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  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    Transition Approach

    Application Management Services

  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    Transition ApproachApplication Management Services


    I. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................... 2

    II. TRANSITION MODEL............................................................................................................................... 2

    III. TYPICAL PLAN......................................................................................................................................... 7

    IV. CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS..........................................................................................................11


    A. STEADY STATE READINESS MATRIX.........................................................................................................13B. INTERFACE DETAILS MATRIX..................................................................................................................14C. FORM DETAILS.....................................................................................................................................14D. INTERFACE FMEA...............................................................................................................................14

  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    Transition ApproachApplication Management Services

    I. IntroductionUnisys has developed a standard methodology for implementing andmanaging the point services comprising our global portfolio weutilize our powerful 3 Dimensional Visual Enterprise (3D-VE)methodology... The differentiator is enterprise visibilityor linkingholistically across all dimensions of an enterprise. 3D-VEs poweris traceability. This will allow clients the ability to see the cascadingeffects that change has across all layers of a business. This visibility

    turns change from an adversary into a competitive advantageandlessens risk, empowering clients to transform the way they dobusiness.

    Unisys will use the metrics based tools set and methodology totransition Application Managementservices to Unisys that are eitherprovided by current employees or other service providers. Some ofthe benefits of the approach are:

    1. Organizational visibility using traceability. (Throughcause and effect analysis)

    2. Intellectual property as a competitive differentiator (Bymodeling business knowledge)

    3. Impact analysis (The ability to understand the impactthat change has on both business processes and ITapplications)

    4. Redundancy elimination (Reducing costs andstreamlining processes and applications by eliminatingredundant functions)

  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    Transition ApproachApplication Management Services

    to whether they can be left as-is, consolidate with anotherredundant application, migrate to standard or current

    technologies using the migration model, retire theapplication, move the application to offshore or replacewith a new application.


    Develop high-level implementation plan.


    Identify service levels and finalize.


    Consolidate and summarize the portfolio analysis results.


    Review with project stakeholders.

    Application Analysis

    The Application Analysis phase follows a three-step process fortransitioning support

    # Process Description

    1 CompleteApplicationAssessment

    This consists of analyzing all non-infrastructure aspects of theapplication, including functionality,programming standards, QAprocesses, organizational dynamicsand others.

    2 CompleteInfrastructureAssessment

    This consists of analyzing allinfrastructure aspects includingnetwork, hosting, system software,

    hardware, multiple environments andothers.

    3 Define Transitionexecution andSOW

    Provide a detailed plan for thetransitioning of the application to theoffshore team and the Statement of

  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    Transition ApproachApplication Management Services

    Introduction Phase

    The purpose of the Introduction Phase is to give the Unisys team a

    basic understanding of the application to be supported and theinfrastructure and communications requirements to move the supportoffshore. This phase also optionally includes tasks to address anydeficiencies in the current documentation, regression test bed,maintenance processes, etc. so that the maintenance can beeffectively transitioned offshore. The major activities of this phaseinclude:

    # Activities1 Study the current applications and production environment

    2 Understand the design, data structures and source codefrom a technical perspective

  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    Transition ApproachApplication Management Services

    The main activities in this phase are as follows:

    # Activities1 Client staff to assign and prioritize support activities to

    Unisys resources

    2 Execute the support activities

    3 Ensure project deliverables meet agreed-uponrequirements

    4 Interact with client staff to resolve issues

    5 Refine the support and maintenance process

    Primary Contact

    After obtaining hands-on experience in supporting the application,Unisys will take responsibility for complete support andmaintenance activities from the client location. Members of theexisting support team will continue to participate in supporting theapplication, but primarily from a coaching and review perspective.This activity would also typically include performing some

    maintenance work from offshore to test out the offshoreinfrastructure and communications set-up.

