amazing fact karen - drum publications

1 Do all bees sting? Only female bees can sting. A bee's sting is like a sharp thorn at the end of its abdomen. If the thorn is left in your flesh, the bee cannot sting again. ueJud;bh.'J;M.qJ;w>oh{gI ueJwz.qJ;w>oh’.xJueJrd>M.vDRI’f w>tue.tod ;’D ;td .zJ t[XzXvD >cH wwD RM.vD RI w>ue. tH Rrh >td .wh >zJ ezH ;bh .tvd RM.vXcH wbs D qJ ;eRwoh vXRb.I Did you know bees have five eyes? There are 3 small eyes on the top of a bee's head and 2 larger ones in front. •rh >eoh .ngvXueJ .'D ;trJ mcs H ,J >zsX.'D ; rJ mcs H qH ; .vXtcd .xH tzD cd .'D ;rJ mcs H t'd .cH zsX.wcD td . vXtrJ mngM.{gI

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Post on 12-Feb-2022




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Do all bees sting?Only female bees can sting. A bee's sting is like a sharpthorn at the end of its abdomen. If the thorn is left inyour flesh, the bee cannot sting again.

ueJud;bh.'J;M.qJ;w>oh{gIueJwz.qJ;w>oh’.xJueJrd>M.vDRI’fw>tue.tod;’D;td.zJt[XzXvD>cHwwDRM.vDRI w>ue.tHRrh>td.wh>zJezH;bh.tvdRM.vXcHwbsDqJ;eRwohvXRb.I

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Did you know bees have five

eyes? There are 3 small eyes

on the top of a bee's head and

2 larger ones in front.

• rh>'D;trJmcsH,J>zsX.'D;rJmcsHqH;'D;rJmcsHt'd.cHzsX.wcDtd.vXtrJmngM.{gI


Where do pandas live?In isolated parts of China, high up in the mountains. Theyare very rare, and live alone in areas of bamboo forest. APanda's diet is 99% bamboo.

wRoluGDrJm (((((Panda))))) td.0JzJvJ.IwRoluGDrJmwz.tHRtd.qd;0JvXw%l;uD>upX>cd.0.yS>vXySRvJRwwkRnDnDb.tvD>wz.M.vDRI t0Joh.wz.M.w>wxH.M>tDRegpdRb.I td.vDRvDRqDqDvX0.yS>usgw>vD>wz.M.vDRI 0. 99 rs;u,RM.rh>>tD.vDRI

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Did you know that a

newborn giant panda is

only the size of a bar of




Is the white rhino really white?No-it is the same colour as the black rhino! It has a wideupper lip and grazes like a cow. The black rhino's lip ispointed for plucking twigs and leaves.

wR'd.0gwz.0gteD>uD>{gIwR’d.0gwz.w0gteD>uD>b.I tvGJ>’fod;od;’D;wR’d.tolM.vDRI’D;ted;zH;tzDcd.vXtvJ>’D;tD.eD.’fod;’D;*DRzH;wz.M.vDRI ted;pl0JvXuxJ;tD.oh.v.wz.t*D>M.vDRI

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Did you know that a rhinoceros's horn is

made of hair?

• wR'd.wz.teXRM.w>rRtDRvXw>{gI


How can cats see in the dark?No animal can see in total darkness, but when the light ispoor, cats can enlarge (dilate) the pupils of their eyes.This means that more light is admitted to the eye. Owlsuse this technique as well.

vXrk>eRtqXuwD>o.rH,DRxH.w>oh'fvJ.IzJrk>eRw>cH;oltqXuwD>M.q.zduD>zdxH.w>wohb.I b.q.zJw>uyDRcH;vDRtcgo.rH,DRwz.rR’d.xD.vJ>xD.trJmySRzdoh0JM.vDRI vXw>M.tCdt0Joh.trJmcsHxH.w>uyDRtg0JvDRI ‘dutdph>uD;ol0JusJ’fod;tHRvDRI

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Did you know that cat's can't taste sweets?

• o.rH,DRwz.tD.w>qXwM>



Did Unicorns ever exist?No - the Unicorn was a mythical beast that for centurieswas believed to exist. The horse with a single horn in themiddle of its head was used on coats of arms. Even todayit is still a popular design symbol.

,leH.cDuoh.rh>td.teD>uD>{gI,leH.cDuoh.M.wtd.teD>uD>b.< rh>'>pH.CJRwcgvDRI vX,RzSd.eH.tgeH.twD>ylR’.vJmem0JvXuoh.tHRtd.teD>uD>vDRI teXRwbdzJtcd.zDcd.tcX.o;vdRvdRM.b.w>oltDRvXuwDRtvdR’fw>yeD.wcgtod;vDRIwkRpdRcJueH.tHR‘.vJmrh>w>yeD.wcgvXtrHR[lo.zsgM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know many people

believe the stories of the

unicorn started when people

found the skulls of narwals?

• rh>eoh.ngvXySRunDwz.p;xD.em0J,leH.cDwz.t*h>p;xD.zJtxH.M>0Jn. (Narwal)



Which bird flies underwater?On land the flightless penguin is a clumsy, funny creature.Underwater it 'flies' with great speed and grace.

xd.rEkRwuvkmvX,lRvXxHusgohM.vJ.Irhrh>zJcdcd.M.xd.yJuG‹rh>xd.wuvkmvXtpktcD.wcs‹b.’D;,lR0Jwohph>uD;b.I rh>xd.vDRqDwuvkmvDRI b.q.rhrh>vXxHusgM.yD>xHoh'ft,lR0Jtod;’D;CHvR’d.r;vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know penguins "fly" underwater at

up to 12.5 km per hour?

♦ rhrh>vXxHusgM.xd.yJuG‹,lR0Jwe.&H. 12I5 uHvdrHxX.M.rh>eoh.



