
84 January - February 2012 Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. R Joseph Wilson & J Little Wilson Jayesh & Smita Varma Preeti & Girish Sambyal Founders Diamonds Ganeshkumar & G Kalaivani Khushrow & Mahrukh Patel Kaushik & Subha Datta Diamonds

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Page 1: Amagram

84January - February 2012Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

R Joseph Wilson & J Little Wilson Jayesh & Smita Varma Preeti & Girish Sambyal

Founders Diamonds

Ganeshkumar & G Kalaivani

Khushrow & Mahrukh Patel Kaushik & Subha Datta


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Steve Van AndelChairman Doug DeVos


03AMAGRAM • January - February 2012

ENGAGING GEN YWe value the partnership Amway enjoys with our distributors and we’re always thinking about ways that we can help you grow your business and improve your experience. For some time, we have been watching the Gen Y consumer segment and we recognize that this new group will have a signi�cant impact on your business.

When we talk about Gen Y, we’re focusing on people born between 1980 and 2000. Also known as the Millennials, members of this group tend to be con�dent, individualistic and savvy about technology. They are also very aware of social values, so Amway’s vision of helping people live better lives is a good �t for them. Most importantly, they are eager to embrace entrepreneurial opportunities.

Gen Y now accounts for 25 percent of the world’s population and many of them are just starting to plan their careers. Now is the time for to learn more about them and think about ways we can attract them as consumers and even potential distributors.

We are currently working on ways to help you connect to the Gen Y segment. In the coming months, you’ll be hearing more from us about this important initiative so you can continue to build a strong business that will last for many years to come.

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Amagram is published bimonthly for all Amway Business Owners by Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., First Floor, Elegance Tower, Plot No. 8, Non Hierarchical Commercial Centre, Jasola, New Delhi - 110 025 India. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner prohibited. Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. is a member of Indian Direct Selling Association. Throughout this publication * indicates trademark of Alticor Inc., U.S.A.

January - February 2012

Levels of RecognitionFounders Crown Ambassador*A Founders Crown Ambassador is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 20 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 30 FAA Points.

Founders Double Diamond*A Founders Double Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 12 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 16 FAA Points.

Crown AmbassadorA Crown Ambassador is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 20 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 27 FAA Points.

Founders Crown*A Founders crown is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 18 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond bonus Recipient who has achieved 25 FAA Points.

CrownA Crown is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 18 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year or is a Diamond bonus Recipient who has achieved 22 FAA Points.

Founders Triple Diamond*A Founders Triple Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 15 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond bonus Recipient who has achieved 20 FAA Points.

Triple DiamondA Triple Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 15 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year or is a Diamond bonus Recipient who has achieved 18 FAA Points.

Double DiamondA Double Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 12 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 14 FAA Points.

Founders Executive Diamond*A Founders Executive Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 9 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 12 FAA Points.

Executive DiamondAn Executive Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 9 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 10 FAA Points.

Founders Diamond*A Founders Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 6 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond bonus Recipient who has achieved 8 FAA Points.

DiamondA Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 6 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year.

Founders Emerald*A Founders Emerald is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 3 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year.

EmeraldAn Emerald is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 3 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year.

Founders SapphireA Founders Sapphire is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 2 domestic 21% legs in the same month, for all 12 months in a performance year, whilst maintaining 4000 personal Group PV or has a third 21% leg in the absence of 4000 GPV in any month.

SapphireA Sapphire is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 2 domestic 21% legs in the same month, for 6 months in a performance year, whilst maintaining 4000 personal Group PV or has a third 21% leg in the absence of 4000 GPV in any month.

Founders RubyA Founders Ruby is a qualified Platinum who has maintained 20,000 Personal Group PV for all 12 months in a performance year in market.

Founders Platinum*A Founders Platinum has attained 12 qualifying months at the Silver Producer Level as defined in the Amway Business manual for all 12 months in a performance year in market.

RubyA Ruby is a qualified Platinum who has attained at least 20,000 Personal Group PV in any one month during the performance year in market.

PlatinumA Platinum has attained 6 qualifying months at that Silver Producer Level as defined in the Amway Business manual, at least 3 of which are consecutive.

Silver ProducerA Silver Producer has attained a qualifying month at 21% as defined in the Amway Business Manual.

Gold ProducerA Gold Producer has attained three qualifying months at the Silver Producer Level as defined in the Amway Business Manual.

* Volume equivalency is also applicable to these Founders levels.


INSERTSTraining Venues

PERSONAL CAREPersona New Advanced 05Family TBExtra Nourishing Offer 34

RECOGNITIONSFounder Diamond 06Diamond 07Emerald 12Sapphire 14Ruby 14Platinum 15Gold Producers 18Silver Producers 18

EVENTS, SERVICE & INFORMATIONBusiness Opportunity 21Spring Catalogue 2012 24Amsure 32Renewal 2012 33First Purchase Offer 36AOF 38ALS 2012 40

BEAUTYAttitude Promo 39

NUTRITION & WELLNESSNutrilite Kids Chewable Promo 02Nutrilite Healthy Ageing Ad 22Nutrilite Protein Promo 37

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AMAGRAM • January - February 2011 06 07AMAGRAM • January - February 2011


Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W)DOJ: 23/08/1998 | ERODE

Ganeshkumar& G Kalaivani

A Founders Diamond is a quali�ed Platinum who has sponsored 6 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond bonus Recipient who has achieved 8 FAA Points.

Founders Diamond *

I am Ganeshkumar my better half is Ms.G.Kalaivani is a housewife. we are blessed with the two daughters Mahema, Manisha and a son Viknan.

Kalaivani says, when we first attended an Amway meeting in August 1998, we did not understand the concept and philosophy of the business. Through, we were earning comfortably from our profession, what promoted us to try Amway business was the desire to earn a good secure leadership commission and other long term benefits in this business. We were also eager to travel overseas every year.

After we had counselling with our up line. We understand the potential of this business and found it a better opportunity other than business, within fifteen days from then we committed our fulltime to build this business. Many of our close friends and relatives thought that we were taking a huge

risk to leave the conventional business for concept little known with no proven track record then, in this country. But we did what others hesitant to do and we reaped the rewards they couldn't enjoy.

Whenever we feel low, we say to ourselves, "Happy are those people who dream and are ready to pay the price for it". Together, we promoted the Amway products, and shared the business opportunity with the people who wanted

more out of their lives. After having invested a lot of energy, time and hard work, we are now enjoying the fruits of our labour. We love this business. The sense of fulfilment that comes with attaining a goal and the joy of seeing distributors succeed and improving their lives is something that money can't buy.

Our success is hugely attributed to my wife who devoted her time; we were qualified to first south Indian diamond in 2001. We have gained so much from our Amway business, good friends all over the world and a venue for learning, sharing and developing the best of all financial freedom.

We would like to tell the people who are pursuing this opportunity that, "if you have plenty of ambitions but limited capital, Amway is a good opportunity for you to build your own business and make your dreams a reality". The distributors should always remember 'Positives thinking helps change your life'. Modesty helps you grow continuously and persistence helps you succeed.

We are grateful to our up lines and down lines for their guidance and co-operation and the Amway management for their support.

Modesty helps you

grow continuously

and persistence

helps you succeed

Engineer (H) & Banker (W)DOJ: 05/03/1998 | MUMBAI

Diamond A Diamond is a quali�ed Platinum who has sponsored 6 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year.

Khushrow &Mahrukh Patel


They believe that it is choice, not chance, that determines your success in life and tomorrow's options are born out of today’s decisions and actions.

Khushrow graduated as an Engineer from IIT Kanpur, a premiere engineering institute in India, and felt life was 'made.' He worked extensively in India and Thailand before he realized that he was making someone else's dreams come true. Mickey (Mahrukh) was a Banker and the prospect for working 40 hours a week for 40 years was not exciting at all, especially having to leave her little son with a baby sitter.

They have always been ambitious, and so migrated to Australia looking for greener pastures and to make their dreams come true. Khushrow started his own practice in finance consultancy. Growing to two offices in Sydney and

working 15 to 17 hours per day, he found that he could make very good money but had no time for his wife and son, & d e fi n i t e l y did not have the lifestyle he wanted. That's when he was

approached for this business by a cold contact at a banking seminar.

The potential of big money and the time for family got him hooked, & Mickey wanted to be free, travel the world and leave a legacy for their son Arzan, now 24 .

At a major seminar they saw the achievers were no different from them and realized “we can do it too”. They had a dream. They held on to it and were willing to “do whatever it takes” to achieve it!

When the Indian market opened, they decided to move lock, stock and barrel to build a large network and help their friends have more time, more money, more choice and more freedom.

They say: “We have no boss telling us what to do. There is no financial stress in our life. We are happy. We can design our life”. They believe that anyone starting the business today and willing to make a serious commitment to build now can achieve their heart’s desire.

Khushrow, a staid engineer, has metamorphosed due to this business and Mickey, already energetic and vivacious, has assumed tremendous leadership skills. They have found an environment where the value system is in line with theirs – God first, family next and then business. “The money and time we got from this business is unbelievable , but more important is the type of people we have become. You just have to experience it”, says Mickey. She adds, “As we got the time, money and travel we were looking for, we thought we’d feel “great” – instead, the feeling is gratitude - for our sponsors and all the leaders who have shown us how to get free – and for our very loyal and passionate team”.

Now as Diamonds, their goal is to help others rise above their challenges and become winners.

“We are very excited about

the future and believe the

Dream is Everything.”

(Authorised Representative of A SSS NETWORK)

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Executive (Both)DOJ: 23/05/1998 | KOLKATA

08 AMAGRAM • January - February 2012 09AMAGRAM • January - February 2012

Diamond A Diamond is a quali�ed Platinum who has sponsored 6 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level

for at least 6 months of the performance year.

DiamondA Diamond is a quali�ed Platinum who has sponsored 6 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year.

Kaushik &Subha Datta

Authorised Representatives of Bishwayan Marketing Pvt. Ltd

I was born in a very small town of West Bengal, Panskura, which is 80 km away from Kolkata. My father is a retired teacher of a college and my mother is housewife. I am the only son of my parents. I came to Kolkata for my Graduation in Anthropology and Subha met there, as my classmate.

Subha was born in Kolkata. Her father was an engineer and was an entrepreneur. Her mother is a housewife. She has two younger brothers and one sister. She secured first position in B.Sc & M.Sc examination of the University of Calcutta.

We became friends and decided to marry after our Post Graduation in Anthropology. I got a job in a reputed NGO. Subha was selected in the West Bengal Civil Services examination for a Govt. job. We were happy and enjoying our married life.

We had lots of dreams, but we found no way to fulfill those through our job. We found no way to change this situation, and were prepared to lead an average life. I changed my job in 1996, for a better future but things did not change much. One of my colleagues there along with her husband showed us the Amway business plan in May, 1998. Initially I was not interested much, but Subha was quite excited and we decided to start the business. Within a few days her excitement vanished due to her colleague’s persuasion as they had no idea about the potential of this business. At that point of time I decided to build the business seriously. It was a challenge for me to prove our decision right.

Subha was always happy & excited about the quality of the products of Amway. She never objected me to build the business. My positive changes and commitment to the business inspired her to join hands with me for building the business after eight months. She became an excited and hardworking business lady within a very short period. Consequently, our business grew with a bang and we became

Silver in July, 1999 and Platinum in December, 1999. Then we achieved Emerald pin in 2001.We have experienced lot of challenges; ups and downs during our journey of success but we have never given up. Finally in August, 2011 we have achieved the coveted Diamond pin. Now we are feeling that this is not the end but this is the beginning.

Life after joining Amway business is totally different & is full of recognition, joy, positive energy, satisfaction and peace of mind. Now we are free from job and we are independent. We are in the process of fulfilling our dreams one by one. We love travelling and have travelled several countries with Amway as we have qualified for all the Leadership Seminar trips in last 11 years. Beside material successes we also have the satisfaction of helping others to become successful in this business which is priceless.

We are grateful to our sponsor and all our uplines for giving us this fantastic business opportunity as well as to all our downlines for their continuous support and change our life. We are really overwhelmed with the sincere support & services of Amway officials throughout our journey of success. Above all, we want to convey our gratitude to Rich & Jay for creating this wonderful business opportunity which has changed the life of an ordinary couple like us. We promise to work throughout our life for their mission to change millions of lives through this business opportunity.

“We are feeling

that this is not the

end but this is

the beginning.”

Businessman (H) & Homemaker (W)DOJ: 8/04/2005 | CHENNAI

R Joseph Wilson &J Little Wilson

We belong to a humble background. I was the only son to my parents. A beautiful young lady entered into my life to spread fragrance as her name is Little Flower. We are blessed with a charming son, Ransom.

Life went on smoothly as both of my parents were employed. Our parent’s retirement entered as “Tsunami” in our life. We could not even fulfill our family’s basic needs through my single income.

I refused all abroad chances for work as I always want to live with my family especially my parents. Even though, being an EB contractor, our debts were increasing day by day.

I started doing AMWAY business after one year of joining, after attending a major function in March 2006. Our great uplines, played major role in our business.

When we were at 12% level, we went to get counseling from our mentor. We discussed about our debts with him. The one word which changed my life was “SPEED YOUR BUSINESS”.

We increased home meetings. Amway gave us a great support by conducting product training, one day workshops etc to our team.

Result-- with God’s Blessing we went Silver in Dec 2007, Platinum in July 2008, Founders Platinum in June 2009, and Emerald in July 2010.

Our business is within the local areas that made our business to grow faster. Now, we have leaders in and all around.

In Success Seminar function 2010, we took the goal of going Diamond by 2011. The magical mantra “Believe in God, Do your work, Believe in miracles”. Started working in our life. We are connected with our mentor’s ambition to build “an old age home”.

By the grace of god, love and guidance of our great mentors, our parent’s prayers and blessing today we, the ordinary couple with humble background completed the Diamondship in Aug 2011.


“Believe in God,

Do your work,

Believe in miracles”.


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Engineer (H) & Homemaker (W)DOJ: 30/03/2000 | SURAT

10 AMAGRAM • January - February 2012 AMAGRAM • January - February 2012

Diamond A Diamond is a quali�ed Platinum who has sponsored 6 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level

for at least 6 months of the performance year.

DiamondA Diamond is a quali�ed Platinum who has sponsored 6 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year.

“Thrill of success is much

greater than the moments

of hardships”

I am a mechanical engineer and my wife Smita has done her masters in mathematics, we are blessed with two wonderful children, daughter Anokhi (23) and son Hrudhyam (19).

