alveo accelerator card tutorial · alveo options for sdaccel flag options targets sw_emu, hw_emu,...

Alveo Accelerator Card Tutorial Today we will look at how to utilize FPGAs to accelerate compute workloads and how to create a JARVICE™ application using the PushToCompute ™ CI/CD pipeline. The JARVICE platform is a one stop shop for FPGA kernel development, testing, and deployment. The NIMBIX App Marketplace includes the latest Xilinx SDAccel Development environment to design FPGA kernels using OpenCL, C/C++, and RTL. We have also purpose built JARVICE to handle a variety of provisioning schemes to protect 3rd party IP from the end user. Xilinx SDAccel SDAccel is a high-level synthesis tool that abstracts away low level details of a hardware platform. This allows software developers to leverage the power of FPGAs without extensive knowledge of the underlying platform. For more information on SDAccel, see here . For simplicity, we will use a few OpenCL example kernels provided by Xilinx on GitHub . OpenCL Example [vadd] A JARVICE account is required to use the NIMBIX cloud. Sign up here Limited number of trials available for Alveo FPGA platform To start a new SDAccel session: Login into JARVICE Select Xilinx SDAccel Development (2018.2 XDF). Note: different from the runtime environment 1/12

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Page 1: Alveo Accelerator Card Tutorial · Alveo options for SDAccel Flag Options TARGETS sw_emu, hw_emu, hw DEVICES xilinx_u200_xdma_201820_1, xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 Additional information

Alveo Accelerator Card

Today we will look at how to utilize FPGAs to accelerate compute workloads and how tocreate a JARVICE™ application using the PushToCompute™ CI/CD pipeline.

The JARVICE platform is a one stop shop for FPGA kernel development, testing, anddeployment. The NIMBIX App Marketplace includes the latest Xilinx SDAccel Developmentenvironment to design FPGA kernels using OpenCL, C/C++, and RTL. We have also purposebuilt JARVICE to handle a variety of provisioning schemes to protect 3rd party IP from the enduser.

Xilinx SDAccelSDAccel is a high-level synthesis tool that abstracts away low level details of a hardwareplatform. This allows software developers to leverage the power of FPGAs without extensiveknowledge of the underlying platform. For more information on SDAccel, see here.

For simplicity, we will use a few OpenCL example kernels provided by Xilinx on GitHub.

OpenCL Example [vadd]

A JARVICE account is required to use the NIMBIX cloud. Sign up here

Limited number of trials available for Alveo FPGA platform

To start a new SDAccel session:

Login into JARVICESelect Xilinx SDAccel Development (2018.2 XDF). Note: different from the runtimeenvironment


Page 2: Alveo Accelerator Card Tutorial · Alveo options for SDAccel Flag Options TARGETS sw_emu, hw_emu, hw DEVICES xilinx_u200_xdma_201820_1, xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 Additional information

Start Desktop Mode

Click on desktop preview to open session in a web browser


Page 3: Alveo Accelerator Card Tutorial · Alveo options for SDAccel Flag Options TARGETS sw_emu, hw_emu, hw DEVICES xilinx_u200_xdma_201820_1, xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 Additional information

Open a Terminal from the Desktop and clone the SDAccel Examples

git clone --depth=1

cd SDAccel_Examples/getting_started/misc/vadd/src


You will see two types of source files:

host.cpp := C++ source code for host application running on the := OpenCL source code for accelerated kernel running on the FPGA

The host code uses the OpenCL API to interact with the accelerated kernel. Reference card.The SDAccel Development environment will compile the *.cl code into an *.xclbin file forthe targeted FPGA platform. The *.xclbin file contains a bitstream for the FPGA which willdescribe the kernels specialized architecture. This process will take several hours dependingon the size of the FPGA. To aid in kernel development, the SDAccel Development environmentincludes a CPU and Hardware emulation mode which compiles in minutes and can run withoutaccess to a FPGA accelerator.

To build the vadd example, specify the target mode (emulation vs hardware) and target device.For example:

cd ~/SDAccel_Examples/getting_started/misc/vadd

make TARGETS=sw_emu DEVICES=xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 all


Page 4: Alveo Accelerator Card Tutorial · Alveo options for SDAccel Flag Options TARGETS sw_emu, hw_emu, hw DEVICES xilinx_u200_xdma_201820_1, xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 Additional information

The above command will generate vadd andkrnl_vadd.sw_emu.xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1.xclbin for software emulation of the

Xilinx Alveo u250. Prepare the software emulation environment and run vadd example:

export XCL_EMULATION_MODE=sw_emu

emconfigutil --platform 'xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1' --nd 1


Stop your job using either shutdown from the Desktop menu (logout -> shutdown) or theshutdown button on the JARVICE dashboard

Alveo options for SDAccel

Flag Options

TARGETS sw_emu , hw_emu , hw

DEVICES xilinx_u200_xdma_201820_1 , xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1

Additional information on using SDAccel Development environment on Nimbix cloud here

Create FPGA Application on JARVICEThis section will go over how to package the binary files generated by SDAccel into a JARVICEapplication. JARVICE apps use the PushToCompute CI/CD pipeline. This walk-through will useDer to containerize our application with the Xilinx Runtime and give an overview of theAppdef.json required by JARVICE.