Can birds fly backwards?Humming birds can! These tiny birds with their high-speed wing beats can fly in any direction, even backwards.They can also keep their bodies perfectly still in mid-air.

xd.wz.,lRuhRqltvD>cHoh{gIxd.zsXwz.,lRqltvD>cHohvDRI xd.qH;qH;zd’ftHRwz.M.0H>0>t’H;vXto[D.ql.ql.oh0JtCd,lRxD.0JwuyR*hRwuyR*hRoh0JvDRI qltvD>cH'.vJm,lR0Joh’D;td.*X>vXuvHRusgph>uD;oh0JM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that hummingbirds are the smallest birds? It is

less then 6.3cm long and weight under 2.5g. and is so tiny

that one of their enemies is an insect.

• xd.zsXrh>xd.tqH;uwX>wuvkm'D;txDtd.0J6I3cm'D;tw,X>td.xJod;'D;phvDRzSH.zdwbh.M.vDRI t0Joh.t'k.t'gwz.M.rh>w>zdvHRzdC>'D;pd;bH.wz.vDRM.rh>eoh.ngph>uD;{gI


Which bird can smell with its beak?The Kiwi from New Zealand has nostrils at the tip of itsbeak. It sniffs out insects and worms and then pecksthem out of the earth with its long beak.

xd.rEkRwuvkmvXeXw>vXtedmohM.vJ.Ixd.uH0HmwuvkmzJuD>e,lpHvJ.M.tedmxd;egtd.’D;teg’hylRtCdeX0Jw>zdvHRzdC>oh.wz.vXtedmvDRI 0HRpd;tD.zs;tD.w>zdC>wz.vX[;zH;vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know kiwi birds are blind and they

hunt by smell?

• xd.uH0Hmrh>xd.vXtrJmcsHwxH.w>b.ICktD.tq.vXtw>{gI


Which bird goes to prison?The female hornbill is sealed into her nest in a hollowmade by the male. He does this to protect both her andthe eggs from dangers such as monkeys.;rd>wz.M.xd.ud;zgwz.rRCmw>ylR'D;'k;CmtDRvDRIxd.ud;zgrRw>tHR'fod;u’Do’Xxd.ud;rd>Ckm'D;t’H.vXuylRzsJ;'D;wRtk;>rRtXrRe;t*D>M.vDRI

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Did you know that hornbills will eat almost anything? Insects

are very important but also berries, seeds and some buds,

plus snails, mice, nestling birds, lizards and tree frogs.

• xd.ud;M.tD.0Jw>tD.tguvkmM.vDRIw>zdvHRzdC>wz.M.rh>w>tcD.xH;wrHRvXt*D>b.q.w>olw>o.vXtxHtg< w>rk>w>bdwz.< csd.< ,k>< xd.zdz;xD.oD< 'Dvh.'D;'h.vXtxD.oh.cHwz.



Which bird catches fish for people to eat?In the East, fishermen use the cormorant to dive underwaterto catch fish for them. A metal ring around the bird'sneck stops it from swallowing the fish.

xd.rEkRwuvkmvXzD.M>n.vXySRunDutD.t*D>vJ.IySRrRn.zdvXrk>xD.wcDrXxd.vJRol,lRzD.M>n.vXxHvmvXt0Joh.t*D>vDRI n.vXzD.M>0Joh.wz.’fod;xd.vJRol,l>EkmvDRokwM>t*D>pXCm0JpX>x;ysHRvXxd.tudmbdvdRM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know that people use many animals to catch other

animals. Ferrets are still widely used in Britain, Europe and

Australia to hunt rabbits?

• eoh.ngwbsDbsD{gvXtg'.w>wuh>ySRunDwz.rXq.zduD>zdvXuzD.M>q.zduD>zdvXt0Joh.t*D>vDRI uD>tJuvH;< ,lR&yR'D;tD;p-whv,.wz.rX,k>chysd>wz.vXuzD.M>y'Jt*D>M.ol0JwkRqXuwD>cJtHR'.vJmM.vDRI


How long would it take to boil an ostrich egg?To soft boil a hen's egg for breakfast would take fourminutes. An ostrich's egg is about the size of a coconutand would take at least 40 minutes to boil.

xd.uDRvRtl;t'H.M.ycsDu,HmxJvJ.IqD’H.vX*DRw>tD.t*D>yucsD,Hm0J 4 rH;eH;vDRI xd.uDRvRtl;t’;CDRo.wzsX.C.C.’D;b.w>csDtDR,Hm0JtpSRuwX>rH;eH; 40 M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know that the biggest bird in the world is the ostrich,

and its can grow up to 3 meter tall and weight up to157 kg?

•{gxd.uDRvRtl;rh>xd.t'd.uwX>vX['D;txDtd.0J 3 rHxX.'D;tw,X>td.0J 157uHvd}uJ>vDRI

1 21 21 21 21 2

How can owls hunt in the dark?The owl listens for the sounds of shrews or mice. Itswivels its head until the sound is equally loud in bothears. The owl can then pinpoint exactly where the soundis coming from.

'dutdwz.CktD.tq.vXw>cH;usgoh'fvJ.³³³‘dutd‘due.0J,k>wz.tuvk>toD.vDRI ‘D;e>[lw>toD.rh>w’fod;vXte>ylR’H;b.M.t0Jw&H;tcd.,>cD,>cD’fod;qX.ylmtod;vDRI 0HRtvD>cH’dutdCkoh.ngw>uvk>toD.[JzJvJ.M.vDRwH>vDRqJ;M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that owls have

eyeballs that are tubular in

shape? Because of this,

they cannot move their eyes?