After completing my engineering I worked with automobile major TATA for 3 years. Today I own a multinational agency business running successfully (from past 28 years). But as I was climbing the ladder of success I was moving away from my family. I was totally sold to my business and its pressure. I could not enjoy the growing up phase of my children. I could not fulfill commitments made to my family. I promised myself daily that I will make a change but HOW?

I first heard about Amway Business from my uncle. Though he was not pursuing it he briefed me about it. Friends, nobody approached us for this business, infact I invited somebody to enroll me. Initially it was like one more feather to my agency business. But as I studied the business model I realized the potential of the business. Amway sales & marketing plan is 100% predictable & inflation proof. What I like more about it was that the business can be build in flexible hours, no geographical boundaries no bar of cast, creed & religion. People of any strata can build it. I was also impressed by the Founders Fundamentals, “Helping others live better lives” and recognized the foundation on which this company was based on. I took a decision to build this business seriously.

Earlier Smita was reluctant to build this business as she feared it will take her away from our children. But due to my commitment and belief a hope sparked in her that this opportunity may bring a U-turn in our lives. After that there

was no looking back. Together with dreams in our eyes, decision in our mind, determination in our heart and discipline in our action started the journey of our FREEDOM.

The journey was not a cake-walk at all. The start- up challenges really put us to test, but we focused on our goals and marched ahead. In fact each challenge made us stronger and more resolved in our drive towards success. We knew that the thrill of success is much greater than the moments of hardships. In fact it has been the most joyous experience of our life in reaching to this level. We met wonderful people along the way who are now part of our extended family.

This was all possible because of the blessings of God and our parent’s, inspiration from our children, support from Amway Corporation, and unity of our team along with guidance of our uplines. Today life is different. I am successful in Amway business as well as in my traditional business and still have time for my family; it’s just amazing!

Friends its fun going out together as a FAMILY sharing this wonderful opportunity with people and giving them HOPE for FREEDOM OF CHOICE & JOYS OF REWARDS. IT’S BEAUTIFUL BUSSINESS LETS SPREAD THE GOOD WORD AROUND.

Jayesh& Smita Varma

Businessman Exporter (H) & IT Professional (W)DOJ: 29/03/1998 | PUNE

Girish &Preeti Sambyal

I have always been an entrepreneur even before I married Preeti in 1987. Ever since I passed out of college in 1983, I have been on my own doing all kinds of small & big businesses, and failed in most of them, but still kept on fighting and never ever applied for a job, even though I had a degree in management. My father was a Major in the Indian Army and retired from active services in 1979. We were surviving on the little pension from Indian Army. I remember my mother had to take up a job to support the family . Those days were really difficult but as they say "Tough times never last, but tough people do", and we survived .We are a very supportive and close knit family, but the idea of a job and retirement never impressed me, when I was young.I started my business career with a meager capital and depended much on borrowed money and financial institutions; and usually landed up in huge amount of debt. Being an exporter I had travelled extensively abroad, to

European and Gulf countries, even before Amway came into our lives.I was always a big dreamer, much before the famous book "Secret" was written. I always wanted to be my own boss and own multiple businesses even before Robert Kiyosaki wrote his world famous best

seller "Rich Dad Poor Dad". The only problem was I didn't how to put the pieces of the puzzle together.Full marks to my wife Preeti who supported me in all my ventures, even when I was broke and down with 40 lakhs in debt. Today, Preeti, my Mother Sulabha Sambyal and my two sons Shikhar (22) and Nadish (12) are enjoying a life-style which most middle class families can't even dream of, thanks to Amway business.We joined Amway India in 1998 and were declared silver producers from May 1998 itself and till today we never came down from 21% commission slab. This business was simple for

us as we had lost lots of money in earlier businesses. The start up investment was never a problem(as it was a very small amount), working hard and late night was my second nature. Time management, self motivation, delayed gratification and importance of a mentor was all that I used to practice even earlier. When we jumped into Amway, it was very easy and automatic. Amway was too good to be true, and both Preeti and myself wanted it to work for us; hence we were willing to go to any length and become successful.Products were always great quality, and the size of the bottles were never a concern for us. We used to do a large personal volume from day one, even when there were only 6 products in the Indian market and continue to do the same. We have a lot to thank our mentors and the Amway Corporation. When we started out in 1998, with a debt of 40 lakhs, today we are absolutely financially free. Prior to the Amway business we had a small accommodation and today we live in a huge palatial independent bungalow in a very posh locality of Pune city. Before 1998 we had a Maruti 800 but today we have 4 cars lined up outside our bungalow, Exotic international holidays every year, Ornaments for Preeti, Liquid cash in the Bank and everything we dreamt off is coming true for us......This has been possible only with our hardwork and lots of efforts through this great opportunity.

“Amway was

too good to be true”



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RECOGNITION EMERALD An Emerald is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 3 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year.

12 AMAGRAM • January - February 2012

DOJ: 26/10/1999 | PUNE

Businessman (H) & Businesswoman (W)

Sunil& Rohini Inglay

My wife is a graduate and I am an Engineering Graduate. We are blessed with the lovely son Rohan,.

Amway Business helps us to come out of stressful life. This business is career building opportunity; this is an ocean, pick up what you want. Without the help of our team it would not have been possible to reach this level in business. This association always keep us in right culture; we say that this is character building business

“Ambition, Vision, Belief and Patience makes you Successful!”

DOJ: 22/10/2002 | UDAIPUR

Executive (H) & Beautician (W)

Mahendra & Meena Talesra

I am a Beautician and my husband is an Executive. We are blessed with three daughters, Deepshikha, Latika, Himanshi and a son, Parth. We are thankful to God and our parents for bestowing upon us right attitude, work ethics, value and wisdom to see a huge business opportunity in Amway. We are also thankful to our visionary for the support, guidance and supporting downlines; without their support it was not possible to achieve this level.

“Dream, faith and consistency are the key of success!”

Prior to joining Amway business, I was working as an Executive. We are blessed with a lovely son, Nithin and a beautiful daughter, Rakshita. Our parents gave us a right direction to be honest and ethical in life and since the Amway principle was the same this business was an instant hit for us. We never doubted our uplines and that is why today, we have come to this level.

“Unlimited enthusiasm, refusal to accept defeat and e�ciency are the true virtues which lead to successinanyventure!”

DOJ: 28/04/1998 | BANGALORE

Ex Employee (H) & Executive (W)

Ravi & Janaki Sujeer

DOJ: 15/10/2001 | PONDICHERRY

Ex A/C Technician (H) & Homemaker (W)

A Sekar& S Pounidavady

I am an Ex. A/C Technician and my wife is a homemaker. We are blessed with two lovely sons, Mahesh and Vignesh.

Amway business not only provides us �nancial freedom but also peace of mind and happiness. We are proud of our enthusiastic and most dynamic team. We believe in our dreams and are con�dent that with the team support, we shall be on the top. I give the credit of our success to my wife, my uplines and teammates.

“We believe that man makes dreams and dreams make man!”

DOJ: 27/09/1998 | SOLAPUR

Pharmacist (H) & Homemaker (W)

Ashwini Swadhin& Swadhin Niranjan Gandhi

I am a pharmacist and my wife is a homemaker and helps me with the business.

I have a furniture showroom but from four years I am doing full time Amway business because of which I could spend more time with my family.

We are thankful to God, our parents, family, our great uplines, downlines and our three year old son,Swarajya. We could achieve success in this business because we are committed and willing to do whatever it takes to ful�l our dream.

“The secret of success in this business is to believe in our mentors and keep following their footsteps!”


Homemaker (W) & Ex Employee (H)

S Vijaya& G Shanmugam

I am a homemaker my husband was a private employee and now full time Amway Business Owner. We are blessed with a daughter,Naveena and a son, Tharun. We are thankful to God for blessing us with this wonderful Amway opportunity which brought miraculous changes in our lives.

We are very much grateful to our guiding upline and united team without whose support success was not possible.

“Consistent and persistent e�orts bring success in Amway Business!”

DOJ: 30/08/1998 | ERODE

ABO (H) & Homemaker (W)

T Sathianandan& S Vanitha

Amway opportunity came as a turning point in our life. I understood to develop this business with consistency and hardwork.This business not only provides �nancial security in life but also helps in �nding true friends, good relationships, real happiness and recognition.

We are now enjoying absolute freedom, �nancial security, a quality lifestyle and more time to spend with family and our beloved son Harrish.We are grateful to our uplines and our downlines for their supports and cooperation.

“While we face rejections and challenges, we build Amway business with desire to succeed and today we are successful.”

DOJ: 06/01/2000 | CHENNAI

Homemaker (W) & Bussinessman (H)

K Revathy& M Kamalakannan

I was born in a small agricultural family 80 kilometres south from Chennai. We are blessed with two children, K. Gopalakrishnan and K. Rich Devos who are studying in 11th & 7th standard respectively. They give us the great inspiration to achieve the highest pins in Amway. We thank our uplines and downlines and our parents. Besides working hard, our unconditional submission to our mentor led us to achieve Emerald level.

“Success is achieved by the one who works hard with determination, dedication and con�dence!”

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RECOGNITION EMERALD An Emerald is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 3 legs, each of which was at the 21% Performance Bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year.

13AMAGRAM • January - February 2012

DOJ: 20/01/2000 | GORAKHPUR


Ravi Kant Rai

I was a student when my brother sponsored me into this business. Later I chose to pursue Amway Opportunity as my career and now I am very happy with my decision. Amway gave me the opportunity to lead a life of choice. Today I do what I like to do and not what I should do.

Amway not only provides such a life but also a life of signi�cance as you help others to make signi�cant change in their life.

“I am still bachelor but I feel very proud to have secured my forthcoming generation’s future!”

DOJ: 09/06/2003 | NELLORE

Engineer (H) & Homemaker (W)

G Mahendra Babu& Janaki G

DOJ: 26/04/2002 | TIRUPATI

Homemaker (W) & Ex Medical Representative (H)

Maanthini Ramu& Padmavathi

Amway business has come as a blessing in our life.We thank God for gifting us with this wonderful opportunity andthe wisdom to understand this unique business.We are blessed with two lovely children Priyatham andSathwik, who are our inspiration to build this business.

Though we faced many challenges initially while building Amway business, we overcame them with the help of our awesome up lines. We are also thankful to our committed hard working teammates.

“Life is full of challenges. Grab one when it comes your way!”

I started the business when I was a student. I got started and with the help of my uplines, formed a team of youngsters and went Platinum very fast. After marriage, with the support of my wife, we are building a strong business. Thanks to Amway opportunity because of which we are realizing our dreams at a very young age.

I am blessed to have great leaders in my organization. We are sure to create a 'young Diamond studded' organization under the leadership of our awesome Mentors.

“I strongly recommend every dreamer to build this business.”

DOJ: 11/03/2000 | AHMEDABAD

Ex Insurance Employee

Sunita Nair

Amway business gave me an opportunity to pursue my dreams. With the aid of world class products I could generate additional income alongwith my job. While working, I had to leave my lovely daughters Ushma and Shreya at home which was painful at that time. I build Amway business with passion for few years which gave me freedom from job, happy family, opportunity to ful�l my dreams and rewards like international trips.

“Thank God for giving me the association of the best team and mentors!”

DOJ: 20/01/2001 | NEYVELI

Teacher (W) & Civil Engineer (H)

K Geetharani& K M Ravichandran

I am a School Teacher and my husband is a Civil Engineer. We are blessed with two daughters,PriyadharshiniandKiruthikka.

At platinum level my husband met with an accident and the right hand permanently paralyzed and could not go to the job. At this stage, our Platinum income looked after our family.With the wonderful Nutrilite supplements and positive thought, the medical miracle happened.

We are thankful to our uplines who guided all the way and proud of our entire team.

“Everybody can achieve everything through this opportunity!”

DOJ: 21/04/1998 | PUNE

Mechaical Engineer (H) & Homemaker (W)

Authorised Representative of “Sasha Enterprises”

Satish& Shamali Amritkar

Prior to Amway business, I was a typical employee and my spouse was a homemaker. We had big dreams and desire to succeed. Our life is totally transformed by this opportunity. We are visualizing our extremely bright future ahead and ful�ll all our dreams.

We thank God for wonderful Amway business opportunity which was introduced to us by my sister.We are blessed with two daughters,Shruti and Sanjyot.

We achieved success because of consistent and persistent e�orts, support of our parents, uplinesand team.”

Also quali�ed as Sapphire

DOJ: 02/04/1998 | SURAT

Homemaker (W) & Diamond Merchant (H)

Ansuya Kirit& Kirit Bhimjibhai Dobariya

Prior to joining Amway business, I was a diamond merchant and my wife was a homemaker. We are blessed with two lovely children, Ashish andNisha.

Amway business came as a God’s blessing and our life totally changed. Today we believe that this master plan de�nitely o�ers more to our family than any master’s degree. We are very much thankful to God, our great upline and united downlines who supported us in reaching this level.

“You can get everything in life you want, if you just help enough people get what they want!”

Also quali�ed as Sapphire

DOJ: 22/03/2006 | CHENNAI

Homemaker (W) & Busniessman (H)

S Queen Rose Vijila& A Sebastine

I was a businessman and my wife is a homemaker. We are blessed with two lovely daughters, Eunice and Erine. I was doing well in my own business when Amway business was introduced to me by my close friend.I immediately grasp this opportunity with passion and succeeded to this level by God’s blessings.

We thank Amway India, our uplines, mentors and downlines and all those who have supported all through our successful journey.

“Believe in God, do your work and don’t compromise!”

Also quali�ed as Sapphire

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RECOGNITION SAPPHIRE A Sapphire is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 2 domestic 21% legs in the same month, for 6 months in a performance year, whilst maintaining 4000 Personal Group PV or has a third 21% leg in the absence of 4000 GPV in any month.

DOJ: 12/09/2002 | CHENNAIHomemaker (W) & Dept Marketing Manger (H)

M Vijaya Rani& P Samin

We are thankful to God for showering his blessings upon us in the contour of Amway business. It is a wonderful opportunity that has transformed our lives for better. We have a better lifestyle today and we work on ethics and values. Our uplines and downlines have been are biggest strength in building this business and achieving dreams. Their mentorship and corporation has brought us to this level today.

“By joining Amway opportunity, one can bring entire world into his home!”