This section is intended to use your computer. Review prerequisites here. Use App UbuntuLinux for Intel if running on the Nimbix cloud.

To Start, clone this repository from GitHub:

git clone

Our application will require a few SDAccel kernels to illustrate the different capabilities ofJARVICE. Use the attached xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1_golden.tar.gz or generate thekernels using Build SDAccel bitstreams

Unpack the archive at xilinx-tutorial/docker-build/

mv xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1_golden.tar.gz <path-to-repo>/xilinx-tutorial/docker-build/

cd <path-to-repo>/xilinx-tutorial/docker-build/

tar -xvf xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1_golden.tar.gz

This will create an exe and xclbin folder

Build SDAccel bitstreams

Skip this section if using xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1_golden.tar.gz


Page 5: Alveo Accelerator Card Tutorial · Alveo options for SDAccel Flag Options TARGETS sw_emu, hw_emu, hw DEVICES xilinx_u200_xdma_201820_1, xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 Additional information

The build-scripts/ uses the JARVICE API to submit a build jobusing the Xilinx SDAccel Development environment. The default kernels to build aresum_scan and vdotprod from getting_started/misc section. Update repo_path andkernels at the beginning of the script to select different kernel from Xilinx SDAccel

Examples. The kernels string uses | as a delimiter.

Use the following to build the default SDAccel kernels for the Alveo u250:

./build-scripts/ -t hw -d xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 -u <jarvice-

user> -k <jarvice-apikey>

Replace <jarvice-user> and <jarvice-apikey> with your JARVICE account. Your API keyis listed at under the Account menu on the right.

Note We need to build with the hw SDAccel flow. This job will take 6+ hours and automaticallyterminate

After submitting a job to JARVICE, the script will ask to copy/paste a password:

Started JARVICE job: 463856

Enter this password at prompt: MCAqHDS02aEgj3w

This will transfer and run a build script ( ) on the JARVICE job. The generated files willbe saved to your Vault

Job 463856 building /data/xcl_pv3/xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1.tar.gz

Check JARVICE dashboard for status

Transfer the *.tar.gz file to your machine using one of these methods

Create Docker container

The build-scripts/ will create a Docker container for a JARVICEapplication utilizing a Xilinx FPGA machine type. docker-build contains the Dockerfileand build context for the container. A JARVICE application requires additional metadataprovided by AppDef.json. The FPGA machine types will also require *.xclbin file for eachSDAccel kernel. The docker-build directory should include exe and xclbin directoriesfrom Build SDAccel bitstreams.

See additional information using FPGAs on JARVICE

The Dockerfile is based from Xilinx Runtime available on DockerHub.

FROM nimbix/ubuntu-xrt:<xrt-runtime>

The FPGA *.xclbin files are added to /opt/example inside the container


Page 6: Alveo Accelerator Card Tutorial · Alveo options for SDAccel Flag Options TARGETS sw_emu, hw_emu, hw DEVICES xilinx_u200_xdma_201820_1, xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 Additional information

# Test FPGA bitstream

ADD xclbin/$DSA/$XCLBIN_PROGRAM /opt/example/test.xclbin

RUN chmod 555 /opt/example/test.xclbin

# Add additional FPGA bitstream to demo removal of unused kernels

ADD xclbin/$DSA/$XCLBIN_REMOVE /opt/example/remove1.xclbin

ADD xclbin/$DSA/$XCLBIN_REMOVE /opt/example/remove2.xclbin

# Test host application

ADD exe/vdotprod /opt/example/vdotprod

The following tags in the Dockerfile are replaced by build-scripts/ :

Tag Description Sample Value

<xrt-runtime> Xilinx Runtime version 201802.2.1.83_16.04

<jarvice-machine> JARVICE FPGA machine type nx6u

<xcl-dsa-name> SDAccel DSA xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1

The default container registry is DockerHub. build-scripts/ script willbuild a Docker container and push it to a Docker registry.