• 'dutdtrJmo.csHtuh>t*DR'fod;usdbdtCdt0Joh.C.w&H;trJmcsHwM>



Which bird has the widest wingspan?Some species of the albatross can have a 3 meter wingspan-the widest of any bird. The albatross is a sea bird whichrides on the air currents, rarely flapping its long, narrowwings.

xd.rEkRwuvkmvXtd.'D;t'H;vXtxDM.vJ.³›.bsD.vXtrh>tJ.b.x&D;(pf)xd.z;’d.wuvkmt’H;xD0J 3 rHxX.‘D;xd.tusgrh>xd.vXt’H;xDuwX>vDRItJ.b.x&D;(pf)M.rh>xd.yD.vJ.’D;pH.vDRvX[ bsDvDRI t0Joh.,lR0JwbsDbsDtrHRvmvXtuvD>tuuGJ>wz.M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that the Albatross lands only once every couple

of years to breed and can travel hundreds of thousands of

miles each flight?

•›.bsD.wz.M.pH.vDRvX[>{gI t0Joh.,lR0JwbsDbsDtrHRvmvXtuvD>tuuGJ>



Why do parrots talk?In the wild, parrots are sociable birds and call to eachother with clicks, squeaks and screams. When they arekept in captivity they sometimes seem to speak likehumans. However, the parrots are not really speaking.They are just copying human voices.

b.rEkRtCdxd.uH.wz.uwdRw>vJ.³q.zduD>zdtrHRvXttd.vXyS>ylRwz.tusgxd.uH.rh>xd.wuvkmvXtol.zSHo;nD’D;twHRoud;wz.M.vDRI t0Joh.wz.tuvk>oD.uJ;³³uJ;< uFH;II uFH;0HRud;yolxD.vXw>zk;oHysD>*DRtylR’D;qX*hRqX0gvdmto;M.vDRI yrh>zD.tDR‘D;’k;wH>CmtDR< bk.tDRoXysXRM.wbsDwcD.t0Jtuvk>oD.’fySRunDwz.uwdRw>tod;vDRI b.q.’D;xd.uH.wz.M.uwdRw>woheD>eD>b.I t0Joh.wz.rR’d;0JySRunDtuvk>oD.’D;ud;yol0J’.M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know that the only two animals

that can see behind itself without turning

it’s head are the rabbit and the parrot?

• q.zduD>zdxJcHuvkmvXtrh>y'J'D;xd.uH.wz.wvd.C.w&H;tcd.'D;xH.w>vXtvD>{gI


How do penguins keep their eggs warm?King penguins live near the cold South Pole. The femaleseach lay one egg on the ice in midwinter. The male penguintucks the egg between his feet and his bulging stomachto keep it warm, until it hatches about two months later.

xd.yJuG‹rRvXRt'H.'fvJ.³³³xd.yJuG‹>ck.tvD>zJuvHRpd;M.vDRI zJw>*d>tuwD>w0mM.xd.yJuG‹rd>wbh.b.wbh.’H.vDRt’H.wz.zJxHck.ud>vd.wz.trJmzH;cd.vDRI yJuG‹tzgM.’fod;t’H.wz.uvXRxD.t*D>ym0JzJtcD.’D;t[XzXuzdvdz;’d.tuql;M.vDRI cHvgtwD>ylRw>’H.wz.rh>wz;xD.M.t0JrRvXR‘.wkRtz;xD.wpkM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know penguins can jump as high as 2 meter

in the air?

• eoh.ngxd.yJuG‹wz.pH.0JvXuvHRusgM>wkRvXA2ArHxX.M.{gI


How do bats locate their food?Bats have weak eyes, so they use their ears to locateflying insects. They send out high-pitched noises andlisten for the echoes. They can tell if the echo comesfrom an insect, and work out exactly where it is.

bsgwz.CktD.tq.'fvJ.³’D;rJmcsHvXt*H>p>M.vDRI vXw>M.tCdt0Joh.wz.ym*H>ymbgte>’fod;uoh.ng0Jtw>tD.vXtrh>w>zdC>vXt,>M.vDRI t0Joh.rRoD.tuvk>vXtpGH0HR'due.uhR0Jtw>oD.}oDM.vDRI bsgwz.oh.ng0JvXtw>oD.}oDM.[JuhRuhRvXw>zdC>rEkRttd.'D;td.0JzJvJ.M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know that during World

War II, Americans tried to

train bats to drop bombs?

• zJw>'k;z;'d.cHbsDwbsDtcgySRtrJ&uRzdwz.od.vdbsgvXw>uG HmvDRrh.yd>M.rh>{gI


Which bird sleeps in the air?The swift sleeps, feeds and even mates in the air. It isperfectly built for flying. Its long, swept-back wingshelp it to fly fast and high in the sky, where it hunts forinsects. But its legs and feet are weak. It is hard forswifts to hop or walk. Some swifts spend almost all theirlives flying.

xd.rEkRvXtrHvXuvHRusgM.vJ.IpGH;pGH;pGH;pGH;pGH;(((((swift))))) vXtrh>›.bsD.wuvkmM.rH0J’D;tD.tq.vXuvHRusgwkR’.vJmvlRrd>vlRzgvXuvHRusgM.vDRI MqX.’k;td.xD.tDR’fod;,lR0Juoht*D>t‘H;vXtvJ>txDtHRrRpXRtDR’fod;,lR0JuM>cs›cs›’D;uxD.qlw>z;zD,HR,HRuM>t*D>vDRIt0Joh.CktD.w>zdC>wz.vXuvHRusgM.vDRI b.q.tcD.’D;tcD.v.t*H>tbgp>0JvDRI t0JupH.0Jrhwrh>u[;vX[*D>rh>w>uDw>cJvXt*D>vDRI xd.pGH;xd.pGH;xd.pGH;xd.pGH;xd.pGH; weDRvXtw>td.rltylRrRvXmtw>qXuwD>vX,lR0hR0DRvXuvHRusgvDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know the fastest bird in the world is the Spine-tailed

swift and can fly to 136.6 Kilometers per hour?