DOJ: 29/04/2004 | IMPHALBusiness (Both)

Joy& Baby Oinam

Amway is one of the greatest opportunities of the world which God showered upon us as a blessing. It has brought a meaning to our life. Today we are building a honet and full of values business with the help of our uplines and team. We are really thankful to God, our parents, children Joldy, Dummy andJonbill and our entire team to stand with us throughout our journey and hope that they too will reach great heights in this business with God’s grace.

“Happiness is with Amway!”

DOJ: 17/01/2002 | AHMEDABADBusinessman (H) & Homemaker (W)

Ghanshyam C& Hetal G Patel

I am a homemaker and my husband is a businessman. We are blessed with a son,Keny and a daughter,Hemali. We are thankful to our great uplines, dedicated downlines and our family for their continuous support.

We are thankful to God for introducing Amway Business in our life. Life was good there was shortage of time. Today, with this opportunity, we are enjoying family life without tension and with a good source of income.

“If you help others, God will help you!”

DOJ: 23/03/2000 | DANTEWADAExecutive (H) & Homemaker (W)

Ram Singh& Maina Nag

I am a homemaker and my husband is an executive o�cer. We are blessed with �ve children, Nirdhi, Amridhi, Anshu, Bhartesh and Parul. Amway business has approved to be a God sent opportunity for us which has helped us dream big and to accomplish our goals.We are thankful to almighty God, our parents, all our great up lines and mentors and dedicated teammates for their tremendous support to ful�l their dreams.

“Have Strong Determination and Stay with It. “Dreams come true....”

DOJ: 21/11/2005 | IMPHALBusiness (Both)

Meghanath Singh& Victoria Devi Thingujam

Both of us were in teaching profession and we had tried some conventional business also. But all we could achieve was frustration and stressful life. By the grace of God, Amway opportunity came to us through one of my maternal uncles. Now with our two children, Nganba andLeishembi, we are building Amway business with strong values.

With our strong and dedicated uplineanddownline team, we are heading forward a wonderful future with peace of mind and tension free lifestyle.

“Amway is God’s gift!”

DOJ: 18/07/1998 | NAVI MUMBAIEx-Teacher

Hemlata Bhist & Jameshwari Thakur

I was a teacher and left my job ten years back. Today, I am a full time mother and my mother and daughter Yashika (Muskan) support me in building Amway business.

Amway business has given me the con�dence to move ahead in life. We are thankful to our great upline and our dynamic team for our success.

“No challenge can stop you to succeed if you have a �re within you!”

DOJ: 14/09/1999 | KARVEBusinessman (H) & Homemaker (W)

Abhijit& Asha A Potdar

We are fortunate to be a part of Amway, the greatest business opportunity in the world. I was working as a geologist on oil rigs. I build this business part time and today I am free from my job.

With the love, help and support of our family, we are building this business. We are grateful to our upline team. We are blessed with a daughter Samira who is our inspiration.

“This is the right time to build this business because it is on the verge of explosion.”

DOJ: 31/03/2002 | AGRAEx Banker (H) & Homemaker (W)

Deepak& Neelam Raghav

I am a homemaker and my husband was a banker presently working as a freelance trainer for personal growth and corporate development. We are blessed with two children, Karan and Somya.We understood the huge potential of Amway business by God’s blessings. This business has given us opportunity to redesign our lives. We are grateful to our uplinesand proud of our enthusiastic team. Our parents and children are our inspiration.

“Dreams bring Success!”

AMAGRAM • January - February 201214

DOJ: 16/07/1999 | CHENNAI

Electrical Engineer (W) & Executive (H)

J Joseph Prince& R Nijithra

DOJ: 30/11/2006 | NARAYANGAON

Doctor (Both)

Dr. Balasaheb Baban& Padma Mawale

DOJ: 22/10/2002 | CHENNAI

Music Director (H) & Singer (W)

P Biju& M Bindu

DOJ: 18/08/2001 | VELLORE

Homemaker (W) & Businessman (H)

R Santhi& S Radhakrishnan

DOJ: 23/01/2006 | KARUR

Businessman (H) & Teacher (W)

Baskar D & Jackulinmary B

RECOGNITION RUBY A Ruby is a qualified Platinum who has attained at least 20,000 personal group PV in any one month during the performance year in-market.

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RECOGNITION PLATINUM A Platinum has attained 6 qualifying months at Silver Producer level as defined in the Amway Business Manual, at least 3 of which are consecutive.

DOJ: 09/10/2003 | PONDICHERRYHomemaker (W) & Software Designer (H)

K Priya Vimal& R Krishna Rao

DOJ: 15/02/2006 | KADAPATeacher (H) & Homemaker (W)

Ramthulla& Noor Jahan Naguru

DOJ: 04/01/2002 | MANIMAJRADental Technician (H) & Homemaker (W)

Varinder Kumar& Archana Joshi

DOJ: 03/12/2004 | GUWAHATIBusinessman (H) & Homemaker (W)

Prasant Sarma& Hema Rashmi Bhardwaj

DOJ: 28/10/2004 | BHR SHARIFAmway Business Owner (H)

Rajesh Kumar

DOJ: 10/07/2009 | IMPHALBusinessman (H) & Homemaker (W)

Suranjoy Singh& Shilani Devi Laishram

DOJ: 31/08/2004 | ROURKELABusiness (Both)

S Hemalata& Santosh Kumar Send

DOJ: 13/04/2000 | YAMUNA NAGARBusinessman (H) & Homemaker (W)

Randhir & Seema Rana

DOJ: 27/11/2001 | NEYVELIHomemaker

S Maheswari

DOJ: 28/03/2000 | TIRUNELVELIBusiness (Both)

S Nagarajan& K Muthulakshmi

DOJ: 11/06/2007 | NAGAPATTINAMDoctors (Both)

Dr P Chockalingam& G Jayalakshmi

DOJ: 18/11/2006 | HYDERABADBeautician (M) & Student (S)

Sudha& Lokesh Sharma

DOJ: 16/07/2002 | HYDERABADEx Sr Marketing Manager (H) & Homemaker (W)

Shyam Sunder Reddy& V Sujatha

DOJ: 15/04/2006 | INDOREPharma Sales Person (H) & Homemaker (W)

Vijay Kumar& Rita V Contractor

DOJ: 18/04/2006 | HYDERABADBusinessman (H) & Teacher (W)

Khalil& Mumtaz Gilani

DOJ: 15/03/2000 | BATHINDABusinessman (H) & Homemaker (W)

Manoj Kumar& Poonam Devi Dass

DOJ: 19/03/2001 | CHENNAIABO (H) & Homemaker (W)

A Kannan Vanaraj& K Venkadeswari

DOJ: 26/04/2007 | CHENNAIHomemaker (W) & Teacher (H)

J Saraswathy& R Jayaraman

DOJ: 08/04/2008 | CHENNAIHomemaker (W) & Civil Work (H)

S Vaideghi & Subramanian

DOJ: 18/06/2001 | GUWAHATITeacher (W) & Corporate Employee (H)

Gayatri Borkotoky& Aswinee Saikia

DOJ: 30/11/2000 | GUWAHATITeacher (W) & Civil Engineer (H)

Madhumita& Romeo Kumar Bora

DOJ: 22/09/2001 | MORANHATBusinessman

Mukul Borgohain

DOJ: 13/09/2000 | JORHATEmployee (H) & Homemaker (W)

Rajinder Singh Bhamrah& Amarjit Kaur

DOJ: 03/03/2009 | PATNAFinancial Investment Planner (H) & FashionDesigner (W)

Mohan Kumar& Sushma Kumari Verma

DOJ: 11/04/2000 | SITAMARHIProfessor (H) & Homemaker (W)

Akhtar Abid Ali& Nasrin Bano

DOJ: 28/03/2001 | RANCHIEx Sales Manager (H) & Homemaker (W)

Mukesh Kumar& Poonam Devi

DOJ: 24/05/2000 | HAZARIBAGHStudent

Jeetendra Kumar Roy

DOJ: 29/12/2001 | IMPHALABO (H) & Homemaker (W)

Devraj Luwang Maisnam& Surma Khaidem

DOJ: 31/08/2002 | BALASOREDoctor (H) & Homemaker (W)

Susanta Kumar & Jharna Rani Manna

DOJ: 31/12/2000 | B.C.PURBusinessman (H) & Teacher (W)

Sachidananda& Prabhasini Lenka

DOJ: 31/01/2004 | NABARANGPURExecutive (H) & Homemaker (W)

Biswabhusan& B Kalyani Mohanty

DOJ: 12/12/2000 | GANGTOKCivil Engineer (H) & Homemaker (W)

K Sharma& Samjhana Niroula

DOJ: 26/07/2000 | ASANSOLInsurance Agent (H) & Homemaker (W)

Kamal Kumar& Chhaya Roy

DOJ: 17/03/2000 | BANGALOREExecutive (H) & Homemaker (W)

L Santosh & S Latha Santosh

DOJ: 21/05/2002 | MIDNAPOREHomemaker (W) & Health Consultant (H)

Soma& Bikash Kumar Dey

15AMAGRAM • January - February 2012

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RECOGNITION PLATINUM A Platinum has attained 6 qualifying months at Silver Producer level as defined in the Amway Business Manual, at least 3 of which are consecutive.

DOJ: 31/01/2002 | LATURGynecologist (H) & Pathologist (W)

Pradeep& Chhaya Dhele

DOJ: 30/04/2007 | TUTICORINEx Mechanical Engineer (H) & Homemaker (W)

B Vinoth& A Ajaytha

DOJ: 04/04/2007 | DELHIStudent

Amit Bajaj

DOJ: 13/05/2010 | CHENNAIHomemaker (W) & Professor (H)

R Santhi& K Ravichendran

DOJ: 31/10/2001 | KARURAmway Business Owner

R Senthilkumar

DOJ: 28/02/1998 | CHENNAICost Accountant (W) & Rtd. Analyst (H)

Kantha& T L Balasubramani

DOJ: 19/04/2002 | PALANPURBusinessman (H) & Businesswomen (W)

Pradeepkumar R& Beenaben P Gupta

DOJ: 13/11/1999 | KOLHARFarmer (H) & Homemaker (W)

Kiran D Kharde& Pallavi Kiran

DOJ: 05/08/2000 | KOLHAPURAccountant (H) & Homemaker (W)

Amit& Anita Salunkhe

DOJ: 26/09/2008 | DHARAPURAMEx Teacher (W) & Businessman (H)

K Vallarmathik& P Elangovan

DOJ: 13/11/2004 | RAJAPALAYAMBusinessman (H) & Tailoring (W)

A Ramachandran& V Shanthi

DOJ: 24/12/2008 | SRIVILLIPUTHURBeautician (W) & Businessman (H)

V Jeya Sudha& G Venkatesan

DOJ: 29/03/2001 | SRIVILLIPUTHURHomemaker (W) & Busniessman (H)

S Ambikadevi& S R Sarvajit

DOJ: 06/11/2007 | DELHIEx Army Service (H) & Homemaker (W)

Pravendra Singh& Sanyogita Tomar

DOJ: 09/06/2004 | KOLAREx ITI Lecturer (H) & Homemaker (W)

V Manohar& S K Mamatha

DOJ: 08/12/2008 | CHENNAIHomemaker (W) & Businessman (H)

S Santhi& K Selvakumar

DOJ: 17/04/2006 | CHENNAIEmployee (W) & Teacher (W)

A Kaspar Raj& P Jospin Daicy Rani

DOJ: 29/08/2002 | CHENNAISoftware Engineer (Both)

P Ramakrishnan & S Sathya

DOJ: 26/07/2007 | PONDICHERRYHomemaker (W) & CO.OP.Society Employee (H)

C Sarala& R R Cadiressane

DOJ: 11/07/2003 | PONDICHERRYCable TV Operator (H) & Homemaker (W)

S Anandhavel& A Devy

DOJ: 29/06/2009 | LUDHIANADoctor (Both)

Sumeet& Anita Chopra

DOJ: 19/09/1999 | BHOPALHomemaker

Jyoti Shrivastava

DOJ: 20/12/2005 | LUDHIANAExecutive (H) & Homemaker (W)

Jitender& Minakshi Sharma

DOJ: 22/07/1999 | KOMARAPALAYAMHomemaker (W) & Businessman (H)

Jhansi Rani S& Shanmugam P

DOJ: 06/05/2004 | SATHYAMANGALAMHomemaker (W) & Ex Service (H)

R Jayanthi& P S Rajendran

DOJ: 01/09/2007 | WALAJABADHomemaker (W) & Executive (H)

B Kothai Nayaki& V Balachandar

DOJ: 16/04/1998 | CHENNAIDentist (H) & Homemaker (W)

Authorised Representative Karshan Worldwide

Authorised Representative Bala International

Karthikeyan& K Shantha

DOJ: 24/12/1998 | COIMBATOREHomemaker (W) & Electrician (H)

G Malathi& S Gunasekaran

DOJ: 12/03/2009 | COIMBATOREEx General Manager (H) & Homemaker (W)

K Sasikumar& S Madhumathi

DOJ: 04/04/2003 | UPLETAEngineer (H) & Homemaker (W)

Atul B& Bhavna Gajera

DOJ: 10/04/1999 | MUMBAIHomemaker (M) & Businesswoman (D)

Sonabai Pandharinath& Sujata Barve

DOJ: 30/09/2006 | NAGPURBusinesswoman

Pratibha Ramshre Prasad

DOJ: 13/07/2006 | NAGPURHomemaker

Mamta Kumar

DOJ: 07/03/2000 | MUMBAIFitness & Health Expert (S) & Rtd. Driver (F)

Lloyd B& Herald D'souza

DOJ: 09/12/1998 | THANEBusinessman (H) & Homemaker (W)

P K& Padma Janardhan

16 AMAGRAM • January - February 2012

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RECOGNITION PLATINUM A Platinum has attained 6 qualifying months at Silver Producer level as defined in the Amway Business Manual, at least 3 of which are consecutive.