    The major activities in this phase are:

    # Activities

    1 Unisys project manager to assign and prioritize supportactivities to Unisys staff

    2 Execute the support activities

    3 Ensure project deliverables meet agreed-uponrequirements

    4 Interface with client staff to resolve issues

    5 Perform representative support tasks from offshore

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    Transition ApproachApplication Management Services

    Steady State Activities

    After the successful knowledge transfer from the customer staff toUnisys staff, the support and maintenance activities are started fromoffshore with the environment that is setup separately or throughconnectivity to the customers environment through secureconnectivity or communication links. The following activities arecarried out during the Steady State phase:

    # Activities

    1 Raise a Service request (ticket) in the problem management tool.

    2 Understand the Ticket and collect the relevant diagnostic dataand steps to replicate error

    3 Assign the ticket to the appropriate agent

    4 Proactive customer follow-ups thru ticket closeout

    5 Trouble ticket is routed to the Level 2 staff by the level 1 supportteam

    6 The Level 2 staff will identify the severity of the request as perthe classification

    7 Perform Real-time troubleshooting and provide resolution

    8 Identify workaround for the issues reported9 Provide feedback to user with proper usage information (where



    If a code change has to be done, then the request is delegated tothe Level 3 staff.


    The level 3 staff includes Software engineers who will go throughthe SDLC lifecycle to implement the changes.


    The requests are serviced as per the SLAs; the users are informedas soon as their issue is resolved.


    Generate status reports that have been discussed and agreedwith the customer.


    Review the project progress and take corrective actions atperiodic intervals.

  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    Transition ApproachApplication Management Services

    A. Transition Plan for ApplicationsBased upon its past experiences of running support engagementsUnisys has identified certain activities, which needs to be completedduring transition of an application to support. These are outlinedbelow.

    Introduction Phase

    During the introduction phase following is the information, which iscollected by the transition team:

    # Category Information

  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    Transition ApproachApplication Management Services

    with which UOP applications interact

    4 People


    Knowing about various stakeholders

    such as End Users and IT Team andtheir roles and responsibilities.Process to be used for communicationwith various stakeholders.Other stakeholders and their roles andresponsibilitiesCritical Process knowledge through:- Understanding what are the businesscritical processes for the site, and

    escalation path in case an issue cropsup in one of these.- What are the current issue resolutionmechanisms in place for these issues?Deliverables of Introduction phasewould be inventory on all knowledgethat Unisys collects during thesubsequent phases

    Hands-On PhaseDuring the Hands-on phase Unisys transition team goes to each andevery individual item identified in the introduction phase, andstudies them in detail to understand the building blocks ofapplications to be supported. Clear deliverables have been identifiedfor each and every phase and the client evaluates effectiveness ofeach of these deliverables.

    Item Deliverables Means of vetting the

    effectiveness of

    d li bl

  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    Transition ApproachApplication Management Services

    Item Deliverables Means of vetting the

    effectiveness of



    details matrix to theclient and get thesign off from theclient for theircorrectness.

    Enhancement Study

    Enhancement Knowledgespreadsheet

    Transition team tosubmitenhancementknowledgespreadsheet and getthem signed off fromthe client for theireffectiveness andaccuracy.

    Forms Forms Details Matrix Transition team tosubmit the formsdetails matrix to theclient and get thesign off from theclient for theircorrectness.


    Roles andResponsibilities

    Roles and responsibility


    Transition team to

    submit roles andresponsibility matrixto the client and getit signed off for its

  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    Transition ApproachApplication Management Services

    in a lot of problem solving. This would be a period where Unisyssupport team would be testing waters in terms of their

    effectiveness in resolving support issues. This phase will act as a testcase for the transition documentation created in the Hands-On phaseas well as give the applications support team critical customer facingexperience. This phase would also identify pointers in terms of mid-course corrections to be undertaken if any.

    During this phase Unisys transition team will also understand theprocesses/applications, which have not been mapped completely, or

    are currently work in progress. Unisys support team will understandthe roadmap of these processes/applications to production andtransition to support.

