What the heck was that? Spider-sense went nuts, like nothing

I’ve ever felt before. Like the word HIDE was burned across my brain in letters ten feet high.

Spider-Man looks down at the street below him, where the café Morlun and Dex are eating at is seen. But Spidey does not see anything of immediate danger.

Peter:(VO) Don’t see anything…so why the spidey-sense bullet through the brain? This is ridiculous. I have to get going. I can’t just hide

here under a ledge all day. I’ll just…shoot a web and leap out there and get going on my way. I’ll just…

Spider-Man is silent for a moment as he ponders this over.

After a few moments, Spider-Man slowly crawls around the corner of the building instead of swinging away.

Peter:(VO) Slip around this way.


Morlun has been watching all this carefully. He smiles to himself as he enjoys playing with his prey.

Morlun:Carefully decorated. Fragile. Lovely. Doomed. Sad, really, but then it’s always sad. Always has been. Always will be. It’s your lot, you

know, to be things of beauty, here for a moment, a flicker, and gone. So sad…

Morlun turns towards Dex. Dex has finished eating the croissant and sits in silence.

Morlun:How was the croissant?


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Dex:Kill me.

Morlun:Not today.

Dex:Soon though?

Morlun:We’ll see…Now drink your coffee. It’s an orange mocha. Before it

gets cold.


Exterior—Day—Midtown High School

Set up establishing shot at Midtown High. It is the middle of the school day, so there are not too many kids outside.

Lady:(OS) (Screaming) ICK! Spider! Get it!


Interior—Day—Office, High School

The office of the high school is a small square room with a sliding window that connects to the main hallway. The office has a desk near the window and numerous file cabinets in the back.

A student assistant leans against the cabinets eating an apple. She watches as the secretary kneels down with a rolled up paper in hand swatting at an unseen spider.

Secretary:I hate spiders. I swear they, they just know when you’re about to smush ‘em and they scurry under a ledge or a door and you can’t

get to them and I hate spiders—

Student Assistant:You mentioned that part already.

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The secretary swats underneath the desk, trying to hit the spider but missing every time.


Student Assistant:Conceding defeat, General?

Secretary:For now. Sooner or later I’ll nail him. You ask me, if every icky

spider-thingie on the planet fried on the spot, it’d be a better world for everybody.

The secretary stands up from the ground and sees Peter Parker, dressed in a nice outfit, standing at the window of the office.

Secretary:Oh, yes…?

Peter:Uhm…I’m Peter Parker…I called about the work experience

teaching credential…


The secretary walks to the back of the office towards the cabinets.

Secretary:I’ll just get the paperwork. (To herself) Stupid spider…

Peter looks down at the ledge of the office window.

The spider that the Secretary was swatting at slowly crawls over to Peter, who lowers his hand onto the ledge.

Peter holds his hand palm up and allows the spider to crawl up his arm.

The spider crawls up Peter’s arm, across his chest, and down his other arm.

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Peter places his other hand on the ledge and allows the spider to crawl away. In the background, the main entrance to the building is seen through a wave of students.

Peter smiles as he watches the spider crawl away, when his spider-sense suddenly goes off.

Peter:What the—

Through the window of the door leading into the school, a hooded figure is seen approaching with a raised AK-47 in hand.

Peter:(OS) Gun…

The Hooded Gunman lowers the rifle and aims through the door.

Peter:(OS) GUN!

Peter runs and tackles as many students he can to the ground just as gunfire goes off, bullets shooting through the wooden doors.





Just outside the door, the Hooded Gunman holds the AK-47 in his hands and fires it repeatedly through the door. He wears a blue hoody (hood up) with a green jacket over it.

Peter tries to herd all the students away from the door and out of harms way. Glass from the window flies through the air.

Peter:(VO) I move myself without thinking. Putting myself between them

and the bullets.

Peter works quickly, pulling in as many students as he can and pushing them down the hallway away from the gunfire.

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Peter:(VO) I have to move slower than usual to avoid hurting them, but I

don’t care about the added risk. I don’t even care about what anyone might think if they see me.

Peter gets to an open classroom door and starts to push the kids through the door and into safety.

Peter:(VO) There’s a time for secret identities and there’s a time to save

lives and by God he’s not going to hurt these kids and I don’t care if I get killed doing it. He’s not going to get them. He’s not. He’s not.

Peter quickly enters the classroom and, just before closing the door, grabs a student (Joey) and pulls him in, closing the door behind.