DOJ: 07/11/2007 | PALLADAMHomemaker

S Kavitha

DOJ: 07/03/2007 | KALWAKURTHYChurch Paster (H) & Homemaker (W)

Daniel& Sunitha Gummadi

DOJ: 21/07/2009 | KOVILPATTIHomemaker (W) & Employee (H)

V Ellammal& P Velusamy

DOJ: 03/10/2008 | KOVILPATTITeacher (W) & Executive (H)

L Padmavathi Devi& M Seenivasan

DOJ: 19/01/2008 | JAMMUHomemaker (W) & AEE (H)

Parveen Akhter& Mohd Riasat Khan

DOJ: 25/01/2006 | TRALHomemaker (W) & Executive (H)

Firdosa Javid& Javid Ahmad Bhat

DOJ: 19/03/2007 | PONDICHERRYEx Service (H) & Homemaker (H)

N M Palanisam& P Kavitha

DOJ: 26/12/2005 | CHANDIGARHHomemaker (W) & Engineer (H)

Rajni Soni & Brij Mohan

DOJ: 20/04/2006 | UDAIPURTeacher (H) & Teacher & Beautician (W)

Chitra& Mohan Menariya

DOJ: 19/08/2009 | MANNARGUDIHomemaker (W) & Businessman (H)

R Hemalatha & M Rajasekar

DOJ: 13/04/2006 | TANJOREHomemaker (W) & Clinical Psychologist (H)

E Jeswinmathina& I Edwardlaurant

DOJ: 21/09/2005 | HYDERABADBanker (H) & Homemaker (W)

Venkata Ramana Kumar& Padma Latha Vangala

DOJ: 18/02/2009 | NUNNAAmway Business Owner (H)

Narasimharao Nandru

DOJ: 10/09/2008 | SECUNDERABADBusinessman (H) & Homemaker (W)

Ashok Kumar& Mamta Sharma

DOJ: 06/09/2009 | MADDILAPALEMExecutive (H) & Homemaker (W)

Ganga Bhavani Pottipireddy& Santhi Swaroop Chalumuri

DOJ: 15/10/2001 | PATTUKOTTAIMechanic (H) & Homemaker (W)

C Manickavel& Kanahambara Pushpam

DOJ: 27/10/2003 | VIRAPANDIANPATTINAMInsurance Agent (W) & Teacher (W)

M Edward& P Siluvai Mary Thrace

DOJ: 08/09/2008 | NALLURFarmer (H) & Homemaker (W)

S Sivakumar& Stella Mary

DOJ: 06/08/2000 | TIRUNELVELIHomemaker (W) & Typist (H)

M Muthu Selvi& S Mohan

DOJ: 24/12/1999 | KARAIKUDICo-operative Sector (W) & Excecutive (H)

V Kathiresan& K Thenmozhi

DOJ: 14/07/2003 | CHENNAIHomemaker (W) & Rtd Employee (H)

T Padmavathi& M Thangam

DOJ: 13/11/1999 | BARAMATIAsst Manager (H) & Homemaker (W)

Sunil Ramaling I& Vijaya Todkar

DOJ: 19/09/2007 | COIMBATOREHomemaker

S J Vani Rajakumar

DOJ: 30/08/2007 | DEHRADUNAmway Business Owner

Sandeep Sobti

DOJ: 16/10/2000 | RAMBANHomemaker

Parveen Akhtar

DOJ: 15/02/2006 | JAMMUBusinessman (H) & Homemaker (W)

Hari Krishan& Palivi Sharma

DOJ: 06/04/2009 | JAMMUHomemaker

Meenakshi Verma

DOJ: 12/09/2008 | DEHRADUNAdvocate (S) & Rtd HOD (M)

Avinash Kumar& Kamlesh Vohra

DOJ: 29/11/2000 | FAIZABADManager (H) & Homemaker (W)

Krishna Murari& Manju Srvastava

DOJ: 30/12/2001 | RAEBARELIBusinessman (H) & Homemaker (W)

Mahendra Jeet Chawla& Jaspreet Kaur

DOJ: 31/03/2002 | BARIABO (H) & Homemaker (W)

Sanjeev& Mithlesh Sharma

DOJ: 05/07/2007 | SOLAPURAgriculture Business (H) & Homemaker (W)

Manik Somnath& Shanteshwari Manik Bhagoji

DOJ: 31/05/2002 | MADURAIEmployee (W) & Rtd BSNL Employee (H)

Lakshmi Raghavan& R Raghavan

DOJ: 27/01/2005 | COIMBATOREBusinessman

R Madhvan

DOJ: 11/12/2007 | CHENNAIAmway Business Owner (Both)

M Balaguru& Navarasi

17AMAGRAM • January - February 2012

Page 15: Amagram

Anoop Singh, Neelam & Singh, Anoop BadlapurAruna, Jammi & Jammi, Ravi Kumar RaipurB, Amalin Clara Mary & S, Baskar Raj ChennaiBabu C H, Suresh & K, Renuka KannurBhagat, Harish & Surekha DhuleBhandari, Rakesh Kumar & Gagan Yamuna NagarBhande, Suhasini Rajesh Kumar & Rajesh Kumar AurangabadBhaskar, Akhilesh & Rajesh DelhiBhattacharjee, Esita & Arup PaltaBhorwani, Bhavesh Kotaishwar & Bhavisha NavsariBhowmick, Madhab & Rinku NahataBisht, Prem Singh & Meera ManimajraC Vijayalakshmi & G Chandirasehar KomarapalayamChauhan, Geeta & Sandeep JakhauliChinnadurai, A & Amutha, C Port BlairChintalapudi, Surendra Babu & Ratnam Ravi Kumar, A KandukurDagur, Alka BhopalDas, Dr Jyotirmoy & Dr Lakshmi GuwahatiDas, Kakali & Prasenjit KolkataDash, Satyapriya & Devendra BalangirDeepak Khare & Arti Sepaha JabalpurDesai, Pinakin P & Shilpa MumbaiDevi, Ganeshi & Ram, Bahdur DehradunDevi, Ram Kishori BhagalpurDiwan, Om & Preeti BhopalE, Neelamegan & K, Deepa NeyveliFernandes, Peter Julius & Juliet CurchoremG Hatwar, Kamala & Hatwar, Ganesh UdupiG, Anand & K, Prathibadevi ChennaiG., Asha & Prabhakar MeduruGade, Sreedhar BangaloreGadi, Amravathi KolarGadi, Sitalakshmi & Vadrevu, Srinagesh SecunderabadGanai, Mohd Iqbal ShopianGangalapuram, Dhanunjaya RayadurgamGatate, Shweta & Rajashekhar BangaloreGoswami, Govindpuri & Usha JaipurGubbi, Ravishankar G & H S, Sudha JayanagarHanmul, Sunita Premdas & Premdas N WashimHathlania, Reena & Surinder KurukshetraJain, Mugdha BangaloreJaiswal, Deepak & Urmila AllahabadJena, Puspa & Binaya Kumar BolangirJha, Mamta Kumari DhanbadJoshi, Mankuvar Maheshkumar & Maheshkumar DihorK, Kuppusamy & Citra SalemK, Sivakumar & S, Sumathi NamakkalK, Veena & Sullia, Dr Kishan MangaloreKant, Sushma Rani JammuKar, Anil Kumar & Baijayanti JharsugdaKhatri, Renuka & Girish BhopalKhot, Shakuntala & Pandit S SankeshwarKoladiya, Neela R & Ramesh S MumbaiKombde, Maya Subhash & Subhash KolhapurKoolwal, Santosh & Gupta, Ganesh Narain JaipurKumar, Akash & Kumari, Dolly NawadaKumar, Sumit PatnaKumar, Vinod BaghapuranaKunder, Eknath & Rajni CoimbatoreLahoti, Shyam Satyanarayan & Komal S NandedLodaya, Rajesh Hirachand & Monty DombivliLohar, Pyarelal Chhandalal & Nisha PuneM Rajeswari & P Matheswaran SathyamangalamM S, Rajeev MuvattupuzhaM Sakkarai & S P Vennila Villupuram

M, Gnaneshwar & G, Arunthathy ChennaiMadhavan, Usha CoimbatoreMandwale, Shailendra D & Shivani S KaradMayanglambam, Jual Meetei & Ranjeeta Devi ImphalMishra, Krishna & Ram Dulare BastiMittal, Vishu LudhianaMohanty, Trupti BhubaneswarMukherjee, Anita & Debasis HaripalNag, Abhijit & Sumana KolkataNayak, Kalpana & Roy, Rajendra Kumar BhubaneswarNemade, Poonam Vaibhav & Vaibhav P. DombivliParekh, Jagruti R & Ravindra G MadhiPatel, Anju Nayankumar & Nayan I AhmedabadPathak, Sonalika & Swapan Kumar JalpaiguriPatil, Ajay Sambhajirao KolhapurPatil, Dr Smita Sandesh & Dr. Sandesh PunePatil, Yogesh Janardan & Jyoti PunePhilip, K O & Oommen Philip, Reji KottarakaraR Arunchakradhar & R Audhilakshmi DargamittaR Balasubramanian & B Jothi RajapalayamR Doureradjane & D, Valli PondicherryR, Geethanjali & S, Ramasubramanian RajapalayamR, Vellammal & E S, Samundeeswari ErodeRahman, Shakil Ur & Naresha JorhatRajkumari, Premlata Devi ImphalRay, Jyoti Prabha & Das, Dipranjan KokrajharS P, Charles Durai & A, Kavitha ChennaiS, Prabha & A, Senthilkumar TiruchengodeS, Srividhya & T M, Varatharaj ErodeS, Yashaswini & Shettigar, Avinash S MangaloreSahai, Kirti BhopalSahni, Monima & Sunil RoorkeeSalim, K M & Merly MuvattupuzhaSarkar, Shila & Ratan KolkataSavaliya, Sonal Pradeep & Pradeep R SuratSawant, Ajit & Shobha BhikavadeSaxena, Lalit Mohan & Ruchi RewariShah, Namrata Sandip & Sandip SuratShah, Nikeeta Manish & Manish MumbaiShaik, Ahamad Bhasha & Mobeena NelloreSharma, Manju & Tarun Kumar BharatpurSharma, Rama & Vishwa Nath BilaspurSharma, Sangeeta & Vijay ChennaiShiekakbar, Anwar VenkatagiriShrivastava, Abhilasha BhopalShukla, Renu & Sushil LucknowSingh, Prabha & Rajesh Kumar LucknowSingh, Prithvi Paul & Kaur, Raminder SaharanpurSingh, Santosh Kumar & Devi, Sindhu PatnaSinha, Sanjeev Kumar & Amrita SitamarhiSoti, Vidur Kumar & Kanchan BhopalSoubam, Gunamani Singh & Amita Devi ImphalSulakhe, Pratima RajnandgaonTakhenchangbam, Tombisana Sharma & Pramodini Devi ImphalTandekar, Nandlal & Neeta NagpurThind, Rupinder Kaur & Tajinder Pal Si MajithaV Vasantha & P K Venkatesan NeyveliV, Kamatchi & S, Vasudevan ChennaiVenkatesh Murthy, B N Gayathri & Samba BangaloreVibhute, Shivanand Mahadeo & Rashmi KolhapurWani, Shiraz Ahmad & Gul, Rubina ShopianYadav, Nagendra Kumar & Devi, Kavita KotputliYamung, Roto & Doging, Tamar Itanagar

GOLD PRODUCERRECOGNITIONA Gold Producer has attained three qualifying months at the Silver Producer level as defined in the Amway Business Manual.

18 AMAGRAM • January - February 2012

SILVER PRODUCERRECOGNITIONA Silver Producer has attained a qualifying month at 21% as defined in the Amway Business Manual

A, Anjalai & P, Matheswaran TanjoreA, Balaraman KanchipuramA, Chandralakshmi & T, Muthuvel GandamanayakanurA, Rangasamy & R, Thagamani CoimbatoreA, Ranjith Kumar & V, Stella Backiaselvi TuticorinA, Shibulu & P B, Nisha KollamAbhyankar, Anjali Vivek & Vivek MumbaiAbraham, Biju & Biju, Salja TripunithuraAdimulam, Venkata Prasad & Peddanna KanigiriAdmuthe, Abhinandan Annasaheb & Aparna SangliAgarwal, Smriti & Anand KolkataAgrawal, Priyanka JaipurAhuja, Mayank & Preety Shahabad MarkandaAjith Kumar M & Reeja Rani C CalicutAngamuthu HyderabadAntony, P V & Deena North ParvoorAravindakshan M & Sherly T M KozhikodeAretty, Vijayasri & Satyanarayan NizamabadAswal, Sarojini & Sushil New DelhiAswin, M J PacodeAtediya, Goverdhan Lal & Shyamu RatlamB, Chandrasekaran & C, Sivagamasundari KanchipuramB, Dhanalakshmi & S P, Baskaran ErodeB, Geetha & S, Baskaran DindigulB, Manimegalai & S, Balamurugan KanchipuramBagad, Sunil Nimba & Pallavi Sunil SatanaBagga, Trilochan Natharam GondiaBakare, Vijaya Atul & Atul Nasik RoadBandi, Nagarjunaroyal NandalurBangal, Mintu Pada & Tanushree MaheshtalaBarua, Pallab Kumar & Bobita JorhatBarua, Seema HowrahBasra, Sukhjinder Singh & Davinder Pal Kaur NadalaBatth, Baljinder New DelhiBawaskar, Pankaj Tulshiram & Suman Tulshiram NanduraBegum, Nasrin & Mohammad, Sakil GwaliorBhalala, Jasmina Sandeep & Sandeep Ghanshyam SuratBharati, Mrityunjay Kumar Port BlairBharolia, Sangita M & Mukesh SuratBharti, Archana & Kumar, Manish KatiharBhasin, Sandeep & Meenu Yamuna NagarBhat, Mohammad Ayub & Muneera Ayub PulwamaBhatt, Lekha & Harish Chandra HaldwaniBhatt, Mohan Chandra & Meena Haldwani