    Ownership Phase

    At the end of the Primary Contact Phase, Unisys would assume fullresponsibility for support of the applications in scope as per thepredetermined SLAs. Application Support team will ensure that all

    the documentation generated during the transition study is keptcurrent and up to date.

    During the entire transition process Unisys measures the progress oftransition using Steady State Readiness Matrix under Appendix.Please also refer to some artifact samples provided for as anillustration under Appendix viz.:

    Interface Details Matrix (Please referInterface Details

    Matrix)Form Details (Please referForm Details)

    Interface Failure Mode Effects Analysis (Please referI t f FMEA)

  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    Transition ApproachApplication Management Services

    # Domain Description

    7 Project Management Clear Points of Contact Joint

    Governance Model in place8 Project Management Effective Co-ordination between on-

    site/offshore/near shore and recordingof changes

    9 Decision makinginformation

    Decision making metrics


    Decision makinginformation

    Decision to operational transparency Predefined review milestones,

    reports & acceptance criteria


    Decision makinginformation

    Proactive Decision making Service standardization with

    associated effort, costs,dependency & constraints


    Decision makinginformation

    Management reports Health, tolerances and



    Decision making


    Early Client involvement

    Forecast planning Milestone based reviews Issue tracking Escalation Procedure

  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    V. Appendix -Sample Templates Used During Transition Phase

    A. Steady State Readiness Matrix


    Steady StateReadiness

    XXXXX DeploymentDate:

    Status:Green: Above 90%,Yellow- 90%-80%,Red- Less than 80%, White - Yet to start Summary

    StatusStatusStatusStatus Green 403 70%30-Mar6-Apr13-Apr20-Apr CompleteTotal Yellow 157 27%

    Red 19 3%

    Business ProcessMeasured based on completion status of transition-

    in tasks for process areas (total 65) 67% 70% 70% 70% 70% 403 579

    about 4 % of theprocess/ BPP arenot completelyfinalised anddocumented

    the yellow and green canbe supported, but yellowmeans the process is notdocumented or we havenot been able to loacte

    any documents

    59 tcodes/processwere removed from

    scope White 0 0%


    Measured based on completion status ofinterfacetransition-in tasks (inclusive of Interface FMEAs,error handling process and details matrix)80% 80% 80% 80% 100% 20 20 Total 579 100%


    Measured based on completion status of study ofenhancements

    and clarification for anyissues/questions. 74% 74% 74% 74% 74% 104 1 40

    36 enhancementsdont have


    Support processMeasured as completion status of support manual 0%

    Power Users &End Users

    Users familiarity on executing various transactionsin SAP related to their business function. Thesemetrics are based on the End User Assessment

    Report publi shed by Honeywel l. 87% 87% 87%Finalized Access

    LevelsAccess levels/restrictions as dictated by exportcontrol and seggregation of duties (SOD) 0%

    Ticket resolutionMeasured as % of tickets closed (# tickets

    closed/Total # of tickets) 74 81% 378 468

    Sev 1ticket resolution

    Measured as % of sev 1 tickets closed (# sev 1tickets closed/Total # of Sev-1tickets)

    Indicator of the stability of the system andreadiness for steady state support 83% 83% 25 30


    Support Readiness

    Process Readiness

    System Readiness

    Actions Required CommentsStatus

    5/2Definition Impact


  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    B. Interface Details Matrix










    After Hourscontact


    After hourscontact (3rd



    Source Direction Destination FrequencySAP


    SAP BusinessAnalyst

    INF300XX SAP to XYZ Today'sShipments +2weeks


    OM MasterData

    No 1 Mon - Fri. Y ABC000-111-5782. N/A N/A SAP Outbound WSC Daily/Nightly XXXXXX


    ABC to SAP - Additonal

    Material Master ACDd

    (Many to Many Cage Code)

    SC MM ODS No 2 Mon - Fri. Y


    000-111-5782. N/A N/A MM ODS Inbound SAPNightly batch



    Material Master Main

    Update Interface to SAP

    (including Quality)