Peter:Got you!


Peter looks around the room, which is a science classroom. All the students are cowering behind the lab stations in fear for their lives.

Peter:(VO) They’re scared. They think they’re going to die.

Peter slowly becomes angry with the fact that these kids have to fear for their lives at such a young age.

Peter:(VO) It’s not right. Kids shouldn’t have to come to school thinking

they’re going to die. I won’t have it.

The Science Teacher sticks his head out from around the corner of one of the stations. He is terrified as much as the kids are.

Science Teacher:I…I don’t hear any more shots. Maybe…maybe he’s stopped.

Maybe he’s gone away.

Peter crouches down and presses his ear to the door. He is feigning listening for the shooter when he is really using his spider-sense.

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Peter:No. He’s inside.

Joey sits against a table nearby Peter clutching a school book to his chest. He sits across the aisle from another student.

Joey:(Scared) What…what’re we gonna do?

Student 1:(Harshly) Shut up! You wanna let him know we’re here, stupid? Besides, you can’t do squat, you creep, so you may as well just

shut up.

Joey looks down at his feet and silences himself. He clutches his school book closer to his chest.

Peter:(VO) I remember him from the last time I was here. Joey? Yeah,

that was it…Joey…they were taking him down pretty bad.

Move in closer to the ADVANCED CHEMISTRY book clutched to Joey’s chest.

Peter:(VO) And I think…maybe, just maybe, I can save more than just

lives here.

Peter stays crouched down and moves over to where Joey is sitting.

Peter:You’re Joey, right?


Peter:You pretty good at chemistry?


Student 1:What’re you—

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Peter holds his hand up the Student 1’s face and silences him, his attention on Joey and the situation.

Peter:I’m not talking to you. (To Joey) Listen to me closely, Joey…I don’t know if he’s reloading or looking for some target in particular, but

either way we don’t have much time. Look behind you.

Sitting in the back of the room on a table near the air duct vent are several boxes containing different chemicals for lab assignments.

Peter:(OS) I’m thinking he can’t hit what he can’t see. What do you think?

Joey raises up slightly and looks back at the table of chemicals.

He lowers himself back down to Peter.

Peter:I’m going back out there. And I could really use the help, okay?

Joey nods his head, but is still obviously nervous.

Joey:O-okay, but what if he sees me?

Peter:He won’t. I swear it.

Peter stands up, placing his hand on the desk to help spring him towards the door. Joey stands up as well.


Joey:Yeah…I think so.

Peter:On three.

Student 1:What’re you—

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Peter:(Ignoring) One…two…THREE!

Peter bolts for the door, not hiding his speed as Spider-Man. He opens the door and disappears into the hallway.

Joey runs to the back of the classroom, nearly stumbling over other students.

Joey pulls up a chair and climbs onto the table near the air vent.

Interior—Day—School Hallway

Peter quickly looks around the hallway. There is no sign of the Hooded Shooter anywhere.

Peter quickly moves across the hall and takes cover behind a set of lockers.

Peter:(VO) I can find the shooter, but I don’t want him doing any more

harm before I can get my hands on him.

Peter checks around the corner and runs down the hallway, pulling his jacket off as he does so.

Peter:(VO) C’mon, Joey, don’t let me down.

Interior—Day—Science Lab Classroom

Joey stands on the table by the air vent. The cover to the vent has been removed. Joey is throwing several cans of chemicals into the air vent. Clouds of multi-colored smoke is leaking from the vent.

Teacher:(OS) Joey Castone! Get down from there right now! I said get


Joey:Tannic acid, where’s the tannic acid?


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Inside the air vent, numerous cans of chemicals lay broken and mix together to make a large cloud of multi-colored smoke that moves through the vents.


In another classroom, the students and teacher watch as a large cloud of colored smoke leaks into their room through the air vent.

Female Student:What’s that…fire?

Teacher:No…there’s no smell of burning, stay down!

Interior—Day—School Hallway

Thick clouds of colored smoke fills the hallway. Peter smiles as the smoke surrounds him and he removes his shirt, revealing his costume underneath.

Peter:(VO) Way to go, Joey…way to go.

In another part of the school, the Hooded Figure looks around in confusion and hysteria as the smoke surrounds him.

Hooded Figure:(Cough) (Cough) Not fair…not fair…(Yelling) I’M GONNA KILL


The Hooded Figure fires off several shots into the smoke, hoping to hit someone or something.