Bhojane, Ravi & Chhya JabalpurBhushan, Sunita Ravikumar & Kumar, Ravi Bhushan MumbaiBibi, Shabina & Safiq, Abdul Port BlairBisht, Narender Singh & Manorma DehradunBiswas, Tanima & Sagarnil JamshedpurBora, Santana & Deka, Sadananda MangaldaiBora, Sheetal Santosh & Santosh M RawetC B, Ajimon KattapanaC F, Antony & Flyme ErnakulamC, Devadasan & M, Sukanya KalpettaC, Subash Chandrabose & S, Senthamilselvi ChengalpattuChakrabarty, Tirthankar TamlukChakraborty, Manas Pratim & Moumita HowrahChandel, Kanta & Kehar Singh MandiChandra Shekar, P R & Manjula, C GaracharmaChatterjee, Rammohan & Baisakhi HowrahChatterjee, Soma & Chattopadhyay, Ranj NaihatiChaudhari, Kalyani & Kumar, Ashok VaranasiChaudhari, Prakashbhai G & Urvashi ValodChemmani, Joe & Cherian, Priya Mary BangaloreChheda, Rupal P & Piyush MumbaiChoudhary, Dhanpal Singh & Sahab Singh SaharanpurChouhan, Girja & Om Prakash KorbaChouhan, Sandhya JabalpurChowannoor, Ajeesh TrichurChowdhury, Nibedita & Dibyendu South 24 PgnsC P, Haris & Kadeeja KuttipuramD A, Saifudeen & L, Sheeba ThiruvananthapuramD, Kumar & K, Deepalakshmi ChennaiD, Pushpa & P, Devan HosurDagade, Mangesh Ramesh & Shweta PanvelDalakoti, Harish & Manju New DelhiDalmia, Rajani & Rajesh HowrahDalwadi, Jatin & Swati SuratDandu, Venkata Nageswari & Veerasankara Babu ChinchwadDaphal, Arjun Namdev DhamariDash, Pranati & Subash Chandra DhenkanalDash, Sukadev CuttackDavidson, Anup Sunil & Shobha Sunil AkolaDevi, Dayawati & Rana, Vinita DehradunDevi, Jayanti DumkaDevi, Rani & Singh, Kamaljit SonepatDevi, Ranjita HazaribaghDevi, Rukamani & Parshad, Harihar Saharanpur

Page 16: Amagram

Devi, Shanti & Gautam, G P JhansiDewangan, Ekta & Narmada RaipurDhan, Bimal & Mary Marget DhanbadDhandapani, N & D, Sugandhi KodakaraDhar, Dr Vishwajeet & Reena BilpankDhos, Neelesh KhargoneDiwan, Nalin & Kriti BangaloreDogra, Ravi & M L New DelhiDogra, Usha Kumari KatraDolui, Kakali & Sombhunath TarakeswarDonkala, Alla Baksh & Shaik, Parwin MydukurDr, E Zafarullah SalemD'souza, Vincent & Geeta DelhiDudhat, Ila Arvind & Arvind Bavchand SuratDutta, Nandita & Satyendra Nath BurdwanDwivedi, Khushboo SatnaE, Alagianambi & A, Krishnaveni MaduraiE, Ravichandran & R, Dhanalakshmi PondicherryFatima, Aaisha & Ahmad, Md Ejaz New DelhiFernando, Shaheeda Parvin & Bhavna MumbaiFeroz, Linda & Farid, Feroz Shah AluvaG Jaisri & R Kesavan SivakasiG Kamalaselvi & K K Dineshkumar ErodeG, Buvaneswari & B, Jai Sankar ChennaiG, Gobinath & R, Kodeeswari ErodeG, Kaveri & Ganapathy ChennaiG, Kiran Kumar & P Jose, Shyni ThiruvananthapuramG, Lakshimi & R S, Gurunathan KanchipuramG, Ravi & Ravi, Malathy ChennaiG, Senthamil Selvan & S, Mohana Priya SriperumpudurG, Shanmugapriya & M, Gnanasekar ChennaiG, Vijayarani & S, Gnanasekaran SenduraiGaikwad, Dr Satyashila P MumbaiGandhi, Monica Lal ChicalimGarg, Anil KothiGaud, Dharmendra Kumar & Laxmi IndoreGayathri Venkatraman ChennaiGeorge, Jomon M IndoreGeorge, Michael KasargodGeorge, Prince & P C IdukkiGhantellu, Rajkumar Ramanjalu & Nandani R AurangabadGhosh, Kousik & Jayati BoinehiGhosh, Sraboni & Bijoli KolkataGogna, Baljit Singh SangrurGolder, Ashim & Smriti Raipur RaniGopal, Rashmi & Keragodi, Vinay Manjun BangaloreGora, Sapna Davi & Dayanand NarnaulGosai, Charulata Rajnikant & Rajnikant SuratGosavi, Dr Sandeep Suresh & Radika S NarayangaonGovindaiah, V & Bhagya, S KolarGupta, Anil & Uma DurgGupta, Ekta NoidaGupta, Pooja & Pradeep GurgaonGupta, Rajnesh & Puja SolanGupta, Shobha & Prakash IndoreGurram, Ramohannaidu & Vijayalakshmi MadanapalleGurunadham, Sreenu & Ramanamma PodiliHamamato, Tomoko & Hamamoto, Yosuke GurgaonHaridasan, M & E T, Bindu EdappalHattangadi, Shweta Sudhir & Sudhir MumbaiHazarika, Edna Sharma & Ajanto JorhatHembrom, Sona Ram & Soren, Mary Angeli BokaroHota, Sujata & Santosh Kumar NabarangpurHuidrom, Shyamo Singh & Khomdonbi Devi ImphalIdalgave, Manmath Vishwanath & Aarti SangliIngle, Jyoti Prashant & Engle, Prashant ItarsiJ S, Nisha ChennaiJ, Manikandavasakan & M, Rajakumari SirkaliJ, Murali ChennaiJ, Selwyn Jude Amirtara & Ruby PondicherryJadhav, Sandeep Ashokrao & Prathibha HadgaonJadhav, Vinod & Sapna GautampuraJaikaria, Madhu & Vijay Singh DharamshalaJain, Anil & Sandhya UdaipurJain, Himanshu KhargoneJain, Jyoti & Manish Kumar DelhiJakul, Satish R & Radha R NanduraJangid, Shankar Lal & Santosh JodhpurJaswal, Vinay Kumar & Pyare Lal AllahabadJat, Girraj Prasad & Indira Devi LaxmangarhJayabalan, C R & Usha Jayabal, V V TrichurJha, Niranjan Kumar & Nirmal Kumar KatiharJiwtode, Sheela Sanjay NagpurJohnson, Andrews & Sebastian, Mary KottayamJose, Pathrose & Ancelin ChalakudyJoshi, Kalpna & Umesh DehradunJoshi, Lalit Mohan & Mohan Ch RanikhetK D, Binojmon KattapanaK G, Sridhara BangaloreK J, Joseph & Jose, Jessy KattapanaK K, Mohamed Kutty & Cheladathil, Jaseela ManjeriK M, Shiva Kumar & A S, Bhuvana Sriee ErodeK P, Dakshayani KannurK S Karthi Keyan & V Bhuvaneswari ChennaiK S, Joseph & Joseph, Rosamma IdukkiK Sam, Saji & Jose, Sheelu ThiruvananthapuramK Senthil Kumar & S Nagavalli TiruchengodeK Sreelal, Dr & Jayasree P S, Dr KanjaveliK, Aravindan & V, Geetha PudukkottaiK, Balu & B, Sujatha ChengalpattuK, Christella & V, Kumaraswamy ChennaiK, Kalaisalvi & E R, Velmurugan DharmapuriK, Karuppannan & Gomathi SalemK, Muthukavitha & N, Thirupathi TuticorinK, Samundeswary & S, Kumar ChennaiK, Santhanalakshmi & S, Kannan ChennaiK, Suresh Babu & M V, Rajitha Suresh B ThalasseryK, Vimala & D, Thiiruvon ChennaiKabi, Mahendra & Latanjali RajgangpurKadam, Vaishali Bhimrao & Bhimrao Shivaji DindoriKajjer, Anand Moody BangaloreKali, Sutapa KolkataKalkonde, Shrikant & Jayashri NagpurKanta, Swarn MogaKanwar, Shailesh JaipurKapadia, Nafisa & Juzer PuneKapse, Rohini Ajay & Dr Ajay Vijay NasikKarmakar, Radhashyam & Mitu BurdwanKashyap, Bimlesh & Sahendra SaharanpurKatta, Gangulamma Thungapalli

SILVER PRODUCERRECOGNITIONA Silver Producer has attained a qualifying month at 21% as defined in the Amway Business Manual

19AMAGRAM • January - February 2012

Kaur, Gaganpreet MogaKaur, Gurpreet & Singh, Gurbachan GurdaspurKaur, Kulvinder & Singh, Sukhvir JagraonKaur, Sarbjeet & Singh, Sarabjit GurdaspurKaushik, Parveen & Kavita SonipatKaviwala, Vanita SuratKenjale, Kailas Mugutrao & Vidhya SataraKhant, Jashodaben Manubhai SantrampurKharadi, Naresh Sukhabhai & Sharmishtha N IdarKhullar, Rajesh & Jyoti JammuKhumukcham, Bidyarani Devi & Chingakham, Bishworji ImphalKizhuvetath, Ali MalappuramKonsam, Sunil Singh & Asharani Devi YairipokKrishnan, Subhadra TrivandrumKujur, Neetu R JamshedpurKumar, A Krishna & Ambily, V KollamKumar, Ajit & Kavita VaishaliKumar, Ashok & Show, Dashani RamgarhKumar, Jyoti Sanjay & Sanjay Navi MumbaiKumar, Krishan & Balla, Madhu AlwarKumar, Makesh AlappuzhaKumar, Narendra BhagwanpurKumar, Parveen NarnaundKumar, Ram & Kumari, Kiran AgraKumar, Sumesh & Bhardwaj, Arti LudhianaKumar, Vinod & Devi, Babita RishikeshKumari, Aarti & Anand, Prakash PatnaKumari, Manju & Kumar, Dhananjay New DelhiKumari, Rita DhanbadKumari, Sheetal Dehri On SoneKundu, Jayanta & Subrata KolkataKuppili, Dhanalakshmi & Venkata Ramana VisakhapatnamKura, Jangaiah & Balamani HyderabadKurapati, Hari & Ramya BangaloreKushwah, Suneeta & S K KareraL Edayathulla & E Dhaslim Arif ChennaiLahauria, Sonia & Singh, Jasvinder ShillongLaishram, Brojen Singh & Soroja Devi ImphalLal, Roshan & Kumar, Raj NawanshahrLal, Susan & V K, Lalappan KarunagappallyLata, Dr Suman & Srivastava, Surendra AgraLata, Suman & Pal, Naresh BangaloreLei, Yu Ming & Yeh, Kuei Hua GurgaonLeishangthem, Inaocha Singh & Sobita Devi ImphalLongjam, Nanao Leima & Tomba Meitei TamenglongM Alamelumangai & S Manivannan KaraikudiM K, Ummer Farook & Ummer Farook, Same TirurM Nazeema Banu & Sintha Shaik Mathar NagercoilM S, Ramadas & Cherumadathil, Deepa K BulandshahrM Sathishkumar KrishnagriM Sivarajan & S Adilakshmi VillupuramM, Ameerali KarunagappallyM, Jayakumar ChennaiM, Kandasamy & K, Padmavathy SrivilliputhurM, Kannan ChennaiM, Primus & V, Hilda NagercoilM, Thirumaniselvi & P, Murugasapandian ChennaiMahajan, Munish & Kamal Kanta GurdaspurMahalakshmi, R TirupurMahapatra, Sangeeta & Sushanta Kumar JeyporeMahapatra, Sushree Suprabha & Datta, S BalangirMaheshwari, Shweta & Atul GurgaonMaity, Jagan Nath & Anjali DelhiMaji, Sujit & Kalpana GhatalMaletia, Pushpa LudhianaMali, Bal Krishan & Kailashi Bai KarauliMann, Virender & Suneta GannaurMasih, John & Kalyan, Meena MogaMathew, Alice & Nikhil KattapanaMathew, Babichen & Baby, Tessy ChenganacherryMathews, Eldo & Eldo, Alyamma PerumbavoorMayanglambam, Catar Singh ImphalMayengbam, Suni Devi & Jadumani Singh LilongMazumder, Bipul & Ganesh GolaghatMc, Vaidhianathan & V, Mouttoulatchoumy PondicherryMekala, Satheesh Kumar & Lavanya BangaloreMeruva, Usha Rani & Venkata Rathnam TirupatiMhatre, Mangal & Manohar PanvelMillo, Yuttung & Taka ItanagarMishra, Arvind Kumar & Pramila NallasoparaMishra, Balesh & Rekha Satna H OMishra, Kamayani & Naresh Kumar New DelhiMishra, Mritunjay Kumar & Sushma VaishaliMishra, Nisha RishikeshMishra, Smruti Ranjan BangaloreMishra, Sunil & Sarita GorakhpurMitra, Rona & Anirvan KolkataMittal, Madhu & Varjinder BathindaMittal, Vandana VikasnagarMocherla, Geetha Rani & Vijayalakshmi KarimnagarModi, Monica & Jignesh SuratModi, Sangeeta & Pawan Kumar GondiaMohan, Dharmendra & Gwadi, Pooja RaiwalaMohanta, Anjana & Nohanta, Kamal Krishna KeonjharMohanta, Reena JaipurMohapatra, Harihara & Ratha, Neela New DelhiMohapatra, Sasmita & Jajati Keshari HyderabadMolgy George ThiruvallaMore, Bipin Ramesh & Punam KolhapurMudhale, Sarita Uday & Uday KolhapurMukherjee, Sharmila & Tapas KolkataMurtaza & Baharinwala, Hamida Chhoti SadriMushahary, Mun Mun Brahma & Manik Kumar Green AvenueN Manikandan & D, Meenatchi Sundari PollachiN S, Parameshbabu & G R, Munirathnamma KolarN Thamilarasu & P Reeta ParamakudiN, Avadeswari & T R, Nagalingam ChennaiN, Deepak & Ramath, Remya PerumbavoorN, Velkumar & V, Sornambigai SivakasiNag, Chandrani & Goutam KolkataNagata, Akihiko GurgaonNain, Deepika SonepatNarayan, Sri & Bind, Madhu Lata MirzapurNarayanan, Radhika IrinjalakudaNath, Ramesh Kumar RemunaNautiyal, Amrita & Giriraj RoorkeeNayak, Pradesh Kumar P AurangabadNehra, Rekha & Omprakash AlwarNingthoujam, Sanatombi ImphalO V, Akhilesh & C R, Neethu Kodungallur