    SC MM ODS No 2 Mon - Fri. Y


    000-111-5782. N/A N/A MM ODS Inbound SAPNightly batch


    INF300AAABC Interface Prgram to

    update Rev. LevelSC MM ODS No 2 Mon - Fri. Y


    000-111-0712N/A N/A MM ODS Inbound SAP

    Nightly batch


    INF300BBSAP Material Master to

    ABCSC MM ODS No 2 Mon - Fri. Y


    000-111-0712N/A N/A SAP Inbound MMODS

    Nightly batch


    C. Form Details

    Form Print Program Sapscript Optio DCL File Name Output Type SAP Transaction

    Purchase Order YSCR_FRMxxxx3 YSC_FRMxxx03 Non Optio Form NEU ME22N

    Invoice P1 YOMR_FRMxxxx2 YOM_FRMxxx02 Non Optio Form ZXYZ VF02

    Packing List Tag XXXXX

    P1YOMR_FRMxxx26 YOM_FRMxxx26 Non Optio Form ZAWS VL02N / VL71

    Production form

    XXXXXXX P1YAFR_FRMxxxx039 FRMXXX1_rdui.dcl ZWEW IW32

    Packing List P3 YOMR_FRMxxxx47 FRMXXX2_rdui.dcl ZPL2 VT02N / VT70

    Pick List P3 YAFR_FRMxxxx031 FRMXXX3_rdui.dcl Z204 IW32 / IW3DWork Order BOM P3 YAFR_FRMxxxx043 FRMXXX4_rdui.dcl Z502 IW32 / IW3D

    Master Bill of Lading P4 YAFR_FRMxxxx046 FRMXXX5_rdui.dcl ZF15 VT02N / VT70

    AAAAAAAAA Labels P2 YOMR_FRMxxxx045 YOM_FRM00045 Non Optio Form ZS2K, ZS2L, ZS2M VL02N / VL71

    D. Interface FMEA


  • 8/7/2019 AM Transition Approach


    INFXXXXX_XXXXXXX_OUTBOUND_YYYYYYYY_FMEAPrepared By: Mr. AAA BBB Partner Contact: XYZ AAA Partner System: Speck2K

    Date: 1/31/2005 Business John Doe Middleware: EDIPower User: Direction: Outbound

    Middleware Contact:

    External Support:

    Process Step/Input (What is

    the process step/input?)


    Failure Mode

    (What can go

    wrong with the





    Failure Effects

    (What is the impact on

    the customer (output

    variables) or internal




    (What are the root

    cause reasons for the

    process step/input to

    go wrong?) INPUTS

    Existing Controls

    (What are the existing

    controls that prevent or

    detect either the cause or

    the FM prior to leaving the

    process step?)

    Preventive Actions


    (How to prevent the

    occurrence of the

    potential cause?)

    Corrective Actions


    (How to identify and

    resolve issue?)

    Plans /


    (What is the target

    completion date

    and who is


    Change or create Invoice

    through VF01,VF02 with o/p type

    ZCIN Invoice is not



    Invoice is not Posted to

    Partner System

    O/p type (ZCIN ) not


    Check whether o/p type is

    maintained or not through


    Monintor the o/p type


    Notify the Business

    process owner and

    maintain o/p type

    throug VV31 with

    the approval of BPO

    SAP Help Desk

    Change or create Invoice

    through VF01,VF02 with o/p type

    ZCINInvoice is not



    Invoice is not Posted to

    Partner System

    SAP Server

    Unavailable Monitor data by help desk None

    Notify the SAP

    Request about SAP

    server Unvailability SAP Help Desk

    Change or create Invoice

    through VF01,VF02 with o/p type

    ZCINInvoice is not



    Invoice is not Posted to

    Partner System Data Missing error

    Monitored all the Fields of


    Monitored the

    Transaction and

    redefine the Process

    Redefine the Data

    and Run The

    process again SAP Help Desk