• pzhvfxhvfqGH; (spine- tailed swift) M.rh>xd.vX,lRtcs›uwX>wu

vkm'D;,lR0JM>wkRwe.&H. 136I6uHvdrHxX.M.rh>eoh.ngeJph>uD;{gI


Can fish fly?Not really, but the flying fish have large pectoral fins,which act as wings. Their tails propel them out of thewater to glide at speeds of 65 km/h.

n.wz.,lRoh{gIIIwrh>t,lRoyS>uwX>b.< b.q.n.,’D;to;egyS>t’H;z;vJ>’D;w>t'H;0JM.rRw>’fxd.’H;qhtod;M.vDRI trJ>udM.qD.ozSdxD.tDRqlxHtrJmzH;cd.'D;uXRuvHR'D;bsd.0Jtcs›M>we.&H. 65 uHvdrHxX.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know flying frogs live in trees and have extra webbing

between their toes which allows them to glide away from


• 'h.,;'D;w>txHpJbl;wz.vXurRylRzsJ;tDRvXt'k.t'gtpkylR'fod;;uM>t*D>rh>{gI


Do all fish lay eggs?No. Several species, such as the sailfin molly, keep theireggs inside until they hatch. Then they give birth to asmany as 200 live young.

n.ud;bh.'J;'H.vDRupD'D{gIn.ud;bh.’J;w’H.vDR0Jb.I phvfzhefrD.vH.n. wuvkmymt’H.vXt[XzXylRwkRt’H.z;xD.wpkM.vDRI vXcHt0JzSHvDR0Jn.zdvXto;orltd.tbh.cHu,RC.C.M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you that a father sea catfish keeps

the eggs of his young in his mouth until

they are ready to hatch?

• yD.vJ.n.ud.tzgM.ymCmt'H.vXtudmylRwkRt'H.z;{gI


Which fish swims the fastest?Sailfish are the fastest swimmers, reaching speeds ofup to 109km/h. The fish's large dorsal fin can lie flatagainst its body when it is swimming at speed to helpstreamline it.

n.rEkRwuvkmvXt,lRxHtcs›uwX>M.vJ.IIIphvfzh;±SfvXtrh>n.urDwuvkmtHRtd.’D;t±kz;vJ>’D;vXn.cJvXmtusgt0J,lRxHtcs›uwX>’D;,lRxHM>0Jwe.&H. 109uHvdrHxX.M.vDRI t0J,lRxHtcgtw±kM.’;’D;rRpXRtDR’fod;,lRxHuzSH0JM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know that many fish

can change sex during the

course of their lives?

••••• eoh.ngn.oh.wz.M.vJvdmto;qltrd>ohtzgohM.{gI

2 121212121

How can a chameleon look in two places atonce?A chameleon can swivel its eyes separately. One maybelooking forwards, and the other backwards. The eyes

can also work together to focus on the same object.

cGH.'dwz.uG>qlw>vD>cHwDRwbsDCDowl>uvmoh'fvJ.IcGH.’dwz.t0Joh.trJmcsHwzsX.pkmpkmw&H;0J’.’fod;qX.ylmtod;vDRvDRqDqDoh0J’.M.vDRI trJmcsHwzsX.uG>0J’.qltrJmngtzXrk>tcgtrJmcsHvXt0JwzsX.uG>qltvD>cHoh0J’.M.vDRIw>vXtuG>0J’fod;uzsgvDRwH>vDRqJ;t*D>’d;ol0J’.trJmcsHwbsDCDohh0J’.ph>uD;M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know that a chameleon's tongue is twice length of its


•{gI cGH.'dtys›RM.xDM>'H;teD>up>txDcHq;M.vDRI

2 22 22 22 22 2

How can a giraffe kill a lion?Although he has few enemies the giraffe can kill a lionwith the power of his long legs and heavy hooves.

uoh.xDudmwz.rRoHch,k>vXusJ'fvJ.IIIuoh.xDudmwz.M.’k.’gvXurR’X.tDRtd.0J’’D;tcD.vXt*H>ql.bgql.M.vDRI qJ;oH0J’.ch,k>vXtcD.v.wz.vXt*H>ql.M.vDRI uoh.xDudmwz.rh>q.zduD>zdvXtupDRxDuwX>vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know giraffes can clean their ears

with their half meter long tongue?

• uoh.xDudmwz.rRuqDSte>vXtys›{gI

2 323232323

What is the tallest land animal?The giraffe is the tallest land animal.When a giraffe's baby is born it falls from a height oftwo meter, normally without being hurt.

q.zduD>zdvXtxDuwX>M.rh>q.zduD>zdrEkRvJ.Iuoh.xDudmwz.rh>q.zduD>zdvXtupDRxD.xDuwX>vDRIuoh.xDudmzdM.zJtrd>zSHvDRtDRtcgvDRwJmvXtrd>[XzXylR'D;ql[ 2 rHxX.b.q.wb.'db.xH;eDwrHRb.I

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that in spite of its extra long neck, a giraffe has

only the same number of

bones in its neck as a man

or a mouse? seven.


2 424242424

Which is the biggest animal?The biggest animal that has ever lived is the blue whale.It is even larger than the biggest dinosaurs were. Bluewhales can weigh as much as 150 cars! The blue whale isso long that eight elephants could stand along its back.The size of a blue whale's heart is that of a small car.

q.zduD>zdt'd.uwX>vX[>q.zduD>zdrEkRvJ.Iq.zduD>zdvXtd.rlwh>vX[>q.zduD>zdvXt’d.uwX>M.vDRI ‘d.M.’H;’Jed.pDRM.vDRI,X>tHRutd.odvh.tcd. (150)> (8) ‘k*JRqXxX.&J.vDRto;M.vDRI;M.'d.xJod;odvh.qH;wcd.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know that

when blue whales are

first born,they gain as

much as 90 kg a day?