Page 17: Amagram

Okram Cha, Manimohon & Khumanthem, Sushila Devi ImphalOuseppachan, Lijo & Lijo, Gisa PerumbavoorP G, Davis KodakaraP S, Deepesh CalicutP S, Mini ThiruvananthapuramP Selvam & S, Selvi ChennaiP V, Anandan & Anandan, Sujatha TrichurP V, Raveendran & M, Sunitha MalappuramP V, Rosa & P P, Emmanuel ErnakulamP, Karuppiah & K, Rathnavathi ChennaiP, Latha & Babu, Sangeet TirurP, Manjula & Parthepan KumbakonamP, Ponnusamy & Sarojadevi KulithalaiP, Praveena Rai & M, Prashanth Rai Dakshin KannadaP, Ramachandra Reddy & Sukanya YeramukapalliPadda, Ranjit Singh & Davinder Kaur GhomanPadma Wati, Ch & Raman Rao, G Port BlairPadmanabha Pillai, R & Saradamma, L KayamkulamPai, Sandeep & Swathi BangalorePakhal, Devendra Kumar G & Hemavathi D BidarPakhal, Shivkumar G & Nirmala BidarPalla, Srinivasa Rao VisakhapatnamPanda, Suresh Kumar & Mamata ChatrapurPandey, Asha & Kumar, Arun UttarkashiPanja, Asima & Kartik Chandra HooghlyPanwar, Bheru Singh & Rekha Bai BadnawarParida, Dilip Kumar & Dandpat, Nihar N BaripadaPatel, Ashokbhai Hirabhai & Heenaben Ashokbhai AmroliPatel, Chetana & Mitesh AhmedabadPatel, Hradayakant D & Manjulaben H BodeliPatel, Narayan J AhmedabadPatel, Rakhi Sandeep & Sundeep S AurangabadPatel, Shilpa Mahesh & Mahesh C SuratPateliya, Chetanbhai Jerambhai & Ila TrapajPathak, Madhu & Arun Kumar KanpurPathare, Nirmala Kailas & Kailas PunePatidar, Dinesh & Maya BadnawarPatil, Bhagyashree Ananda & Ananda KolhapurPatil, Geetanjali & Keshav PunePatil, Mohan Tryambak ChopadaPatil, Priyanka & Pramod PanvelPatil, Shankarrao Laxman & Vanita S PunePatil, Sucheta & Deelip UdgirPatil, Suresh Jagannath ChopadaPatwari, Bita & Lalit JammuPaul, Rabindra Nath DewanhatPharwana, Manpreet Kaur & Arshdeep Singh SangrurPolu, Manoj Kumar & Vara Lakshmi KavaliPradeep Gorre & Sivakumari Gorre NellorePradhan, Dr Bijay Kumar & Sahu, Pranati TalcherPrasad, Jitendra & Devi, Soni SheikhpuraPrasad, Priyanka & Daya Shankar JamshedpurPrasad, Shivnath & Devi, Ratna RanchiPriyadarshini, J Miriam Angeline & Jayakumar, Ravi BangalorePriyadrashan, Sangram & Debnath, Rita BangalorePuri, Dolly NoidaPuri, Vijay & Renu New DelhiPuttapaga, Nagaraju & Laxmi ThotapalliR G, Mahesh Kumar & Kumar, Sushma BangaloreR Pacrieswamy & P Amutha NagapattinamR Shanthi & J Ramamurthy ChennaiR Sundararaj & Manjuladevi S CoimbatoreR V Sudhakaran & S Parimala TiruppurR, Dhamodharan & A, Sasikala CoimbatoreR, Haridas & A K, Sreelatha KayamkulamR, Jeyaprabha & N, Ravichandran ChennaiR, Muniraja & M, Kalamani KomarapalayamR, Radhakrishnan Pillai & K, Sethulakshmi HaripadR, Rajeev & Rajeev, Sreevidya PerumbavoorR, Rameshkumar & Suganthi SalemRadhakrishnan Nair, R & Deepa, Radhakr KollamRaghavan, Boban KarunagapallyRaghuram, Anila & C S KorbaRajagopal, Bhavani ChennaiRajalakshmi & M, Suresh AngamalyRajput, Lovely & Balraj BhilwaraRajya, Ram & Rani, Bimla MilakRana, Narender Yamuna NagarRani, Radha & Kumar, Sanjay RewariRani, Sunita & Singh, Parminder RohtakRathi, Shwetha Amit & Amit SangliRaul, Runu Mahan BaripadaRawat, Dipti & Dinesh Kumar NoidaReddy, P Seetaya PitataliRenuka & Singh, Mahesh Kumar DehradunRevankar, Uday Dhananjay & Divya Uday BelgaumRubavathy, B Sheela Prasanna & R, Rame MaduraiS A, Neelakanth & Bhangur, Rohini BangaloreS Arulchandran & R Parameshwari AralvaymoliS E, Prabakaran & P, Karthika SankariS K, Selvi & V, Sampath KanchipuramS Prema & G Valluvan VillupuramS Rajkumar KomarapalayamS Velayutham & G, Anandhi ChengalpattuS, Anitha & G, Sudalaimani MaduraiS, Ezhilarasi & U, Selvaraj ChennaiS, Geetha & A, Sivalingam DharmapuriS, Jeyasree & V A R, Srivatson ChennaiS, Karuppannan NamakkalS, Manivannan & M, Jeyasudha KaraikudiS, Murugeswari & A, Selva RamanathapuramS, Padmavathi & K, Venkatachalam SalemS, Parasuraman & P, Uma CheyyarS, Prasannakumari NeyyattinkaraS, Rajarathinam & Seenivasaragavan GandamanayakanurS, Shanthi & K, Srikanthan BangaloreS, Sinduja & R, Prabhu ChennaiS, Subramani & Priyadarisini, P Vandan ChennaiS, Sumathi & Sivaji ChennaiS, Umasrinivasan & V, Srinivasan ChennaiSabu, Jeeja & P C, Sabu TaliparambaSachdeva, Nitin & Natasha AllahabadSachdeva, Usha & Pallavi RewariSadanshiv, Vikas Namdeorao & Smrutee V AkolaSagolsem, Radhapiyari Devi & Lukhoi Singh ImphalSaha, Ashis Baran & Madhumita HooghlySaha, Namita & Subrata KarimpurSahoo, Utkalika BhubaneswarSahu, Archana RaipurSahu, Archana & Mahendra Kumar RaipurSahu, Vijay Kumar JaipurSaini, Sunandit Kaur JalandharSakthivel, Murugadoss & P, Amsaveni Chennai

SILVER PRODUCERRECOGNITIONA Silver Producer has attained a qualifying month at 21% as defined in the Amway Business Manual

20 AMAGRAM • January - February 2012

Salam, Rajen Singh & Salam (O), Bhartisana Devi ImphalSalim, Mohamd & Bano, Vannt MaujpurSamantray, Smita & Rajib RourkelaSangai, Prakash & Laxmibai BelgaumSanjeevkumar Pushpak & Pushpa Srivas WellingtonSanka, Lakshmi Narasimharao & Rajyalakshmi VijayawadaSankaranarayanan, P K & Ritha IrinjalakudaSankeshwari, Anjali Suresh & Suresh N GadhinglajSanthosh Vidyadharan AttingalSatasiya, Suresh Bhagvanbhai & Urvashi SuratSathya Rani K G & Kamaraj G HosurSatpute, Dr Sanjay Babanrao & Vaishali MalthanSaxena, Lalit Mohan & Ruchi RewariSeal, Pranab & Sunita HooghlySenthilmurugan, P & Kalaiselvi, S TiruppurSeth, Prem Lata NoidaShah, Anita & Philips HathrasShah, Tejal Dharmeshkumar & Dharmesh Kumar V MumbaiShaji, Shobha & Thomas, Shaji MumbaiShanker, Ganesh & Painuly, Bhavna DehradunSharma, Anand R & Raksha A NagpurSharma, Anita & Surendra Kumar BhopalSharma, Kripa Shankar & Usha JaipurSharma, Mamta & Deepak SonepatSharma, Maneesha & Rajendra JawadSharma, Manish & Shashi Sharma DelhiSharma, Neetu Sujan GarhSharma, Rishi Ram & Devi, Neelam GohanaSharma, Sampa & Ppabhakar Rai Port BlairSharma, Sanjana & Sidharath BangaloreSharma, Shivshankar Vibhuti & Madhuri IchalkaranjiShashidhar, Mangala & G N, Shashidhar BangaloreShet, Meera UdupiShete, Kedarnath Mhatarba & Manisha Kedarnath GhodegaonShinde, Dr Archana Jeevan & Jeevan PuneShukla, Jyoti KanpurSiddiqui, Ajmal Nihal & Zaiba JhansiSingh M, Krishnamohon & Mayanglambam, Roshni Devi KakchingSingh, Abhishek Kumar & Vidyotma MathuraSingh, Ajay & Kiran DelhiSingh, Bikramjeet & Kulwant AmritsarSingh, Dipak Kumar & Arjun Prasad AsansolSingh, Gurmeet & Chalga, Kiran LudhianaSingh, Jasvir Fatehgarh SahibSingh, Kiran & Bhoopesh GorakhpurSingh, Krishna Kumar & Nisha SatnaSingh, Meenu & Jeetendra JamshedpurSingh, Mina DhanbadSingh, Poonam & Manoj Kumar New DelhiSingh, Pushpa DehradunSingh, Rakesh Kumar DhanbadSingh, Ranjay Kumar PatnaSingh, Rekha & Mahipal SuratSingh, Renu & Ranjeet Vikram GorakhpurSingh, Saroj & Sudhir Kumar GhazipurSingh, Sudharan & Sunena Devi SatnaSingh, Sukhminder & Kaur, Amarjit SidhwanbetSingh, Sunil Kumar MaharajganjSingh, Vinod Kumar & Pinki AllahabadSinghani, Swati LudhianaSingla, Deepika & Naveen LudhianaSinha, Birendra Kumar & Purnima PatnaSinha, Shobha & Kaushalesh Kumar PatnaSinsinwar, Omprakash & Devi, Gaytri BharatpurSonkar, Preeti & Jitendra Bahadur GhaziabadSreedhar, S & Sowmya ChennaiSreekanth K R & Radhamani P S KottayamSrivastava, Anjani Kumar & Reena MargaoSrivastava, Bipin Kumar & Manju JwalapurSrivastava, Rekha & Srivastav, Vinay LucknowSrivastava, Vandana & Srivastva, R B Lal LucknowSrivastava, Vibha LucknowSrivastwa, Meenakshi DehradunSrividhya, V & Krishnamoorthy, C CoimbatoreSubramaniyam, P Port BlairSudagoni, Jyothi & Sampath Kumar KarimnagarSupriti BangaloreSuresh, Vijayalakshmi & C K, Suresh ThiruvananthapuramSutar, Smita Anil & Anil VitaT Tarakaram & K Sailaja NelloreT, Jaya Priya & N, Vignesh SathyamangalamTakhtani, Koushal JabalpurTamang, Jita DarjeelingTembhurkar, Sneha Anant & Anant GondiaThakre, Manoj & Leena NagpurThanvi, Rajendra Tejmal & Mamta PuneThomas, Joseph ThodupuzhaTirunagari, Lalithadevi & Vijayaphanib TirupathiTogiti, Shyamkumar & Anantham MetpallyToppo, Sanjan & Indwar, Susheela Port BlairTyagi, Ritu & Pramod GhaziabadUpadhyay, Himanshi T & Tarak SuratV Aruna & S Venkatachalam CoimbatoreV C, Murugesan & M, Janaki ErodeV K, Shafeeq & K, Sufeera KasargodV S, Jyothy Lekshmi & Rajendran, A ThiruvananthapuramV Selamuthu & S Selvi MaduraiV, Anandane & A, Amudha PondicherryV, Gayathri & S, Venkateshwaran BhavaniV, Indiragandhi & R, Vinayagam CuddaloreV, Lakshmi & Arun Kumar DavanagereV, Pramod & Pramod, Reji North ParvoorV, Sakthivel & S, Thamilarasi DharmapuriV, Shaguruvanbi & Umar ThuraiyurV, Venkatasamy & Maheswari ChatrapattiVaish, J N RoorkeeVarghese, Ligy & Varghses, P J AngamalyVerma, Richa & Himanshu BarraVijayam, K K & Mohandas, V M PalakkadVinitha Madhu & Madhu P Subramanian AhmedabadVinod, Tasneem & Yadav, Vinod GhaziabadVipra, Uday Dattatraya & Aradhana BangaloreVispute, Sagar KalyanVradi, Bharathi & Lalaiah HyderabadWankhede, Avinash Sambharao & Sangita Avinash YavatmalWankhede, Ranjit Shyamrao & Pushpa Ran NasikWazarkar, Deepak & Deepa AmravatiYadav, Geeta & Singh, Parmal DelhiYadav, Kamlawati & Laxman MauYadav, Murari Lal & Saroj RewariYatagiri, Annmary KurnoolZheng, Weiliang & Luo, Bin Gurgaon

Page 18: Amagram

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Page 32: Amagram

LIST OF VENUES FOR PRODUCT TRAINING SESSIONSfor the month of January - February 2012

Nutrilite Foundation explains the importance of nutrients, concept, feature benefits & usage of Nutrilite foundation products. Nutrilite Lifestyle & Speciality Products explains the concept, feature benefits & usage of Nutrilite Lifestyle products and Nutrilite Essentials explains the importance of Nutrilite Antioxidants & Nutrilite Essentials & their concepts.Call us for more details : 080-39416600

Location New Launches / APSA Home Care Personal Care Nutrilite Life-Style Nutrilite Foundation Nutrilite Essentials* Artistry Attitude Amsure Venue



GUWAHATI Feb 9 - 3:00PM Feb 10 - 3:00PM Jan 20 ;Feb 10 - 11:00AM Jan 20 - 3:00PM Jan 19 ;Feb 9 - 11:00AM

Jan 19 - 3:00PM Guwahati PUC Rukmini Gaon Dispur Zip-781022

JORHAT Feb 11 - 4:00PM Jan 7 - 4:00PM Pensioners Bhawan Kushal Nagar Road, Dhalarsatra Near Jail Road Club Zip-785001

SILCHAR Feb 21 - 6:00PM Feb 13 - 6:00PM Feb 3 - 6:00PM Jan 20 - 6:00PM Jan 4 - 6:00PM Rajib Gandhi Open Institute Silchar Amalapatty Road Zip-788001


BHAGALPUR Jan 7 - 3:00PM Jan 7 - 1:00PM Jan 7 - 2:00PM Contact ATP Swami Vivekanand Road, Adampur Zip-812001

GAYA Jan 25 - 11:00AM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 11:00AM Jan 25 - 10:00AM Jan 11 ;Feb 15 - 10:00AM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 10:00AM Jan 18 ;Feb 22 - 10:00AM Jan 11 ;Feb 15 - 11:00AM