Spider-Man:(OS) Not today you’re not.

The Hooded Figure turns around frantically and fires off more shots into the smoke.

Hooded Figure:(Yelling) WHO’S THERE?! WHERE ARE YOU?

A shadowed figure appears in the smoke and approaches the Hooded Figure.

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Spider-Man emerges from the smoke, making himself look terrifying.

Spider-Man:Right here.

The Hooded Figure raises his AK-47 and screams as he opens fire wildly at Spider-Man.

Hooded Figure:(Yelling) YAAAAGGHHH!

Spider-Man deftly leaps back and sideways and sticks to the side of a locker. He leaps back down into a crouch on the ground then leaps forward towards the camera, all while avoiding the bullets.

Spider-Man tackles the Hooded Figure to the ground, making him drop the assault rifle.

Spider-Man leans down and grabs the Hooded Figure by the jacket and lifts him up, shaking him.

Spider-Man:Get up! Who are you? What’s wrong with—

As Spider-Man shakes him, the hood of the Hooded Figure falls back.

Close on Spider-Man as he sees the shooter’s face and stops shaking him.

Spider-Man:(In shock) Oh my god…

The tear-filled eyes of the young blonde student look up at Spider-Man in fear and terror.

Shooter:(Crying) It’s not fair…it’s not fair…they keep beating me up all the

time…I can’t take it anymore…I can’t take it anymore…

Spider-Man gently lets the young shooter go and stands up, looking down at him as he curls into a ball.

Shooter:(Crying) I just can’t take it anymore…

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Peter:(VO) The kid just snapped.

Exterior—Day—School Steps

Peter and Kyle, the gym teacher from the last episode, stand on top the steps of the school in the shooting aftermath. The doors to the school have been opened and sealed off with police tap. Smoke from the hallway leaks outside. Groups of students and others are in different groups being interviewed by police. Peter and Kyle watch as the young shooter is escorted in handcuffs out of the school.

Kyle:I had him in one of my classes. A real smart kid. An “A” student, they said he was a prodigy or something. The other kids were

pretty brutal to him. Picked on him for all three years. But, y’know, you have to stand up on your own sometimes.

Peter:Did you try to stop them?

Kyle:I warned a couple of ‘em, but he was kind of a geek. An outsider,

you know? They wouldn’t stop hitting me and he wouldn’t stop being weird. I guess he couldn’t take it. It happens. Kids snap. But

who knew he’d go this far? At least nobody got hurt. That’s the important thing.

Peter watches with concern as the shooter is escorted down the steps of the school.

Peter:(VO) I remember what it was to get beaten up all the time. I

remember the frustration. The fear.

The cops escort the shooter down to the patrol car. The office opens it for him and slides the shooter inside. The officer shuts the door and walks over to the driver’s door.

Peter:(VO) The rage. The mindless rage that makes you feel you’d do anything to get back at the ones who bring you pain for no other

reason than they think it’s fun.

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As the patrol car’s engine starts up, the shooter looks sadly out the back window. The car pulls away.

Peter:(VO) That could have been me. That could be Joey someday.

As the patrol car drives away, Kyle turns to Peter.

Kyle:I heard you helped save some of the kids. Good for you.

Peter:And you?

Kyle:I was back by the racquetball court. Figured the best thing I could

do was to keep my head down and let the right people do their job.

Peter looks over at Joey, who is nearby answering the question of a NYPD Detective. Joey looks over at Peter and smiles.

Peter:Yeah, well…they did. They did that indeed.

The Science Teacher walks past everyone quickly, carrying a briefcase with him.

Science Teacher:I quit…that’s it. I’ve had it. This place is a freakin’ jungle. I’m Outta


Kyle and Peter watch as the Science Teacher storms away down the stairs. He stumbles and his briefcase opens, releasing several papers, but he keeps going.

Kyle:I don’t blame him. Science is wasted on most of these kids anyway. A lot of them are going nowhere fast. Yep. He’s not the first one to get out of here. Won’t be the last, either. We all have to face the

truth, you do what you can but you can’t save them all.

Kyle turns to Peter.

Kyle:So, anyway, I didn’t get your name.

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Peter:Who am I?

Peter reaches into his own briefcase and rummages around.

Peter:My name is Peter Parker.

Peter pulls out a file hold with the word RESUME on the cover and his name on the tab. He holds his resume up.

Peter:I’m the new science teacher.

Cut to black. End Episode. Tune in next time