• n.vlRcd.zdvXtz;,X>tgxD.weHR 90 uHvd}uJ>{gI


Why can't penguins fly?Penguins can't fly because their wings are too small tokeep their heavy bodies up in the air. But penguins arevery good swimmers and divers. They use their wingsas paddles in the water.

b.rEkRCdxd.yJuG‹,lRwohvJ.Ixd.yJuG‹wz.,lR0J’.wohb.M.rh>vXt’H;qhwz.qH;uJmqd;’D;wu;’H;’D;trd>yS>vXt’d.tCXtCdu,lRxD.qluvHRusgM.,lRxD.0JwM>b.I b.q.oemuhrh>xd.wuvkmvXtyD>xH< ,lRxHoh*hRuwX>M.vDRI vXxHusgM.ol0Jt’H;qhwz.’fod;eD.0>tod;M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that penguins mate for life?

• xd.yJuG‹trd>wbh. rhwrh> tzgwbh.rh>oHvHM.t0Joh.wCktrd>tzgtoDvXRb.M.eoh.ngph>uD;{gI


How do fish breath under water?Fish have to breathe to stay alive, just as you do. Butwhile you breathe oxygen from the air, fish take it fromwater. As they swim, fish gulp in water and push it outthrough slits called gills on their heads. Oxygen passesfrom the water into the fish blood inside their grills.

n.wz.uog'fvJ.In.wz.uog’fod;yuogvDRI b.q.y’d;M>b.tD;pH.uF›.vXuvHRusgM.vDRI n.wz.’d;M>b.tD;upH.uF› zJxH,GRcDzsdtc.oH.tcgtD;pH.uF›.vXttd.vXxHusgM.[J’db.0J’.oGH.usdRzdwz.vXtc.oH.tHRM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that the world’s oldest known captive goldfish,

Tish, died peacefully at home in his tank at the age of at least

43 in 1999?

• zJ 1999 eH.M.['Dbh.oh.ng0JvXn.xl TishvXtb.w>bk.CmtDRvXxH'XtylRM.oHuGHm0J[H.vXw>bk.tDRtylR'D;zJtoHtcgto;td.tpSRuwX> 43 eH.vHM.rh>{gI

2 72 72 72 72 7

What lives at the bottom of the sea?It is very dark in the deep sea but many strange fish andother creatures live there. The loose jaw has a hugegaping mouth which traps food. The viperfish is a fiercepredator with long, sharp teeth. The hatchetfish hasbulging eyes which help it see clearly in the gloom. Theanglerfish attracts its prey by waving a shining lure onits snout.

w>rEkRwz.vXttd.vXyD.vJ.tcH';vJ.IvXyD.vJ.tcH’;M.w>cH;0Jb.q.n.vDRqD’D;q.zduD>zdt*Rtd.0JtuvkmuvkmvDRI n.wuvkmvXw>ud;tDRvX Loosejaw’D;tudmylRz;vJ>’D;zD.tD.0Jq.zduD>zdt*Rwz.’ftw>tD.tod;vDRI rhrh> Viper wuvkmM.rh>0Jn.vXtd.’D;trJz;xD wz.’D;rRoHtD.0Jtw>tD.M.vDRI rhrh>[J;cFJ;n. Hatchet’D;trJmcsHvXtuzd’D;[Jzsd;xD.vXw>csXcHzsX.M.vDRI rhrh>t.*v.n. Angler M.xk;M>q.zduD>zdt*;vXw>uyDRzdwz.vXttd.vXteg’htvdRM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know there are no plants or light at the bottom of

the deep sea?

• vXyD.vJ.,dmtcH';M.w>rk>w>bd'D;w>{gI


Which is the fastest land animal?The world's fastest land animal is the cheetah, whichcan run at speeds of up to 100 kilometers an hour.However, it cannot run very far at this speed.

q.zduD>zdrEkRvXCh>vX[›uwX>M.vJ.Iq.zduD>zdvXCh>vX[›uwX>M.rh>0J’.chbS›(chpH.yd.) M.vDRI tw>Ch>M.we.&H.cs›0J (100)[D.M.vDRI b.q.w>Ch>cs›cs›’ftHRM.Ch>0J,HR,HR’D;,Hm,HmwM>b.I

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know a hippo can run faster than man?

• uoh.xHM.Ch>cs›M>'H;ySRydmcGgw*RM.rh>{gI


Why do zebras have stripes?One theory is that as zebras travel together in largegroups, the stripes make them all blend together sopredators at a distance can't pick out a single animal tochase.'D;twdRys›;w’l.b.w’l.’D;vJRuhR0J’.M.vDRI tCdzJt0Joh.vJRuhRw>’fM.tcgtwdRys›wz.vDR*mvdmto;wkR’.vJmeeDRz;uhRw'k'D;w'kwohb.M.vDRI vXw>M.tCdq.zduD>zdttXvXuvlRzD.tD.t0Joh.wz.ueDRz;’D;CkxXt0Joh.w’kzdw’kzdt*D>wnDb.I

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that no two zebras have

the same markings?