Jan 18 ;Feb 22 - 11:00AM

Jan 5, 12, 19, 26 ;Feb 9, 16, 23 - 4:00PM

Gaya ATP Amway India Enterprises, Kamla Vihar , A P Colony

KATIHAR Jan 8 - 4:00PM Jan 8 - 4:00PM Jan 8 - 3:00PM Hotel Satkar Katihar

MUZAFFARPUR Jan 15 - 3:00PM Jan 15 - 1:00PM Jan 15 - 2:00PM Contact ATP Muzaffarpur Shanti Complex , Zila School Road , Mithanpura

PATNA Jan 28 ;Feb 18 - 12:30PM

Jan 7 ;Feb 4 - 12:30PM Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 12:30PM Jan 21 ;Feb 11 - 11:00AM

Jan 7 ;Feb 4, 25 - 11:00AM Jan 16 ;Feb 13 - 11:00AM

Jan 21 ;Feb 11, 25 - 12:30PM

Jan 23 ;Feb 20 - 11:00AM

Jan 4, 11, 18, 25 ;Feb 8, 15, 22 - 4:30PM Jan 3, 10, 17, 24 ;Feb 7, 14, 21 - 11:00AM

Amway India Enterprises Sheetal Sadan, East Boring Canal Road, Zip-800001


BOKARO Jan 18 - 1:00PM Feb 15 - 1:00PM Jan 25 ;Feb 22 - 12:00PM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 12:00PM Jan 18 ;Feb 15 - 12:00PM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 1:00PM

Jan 25 ;Feb 22 - 1:00PM

Jan 3, 10, 17, 24 ;Feb 7, 14, 21 - 11:00AM

Amway India Enterprises Jb-12, Sector 4

DHANBAD Jan 23 ;Feb 20 - 5:00PM Jan 23 ;Feb 20 - 6:00PM Jan 23 ;Feb 20 - 4:00PM Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 4:00PM Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 5:00PM Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 6:00PM Amway India Enterprises 215, Shri Ram Plaza, Bank More, Zip-826001

JAMSHEDPUR Jan 10, 24 ;Feb 7 - 12:00PM Jan 17 ;Feb 18 - 12:00PM Jan 24 ;Feb 14, 21 - 11:00AM

Jan 7, 17 ;Feb 7, 18 - 11:00AM Jan 10, 21 ;Feb 11 - 11:00AM

Jan 7, 21 ;Feb 11 - 12:00PM

Feb 14, 21 - 12:00PM Jan 6, 13, 20, 27 ;Feb 3, 10, 17, 24 - 4:30PM

Amway India Enterprises Amway India Enterprises Pvt Ltd. Opp Gopal Maidan, Bistupur

RANCHI Jan 21 ;Feb 18 - 12:30PM

Jan 21 ;Feb 18 - 11:00AM Jan 25 ;Feb 22 - 12:30PM Jan 25 ;Feb 22 - 11:00AM Jan 7 ;Feb 4 - 11:00AM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 11:00AM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 12:30PM

Jan 7 ;Feb 4 - 12:30PM

Jan 5, 12, 19 ;Feb 9, 16, 23 - 11:00AM

Amway India Enterprises Commerce House Sharda Babu Street


IMPHAL Feb 2 - 11:00AM Jan 3 - 11:00AM Feb 3 - 2:00PM Jan 2 - 11:00AM Jan 2 - 2:00PM Feb 3 - 11:00AM

Imphal PUC M.G Avenue Road Zip-795001


BALASORE Jan 10 - 11:00AM Jan 10 - 1:00PM Feb 14 - 1:00PM Feb 14 - 11:30AM Amway Enterprises Vivekananda Marg 1st Floor, Opp.Convent School

BERHAMPUR Feb 7 - 12:00PM Feb 21 - 12:00PM Feb 7 - 1:30PM Jan 3 - 1:30PM Jan 17 - 1:30PM Jan 3 - 12:00PM Jan 17 - 12:00PM Hotel Radha Opposite Old Bus Stand Zip-760001

BHUBANESHWAR Jan 27 - 5:30PM Jan 20 ;Feb 17 - 4:00PM Jan 27 ;Feb 24 - 4:00PM Jan 20 ;Feb 17 - 5:30PM Jan 6 ;Feb 3 - 5:30PM Jan 13 ;Feb 10 - 5:30PM Jan 6 ;Feb 3 - 4:00PM Jan 13 ;Feb 10 - 4:00PM

Amway India Ent. Pvt. Ltd. Capital Plaza 323, Dist. Centre Chandrasekharpur Zip-751007

JEYPORE Feb 14 - 4:00PM Feb 14 - 5:30PM Jan 10 - 5:30PM Jan 10 - 4:00PM ATP Jyepore Arabindo Nagar Parabeda

ROURKELA Feb 10 - 4:00PM Feb 24 - 4:00PM Feb 10 - 5:30PM Jan 6 - 5:30PM Jan 20 - 5:30PM Jan 6 - 4:00PM Jan 20 - 4:00PM Hotel Deepti Ring Road Near Konark Cinema Zip-769001

WEST BENGALASANSOL Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 11:00AM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 12:00PM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 2:00PM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 4:00PM Asansol Asansol PUC, Rambandhutalaw Near PC

Chatterjee Market Zip-713301KOLKATA ADC Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 11:00AM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 12:00PM Jan 4 - 2:00PM Feb 8 - 2:00PM Jan 4 - 3:00PM Feb 8 - 3:00PM Kolkata ADC 25 A Shakespeare Sarani Zip-700017

SILIGURI Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 10:00AM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 11:00AM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 12:00PM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 2:00PM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 3:00PM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 4:00PM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 5:30PM Siliguri Hotel Empees, Bidhan Road Opposite Old Dooars Bus Stand Zip-734001



CHANDIGARH Jan 13 ;Feb 10 - 11:00AM Jan 13 ;Feb 10 - 1:00PM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 1:00PM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 11:00AM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 2:00PM Jan 12 ;Feb 9 - 11:00AM

Jan 12 ;Feb 9 - 1:00PM

Jan 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26 ;Feb 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23 - 5:30PM

Imperial Marketing Services S.C.O. 31, Sec 26 Chandigarh Zip-160019


ADC-DELHI Jan 23 ;Feb 27 - 10:30AM Jan 23 ;Feb 27 - 12:30PM Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 12:30PM Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 10:30AM Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 12:30PM Jan 16 ;Feb 13 - 10:30AM

Jan 16 ;Feb 13 - 12:30PM

Jan 4, 11, 18, 25 ;Feb 8, 15, 22 - 10:30AM

ADC-Delhi Ground Floor, Elegance Tower, Plot No.8, Jasola, Zip-110025

DELHI-WEST Jan 19 ;Feb 23 - 10:30AM Jan 19 ;Feb 23 - 12:00PM Jan 5 ;Feb 9 - 12:00PM Jan 5 ;Feb 9 - 10:30AM Jan 5 ;Feb 9 - 12:30PM Jan 12 ;Feb 16 - 11:00AM

Jan 12 ;Feb 16 - 1:00PM

Jan 6, 13, 20, 27 ;Feb 3, 10, 17, 24 - 10:30AM

Rohini PUC F 101-102, Ring Road Mall, Mangalam Place, Rohini Sec 3, Zip-110085

Page 33: Amagram

LIST OF VENUES FOR PRODUCT TRAINING SESSIONSfor the month of January - February 2012

Nutrilite Foundation explains the importance of nutrients, concept, feature benefits & usage of Nutrilite foundation products. Nutrilite Lifestyle & Speciality Products explains the concept, feature benefits & usage of Nutrilite Lifestyle products and Nutrilite Essentials explains the importance of Nutrilite Antioxidants & Nutrilite Essentials & their concepts.Call us for more details : 080-39416600

Location New Launches / APSA Home Care Personal Care Nutrilite Life-Style Nutrilite Foundation Nutrilite Essentials* Artistry Attitude Amsure Venue


GURGAON Jan 24 ;Feb 22 - 11:00AM Jan 24 ;Feb 22 - 1:00PM Jan 6 ;Feb 3 - 12:30PM Jan 6 ;Feb 3 - 11:00AM Jan 6 ;Feb 3 - 1:30PM Jan 10 ;Feb 21 - 11:00AM

Jan 10 ;Feb 21 - 1:00PM

Jan 2, 9, 23 ;Feb 6, 27 - 11:00AM

Gurgaon ADC MGF Megacity Mall MG Road


SHIMLA Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 11:00AM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 1:00PM Jan 10 ;Feb 7 - 1:00PM Jan 10 ;Feb 7 - 11:00AM Jan 10 ;Feb 7 - 2:00PM Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 11:00AM

Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 1:00PM Jan 4, 11, 18, 25 ;Feb 8, 15, 22 - 5:30PM

Amway India Enterprises Moon International Hotel Chota Shimla


JAMMU Jan 21 ;Feb 18 - 2:00PM Jan 21 ;Feb 18 - 4:00PM Jan 14 ;Feb 11 - 4:00PM Jan 14 ;Feb 11 - 2:00PM Jan 14 ;Feb 11 - 5:00PM Jan 7 ;Feb 4 - 2:00PM Jan 7 ;Feb 4 - 4:00PM Jan 7, 14, 21 ;Feb 4, 11, 18 - 6:00PM

Welcare Agency C/O Amway India A-7 Mezzanine Floor, KC Plaza Residency Road


AMRITSAR Jan 5 ;Feb 9 - 11:00AM Jan 5 ;Feb 9 - 1:00PM Jan 12 ;Feb 16 - 1:00PM Jan 12 ;Feb 16 - 11:00AM Jan 12 ;Feb 16 - 2:00PM Jan 19 ;Feb 23 - 11:00AM

Jan 19 ;Feb 23 - 1:00PM

Jan 5, 12, 19 ;Feb 9, 16, 23 - 2:30PM

Amway PUC SCO 55, Ranjit Avenue, B Block District Shopping Complex Zip-143001

BHATINDA Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 1:30PM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 11:30AM Jan 11 - 1:30PM Feb 8 - 2:30PM

Jan 9, 16, 23 ;Feb 6, 13, 20 - 5:00PM

Bhatinda PUC Imperial Marketing Services Tinkoni Chowk, Near Sepal Hot

JALANDHAR Jan 6 ;Feb 3 - 11:00AM Jan 6 ;Feb 3 - 1:00PM Jan 13 ;Feb 10 - 1:00PM Jan 13 ;Feb 10 - 11:00AM Jan 13 ;Feb 10 - 2:00PM Jan 20 ;Feb 17 - 11:00AM

Jan 20 ;Feb 17 - 1:00PM

Jan 6, 13, 20 ;Feb 3, 10, 17 - 2:30PM

Jalandhar PUC 186,187, White Chambers Ranjit Nagar, Near Bustand

LUDHIANA Jan 3 ;Feb 7 - 11:00AM Jan 3 ;Feb 7 - 1:00PM Jan 10 ;Feb 14 - 1:00PM Jan 10 ;Feb 14 - 11:00AM Jan 10 ;Feb 14 - 2:00PM Jan 17 ;Feb 21 - 11:00AM

Jan 17 ;Feb 21 - 1:00PM

Jan 3, 10, 17 ;Feb 7, 14, 21 - 2:30PM

Ludhiana PUC Scf-42 G Brs Nagar Opp Sarabha Ngr Police Stn Zip-141012


1:00PM Jan 10 ;Feb 14 - 3:00PM Jan 10 ;Feb 14 - 5:00PM Jan 3 ;Feb 7 - 6:00PM Jan 3 ;Feb 7 - 3:00PM Jan 3 ;Feb 7 - 5:00PM Jan 17 ;Feb 21 -

3:00PM Jan 17 ;Feb 21 - 5:00PM

Jan 6, 13, 20, 27 ;Feb 3, 10, 17, 24 - 4:00PM Jan 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 ;Feb 6, 13, 27 - 12:00PM

Jaipur PUC Landmark, S-16(A), Mahaveer Marg, C- Scheme Zip-302001

JODHPUR Jan 12 ;Feb 9 - 3:00PM Jan 12 ;Feb 9 - 5:00PM Jan 5 ;Feb 2 - 5:00PM Jan 5 ;Feb 2 - 2:30PM Jan 5 ;Feb 2 - 4:00PM Jan 19 ;Feb 16 - 3:00PM

Jan 19 ;Feb 16 - 5:00PM

Jan 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 ;Feb 6, 13, 20, 27 - 3:00PM

PUC Jodhpur 117/4 PWD Colony

KOTA Jan 13 - 7:00PM Jan 13 - 5:00PM Jan 13 - 6:00PM Feb 10 - 5:00PM Feb 10 - 7:00PM Venue- Contact Jaipur PUC For DetailsUDAIPUR Jan 20 - 7:00PM Jan 20 - 5:00PM Jan 20 - 6:00PM Feb 17 - 5:00PM Feb 17 - 7:00PM Contact Jaipur PUCUTTAR PRADESH

GHAZIABAD Jan 25 ;Feb 22 - 10:30AM Jan 25 ;Feb 22 - 12:30PM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 1:30PM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 10:30AM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 12:30PM Jan 18 ;Feb 15 - 10:30AM

Jan 18 ;Feb 15 - 12:30PM

Jan 3, 10, 17, 24 ;Feb 7, 14, 21, 28 - 10:30AM

PUC Ghz J-3, J-4, Pushpanjali Complex Rakesh Marg, Nehru Nagar

GORAKHPUR Jan 10 ;Feb 21 - 3:30PM

Jan 10 ;Feb 21 - 11:30AM Jan 10 ;Feb 21 - 2:00PM Jan 9 ;Feb 20 - 3:30PM Jan 9 ;Feb 20 - 11:30AM Jan 9 ;Feb 20 - 2:00PM Jan 11 ;Feb 22 - 11:30AM

Jan 11 ;Feb 22 - 2:00PM

Jan 5, 12, 19, 26 ;Feb 9, 16, 23 - 12:00PM

Gorakhpur PUC Kamla Niwas, Kasia Road Paidley Ganj

KANPUR Jan 7 ;Feb 11 - 3:30PM Jan 6 ;Feb 10 - 11:30AM Jan 6 ;Feb 10 - 2:00PM Jan 5 ;Feb 9 - 3:30PM Jan 5 ;Feb 9 - 11:30AM Jan 5 ;Feb 9 - 2:00PM Jan 7 ;Feb 11 - 11:30AM

