amazing google earth finds

Upload: gpdharan

Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 Amazing Google Earth Finds


    Amazing Google Earth Finds



    Dubbed the "Badlands Guardian" by locals, thisgeological marvel (Google Earth coordinates 50.010083,-110.113006)

    in Alberta,Canada, bears an uncanny resemblance to a human head wearing a full NativeAmerican headdress--and

    earphones, to boot. Of course,

    The Guardian wasproduced naturally) .

    41more after the break...
  • 8/10/2019 Amazing Google Earth Finds


    A synthetic wonder that can be truly appreciatedonly from above, this giant man-shaped lake (-21.805149,-

    49.089977) is locatednear Bauru, Brazil)( .

    This heart-shaped island in the Adriatic becamea hit on Google Earth for Valentine's Day. The uninhabited island is

    only01,111square yards and is called Galesnjak. The owner didn't even know howperfectly this island off the

    Croatian coast was until he was swamped withrequests from couples to stay there) ( .

  • 8/10/2019 Amazing Google Earth Finds


    This fingerprint can be found in Hove Park, nearBrighton and Hove in the UK. It measures 38 metres around.

    Imagine the size ofthe hand)( .

  • 8/10/2019 Amazing Google Earth Finds


  • 8/10/2019 Amazing Google Earth Finds


    Rhett Dashwood, a graphic designer fromAustralia, created the first Google Maps alphabet, featuring all 26 letters,

    using satellite images of natural features and buildings)( .

    Lion, at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo located at Whipsnade,near Dunstable in Bedfordshire, England)( .

  • 8/10/2019 Amazing Google Earth Finds


    Some of the sights youfind in Google Earth are just plain mysterious. For example, why is a fighterjet parked (Google

    Earth coordinates 48.825183,2.1985795) in what looks to be aresidential neighborhood lot near Paris? NOTE: our

    reader Guilhem told us it"must be located at a Dassault Systme office. It's an old Mirage and I know fora fact that

    there is a Dassault office there", while another reader, Roland,argues "it's a full scale model of a Mirage 2000 on a

    campus of the

  • 8/10/2019 Amazing Google Earth Finds


    This is a US Navy building in Coronado, Ca. thatwas unintentionally built in the shape of a swastika. Now, because of

    a publicuproar, the Navy will be spending $600,000 to alter the shape of thebuilding)(.

    In the early days of Firefox, a few devoted fanswanted to generate more PR for their beloved site and so gathered a

    team ofpeople in Amity, Oregon, to recreate the Firefox logo in a field; their very ownfox crop)( .

  • 8/10/2019 Amazing Google Earth Finds


    Last year, one of the Google Earth Communitymembers called 'ear1grey' posted an amazing discovery. He found a

    huge picture(3miles tall) of Santa)( !

    So here's a giant Ipod Shuffle! It looks like afarmer's field with a horse pen or something on it? Either that or a hard

    coreapple enthusiast. Unfortunately, it looks like he moved the pen on the map sinceit was first spotted.

  • 8/10/2019 Amazing Google Earth Finds


    Google Earth doesn't have advertising, unlessyou consider the corporate logos and trademarks big enough to be seen

    fromspace. Check out this massive Coca-Cola logo (-18.529225,-70.25002) etched intoa hillside of Chile with 70,000

    Coke bottles. Haven't they heard of recycling)( ?

  • 8/10/2019 Amazing Google Earth Finds


    As if Oprah Winfrey's celebrity weren't alreadybig enough, an Arizona farmer built a 10-acre homage to the talk show

    host(Google Earth coordinates 33.225488,-111.5955)( .)

  • 8/10/2019 Amazing Google Earth Finds


    Too late now, huh