• w>twdRys›wz.vXuoh.vdRuGDM.w'fod;vdmto;eDw'{gI


Why does a camel have a hump?Camels are mainly desert creatures. Their bodies arecapable of shoring fat in their humps and then using thishump for nourishing when nothing else is available. Camelsare also able to survive long periods without water. Theyobtain much of their water from desert plants and whenthey finally find water, they can drink much more at oncethan any other animal.

uDRvRtl;'D;tuydmvXrEkRtCdvJ.IuDRvRtl;M.rh>0Jq.zduD>zdvXrJ;rk>cd.M.vDRI teD>up>’.0Jtrd>yS>t*D>ymzSd.Cm0Jw>todwz.vXtuydmylRohph>uD;vDRIw>tD.w>tDvXutD.0Jt*D>rh>wtd.vXReDwrHRb.tcgol0JtuydmvXw>tD.M>*H>M>bgt*D>vDRI uDRvRtl;wz.tHRxHrh>>qXuwD>z;,Hmoh0J’.M.vDRI t0Joh.’d;M>b.xHtgwuh>vXrJ;rk>>rk>w>bdwz.ttd.M.vDRI t0Joh.rh>xH.xHoXysXRwuwD>CD’D;tDxHtgM>’H;q.zduD>zdt*Roh.wz.M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that a rat can last

longer without water than a camel?

• ,k>M.xHrh>wtd.oemuhtd.0J'.vXw>qXuwD>z;,HmtylR'D;,Hm'd.M>uDRvRtl;vDRM.eoh.



Why do cheetahs have spots?Cheetahs, like many other wild cats, have spots to helphide them in the grasslands where they live. Withcamouflage, a cheetah can get close enough to its preywithout being seen in order to lunge at it and hopefullycatch it.

w>rHRvmvXtrh>chrh. (cheetahs) wz.b.rEkRtCdtd.'D;tuH>ChzsX.zdoh.wz.vJ.Iw>rHRvmvXtrh>chrh. (cheetahs) wuvkmtHRvDR*m’D;o.rH,DRtrHR’fq.zduD>zdtXt*Rtod;< vXtrd>yS>’D;w>zsX.zdwz.vXrRpXRt0Joh.zJttd.clol.vXeD.oDxdoh.wz.tusgtcgrRvDRbXto;vXeD.tusg’D;vJRupDR0JwkRvXq.zduD>zdtuyRwkRtySDRzD.0JwkRwpkM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that cheetahs make a chirping sound that is

much like a bird’s chirp?

• chrh.wz.rRoD.tuvk>uxg'fod;xd.zdurJRpH.pdtod;{gI

3 23 23 23 23 2

Is a sea horse really a horse?A sea horse is really a fish, although its head looks like ahorse's head. When threatened, sea horse can changecolour almost instantly, from gray or black to bright yellowor purple.

yD.vJ.uoh.xHrh>uoh.teD>uD>ph>uD;{gIyD.vJ.uoh.xHwz.tcd.rh>vDR*m’D;uoh.tcd.b.q.teD>uD>wcDrh>’.n.wuvkmM.vDRI w>vXurRysHRrRzk;tDRrh>td.xD.vHM.qDwvJuGHmtvGJ>vXtrh>rh.tlvk>tvGJ> rhwrh>tolM.qltbD rhwrh> t*DRvk;owl>uvmoh0JM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that the female lays her

eggs in a pouch on the male’s abdomen.

The male fertilized the eggs then

incubates them in his pouch?

• uoh.xHtrd>'H.vDRqluoh.xHtzgt[XzXxX.(xX.zX'H.)ylRrh>{gI tzgwz.b.zXCmw>'H.vXtxX.ylRwkRtuJxD.tzdwz.M.vDRI


Why does an elephant have a trunk?The elephant’s trunk is really its nose. An elephant canuse its trunk to smell and pick up small objects. Thetrunk is also useful for drinking and taking baths.

b.rEkRuqDtd.'D;twrsdRvJ.IuqDtwrsdRM.teD>uD>rh>0Jteg’hvDRI uqDw’koltwrsdRvXueXw>t*D>'D;w>zdw>vHRqH;qH;zd’.vJmxXxD.0JvXtwrsdRoh0J’.M.vDRI twrsdRM.uJbsK;ph>uD;vXutDxHt*D>’D;uvk>xHt*D>ph>uD;M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that the elephant is the only animal with four


• q.zduD>zdtusgw>>cDM.rh>'{gI


Where do spiders get the silk they use tomake webs?Spider silk comes from a liquid protein produced by glandsin spider’s abdomen. As the liquid comes out of the fourto eight spinnerets on the back of the spider, it dries

into a strong thread.

uyDRwz.w>tvkRvXtwhxD.t'XM.vJRrRM>0JzJvJ.Iy’d;M>b.uyDRtvkRohvXuyDRwbh.t[XzXylRtd.’D;w>tcsHvXtxk;xD.0J (Protein) w>tD.tuH>tpDwuvkmM.vDRI’D;w>tq+.zdvGH>cgwkRCd;cg‘D;xk;xD.0Jw>txHvXw>oh.wz.M.ttd.vDRI wkRrh>w>txHwz.ChxDvHM.’d;M>b.tvkRvXtusXRM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that spiders have noses on their feet that can

pick up the odours of possible prey, predators, or mates?

• uyDRM.teg'htd.zJtcD.v.'fod;ueX0Jw>zdC>wz.vXtrh>tw>tD.rh>*hR< t'k.t'grh>*hR< trd>tzgrh>*hRtpdwz.t*D>M.rh>{gI


Which spiders are poisonous?All spiders have some form of poison they use to kill theirprey. However, most spiders are harmless to humans,even though their bite might be painful.

uyDRzJvJ.wuvkmtd.'D;tpk.vJ.IuyDRcJvXmtd.’D;tpk.wpJ;zdvXuol0JvXurRoHq.zduD>zdvXuzD.tD.0Jt*D>M.vDRI b.q.oemuhtgwuh>uyDRwz.rRb.’dySRunD’D;u[h.ySRunDw>uDw>cJ’d.’d.rk>rk>wtd.b.I uyDRth.b.eRtvD>M.uqgwpJ;zdvDRI b.q.vXurRb.’deRwtd.b.I

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that the spiders most poisonous to humans are

the brown recluse, the black widow and the sydney funnel


•{gvXySRunDt*D>uyDRvXtpk.tXuwX>wz.M.rh>0 JJ JJ J(Brown recluse, the black widow 'D; the sydney funnel-web



How do snakes swallow their prey?Snakes often kill prey much larger than they are. Theyalso swallow their prey whole rather than biting and chew-ing. A snake’s jaws are made extremely flexible by aspecial bone that works like a hinge so the mouth can beopened wide.