Jan 7 ;Feb 11 - 2:00PM

Jan 6, 13, 20, 27 ;Feb 3, 10, 17, 24 - 5:00PM

Kanpur ULOC Amway India Enterprises G F117/N/96 A1 Market, Kakadeo

LUCKNOW Jan 3 ;Feb 7 - 11:30AM Jan 3 ;Feb 7 - 2:00PM Jan 2 ;Feb 6 - 3:30PM Jan 2 ;Feb 6 - 11:30AM Jan 2 ;Feb 6 - 2:00PM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 11:30AM

Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 2:00PM Jan 6, 13, 20, 27 ;Feb 3, 10, 17, 24 - 5:00PM

Amway India Enterprises Raja Ram Kumar, Plaza, 75-Hazratganj

VARANASI Jan 21 ;Feb 18 - 6:00PM

Jan 15 ;Feb 12 - 11:30AM Jan 15 ;Feb 12 - 2:00PM Jan 14 ;Feb 11 - 6:00PM Jan 14 ;Feb 11 - 2:00PM Jan 14 ;Feb 11 - 4:30PM Jan 21 ;Feb 18 - 4:30PM

Jan 21 ;Feb 18 - 6:00PM

Jan 5, 12, 19, 26 ;Feb 9, 16, 23 - 6:30PM

Amway India Ent. Pvt. Ltd. First Floor D 63/10 B-1, Mahmorganj Zip-221010

UTTARANCHALDEHRADUN Jan 5 ;Feb 9 - 2:00PM Jan 3 ;Feb 7 - 11:00AM Jan 3 ;Feb 7 - 1:00PM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 2:00PM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 11:00AM Jan 4 ;Feb 8 - 1:00PM Jan 5 ;Feb 9 -

11:00AM Jan 5 ;Feb 9 - 1:00PM Jan 3, 10, 17, 24 ;Feb 7, 14,

21 - 4:00PM PUC Dehradun C-1/103,110 &111 Indira Nagar S Near Vaibhaw Sweets Zip-248006



HYDERABAD Jan 28 ;Feb 18 - 10:00AM Jan 28 ;Feb 18 - 12:00PM Jan 7 ;Feb 4 - 11:30AM Jan 7 ;Feb 4 - 10:00AM Jan 7 ;Feb 4 - 12:30PM Jan 21 ;Feb 11 - 10:00AM

Jan 21 ;Feb 11 - 12:00PM

Hyderabad PUC No 6-3-563/26/A Flat No :1&2 Somavarapu Heights, Erramanzil Zip-500008

KURNOOL Jan 5 - 3:00PM Feb 2 - 3:00PM Feb 2 - 5:00PM Hotel S.V. Regency No : 40 - 581, S.V. Complex Railway Station Road Zip-518004

TIRUPATHI Feb 18 - 10:00AM Feb 18 - 12:00PM Jan 7 ;Feb 4 - 11:30AM Jan 7 ;Feb 4 - 10:00AM Jan 7 ;Feb 4 - 12:30PM Jan 21 - 10:00AM Jan 21 - 12:00PM Hotel Plr Grand Near RTC Bus Station Zip-517502

VIJAYAWADA Jan 2 - 4:00PM Jan 2 - 6:00PM Feb 6 - 5:30PM Feb 6 - 4:00PM Feb 6 - 6:30PM Vijayawada MPUC Office No: 27-33-1, Kamaraju Center, Governerpet, Zip-520002

VISAKHAPATNAM Jan 9 - 5:30PM Jan 9 - 4:00PM Jan 9 - 6:30PM Feb 13 - 4:00PM Feb 13 - 6:00PM Sri Vaishnavi Conference Hall 2nd Floor, Leela Plaza, Opp. Hirawath Store, Daba Gardens Zip-530020

KARNATAKA BANGALORE Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 3:00PM Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 5:00PM Jan 30 ;Feb 27 - 3:00PM Jan 16, 30 ;Feb 13, 27 -

3:00PM Jan 16 ;Feb 13 - 3:00PM Jan 23 ;Feb 20 -

3:00PM Jan 23 ;Feb 20 - 3:00PM

Amway India Enterprises ADC No.243, 80 Feet Road, Defence Colony, Indiranagar, Zip-560008

KERELACOCHIN Jan 10 ;Feb 7 - 10:30AM Jan 10 ;Feb 7 - 12:00PM Jan 17 ;Feb 14 - 12:30PM Jan 17 ;Feb 14 - 10:30AM Jan 17 ;Feb 14 - 11:30AM Jan 24 ;Feb 21 -

10:30AM Jan 24 ;Feb 21 - 12:00PM

Jan 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27 - 4:00PM

Cochin Amway India Enterprises Nh-47 Bye Pass ,Vyttila

THRISSUR Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 10:30AM Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 12:00PM Jan 16 ;Feb 13 - 12:30PM Jan 16 ;Feb 13 - 10:30AM Jan 16 ;Feb 13 - 11:30AM Jan 23 ;Feb 23 - 10:30AM

Jan 23 ;Feb 23 - 12:00PM

Jan 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27 - 4:00PM

Thrissur Amway India Enterprises Guruvayoor Road

TRIVANDRUM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 10:30AM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 12:00PM Jan 18 ;Feb 15 - 12:30PM Jan 18 ;Feb 15 - 10:30AM Jan 18 ;Feb 15 - 11:30AM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 10:30AM

Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 12:00PM

Jan 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27 - 4:00PM

Trivandrum Amway India Enterprises Sasthamangalam, Srkmh Road

Page 34: Amagram

LIST OF VENUES FOR PRODUCT TRAINING SESSIONSfor the month of January - February 2012

Nutrilite Foundation explains the importance of nutrients, concept, feature benefits & usage of Nutrilite foundation products. Nutrilite Lifestyle & Speciality Products explains the concept, feature benefits & usage of Nutrilite Lifestyle products and Nutrilite Essentials explains the importance of Nutrilite Antioxidants & Nutrilite Essentials & their concepts.Call us for more details : 080-39416600

Location New Launches / APSA Home Care Personal Care Nutrilite Life-Style Nutrilite Foundation Nutrilite Essentials* Artistry Attitude Amsure Venue

PONDICHERRYPONDICHERRY Jan 11 - 12:15PM Jan 11 - 10:30AM Jan 11 - 1:15PM Pondicherry Reena Mahal Moolakulam Zip-605010TAMIL NADU

CHENNAI Jan 17 ;Feb 14 - 10:30AM Jan 10 ;Feb 14 - 12:45PM Jan 17 - 12:45PM Jan 17 ;Feb 21 - 10:30AM Feb 21 - 12:45PM Jan 24 ;Feb 28 - 10:30AM

Jan 24 ;Feb 28 - 12:30PM

Jan 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24 ;Feb 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28 - 5:00PM

Chennai Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. 32&46, Sie, Guindy Zip-600032

COIMBATORE Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 10:30AM Jan 9 ;Feb 6 - 1:00PM Jan 23 ;Feb 20 - 10:30AM

Jan 23 ;Feb 20 - 12:45PM

Coimbatore Amway India Enterprises 1603 Trichy Road Zip-641018

COIMBATORE Jan 16 - 12:45PM Jan 16 ;Feb 13 - 10:30AM Feb 13 - 12:45PM Shristi Mahal 41,8Th Street, Tatabad, Zip-641012ERODE Jan 5 ;Feb 9 - 11:00AM Jan 5 ;Feb 9 - 1:00PM Jan 12 - 1:00PM Jan 12 ;Feb 16 - 11:00AM Feb 16 - 1:00PM Jan 19 ;Feb 23 -

11:00AM Jan 19 ;Feb 23 - 1:00PM

Erode Amway India Enterprises Perundurai Road Zip-638001

MADURAI Jan 17 - 12:45PM Jan 17 ;Feb 14 - 10:30AM Feb 14 - 12:45PM Maditssia Auditorium 1A/4A,Ambedkarsalai, Near Madurai Corporation

MADURAI Jan 10 ;Feb 7 - 10:30AM Jan 10 ;Feb 7 - 1:15PM Jan 24 ;Feb 21 - 10:30AM

Jan 24 ;Feb 21 - 12:15PM

Jan 4, 11, 18, 25 ;Feb 8, 15, 22 - 4:30PM

Madurai Amway India Enterprises, A 2 SIDCO Industrial Estate, Zip-625007

SALEM Feb 15 - 12:45PM Jan 18 ;Feb 15 - 10:30AM Jan 18 - 12:45PM Hotel Shri Shaanth Opp To New Bus Stand, Zip-636004SALEM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 10:30AM Jan 11 ;Feb 8 - 1:00PM Jan 25 ;Feb 22 -

10:30AM Jan 25 ;Feb 22 - 12:45PM

Salem Amway India Enterprises 36/07 Seelanayankan Patti Zip-636201



BHILAI Feb 16 - 6:00PM Jan 19 - 7:00PM Jan 19 - 6:00PM Jan 19 - 5:00PM Feb 16 - 5:00PM Feb 16 - 7:00PM Jan 19 - 8:00PM BMG Hall Near Sai Mandir Sector 6 Zip-490006RAIPUR Feb 15 - 12:00PM Jan 18 - 1:00PM Jan 18 - 12:00PM Jan 18 - 11:00AM Feb 15 - 1:00PM Feb 15 - 2:00PM Jan 18 - 2:00PM Amway India Enterprises 159, Mahalakshmi Cloth

Market Pandari Zip-492001GOAMARGAON Jan 14 - 12:00PM Jan 14 - 12:00PM Feb 11 - 12:00PM Feb 11 - 12:00PM Goa Woodlands Hotel Behind City Bus Stand Minguel

Loyala Furtado RoadGUJARATAHMEDABAD Feb 19 - 1:00PM Jan 22 - 1:00PM Feb 19 - 1:00PM Ama Hall Ashram Road Bh Old Nataraj Cinema

BARODA Feb 26 - 3:00PM Jan 29 - 3:00PM Feb 26 - 3:00PM Jan 29 - 3:00PM Rosary School Rosary School

RAJKOT Feb 26 - 2:00PM Jan 22 - 2:00PM Feb 26 - 2:00PM Rajkot Chambers Of Commerce Chambers Of Commerce Hall, Near Corporation Chock, Rajkot

SURAT Feb 19 - 1:00PM Jan 15 - 1:00PM Feb 19 - 1:00PM Jeevanbharti

MAHARASHTRACBD BELAPUR Feb 5 - 10:30AM Jan 8 - 12:00PM Jan 8 - 10:30AM Amway CBD Ana Enterprises Sector 15KOLHAPUR Feb 21 - 2:00PM Feb 14 - 9:00PM Feb 4 - 2:00PM Jan 7 -

12:00PM Jan 7 ;Feb 4 - 2:00PM Jan 21 - 2:00PM Jan 21 - 2:00PM Request Venue Kolhapur Cluster

MUMBAI Feb 12 - 10:30AM Jan 15 - 10:30AM Feb 12 - 10:30AM Andheri ADC Chakala, Landmark Building, Andheri Kurla Road, Zip-400069

NAGPUR Feb 7 - 12:00PM Feb 7 - 12:00PM Jan 10 - 12:00PM Jan 10 - 12:00PM Patrakar Bhawan Near Panchshil Talkies DhantoliNANDED Jan 19 - 12:00PM Jan 19 - 12:00PM Feb 17 - 12:00PM Feb 17 - 12:00PM Hotel Ramkrishna Near Bus Stand Nr DRS LaneNASIK Feb 5 - 11:00AM Jan 8 - 11:00AM Feb 5 - 11:00AM Rotary Hall Rotary Hall, Near Ganjmal BusPUNE Feb 3 - 1:00PM Feb 3 - 11:00AM Jan 6 -

12:00PM Jan 6 - 11:00AM Jan 6 - 12:00PM

Meera Hospital Shankar Seth Road Shankar Seth Road

PUNE Feb 2 - 2:30PM Feb 2 - 2:30PM Pimpri Pimpri PimpriPUNE Jan 5 - 2:30PM Jan 5 - 2:30PM SKF Union Hall Opp Telco Gate, Chinchwad Near

Acharya Atre BhawanSOLAPUR Feb 13 - 2:00PM Feb 13 - 12:00PM Request Venue SolapurSOLAPUR Jan 16 - 12:00PM Jan 16 - 2:00PM Solapur Sushil Rasik Sabha GruhaTHANE Feb 12 - 12:00PM Jan 15 - 10:30AM Feb 12 - 10:30AM Amway Thane Lake City Mall Kapurbawdi JunctionMADHYA PARDESH

AURANGABAD Jan 9 - 12:00PM Jan 9 - 12:00PM Feb 7 - 12:00PM Feb 7 - 12:00PM Mahasul Prabhodini Aurangabad AurangabadBHOPAL Feb 5 - 11:00AM Jan 8 - 1:00PM Jan 8 - 12:00PM Jan 8 - 11:00AM Feb 5 - 12:00PM Feb 5 - 1:00PM Jan 8 - 2:00PM PUC Bhopal Amway India Enterprises, 1-A/B Pink

Towers, Ashoka Garden Square, Raisen Road. Zip-462023

INDORE Feb 27 - 4:00PM Jan 29 - 1:00PM Jan 29 - 12:00PM Jan 29 - 11:00AM Feb 27 - 3:00PM Feb 27 - 4:00PM Jan 29 - 2:00PM Indore PUC 128, Juhi Plaza, Kanchan Baugh Opposite Hotel Crown Palace Zip-452001

INDORE Jan 8 - 12:00PM Feb 5 - 1:00PM Feb 5 - 12:00PM Feb 5 - 11:00AM Jan 8 - 11:00AM Jan 8 - 1:00PM Feb 5 - 2:00PM Pritam Lal Dua Sabhagar Near High Court, Regal Square M.G Road, Indore Zip-452001

JABALPUR Feb 17 - 1:00PM Jan 20 - 3:00PM Jan 20 - 2:00PM Jan 20 - 1:00PM Feb 17 - 2:00PM Feb 17 - 3:00PM Jan 20 - 4:00PM Caravs Guest House 15, Civil Lines, P.B. No 48 Near Main Rly Station Zip-482001

SATNA Feb 10 - 4:00PM Jan 13 - 6:00PM Jan 13 - 5:00PM Jan 13 - 4:00PM Feb 10 - 5:00PM Feb 10 - 6:00PM Jan 13 - 7:00PM Hotel Surya Park Near Bus Stand, Rewa Road Zip-485001