Note Pushing to a DockerHub repository that does not exist will create a public repository

docker login

./build-scripts/ <docker_repo> <docker_tag>

<docker_repo> e.g. nimbix/xilinx-tutorial

<docker_tag> e.g. latest

PushToCompute flow

PushToCompute is the final step to create our JARVICE application.

Login into JARVICESelect PushToCompute from the menu on the rightLogin into your Docker registry from the menu on the left

Click on the New app button and fill out the form


Page 7: Alveo Accelerator Card Tutorial · Alveo options for SDAccel Flag Options TARGETS sw_emu, hw_emu, hw DEVICES xilinx_u200_xdma_201820_1, xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 Additional information

Form Value

App ID xilinx_tutorial

Docker or Singularity Repository

Docker repository used in Create Docker container (e.g. nimbix/xilinx-tutorial:latest)

Git Source URL (to Clone) Leave blank

System Architecture Intel x86 64-bit (x86_64)

This will create a new App card on PushToCompute that is private to your account (or team ifTeam Visible was selected).

Click on the menu on the top left of the app card


Page 8: Alveo Accelerator Card Tutorial · Alveo options for SDAccel Flag Options TARGETS sw_emu, hw_emu, hw DEVICES xilinx_u200_xdma_201820_1, xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 Additional information

Click on Pull to start pull from your Docker Registry

Use the same menu to check on pull progress fromHistory

Close the Pull History when you see Pull


Test FPGA Application JARVICE

Our application is now ready to run on JARVICE. This simple application will run the vdotprod

example from the Xilinx SDAccel_Examples repository on GitHub. The Dockerfile adds theexamples files generated from SDAccel to /opt/example .







Page 9: Alveo Accelerator Card Tutorial · Alveo options for SDAccel Flag Options TARGETS sw_emu, hw_emu, hw DEVICES xilinx_u200_xdma_201820_1, xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 Additional information

The *.xclbin files are used to configure the FPGA with the desired kernel, vdotprod binaryis the CPU executable, and is a simple exerciser script for our example.

This application supports 3 flows: No Xclbin Protection , Single Xclbin Protection ,and Launch vdotprod w/ Xclbin Protection

Click on the app card from PushToCompute to see the different flows

No Xclbin Protection (standard)The standard FPGA flow passes all *.xclbin files untouched to the user’s session. The FPGAcan then be configured by the user via the Xilinx runtime.


Page 10: Alveo Accelerator Card Tutorial · Alveo options for SDAccel Flag Options TARGETS sw_emu, hw_emu, hw DEVICES xilinx_u200_xdma_201820_1, xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 Additional information

Notice all the *.xclbin files are in the user’s session and are ~40MB in size. The file sizeindicates the FPGA bitstream is available.

Single Xclbin ProtectionThis flow uses a JARVICE platform feature to Protect kernel bitstream. The Protectcommand in the Appdef.json sets XCLBIN_BITSTREAM_PROGRAM to/opt/example/test.xclbin . This instructs the JARVICE platform to configure the FPGA w/

the bitstream contained in /opt/example/test.xclbin while provisioning a user’s job. Thekernel bitstream is then removed from test.xclbin before granting a user access to the jobsession.


Page 11: Alveo Accelerator Card Tutorial · Alveo options for SDAccel Flag Options TARGETS sw_emu, hw_emu, hw DEVICES xilinx_u200_xdma_201820_1, xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 Additional information

Notice the file size for test.xclbin after the FPGA bitstream has been removed by theJARVICE platform. This prevents a user from accessing/copying a kernel bitstream from theapplication.

Launch vdotprod w/ Xclbin ProtectionThe final flow extends Single Xclbin Protection by removing all unused *.xclbin files.This is done by adding the XCLBIN_BITSTREAM_PROTECT variable to the Worflow commandin Appdef.json. The | character is used as a delimiter to specify multiple files to remove.


Page 12: Alveo Accelerator Card Tutorial · Alveo options for SDAccel Flag Options TARGETS sw_emu, hw_emu, hw DEVICES xilinx_u200_xdma_201820_1, xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 Additional information

The vdotprod example can be run from any flow with:


ConclusionThis post provided a brief introduction on developing accelerated kernels for FPGAs availableon the NIMBIX cloud. NIMBIX has partnered with Xilinx to offer a one stop shop to develop anddeploy FPGA accelerated applications using the SDAccel Development environment andleveraging the power of the JARVICE platform. In addition to focusing on performance, wehave extended JARVICE to optionally protect 3rd party IP when using FPGA accelerators. Thisadded security enables ISVs to offer proprietary accelerated code in the Nimbix applicationmarketplace.

Get started accelerating applications with the JARVICE platform on the Nimbix cloud today:

Sign up hereLimited number of Alveo™ trials availableAlveo tutorial