*k>wz.,l>Ekmtq.'fvJ.I*k>oh.wz.nDEk>rRoHq.zduD>zdvX’d.M>’H;t0Joh.vDRI vXuth.bsJ;’D;*HmbsJ;q.zduD>zdtvD>M.,l>Ekm0Jq.zduD>zd’Dw’kM.vDRI *k>’D;tCHzdvDRqDuykmvk;vXw>bSd;tDRM>,>cD,>cD'fuGDRtod;tCdtd;xD.0JtudmylRM>z;vJ>vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know the honeybee kills more people world-wide than

all the poisonous snakes combined?

• vX[;ySR'D;tpk.xD.oHM.tgM>*k>th.oHySRM.rh>{gI


Have there ever been any real dragons?No, the dragons you may have seen in storybooks aremagical creatures that never existed, although somedinosaurs may look like dragons. The Komodo dragon fromIndonesia is the world’s largest lizard. The Komodo dragoncan grow to 3 meter long and weigh 136 kg.

y,dRtd.teD>uD>ph>uD;{gIy,dRM.wtd.teD>uD>b.I y,dRvXexH.b.vXw>CJRylylRwz.rh>q.zduD>zdvXtvDRwd>vDRqDvDRI ‘JRedRpD (Dinisaurs) weDRuvDR*m’D;y,dRM.vDRI cdRrdR’dR (komodo) vXuD>th.’d.eH±SgM.rh>wcl;wuvkmvXt’d.uwX>vX[ udRrdR’dRy,dR0JtHR’d.0JwkRvXtxD 3 rHxX.’D;CX0JwkR 136 uHvd}uJ>C.C.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that komodo Dragons have been recorded

taking down a 590 kg water buffalo?

• w>rReD.rRCgtd.0JwcgvXy,dRud.rd.'d>M.zD.xk;M>0Jye>xHw'kvXtCXtd. 590 uHvd}uJ>M.rh>{gI


What kind of bird sleeps with one eye open?Ducks on the outer edges of a group sleep with one eyeopen. Those in the center of the group confidently closeboth eyes.

xd.vXrHxJtrJmcsHwuyRM.rh>xd.rEkRvJ.Ixd.’h.wz.M.nDEk>rHvXt'D’l.'DxX’D;xd.’h.vXtrHvXw>uyRwz.bH.trJmcsHxJwcDyR{dRM.vDRI b.q.xd.’h.vXttd.vXw>cX.o;wz.bH.trJmcsHcHcD’D;rH0JrkmrkmM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that a duck’s quack doesn’t

echo anywhere, and no one knows why?

• xd.'h.ud;>uvk>wvJR'db.vXw>vD>eDwwDRb.'D;rh>vXrEkRtCdvJ.M.ySRwoh.ngtDReDw*{gI


What animal never gets sick?Sharks apparently are the only animals that never getsick. As far as is known, they are immune to every knowdisease including cancer.

q.zduD>zdvXtwql;qgeDwbsDb.M.rh>q.zduD>zdrEkRvJ.In.urDwz.M.q.zduD>zdcJvXmtusgrh>q.zduD>zdvXwqgeDwbsDb.M.vDRI w>’D;xH.tDRvXn.urDM.ylRzsJ;’D;w>ql;w>qg’D;tusgCkm’D;cJpX.w>qgph>uD;M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know that great White Sharks can go as long as three

months without eating?

• n.urDM.wtD.b.tq.oXvgemouhtd.rl0JohM.rh>{gI


What animal freezes its head in ice?Certain Chinese and American alligators can survive thewinter by freezing their heads in ice, leaving their noseout to breath for months on end.


♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that an alligator cannot stick its tongue out?

• wr.wz.M.xk;xD.tys›RvXw>tcsXwM>{gI


How big are ant colonies?The biggest ant colony was found on the Ishikari Coast ofHokkaido: 306 million worker ants and 1 million queenslived in 45,000 interconnected nests over an area of 2.7square kilometers.

wX>'XvXt'd.uwX>;'d.vJ.IwX>tgtg*D>*D>M.b.w>xH.M>tDRvX[D.cJ’d. (Hokkaido) vXttd.vX Ishikari yD.vJ.uX>eHRM.vDRI wX>ySRrRw>zdtzsX.306 uuGJ>’D;wX>teD>yRrk.tzsX.wuuGJ>>’X 45<000 zsX.tylR’D;td.vXw>vD>tvJ> 2I7 puGJ,guHvdrHxX.M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that ants never sleep?

• eoh.ngvXwX>wz.wrHeDwbsDb.M.{gI

4 24 24 24 24 2

Why do ants walk in a line?When ants find food, they lay down a chemical trail, calleda pheromone, so that other ants can find their way fromthe nest to the food source.

b.rEkRCdwX>wz.[;vXtusdRvJ.IzJwX>wz.CkxH.w>tD.tcgymvDRwh>0J*mtusdRvXw>ud;tDRvXzH.&>rd. (pheromone) vXq.zduD>zdwz.xk;xD.0JM.vDRI vXusJ’ftHRwX>t*>uD;CkusJvXw>tD.tvD>u[JpdmuhR0JvXwX>’XtvD>ohM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that worker ants may live seven years and the

queen may live as long as 15 years?

• wX>tySRrRw>;orlxD0J 7 eH.'D;wX>teD>;orlxD0J 15{gI


How small was the smallest dog?The smallest dog in history was a tiny Yorkie fromBlackburn, England. At two years of age and fully grownhe was only 6.3 cm tall by 9.5 cm long, the same size as inthe picture below and weighed only 4 ounces.

xGH.vXtqH;uwX>>tJuvH;M.,d.ud.xGH.rh>xGH.vXtqH;uwX>vXxGH.tusgM.vDRI zJto;td. 2 eH.M.txDtd.0J 6I3 cm ’D; txDtd.0J 9I5 cm 0HRtCXwcDtd.’.xJ 4 tD.p;< xJod;w>*DRvXvm tylRM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that chocolate is poisonous to dogs and too

much can even be lethal?

• cFD;uvJ;M.rh>w>tpk.vXxGH.t*D>'D;xGH.rh>{gI


What is the most dangerous wild animal inAfrica?Most people would guess the lion or rhino but hippos havekilled more people in Africa than any other wild animal.


♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that

mosquitoes kill more

people every year than

any other animal?

• ud;eH.'J;ypdRrRoHySRunDtgM>q.zduD>zdt*{gI


How small is the smallest winged insect?The world’s smallest winged insect, the Tanzanianparasitic wasp, is smaller than the eye of a housefly.

w>zdC>vXt'H;qhtqH;uwX>M.rh>rEkRvJ.Iw>zdC>t’H;qhtqH;uwX>vX[> (Tanzanian) zsX’D;qH;M.’H;o.bkvgvXexH.tDRvX[H.ylRM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know the typical housefly cruises at 8 km/hr?

• o.bkvgvXexH.b.tDRvX[H.ylRM.we.&H.M.,lR0J (8)AuHvd{gI


How can you help a cow to produce more milk?Many tests have shown that most cows give more milkwhen they listen to music. Today in many dairies aroundthe world, farmers have stereo systems installed in theirbarns to play music to there cows.

'fod;*DRzH;w'ktEk>xHuM>tgt*D>yrRpXRoh'fvJ.Iw>CkxH.oh.ngrRuG>0JvX*DRzH;wz.rRtgxD.tEk>xHohvX’due.w>ol.0H.o;qXM.vDRI wkRcJuM.tHRvX[>bk.*DRzH;vD>wz.tylRySRxlpH.zdwz.rRym0Jw>ol.0H.o;qXvX*D>zH;tD.q.tvD>M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know a cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in

her lifetime?

• *DRzH;M.vXtw>td.rlwpdRM.xk;xD.tEk>xHM>tcG; 200˜000 M.e{gI


How many different kinds of animal are there?Scientists estimate that there are currently 1.4 millionanimal species that they know about but believe theremay be as many as 30 million on the planet.

q.zduD>zdcJvXmtd.ySJRuvkmvJ.IySRpJth.zdwz.w,m0JvXqXuwD>cJtHRq.zduD>zdtuvkmvXt0Joh.oh.ng0Jtd.0J'. 1I4 uuGJ>M.vDRI b.q.t0Joh.em0JvX[>zdutd.0JtuuGJ> 30 C.C.M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know that for every person there are rougly 200

million insects?



How far can a kangaroo jump?Kangaroos vary greatly in size. The smallest is the muskyrat kangaroo which is about the size of a rabbit. Thelargest is the 1.5 m tall red kangaroo which weighs about60 kg. Large kangaroos reach a running speed of 64 kph,with leaps as long as 5 meters.

wRzXzdM.pH.w>t,HRM>xJvJ.IwRzXzdM.tuh>t*DR'd.r;M.vDRI wRzXzdtqH;uwX>tuh>t*;y'Jw'kM.vDRI wRzXzdt'd.uwX>tuh>t*DRM.txDtd.0J 1I5 rHxX.'D;tw,X>utd.0J 60 uHvd}uJ>M.vDRI wRzXzdz;'d.Ch>0JM>we.&H. 64 uHvdrHxX.'D;pH.0JM>5 rHxX.M.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦Did you know that if you lift a kangaroo's tail off the ground it

can't hop? They use their tails for balance.

•{g< erh>pdmuzDxD.wRzXzdtrJmudM.t0JpH.0JwM>b.I t0Joh.oltrJmud'fpDRyD>tod;vXupH.t*D>vDRI


What is the strongest animal in the worldfor it's size?A rhinoceros beetle can support up to 850 times itsown weight on it's back. That would be the equivalentof a man carrying 76 cars around on his back.

w>zdC>vXt*H>ql.uwX>vX[>rEkRvJ.IwR'd.pGHRwz.M.pdmw>CXvXtysd>M>0Jtrd>yS>tCX 850 p;M.vDRI w>tHR'fod;'D;ySRydmcGgw*R0H0Jodvh. 76 cd.vXtysd>vdRM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that one in four animals on our planet is a


• vX[>zdvGH>'ktusgw'kM.rh>{gI


Why do some creatures become extinct?When a species dies out it disappears forever. Humansare often responsible for hunting and killing some animalsto extinction, like the passenger pigeon, the last of which

died in a zoo.

b.rEkRq.zduD>zdweDRtpXRvDRwlmuGHmvJ.Iq.zduD>zdwuvkmvXoHuGHm0JcJvXmM.t0Joh.tpXRvDRwlmuGHm0JM.vDRI’D;tw>ur.cDzsdvXtrRoHrRvDRwlmuGHmq.zduD>zdweDRtpXRtCdM.vDRI t’d= xd.u;uh.wuvkmvXtd.vXtrJ&uRM.tpXRvDRwlmuGHm0J’D;xd.0JM.tuwX>wbh.M.oHuGHm0JvXq.zduD>zdu&X>tylRM.vDRI

♦♦♦♦♦ Did you know that on average another plant or animal

becomes extinet every 20 minutes?

• vX[>xd.Cl0JvXw>rk>w>bdwxl.'D;q.zduD>zdw'kpkmpkmoHuGHm0JvXtrH;eH;cHqHtwD>{gI